Fear of Writing by Tan Tarn How

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Fear of Writing by Tan Tarn How

Academic freedom? Of course, we have academic freedom. We are, what, ranked

how many in the world? There, you know it even better than I do! And the number of

great universities who have tie-ups with us... half a dozen or more, I've lost count. Of

course, we have academic freedom. Sorry, yes, that means I can say anything I

want, no censorship, no political censorship. Zlich. (pause) Of course, we have

academic freedom, of course, of course (pause) Let me see, your recorder? Sony?

Looks like a cool gadget. I see some of the students using it during my lectures. It

really captures the sounds very well, I understand. (fiddles with controls) Hmm... is

this how you switch it off? Oops, I've switched it off. The little red LED light's gone.

Sorry. (Actor puts the recorder down. Pause. He picks it up again, looks at it


You are sure it's really off? (hands the recorder to the reporter to check) Good.

(takes back the recorder, puts the recorder down). Academic freedom. Hmm,

academic freedom. (holds out hand) Here, give me your notebook. (takes notebook)

Thank you. I will just put it here next to the recorder (puts notebook down) which is

off? Yes, still off. (beat) Academic freedom, yes, academic freedom. This is off the

record? Good. No attribution? Good, we understand one another. And I am only

doing this, saying what I am going to say to you because you've interviewed me,

what, three times before and I know that you know how to play by the rules. Yes?

Yes, good. Academic freedom. How does one begin. It's a big subject. It's an

important subject.

It's also a complicated subject, very complicated, so many subtleties, so many

nuances. Very nuancy. Not that I am afraid to say things openly. I am not afraid. But

one never knows. One never knows whether one ought to be afraid. Or is stupid not

to be afraid. But you see, I am not afraid. No, not really: I am just being careful. Just

trying to fly under the radar. Do you see the distinction? Afraid, being careful? No?

Yes? Yes, good. I know you would see it. So, well, well, academic freedom.

Meaning, is there any academic freedom in this university, in this country?

(Silence as he reconsiders. He looks at the reporter. Then he changes his mind - he

no longer wants to say anything. He hands back recorder and notebook). Here... I

just remembered, I got a meeting. So sorry, I almost forgot. Thanks for coming.

(shakes hands, pushes the recorder and notebook back) Don't forget these! Looking

forward to your article. Hope I have been of help.

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