Certificate III in Micro Business Operations (BSB30315)

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BSB30315 – Certi cate III in Micro Business


The Certi cate III in Micro  Business will teach you how to manage and operate a micro business and is suitable
for those wanting to commence a business or those already operating one, particularly a home based business
operator or independent sub contractor. You will learn how to determine the level of demand for your product
or service, how to monitor the e ectiveness of your systems and the progress of your marketing.

Nationally Recognised Training

ABS is a Registered Training Organisation (ID: 51804) and meet the Standards for RTOs 2015. We participate in
ongoing audits to ensure our training and quali cations o ered are current and compliant to these standards.

Course outline

The certi cate consists of 5 core unit plus 5 elective units. Below is an example course outline, a range of
other elective units are available and we can tailor the quali cation to suit your requirements. All units must be
successfully completed to obtain a quali cation.

Code Title
BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities
BSBSMB302 Develop a micro business proposal
BSBSMB303 Organise nances for the micro business
BSBSMB304 Determine resource requirements for the micro business
Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for the
micro business
BSBSMB306 Plan a home-based business
BSBSMB403 Market the small business
Set up information and communications technology for the micro
BSBFIA301 Maintain nancial records
BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development
For more information regarding other elective units available for this course please contact our o ce.

(Entry Requirements)
There are no speci c entry requirements for this quali cation however the Certi cate II in Business (BSB20115)
may be a suggested pathway

Delivery and Assessment

All courses o ered by ABS are delivered in a exible format to meet student needs usually as a traineeship (if
available) or in a similar format with either face to face tuition and mentoring support. Some programs have
class based training schedule to assist students with more comprehensive subjects and assessments.

The certi cate assessments are competency based and conducted open book comprising both theoretical and
practical exercises. Students will be expected to attend all classes (if workshop based) and complete all tasks
and activities during the course. There are also activities to be completed outside of the workshops. These
activities are aimed at allowing the learners to apply the course content in their own workplace environment.

For more detail please make an enquiry.

Why train with ABS?

The bene ts of learning with ABS are:

Enrol at any time

Resource Materials including Learner Guides & Assessment Workbooks
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as outlined below with assessor assistance.
Interest free payment plans
High graduation/completion rate
Dedicated training support with quali ed mentor if required
Training and assessments aligned with to workplace activities and outcomes
Government funded support (for some programs and subject to eligibility criteria)

Fees & Charges

Course fees, charges and payment terms are detailed on our Fees & Charges page in Student Information which
can be viewed here.


RPL is available for each unit of competency based on relevant workplace experience, formal training and/or
other expertise. To apply for RPL please discuss with ABS administration or your trainer/assessor. For (RPL) you
will be required to submit a portfolio of evidence within 12 months of the enrollment date.

Please contact our o ce on (08) 9355 5400 to ask for the information booklet about this process and to con rm
fee options.


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