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**Return to Ms.

Budde no later than August 29th

Filled out by _______________________ Parent of:____________________

Parent Information Sheet

Please fill out the following information as best as you can. I am asking that all parents fill
this out and turn it in by August 30th. Thank you!
** If any of this information changes, please send a note or call me so I can update my records.

Phone Numbers
(Who I can contact during the day about your child– please include yourself!)

1. Name of person to contact: _________________________________________

Relationship to child: ________________________________________________
Daytime phone number(s): __________________________________________

2. Name of person to contact: _________________________________________

Relationship to child: ________________________________________________
Daytime phone number(s): __________________________________________

Email/Newsletter Information–
Email(s) *please print clearly* : ___________________________________________________

Who checks the emails listed above and how often are they checked?

Would you prefer a paper copy of the weekly newsletter? YES or NO

(Please Note: I will email the newsletter every week, so this is just if you would like a paper copy as well.)

Movie Permission On occasion, we show movies as rewards in the classroom. Would you be okay with
your child watching a PG-rated movie (These would be only ones intended for kids– for example, an animated movie
like “The Lorax” or “Up”)? Please check below:

_____ Yes, I give my child permission to watch children’s PG-rated movies at school
_____ No, I do not give my child permission to watch children’s PG-rated movies.

Parent Agreement
Please read this list of parent responsibilities and sign below to let me know that you are commit-
ted to following through with them. It is important that we work together to ensure the best pos-
sible academic growth for your child.

1. Keep an open communication with Ms. Budde (email, phone, in person, at conferences)
2. Check homework packets to make sure work is completed weekly
3. Help my child practice for tests/quizzes: Spelling, Vocabulary, Math Facts, etc.

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

**Return to Ms. Budde no later than August 29th

Parent/Child Questionnaire
Child’s Name _________________ Parent’s Name ____________________

1. Describe your child’s interests outside of school.

2. Describe your child’s reading interests.

3. What do you feel is your child’s best and most difficult subject(s)?

Most Difficult-

4. What special opportunities has your child participated in (trips, private lessons,
tutoring, after-school activities, sports, etc.)?

5. List any special needs/problem areas your child has at home or school. Please
note that this is a confidential survey, and the information will not be shared with anyone who
does not work directly with your child.

6. Does your child have any food allergies? If so, what are they?

7. Share at least one thing that makes your child special to you.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions!!

**Return to Ms. Budde no later than August 29th

Fundraising/Field Trip Money

We do a lot of fun field trips and activities in fourth grade, including field trips
to Art Prize, Lansing, Camp, and an End-of-the-Year party. These special trips/
activities are in connection with our curriculum, and provide valuable learning
experiences and awesome memories for the kids. Of course, most of them also
cost money. We are aware that it is difficult for some parents to pay for all of the
field trips and activities for each of their children. Fundraising has always provided
some of the necessary funding, but that continues to get more difficult every year.

We will be doing a couple fundraisers this fall. More information will come home
about these sales later. However, we like to offer a variety of options to parents in
regards to paying the total $70 necessary to cover all of the expenses this year.

It is required that each student pay the cost of each field trip in full in
order for them to attend the trip. The Lansing trip in February will be
$35 and Camp in May will cost $35.
Please CHECK which option you choose, and return to Miss Budde
by August 29th. Thank you!

_____ Option 1: Payment Plan– One payment of $35 AT LEAST one month BEFORE
each field trip listed above (two payments of $35- by January and April).

_____ Option 2: Full Payment of $70.00 Please send cash or check made out to
KCA in a labeled envelope. NOTE: Full payments are due by September 28th .

_____ Option 3: Fundraising*

*By choosing this option, I understand that one month prior to each field trip listed
above, I will be responsible for paying the balance of what is not earned through the

_____ Check only if you anticipate being unable to pay the full $70 due to financial
hardship. Let us know how much you are able to contribute here: ___________.

Parent Signature_________________________
Name of Child_________________________

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