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Czech J. Food Sci.

, 35, 2017 (1): 1–6 Review

doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

Innovations in the Food Packaging Market – Intelligent

Packaging – a Review
Anetta Barska and Joanna Wyrwa

Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Zielona Góra, Podgórna,

Zielona Góra, Poland
*Corresponding author:


Barska A., Wyrwa J. (2017): Innovations in the food packaging market – intelligent packaging – a review. Czech
J. Food Sci., 35: 1–6.

The manufacturers have to provide modern and safe packaging due to the growing consumer interest in the consump-
tion of fresh products with extended shelf-life and controlled quality. It is a challenge to the food packaging industry
and it also acts as a driving force for the development of new and improved concepts of packaging technology. It is in
order to meet these needs that intelligent packaging can be applied. This article presents a generation of packaging
which allows maintaining and even improving the quality of the packaged product, which is an essential advantage
particularly in the food industry. The most important advantage resulting from their use is a reduction in the loss of
food products due to the extension of their shelf life.

Keywords: smart system; trends of packaging; food industry

Packaging production is a global industry which advantage particularly in the food industry. It is to
is characterised by its internal diversity and each this end that the role and the application of intel-
of its sectors individually affects the situation in ligent packaging were discussed. The tasks of smart
the market. The requirements for packaging and systems were analysed on an example of indicators
articles intended to come into contact with food are monitoring the temperature at which the food was
systematically growing. Due to the growing consumer stored, indicators of freshness and the presence of
interest in consumption of fresh products with ex- oxygen (integrity of packaging) as well as tracers
tended shelf-life and controlled quality, manufactur- based on the RFID technology.
ers have to provide modern and safe packaging. It According to forecasts of experts, the emerging
is a challenge to the food packaging industry and it generations of intelligent packaging are the future of
also acts as a driving force for the development of food packaging (Pereira et al. 2012; Farmer 2013;
new and improved concepts of packaging technology Realini & Marcos 2014; Vanderroost et al. 2014;
(Farmer 2013; Cierpiszewski 2016; Zalewski & Lee et al. 2015; Cierpiszewski 2016; Ghaani et al.
Skawińska 2016). Therefore, packaging producers 2016). It is estimated that the share of the so-called
are looking for solutions that allow improving the advanced packaging represents approximately 5%
properties of packaging materials such as adequate of the total value of the packaging market, of which
barrier to gases, UV protection, extension of the 11% belongs to smart systems. Although the intel-
storage period, transparency, and environmental ligent packaging has a small share in the value of
performance (Kubiak & Borowy 2013). the sales of all packaging, there are indications for
This article presents a generation of packaging a rapid growth of their sales in subsequent years.
which allows maintaining and even improving the The interest in these solutions is reflected in the
quality of the packaged product, which is an essential number of patent applications and granted patents.

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 35, 2017 (1): 1–6
doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

These types of solutions were introduced in Japan whereas the second directly measures the quality
and in the USA first and now they can be seen in of food products inside packaging and may get in
Europe. The later introduction of these systems into direct contact with food, therefore additional safety
the European market probably results from existing and quality controls of the packed food are required
legal regulations which are much more restrictive in (Dainelli et al. 2008). Three types of intelligent
Europe (Dainelli et al. 2008; Cierpiszewski 2016). packaging are most commonly available in the market
Intensification of interest in intelligent packaging (Kubiak & Borowy 2013; Nowacka & Fijałkowska
in Europe is also reflected in the growing number 2014; Dobrucka et al. 2015): time temperature in-
of research projects related to their development dicators, indicators of freshness, and indicators of
(Vanderroost et al. 2014). leaks. Depending on their function, the indicators can
be divided into three categories (Korzeniowski et
al. 2011; Cierpiszewski 2016): critical temperature
Intelligent packaging indicators – CTI, critical temperature/time integra-
tors – CTTI, and time-temperature integrators or
Intelligent packaging is a generation of packaging indicators – TTI.
which monitors or provides information on a product Critical temperature indicators show only the
and its quality, safety, or location during transport, fact that a product was exposed to a wrong tempera-
storage, retail sales, and during use. Ucherek (2011) ture for a period of time sufficient to cause negative
defined intelligent packaging as “a control system changes with respect to the safety or quality of the
inside packaging which is able to perform intelli- product. Indicators of this type may be used to protect
gent functions such as standby, detection, tracking, products for which even a single exposure to a criti-
recording, and communicating in order to provide cal temperature causes irreversible changes in their
individual links in the packaging chain, i.e. pro- properties: e.g. frozen products. While critical tem-
ducers, distributors, and sales representatives and perature/time integrators show whether the ambient
consumers, with certain parameters”. Therefore, an temperature has exceeded a threshold temperature
intelligent packaging system is such a system that and a history of changes above the threshold tem-
has functions enabling the observation of a product perature. Thus they indicate the amount of energy
in the logistics chain or monitoring the internal and which was brought to the indicator, equivalent to the
external environment of the packaging and allow- temperature exceeding the threshold temperature
ing communication with a consumer. Intelligent at which chemical reactions cause changes in the
packaging may monitor the quality and safety of a colour of the indicator and the time at which it was
product but it may also provide a potential consumer exceeded. Such indicators can be used to monitor
or manufacturer with information on its condition. storage conditions of the products which start to
The appearance of intelligent packaging systems change their properties significantly after exceeding
has contributed to a further significant change in a certain temperature. These changes are most often
the existing perception of packaging, because they due to an increase in the rate of chemical, enzymatic,
transform traditional communication functions of and microbiological reactions.
packaging into intelligent communication (Yam et Time and temperature indicators (TTI) are the
al. 2005). most commonly used indicators in intelligent packag-
The activity of intelligent packaging is mainly based ing. Two types of such indicators can be distinguished,
on the use of interactive indicators which are most i.e. temperature indicators and time temperature
often colourful and enable assessment of the current indicators (Kubiak & Borowy 2013; Nowacka &
quality of a product. Their functions may include con- Fijałkowska 2014).
trol of the state of packaging, monitoring of ongoing Temperature indicators are used to monitor the
temperature changes due to storage, control of oxygen current temperature of a product continually. They
concentration, activity of microflora, and leaks in react to thermal changes in the environment, may
the packaging (Płaczek & Szostek 2009; Cichoń capture even a short-term increase or decrease in
& Lesiów 2013; Nowacka & Fijałkowska 2014). temperature beyond the limit for the safe product
The main types of intelligent packaging are two storage. When the temperature is exceeded, it is usu-
systems (Cichoń & Lesiów 2013). The first is based ally shown by a change in the colour of the packaging
on the measurement of conditions outside packaging, or its part. They are particularly important in the

Czech J. Food Sci., 35, 2017 (1): 1–6 Review
doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

case of frozen and chilled food products. They enable of the reaction that decanoic acid is created, which
to register transitional periods of food defrosting causes a gradual colour change from dark green
through a colour change. Similarly, in the case of to light yellow. By using different combinations of
chilled food products, when they are exposed to a enzymes, substrates, and their concentrations, in-
higher temperature than that determined as optimal dicators of various activity periods and active at
or when products are stored beyond a specified tem- different temperatures can be obtained. Indicators
perature range, it results in an irreversible discolora- are available in two main configurations, differ-
tion of labels. It is extremely important information ing in the number of points indicating changes – a
for a consumer, because it shows the poor quality of CheckPoint with only one window and CheckPoint
such products and the possibility of development of III with three points. Indicators with a single point
pathogenic microorganisms. are used to monitor the temperature of individual
TTI show changes in the ambient temperature and bulk packaging while the three-point solutions
which occurred during food distribution and stor- are used in the wholesale and for the control of the
age. Their action is based on physical, chemical, temperature in the supply chain.
enzymatic, or microbiological changes under the The Monitor Mark signals a change in the owner-
influence of various temperature conditions. They are ship of a product using the colour ring or belt sliding
used to monitor the current temperature of a product on a white background. This is a result of physical
and its environment as well as any derogation from diffusion of a solution with a chemically changed
the optimum temperature throughout distribution colour. During storage in appropriate conditions,
and simultaneous aggregation of its intensity and the indicator is white. After the product reaches
time of occurrence. In most cases, such indicators a higher temperature than that recommended for
are placed on the outside of packaging and do not maintaining its proper quality, a blue colour appears
come in contact with food, which means that the on the indicator. The degree of the tint determines
temperature of the packaging surface is measured the time of exposure to higher temperatures. Tem-
and not the temperature of the product itself. perature ranges for the application of this indicator
Selected TTI indicators (Kuswandi et al. 2011; are different depending on the type of indicator,
Farmer 2013; Realini & Marcos 2014): and the so-called threshold limits above which the
– CheckPoint label developed by the Swedish Vitsab diffusion appears are from –17°C to 48°C.
Company, based on enzymatic changes; Fresh-Check is based on polymerisation reactions
– Monitor Mark produced by the American 3M dependent on temperature, resulting in changes in the
Company, based on diffusion of a solution; appearance of a label. This indicator has the shape
– FreshCheck (FreshPoint) developed by the Ameri- of a small circle surrounded by another circle in a
can Lifelines Company, based on polymerisation; reference colour. When the packing is exposed to
– TRACEO produced by the French Cryolog Com- temperatures or its shelf life expires, the internal circle
pany, based on microbiological changes; begins to darken. During the chemical reaction, the
– OnVu TM brought to the market by BASF, based crystal structure of the monomer (starting substance)
on a photochromic reaction. remains unchanged and the one-dimensional net does
The CheckPoint indicator is based on enzymatic not change its optical properties. The change in the
hydrolysis of lipids, which results in a reduction in colour of the indicator is measured as a reduction
the pH value of the solution and, as a result, in the in the coefficient of light reflection and the visible
colour change. It is an indicator which provides change of the colour from white to black. Compari-
full information on changes in and deviations from son (e.g. by a consumer) of the shade of the internal
the optimal temperature conditions throughout part of the circle with the external part allows for
the distribution. Before activation, the integrator determining (on a three-stage scale) the suitability
consists of two mini-sachets. One of them contains of the product for consumption. If the centre of the
a solution of a lipolytic enzyme and the other fat circle has a lighter colour than the external part, the
which is absorbed by powdered vinyl chloride and product is considered fresh. The same colour of the
suspended in a water mixture of chemical compounds internal and external circle indicates that the product
changing colour depending on the pH. The activa- is still suitable for consumption but the shelf life has
tion of the indicator is triggered by destroying the been significantly reduced due to negative effects
barrier between the two elements. It is as a result of temperature. The freshness of the product is not

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 35, 2017 (1): 1–6
doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

guaranteed when the internal circle is clearly darker sition of the atmosphere inside packaging. An ideal
than the external one. indicator should show both the irregularities arising
The TRACEO indicator is a self-adhesive label in at the production phase and the loss of freshness
the form of a gel containing selected strains of lactic of packaged products in further phases of distribu-
acid bacteria. The label may be affixed to packaging tion and use. The main element of the indicator is a
on the barcode of a product. Initially, the label is substance which changes its colour in the presence
transparent, which means that the product is fresh of metabolites, e.g. as a result of the creation of col-
and suitable for human consumption. When the ourful complexes, or changes its optical properties.
product loses its suitability for human consumption Electronic detectors may also be used to identify
due to expiration of its shelf life or interruption of changes. Work on designing effective indicators of
the refrigeration chain during transport operations freshness has been underway for a long time. How-
or storage, the label is stained and becomes opaque ever, only a few solutions found their application in
(intensively purple). The decrease in the transparency the commercially available intelligent packaging.
of the label causes problems in the correct reading The Fresh Tag label and the Toxin Guard TM system
of the barcode, which enables automatic detection belong to the best known indicators.
of stale food. This indicator is prepared specially for The Fresh Tag label is used to detect volatile amines.
selected food products in order to provide consumers It consists of a plastic chip with a ring inside. The
and retailers with clear information about a possible ring contains a patented chemical substance which
deterioration of the product. is in contact with gases diffusing from packaging.
OnVu TM is an irreversible indicator, intended for The presence of volatile amines in the flowing gas
monitoring the temperature history of food products causes a colourful reaction with the substance in
in the refrigeration chain. Its operation is based on the ring. With an increase in the concentration of
a photochromic reaction. Its colour changes from amines, a bright yellow point is moved on the ther-
colourless to blue after exposure to ultraviolet light. mometric scale of the ring determining the actual
The indicator has the shape of an apple with clearly quality of the food product. This indicator may be
marked edges which are a reference point when used for products requiring storage at refrigeration
comparing the colours. After activation with UV temperatures.
radiation, the middle part of the drawing takes an The Toxin GuardTM indicator enables the detec-
intensive blue colour and with extending the time of tion of pathogenic bacteria using immobilised lactic
exposure to the temperature, it returns to the initial antibodies. It can be printed on paper or plastic foil
state and the initial light beige colour. The end of which are then used for food packaging (Płaczek
the permissible period of the OnVu TM operation is & Szołtysek 2009; Korzeniowski et al. 2011;
defined as the point at which the blue colour on the Kubiak & Borowy 2013).
label is identical to the reference colour printed on Biosensors are an innovative type of indicators
edges of the indicator. Manufacturers declare that based on measurement of food quality, i.e. devices
OnVuTM labels are suitable for all perishable foodstuffs for detection and transmission of information on
demanding storage at a low temperature. biological reactions occurring in a product. Their
The second group of intelligent packaging con- operation is based on reactions taking place between
sists of indicators of freshness which differ from compounds of biological origin (enzymes, antibodies,
time temperature indicators above all in such a way nucleic acids) and microorganisms and/or products
that they react to changes in the composition of the of their metabolism. Biosensors consist of a receptor
atmosphere inside packaging or to changes on the which monitors the microbiological conditions of
surface of a product. Their operation is based on the food and activity of enzymes and a transducer which
detection of the presence of metabolites produced converts biological signals into electrical ones and
by microorganisms, i.e. carbon dioxide and sulphur, enables their reading. Detection of contamination
ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, amines, ethanol, or- with pathogens and/or their metabolites is gener-
ganic acids, enzymes, and toxins (Korzeniowski ally illustrated using colorimetric methods (Singh
et al. 2011; Kuswandi et al. 2012; Nowacka & et al. 2008).
Fijałkowska 2014). Indicators of leaks (opening). As a result of the
Indicators of freshness show changes in the quality interruption of packaging separating the outside
of a product directly after any change in the compo- and inside environment, it may come to a microbio-

Czech J. Food Sci., 35, 2017 (1): 1–6 Review
doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

logical pollution, a change in the composition of the which are tuned to the frequency determined indi-
atmosphere in packaging with modified atmosphere vidually for each transponder enabling the wireless
and an exposure of the product to contact with oxy- data transfer to a distance from a few centimetres
gen. The presence of oxygen inside packaging may to even several meters, depending on the wave fre-
lead to accelerated deterioration of food, changes in quency. The electromagnetic field produced by the
taste and smell, autooxidation of fats, oxidation of reader is also used to power transponders which store
colorants (vitamin E), darkening of fruits and veg- energy in the built-in capacitors (Singh et al. 2008).
etables, increase in the number of aerobic bacteria.
To monitor the presence of oxygen inside packaging
the following indicators are used (Cierpiszewski Conclusion
2016): based on the registration of physicochemical
properties of the atmosphere in packaging, based on Intelligent packaging is an excellent solution to a
redox reactions, based on complexation reactions, wide range of applications in the food industry. The
luminescent indicators. most important advantage resulting from their use
Many different solutions to oxygen indicators have is a reduction in the loss of food products due to the
been discussed in the literature: their construction, extension of their shelf life and monitoring of the
way of action, and possible applications. Their prin- status of the packed food. Intelligent systems have
ciple of operation is primarily based on a change tasks and they allow for monitoring of the quality
of their colour as a result of chemical reaction or of the packed food products and communicating
enzymatic activity. However, despite such a large emerging changes to a consumer.
number of reports, only a few solutions found their Intelligent systems are the future direction for
practical application; among them, the Ageless Eye development of food packaging and their commer-
of the Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. that is offered cial success should be expected also in the coming
in the form of pills in the market. The mechanism years. It will undoubtedly result from constantly
of its operation is based on the oxidation reaction improved technologies of their production and from
and reduction of methylene blue. The manufacturer the knowledge of mechanisms of their functioning
declares that the pill is pink in anaerobic conditions and the effectiveness of their operation in ensur-
and the presence of oxygen changes the colour to blue. ing food safety accumulated by both producers and
The pink colour of the indicator is caused by adding a consumers over time.
dye, which is intended to enable distinction between The development and use of intelligent packaging
reduced and oxidised state. The speed ocation of will largely depend on the perception of the benefits
the indicator is higher and the change of the colour of its implementation. Compared with traditional
to blue occurs within a few minutes. The reduction as well as active systems, this food packaging offers
reaction is much slower and 2 or 3 h are needed to the ability to obtain, process, communicate, and also
return to the reduced state (Cierpiszewski 2016). store information. Thus, the consumer learns about
RFID labels. A separate type of indicators used in the presence of e.g. oxygen inside the package (that
packaging consists of RFID labels (radio frequency got there due to a leak or an undesired temperature
identification) (Kitsos & Zhang 2008; Kuswandi to which the food was exposed) and of metabolites
et al. 2011; Cichoń & Lesiów 2013; Nowacka & resulting from the transformation of microorgan-
Fijałkowska 2014; Vanderroost et al. 2014; Lee isms. These abilities of the packages aim to protect
et al. 2015; Cierpiszewski 2016). It is a modern the consumer against consuming stale food that has
system of product identification, often called the been stored for too long or kept in unsuitable condi-
“radio barcode”. The RFID technology is used to tions. Intelligent packaging enables monitoring and
transfer and store data in integrated electronic sys- providing information about the quality and safety of
tems (transponders) via radio waves. Transponders, food products or their location during transportation,
called tags or markers, take most commonly the form storage, retail sale, as well as during use. The most
of adhesive labels with a flat thin electronic system. important benefit of smart packaging is extending
Every transponder is also equipped with an antenna the shelf life of food, enhanced control of its stor-
integrated with the system for communicating with age conditions, as well as favourable perception of
other elements of the radio identification system, i.e. the brand by consumers. It is worth noting that the
readers. The reader emits low power radio waves introduction of new technologies into this area will

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 35, 2017 (1): 1–6
doi: 10.17221/268/2016-CJFS

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