Rationale and Answer - Ca 1 Research

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61.) Answer is D - Story Telling and Anxiety Reduction Among Pediatric patients.

Because the subject of the study that must be involved were Adult Patients only. So letter D is the least
to consider for the review of literature.

62.) Answer is C- 1,2,4

The variables that the Nursing research counil member that will be included in this study are 1.)
competence of nurses 2.) Caring attitude of nurses 4.) Responsiveness of staff. (Variables; an attribute
that varies based on the study, that is takes on different values.)

63.) Answer is B- Simple Random Sampling

- In this case each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an
equal chance.

64.) D.) Degree of agreement and disagreement

-Likert scale rating system, used in questionnaires, that is designed to measure people's attitudes,
opinions or perceptions with a range of possible responses to specific questions or statement; responses
include: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.

65.) Answer is D- 1,2,3,4

-Pretesting involves testing the research instrument in conditions a s similar as possible to the research,
in order to check for glitches in wording of questions, lack of clarity of instructions etc.- in fact anything
that could impede the instruments ability to collect data in an economical and systematic fashion.

66.) Answer is B- Reliability

- Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. Types of
Reliability. Test- retest reliability is a measure of Reliability obtained by administering the same test twice
over a period of time to a group of individuals to distinguish differences

67.) Frequency Distribution

- Frequency Distribution is a systematic arrangement on values from lowest to highest, together with a
count of the number of times each value was obtained.

68.) Histograms and Frequency Distributions

Since the situation is pertaining to quantitative research design. Organize quantitative data in to a
frequency distribution. Present a frequency distribution for quantitative data, using histograms,
frequency polygon, and cumulative frequency polygons.

69.) Answer is B- Interview Clinical Instructors

In gathering tool. The following instruments that would yield the most accurate data about the terminal
competencies of the nurses. Interviewing is the best way to determine how competent on her work an
individual can be, coming from the subject itself.

70.) Convenience Sampling ( accidental sampling)

-Participants are selected based on availability and willingness to take part.

71.) Answer is B- 80.40

The percentage of graduates who have highly competent level. By using the formula %f= f/n x 100
(550/684 x 100%= 80.40)

72.) Answer is D- Compliance among Adult Patient in the Philippine to prescribe regimen: An Analysis

This is the best title because it pertains to the compliance of adult patients and has broad scope, in a
title there should be a place, specific population, letter D is the one who has a specific place regarding
the study.

73.) Answer is B- Patient who are resipients to medication are the subject of the study

This is an assumption of the study because assumption is define as a principle that is accepted as being
true based on logic or custom without proof.

74.) Answer is C- hypothesis

Because the statement " The level of Education is not correlated with the Degree of Compliance to
Regimen have both an independent and dependent variable,be falsifiable, make prediction or speculate
on outcome, be practicable. Hypothesize about a proposed relationship between two variables, or an
intervention into this relationship and

75.) Answer is D- Patient receiving medical assistance from the government

This is a delimitation of the study because based on the given research study it is not about the medical
assistance of government rather the compliance of patient in treatment regimen.Also delimitations as
factors that can restrict the question that can be answered; best example is the exclusion criteria.

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