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Field Guide Change Alert

Field Guide Change Information:

Name of Change: LTE to UMTS Reselection Points and Affective Date of

Change: 12/12/2014
IRAT Thresholds Changes
Change Number: L13B/L14A FGA50 Field Guide Ericsson LTE Vol. II
Reference #:

Equipment Vendor: Ericsson (LTE) Issuer Name: Mochamad Mirza

Issuer Contact #: 678 2342248

Description of the Change:

In the space below, describe at a high level what and why this change is necessary and how it may affect the current systems.
This approved Field Guide Alert is sent as part of the normal Field Guide Alert process to communicate a
change in the National recommendation for Ericsson LTE configurable parameters. Trials were conducted in
multiple markets over 18 months (including the other vendor), was extensively tested for data, reviewed with
Nielsen TSR impacts and finally tested in a VoLTE launched market to assess impact to VoLTE. Final approval
was given in the 11/12/2014 by Steering Committee. This FGA supersedes FGA03 and modify IRAT settings in
FGA41, FGA17 to FGA20.

The legacy cell designations are continued to be used and two new cell designations are introduced in this
FGA.”multiCarrier” cell designation was introduced in FGA17-20 and still be used in this FGA for multicarrier
sites. “mixedBW” cell designation was introduced in FGA41 and this cell designation is continued to be used in
this FGA .
1) intraLTE – single-carrier or coverage layer cells which are able to maintain good performance
(retainability and throughput) without needs for inter-frequency LTE handover and can perform IRAT
handover as last option when serving RSRP falls below -119 dBm.
2) interRAT_10 – 10MHz single carrier or coverage layer cells where intraLTE is not an option. Those cells
are not able to maintain good performance (retainability & throughput) without performing IRAT
handover. Those cells can perform IRAT handover when serving RSRP falls below -115.
3) interRAT_5 – 5MHz single-carrier or coverage layer cells where neither intraLTE nor interRAT are the
options. Those cells are not able to maintain good performance (retainability & throughput) without
performing IRAT handover. Those cells can perform IRAT handover when serving RSRP falls below -
4) interLTE – single-carrier cells where located in the border between LTE carriers. Those cells are able to
perform IRAT handover as last option when serving cell falls below -119 dBm.
5) mixedBW – cells at the site with two or more different EARFCN on the same layer. Those cells can
perform IRAT handover when serving RSRP falls below -119.
6) multiCarrier – cells with more than one carrier on the same sector face. Those cells can perform IRAT
handover when serving RSRP falls below -119.
Markets will be responsible for appropriate LTE cell designations based on the deployment scenarios and local
knowledge based on the performance needs. These KPIs might be used by market when determining cell
designations: retainability, throughput, timing advance and PRB utilization. CIQ template will be provided for
the initial remediation based on cell designations. Future remediation will be handled based on the cell
designations assignments from Quantum.

The FGA50 defines the new reselection and connected thresholds between LTE to UMTS and between LTE to
other LTE carrier.

The change is needed to stretch reselection points from LTE to UMTS and to reduce % of time on non-LTE
network following the LTE Guiding Principles. There are seven parameters involved in the FGA03.

LTE parameters

The values in braces indicate [Level, Value, Units, Permission]:

M obCtrlA tPoorCov:: featureStateStateM obCtrlA tPoorCov [EN

odeB, See Table, boolean, Global] Indicates if the
licensed feature Mobility Control At Poor Coverage. The feature needs to be set to 1 (activated) for interLTE and
mixedBW site.

EUtranCellFDD::mobCtrlAtPoorCovActive [Cell, See Table, TRUE/FALSE, Global] Specifies if the feature Mobility
Control at Poor Coverage is enabled or disabled in the cell. The parameter needs to be set to TRUE for interLTE and
mixedBW cell.

Idle LTE to UMTS Reselection Parameters:

EUtranCellFDD::qRxLevMin defines minimum received Reference Symbol Received Power (RSRP) level in the E-
UTRA frequency for cell reselection.

EUtranCellFDD::systemInformationBlock3::sNonIntraSearch [Cell, See Table, dB, Global] Specifies the threshold

when inter-frequency and inter RAT measurements are required.

EUtranCellFDD::threshServingLow [Cell, See Table, dB, Global] Specifies the threshold that the signal strength of the
serving cell must be below for cell reselection towards a lower priority Inter-Frequency or Inter-RAT frequency.

UtranFreqRelation::qRxLevMin [Cell, -122, dBm, Global] defines minimum received Reference Symbol Received
Power (RSRP) level in the (E-UTRA) frequency for cell reselection. This attribute is broadcast in SIB3 or SIB5,
depending on whether the related frequency is intra- or inter-frequency.

UtranFreqRelation::threshXLow [ Cell, 14, dB, Global] The threshold used in reselection towards frequency X
priority from a higher priority frequency. Each frequency of E-UTRAN can have a specific threshold.

Connected LTE to UMTS IRAT w/ Measurement Parameters:

ReportConfigSearch::a1a2SearchThresholdRsrp [Cell, See Table, dBm , Global] The Reference Signal Received Power
(RSRP) threshold value for events A1Search and A2Search.

ReportConfigSearch::hysteresisA1A2SearchRsrp [Cell, 30, 0.1 dB, Global] The hysteresis value for RSRP in events
A1Search and A2Search measurements.

ReportConfigSearch::timeToTriggerA1Search [Cell, 640, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for measurement in
event A1Search.

ReportConfigSearch::timeToTriggerA2Search [Cell, 640, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for measurement in
event A2Search. The parameter needs to be set to 640 for interLTE and mixedBW cell.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovPrim::a2ThresholdRsrpPrim [Cell, See Table, dBm, Global] The primary Reference Signal
Received Power (RSRP) threshold value for eventA2. Used only when triggerQuantityA2Prim is set to RSRP.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovPrim::hysteresisA2Prim [Cell, 10, 0.1dB, Global] The hysteresis value for the primary
eventA2 measurement.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovPrim::timeToTriggerA2Prim [Cell, 640, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for the
primary eventA2 measurement. Primary and secondary measurement parameters refer to the option to use different
settings for two simultaneous measurements for eventA2.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovPrim::triggerQuantityA2Prim [Cell, 0measurement.

eventA2 and eventA1 for the primary eventA2 and eventA1 (RSRP), , Global]
Primary The
and quantity thatmeasurement
secondary triggers the
parameters refer to the option to use different settings for two simultaneous measurements for eventA2 and eventA1.

ReportConfigA1Prim ::a1ThresholdRsrpPrim [Cell, See Table, dBm, Global] The Reference Signal Received Power
(RSRP) threshold value for the primary eventA1.

ReportConfigA1Prim::hysteresisA1Prim [Cell, 10, 0.1dB, Global] The hysteresis value for the primary eventA1

ReportConfigA1Prim::timeToTriggerA1Prim [Cell, 640, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for the primary eventA1

ReportConfigB2Utra::b2Threshold1Rsrp [Cell, See Table, dBm, Global] The Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP)
threshold1 value for eventB2.
ReportConfigB2Utra::hysteresisB2 [Cell, 10, 0.1dB, Global] The hysteresis value for the eventB2 measurement.

ReportConfigB2Utra::timeToTriggerB2 [Cell, 1280, ms, Global] The time to trigger value for the eventB2 measurement.

ReportConfigB2Utra::triggerQuantityB2 [, 0 (RSRP), 0 (RSRP) 1 (RSRQ), Global] The quantity for threshold1 (serving
EUTRAN cell) that is sent to the UE, and is used together with threshold2 to trigger the eventB2.

ReportConfigB2Utra::b2Threshold2RscpUtra [Cell, -115, dBm, Global] Received Signal Code Power in the
ThresholdUTRA, threshold2 value for eventB2.

measReportConfigParams::b2Threshold2RscpUtraOffset [qciProfiledPredefined=qci1, 10, dB, Global] The parameter

indicates the offset for absolute threshold b2Threshold2RscpUtra (UMTS neighbor cell), used for handover from LTE to

measReportConfigParams::b2Threshold2RscpUtraOffset [qciProfiledPredefined=qci8, 0-10, dB, Local] The parameter

indicates the offset for absolute threshold b2Threshold2RscpUtra (UMTS neighbor cell), used for handover from LTE to

Connected LTE to UMTS IRAT wo/ Measurement Parameters:

[Cell, See Table, dBm , Global] The Reference Signal Received
Power (RSRP) threshold value for event A2Critical.

ReportConf igSearch: :h ysteresisA2Cri ti calRsrp [Cell, 10, 0.1 dB , Global] The hysteresis value for RSRP in event
A2Critical measurement.

ReportConfigSearch::timeToTriggerA2Critical [Cell, 1280, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for measurement in
event A2Critical.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovSec:: a2ThresholdRsrpSec [Cell, See Table, dBm, Global] The secondary Reference Signal
Received Power (RSRP) threshold value for eventA2. Only used if triggerQuantityA2Sec is set to RSRP.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovSec::hysteresisA2Sec [Cell, 10, 0.1dB, Global] The hysteresis value for the secondary
eventA2 measurement.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovSec::timeToTriggerA2Sec [Cell, 1280, ms, Global] The time to trigger value for the
secondary eventA2 measurement.

ReportConfigEUtraBadCovSec::triggerQuantityA2Sec [Cell, 0 (RSRP), 0 (RSRP) 1 (RSRQ), Global] The quantity that

triggers the eventA2 and eventA1 for the secondary eventA2 and eventA1 measurement. Primary and secondary
measurement parameters refer to the option to use different settings for two simultaneous measurements for eventA2 and

Idle LTE to LTE Inter-Frequency Reselection Parameters

EUtranCellFDD::qRxLevMin [Cell, -122, dBm, Global] The required minimum received Reference Symbol Received
Power (RSRP) level in the E-UTRA frequency for cell reselection.
EUtranCellFDD::qhyst [Cell, 4, dB, Global] Cell reselection parameter that defines the hysteresis value for ranking

EUtranFreqRelation::threshXLow [, See Table, dB, Global] The threshold used in reselection towards frequency X
priority from a higher priority frequency. Each frequency of E-UTRAN can have a specific threshold.

EUtranFreqRelation::threshXHigh [Cell, See Table, dB, Global] The threshold used by th e UE when reselecting towards
the higher priority frequency X from the current serving frequency.

Connected LTE to LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

ReportConfigA5::a5Threshold1Rsrp [Cell, -112, dBm, Global] The Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) threshold1
value for eventA5.

ReportConfigA5::a5Threshold2Rsrp [Cell, -112, dBm, Global] The Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) threshold2
value for eventA5.

ReportConfigA5::hysteresisA5 [Cell, 10, 0.1dB, Global] The hysteresis value for the eventA5 measurement.

ReportConfigA5::timeToTriggerA5 [Cell, 640, ms, Global] The time-to-trigger value for the eventA5 measurement.

ReportConfigA5::triggerQuantityA5 [Cell, 0 (RSRP), 0 (RSRP) 1 (RSRQ), Global] The quantity that triggers the eventA5
for the eventA5 measurement.

ReportConfi gEUtraI F BestCell :: A3offse t [Cell, 30, 0.1 dB, Global] The offset value for eventA3.

ReportConf igEU traI F BestCell :: hysteresis A3 [Cell, 10, 0.1 dB, Global] The hysteresis value for eventA3.

ReportConfigEUtraIFBestCell::timeToTriggerA3 [Cell, 320, ms, Global] The time to trigger value for eventA3.

ReportConfigEUtraIFBestCell::triggerQuantityA3 [Cell, 0 (RSRP), 0 (RSRP) 1 (RSRQ), Global] Trigger quantity

value for eventA3.

UeMeasControl :: ueMeasur ementsActive I F [Cell, TRUE, TRUE/FALSE, Global] Activates or deactivates EUTRAN
inter-frequency measurements for mobility purposes when Mobility Control at Poor Coverage feature is enabled.

EUtranFreqRelation::interFreqMeasType [Cell, See Table, 0-EVENT_A5/1-EVENT_A3, Global] The type of event

based measurements on other LTE frequencies.

UMTS parameters:

EutranFreqRelation::qRxLevMin [Cell, -122, dBm, Global] Defines the minimum required Rx level, expressed in
RSRP [dBm], for cell reselection from the UTRAN serving cell to an E-UTRAN cell using the frequency channel referred
to with eutranFrequencyRef.

EutranFreqRelation::threshHigh [Cell, See Table, dBm, Global] Defines Srxlev based threshold for a UE to
perform absolute priority based cell reselection to an E-UTRAN cell that has a higher priority.
Here are FGA50 parameter settings:
*=MB-LB Equal Priority, **=MB-LB High-Low Priority, Perm.=Permission, GS Chg=Gold Standard Change
Based on the results from the testing markets, the FGA50 will have following impact on network performance:
 Significant reduction in % IRAT (~40%).
 Significant improvement in % TNOL (ranging between ~18% to ~25%)
 Degradation in Retainability up to 0.08%.
 Slight degradation in accessibility (by 0.01%).
 Up to ~3.5% degradation in the DL cell level throughput.

Below are the steps which will be used to address and mitigate the adverse impact of the change on Accessibility
and Retainability:

The following KPIs need to be closely monitored by the market once the change is made:
 RRC Success Rate;
 Accessibility;
 Retainability;
 %IRAT;
 UL/DL throughput;
 %CSFB;
 IntraLTE Handover Success Rate;
 DL/UL data Volume.

The study was conducted in Massachusetts, El Paso, Puerto Rico, Oklahoma City, Lafayette, San Francisco and
Chicago markets. Presentations outlining the results can be found here.

Implementation of the Change:

In the space below, describe in detail how this change is implemented for each system impacted.

The FGA50 involves the parameters changes on both UMTS and LTE networks.

No action needed by the markets, these changes will be implemented by the MNT team. For any questions
regarding the timeline for specific market please contact Christopher Wyatt

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