Foreign Policy

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Over the years, Pakistan has managed to adjust itself with the changing geo-strategic and security

environment of the international system through tough and tumultuous decisions. From isolation to
integration, descent to ascent, compromise to cooperation, Pakistan’s foreign policy translates trends of
challenges, trials and prospects over the past seven decades.

the objectives of foreign policy can be summarized as under:

· Promotion Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and democratic Islamic country.

· Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world, especially major powers and immediate

· Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir.

· Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation with international community.

· Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad.

· Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and international cooperation.

Pakistan-China relations

China has played a significant role in the development, economy and security of Pakistan, with
relationship beginning in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to enter into official
diplomatic relations with the Republic of China and recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC)
regime on mainland China

Pakistan–United States relations

The United States has played an important role in the young history of Pakistan, being one of the first
countries to recognize their independence on 14 August 1947.[13] The relationship between the two
countries went through varying levels of friendliness, but Pakistan consistently found themselves on the
United States side of issues faced during the Cold War.[14] Pakistan served as a geostrategic position for
United States military bases during the Cold War since it bordered the Soviet Union and China

As the War on Terror continued to linger, the United States and Pakistan would disagree on strategies
while also accusing each other of various things. This dynamic would reach a head following a few
incidents highlighted by the operation to kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad

Muslim world

After Independence, Pakistan vigorously pursued bilateral relations with other Muslim countries[21] and
made a wholehearted bid for leadership of the Muslim world, or at least for leadership in achieving its

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