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Course outline

Batch: 2019 - 2021 Term: I

Course : Marketing Management-I (Core Credits: 2.5
Course Instructor: Kapil Chaturvedi.Milind No. of Sessions: 20

Course Description Market Strategy is rooted in understanding of opportunity. This course
will cover analysis of customer, competition and business context in
the form of environment. The course will then extend the knowledge of
this analysis to address the strategic choices of segments to target and
position to pursue, to be relevant and differentiated. These choices are
the basis for the marketing program choices (4Ps) that will be covered
in Marketing Mix course.

Learning Objectives The course aims to enable participants:

1. To internalize the relevance of customer value in achieving business
2. To assess the impact of competition while providing and
appropriating value
3. To internalize concepts of opportunity and competitive analysis
4. To understand role of marketing in driving business growth and in
forming strategic marketing decisions.

Pedagogy The sessions will primarily be based on Lectures covered with

participant discussions & appropriate readings wherever required.
Case-lets, Case Studies, Exercises, Role plays, Newspaper/ Magazine
Articles, Videos etc. will be provided & used in sessions as required.

Course Requirements None

Group Project Course will have a group project where gropus will study a given
industry & analyze the strategy, tactics & roles being played by players
in the industry.
Case Study Assignments Case Studies have case questions/assignments. These will be
announced in the immidiate prior session to case session.
Basic Text Book Kotler & Keller (2017) Marketing Management 15th South Asian
Edition, Pearson Education,
Pearson India New Delhi
Basic Reference Material 1. Philip Kotler (2000) Kotler on Marketing, Simon & Schuster
2. Dawn Iacobucci (2016), Marketing Management, Cengage India
3. Mullins & Walker (2017), Marketing Management, 7th Edition Tata
McGraw Hill
4. Grewal & Levy (2017), Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Theodore Levitt (1986), The Marketing Imagination, Simon and

Reference Books 1. Niraj Dawar (2013), TILT- Shifting Your Strategy From Products To
Customers, HBS Press
2. Rama Bijapurkar (2012) The Customer in the Boardroom, Sage
Publications, New Delhi
3. Jagdish Sheth (2007), The Self Destructive Habits of Good
Companies & How to break them, Financial Times
4. Dennis W Rook (1999), Brands, Consumers, Symbols & Research:
Sidney J Levy on Marketing, Sage Publications New Delhi
5. Allan J Kimmel (2018), Psychological Foundations of Marketing,
Second Edition, Routledge

Class rules / Expectations from 1. See course outline provided

2. Must come prepared to the class with prior readings done
Punctuality & Class Behavior 1. Punch in bio metric attendence before the class commences
2. NO exit in between
Participation in Class Discussions 1. Make educated contributions in class discussions
2. Encourage others to contribute well
3. Make genuine contributions, ask genuine questions.
3. Contributions made to show off have high risk of being identified so.
E-Resource / Databases : (If Any) • Harvard Business Review
• California Management Review
• Sloan Management Review
• Livemint,
• Money Control
• Bloomberg Quint India
• Forbes
• Fortune
• Bloomberg
• Business Today
• Business Standard
• The Hindu Business Line
• Economic Times
• Financial Express
• Financial Times
• CNBC India
• Pitch
• ET Now

Additional Reference Resources

Videos : (If Any)
Any other Remarks


Topic No. 1.0

Topic Name Marketing Introduction
Brief outline of deliverables 1. What is Marketing? 2. Marketing Concept 3. 4P?s in Marketing
Concept 4. Selling Vs Marketing
Book reference Chapter 1
Pre-requisites for preparation Marketing Myopia, Theodore Levitt, HBR July-Aug 1960

Topic No. 2.0

Topic Name Marketing Strategy & Plan
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Value Delivery Chain 2. Core Competency & Competitive Advantage
3. Marketing Opportunity Analysis 4. Marketing Strategy & Marketing
Plans 5. Marketing Management Tasks
Book reference Chapter 2
Pre-requisites for preparation Creating New Growth Platforms, Donald L Laurie, Yves L Doz &
Claude P Sheer, HBR May 2006

Topic No. 3.0

Topic Name Customer Value & CRM
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Building Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty 2. Profitability
Centered Marketing
Book reference Chapter 3
Pre-requisites for preparation 1)Welcome to the Experience Economy, B Joseph Pine & James H
Gilmore, HBR July Aug 1998 2)Why Satisfied Customers Defect?
Thomas O Jones & W Earl Sasser Jr., HBR Nov-Dec 1995

Topic No. 4.0

Topic Name Consumer Decision Making Process
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Major Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior 2. Consumer
Characteristics: Cultural, Social & Personal Factors 3. Psychological
Factors: Motivation, Perception, Learning & Memory 4. Consumer
Decision Making Process
Book reference Chapter 6
Pre-requisites for preparation Alina Tugend, Some Blissful Ignorance Can Cure Chronic Buyers
Remorse, New York Times, March 15th 2008

Topic No. 5.0

Topic Name Michael Porter’s 5 Forces Model
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Identifying Competition & Competitors 2. Ensuring Company’s
Growth: Organic & Inorganic Growth 3. Michael Porter’s 5 Forces
Model 4. Analyzing Competitor’s Strategies with SWOT Analysis
Book reference Chapter 12
Pre-requisites for preparation The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Michael E Porter,
HBR Reprint January 2008

Topic No. 6.0

Topic Name PLC & Igor Ansoff's GVM
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Managing Competition: Players & their Characteristics in Market 1.
PLC- Appropriate Marketing Strategies at each stage of PLC 2.
Exceptions to PLC?s bell curve 3. Igor Ansoff?s Growth Vector Matrix
Book reference Chapter 12
Pre-requisites for preparation Break Free from PLC, Youngme Moon, HBR May 2005

Topic No. 7.0

Topic Name Portfolio Management: BCG Matrix
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Managing Product Portfolio : BCG Matrix 2. Strategies to Manage
Multi-product Multi-sbu portfolio
Book reference Chapter 12
Pre-requisites for preparation Blue Ocean Strategy (website)

Topic No. 8.0

Topic Name Competitor's Playing Strategies
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Managing Competition: Players & their Characteristics in Market 2.
Competitive Strategies of Players 1. Market Leader 2. Market
Challenger 3. Market Follower 4. Market Nicher
Book reference Chapter 12
Pre-requisites for preparation How to Fight a Price War, Akshy Rao- Mark E Bergen- Scott Davis,
Harvard Business Review, March 2000

Topic No. 9.0

Topic Name Opportunity Identification
Brief outline of deliverables OYO Creating Efective Spaces
Book reference
Pre-requisites for preparation Current newspaper coverage of OYO & its founder

Topic No. 10.0

Topic Name Marketing Environment
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Marketing Environment: What to Observe? 1.1 Fad, Trends,
Megatrend 1.2 Demographics 1.3 Purchasing power distribution 2.
Marketing Environment: 2.1 Internal: Task Environment 2.2 External:
Book reference Chapter 4
Pre-requisites for preparation Emma K MacDonald- Hugh N Wilson- Umut Konus, Better Customer
Insight, in Real Time, Harvard Business Review, September 2012

Topic No. 11.0

Topic Name Marketing Information System-I
Brief outline of deliverables Marketing Information System (MkIS) 1 Marketing DSS 2 Internal
Records (Results Data)
Book reference Chapter 4
Pre-requisites for preparation Empowered, Josh Bernoff & Tedd Schadler, HBR July Aug 2010

Topic No. 12.0

Topic Name Marketing Information System- II
Brief outline of deliverables Marketing Information System (MkIS) 3. Marketing Intelligence
(Happenings Data) 4. Marketing Research (Problem- Solution)
Book reference Chapter 4 & 5
Pre-requisites for preparation Sydney Finkelstein & Jeffery Jordan (2005), The Ethics of Competitive
Intelligence- P&Gs Bad Hair Day, Tuck School of Business Dartmouth

Topic No. 13.0

Topic Name Segmentation
Brief outline of deliverables Market Segmentation 1. STP Connect 2. Bases for Market
Segmentation 3. Micro Managing Segments 4. VALS Survey
Book reference Chapter 9
Pre-requisites for preparation HBS Note on Segmentation & Targeting, June 30th 2014

Topic No. 14.0

Topic Name Targeting
Brief outline of deliverables Targeting Market Segments 1. Targeting 2. Effective Segmentation/
Targeting Criteria 3. Targeting Segments: From Beginning to Growth &
Book reference Chapter 9
Pre-requisites for preparation

Topic No. 15.0

Topic Name Positioning
Brief outline of deliverables Product Positioning 1. Developing Product/ Brand Positioning 2.
Strategies for Differentiation
Book reference Chapter 10
Pre-requisites for preparation Positioning: The Battle for your Mind, Al Ries & Jack Trout, 20th Ed.,
TMH New Delhi

Topic No. 16.0

Topic Name Positioning- II
Brief outline of deliverables Positioning 1. PoP Vs PoD 2. Straddle Positioning 3. Positioning Tools
Book reference Chapter 10
Pre-requisites for preparation

Topic No. 17.0

Topic Name Branding
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Brand & its Elements 2. Branding Elements Choice Criteria
Book reference Chapter 11
Pre-requisites for preparation Douglas B Holt, Brands and Branding, Technical Note 11 pages

Topic No. 18.0

Topic Name Brand Equity
Brief outline of deliverables 1. Brand Measurement & its Elements 2. Brand Management
Book reference Chapter 11
Pre-requisites for preparation The Brand Report Card, Kevin Lane Keller, HBR, Jan-Feb 2000

Topic No. 19.0

Topic Name Differentation
Brief outline of deliverables Case: Pulse Candy Ivey Case June 2018- Ivey: 9B18A032/HBS:
Book reference
Pre-requisites for preparation Newspaper Coverage of Pulse Candy & DS Group over years

Topic No. 20.0

Topic Name Guest Session
Brief outline of deliverables Marketing Insights 2020
Book reference
Pre-requisites for preparation

Sr. No. Parameter Weightage Exam Type Exam Mode Remarks
1 End Term 40 Written Closed Book Subjective
Examination of
2 Mid Term 20 Lab Based Closed Book Objective
Examination of
3 Major Project 20 N/A
4 AOL 20 N/A

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