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“The State of the Nation Address 2019”


The State of the Nation Address (abbreviated SONA; Filipino : Talumpati sa Kalagayan
ng Bansa) is an annual address by the president of the Philippines to a joint session of the
Congress of the Philippines. Each State of the Nation address provides another opportunity for
the president and the nation all in all to reboot, re-assess situations and re-engineer the national
wheel. It is a chance to evaluate our identity, where we stand and how best to move forward.

Body :

During the first part of the SONA, President Duterte tried to address respectfully
everyone including Vice President Leni, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, etc. He's trying to set the
mood of the people. He then started concisely defining the nation's problems like the recent
uncovering of massive fraud in PHILHEALTH, the conflict in the West Philippines Sea, etc. He
also mentioned the Rehabilitation of Manila Bay saying that “we still have a long way to go. He
even requested to hasten the bill to improve water resources.

Furthermore, President Duterte is providing data, and information so that employees of

the government can complete their jobs and ensure that everyone is aware of the status of the
state. In this case, the functions of communication are present in this kind of oral activity. For the
non- verbal cues, the sign language is present wherein the media took part in it, anyone who is
hearing impaired, mute who watches the SONA in television can manage to understand and get
the information.


In conclusion, the effectiveness of the communication mode used in this setting is

present, there are technical glitches but it's only minimal. The important thing is the information
is received by the recipient.

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