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TPACK Template

Subject Physical Education

Grade Level 1st Grade

Type of Online Class Synchronous

(please specific if it’s
synchronous or asynchronous)
Learning Objective 1.5 The student will identify basic nutrition concepts of
The objective of the lesson is what
students will be able to do as they
energy balance.
finish the activity. For this objective, a) Name the food groups as identified by the U.S.
use the Standards of Learning (SOL)
to say what you want to focus on.
Department of Agriculture (USDA).
You can find the SOLs at
look on the right of the screen for the
subjects and go from there.

Complete the following sentences:

1. The online course I’m teaching in for this activity is Synchronous.

Pedagogy Planning

2. In this online activity, my online students will use a simulation on naming the 5
differnet food groups and their correct portion percentages to have an individual
experience based upon their unique choices. Each child’s end result will be different, and
I will grade them online by their shreenshot of their completed MyPlate Game plate
with all the food groups in the correct place and the completion of the Create Your Own
Pizza Game. .
Online Activity Describe Students will be given a time to login to the online classroom
what the learning activity will be as
the students meet with the teacher
with their school provided tablet. This lesson will be live
online. What will the students and meaning it is a synchronous lesson. Once all students have
the teacher be doing? (This includes
what they are doing with the
login in, the teacher will discuss with the students the lesson
technology). plan being taught. The teacher will then ask the students a few
warmup response questions related to the topic like. “What
are some of your favorite foods? What do you eat for
breakfast? How much candy do you eat a day? After some
students respond to the questions, the teacher will direct the
students to go to Then students will
click on ‘Healthy Kids’ section at the top. Then the students will
click on ‘Kids Games + Activities’. Now that all students are on
the main webpage for the lesson, the teacher will then direct
the students to click on the ‘5 Food Group Video’ and watch
that all the way through. If students finish the video early, they
should in their heads thing of different examples of foods that

belong in each of the food groups. Once all students have

finish the video, the teacher will then answers any questions
that students have and quickly review what the video talked
about. Next the teacher will direct the students to the MyPlate
Match Game. Students will click on Go once the games has
loaded. Students will then have to match the different
categories of food to the correct position on the plate.
Students will then click on next to check their work. If their
work is correct they will then move on to placing different food
items in the correct food group. Students will click and drag
each food item into its correct category. Once all food has been
moved students will then click on finish to review, they work.
After all students have finished, the teacher will review the
activity with the students and ask them some follow up
question such as “was the game difficult? Did you know where
to place all the food?” After the discussion, the teacher will
direct the students to watch the video called “5 Food Group
Digital Board Video.” After students are done with that video,
they will then immediately watch the last video called
“Healthy Snacks Video.” After the students have finished
watching both videos, the teacher will answer any questions
on the two videos and quickly review what was covered. Lastly
the teacher will issue the students a challenge. The students
challenge will be to create a Pizza in the ‘My Very Own Pizza’
game that includes food from each of the 5 food categories
and the food should be as close to the correct ratio according
to the MyPlate Chart. Students in the game will be given food
selections and they should select the right food to the best of
their ability. Students will click on next after then finish each
food category. Once students are done, they will click finish.
Students will then turn in their finished pizza recipes to the
teacher for review/grading. Last the teacher will wrap up the
lesson with an overall message to remember the 5 types of
food, how much you need of that food and to make the right
snack decisions.
Technology Simulation and videos found on

Name of the device and/or programs

being used. (The description of what
the students will be doing with the Activities
technology will be included in the
pedagogy/activity section).
School provide tablet will be used to interact with class during
discussions and to participate in lesson simulations.
Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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