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Dear Lead Teacher,

My class as a group is not doing well. Our last test the students took is an example of this. The class
average score was a 63%, not far from failing. If is wasn’t for the couple of gifted students’ which names
are Cody, Jamal, Jack and Hugh that I currently have then surely the overall score would have been a
failing score. Cody earned the highest grade on the test getting a 93% overall with 80% correct on
addition question and 100% on subtraction. Jamal got earned a slightly lower grade of 80% overall but
did get the same 80% correct for addition questions and 100% for subtraction questions. Jack and Hugh
also got the same overall score of 80% and they both got 80% correct for both addition and subtraction
questions. A big good work and congratulations to them! As for some of my troubled students whose
names were Luke, Nathan and Molly, they received the some of the lowest scores our of all the students.
Luke received the lowest overall test score of 40% with his addition and subtraction questions correct
also being low, 40% correct for addition and 40% for subtraction. Nathan was the second lowest with an
overall score of 47% and a score of 60% correct in addition and a scary low 20% correct in subtraction.
Molly faired a bit better scoring a still failing 53% overall score with a 50% correct in addition and 20%
correct in subtraction. These students need special attention, especially in their subtraction. This current
overview of my class will not last any longer and test score will be improved on the next test.


Garrett Tucker

Health and PE Teacher

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