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Republic of the Phitippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE Pinaod, San Hdefouso, Bulacan UTE OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SCIENCES INST! VISION ul tural Stat ye aS an out ling rer education institution in re CORE VALUES —- BASC CARES pei bit Agi Sat allege on ows Nghe ean nto in he Pe sagt stan Coleg soso sa ion Sopreed eng to flowy eevee MISSION a *% sepia’ 4 Lieonae kc with the best of our abilidies and with oft ial for Tebeen Mycioniss Crp nmmtee eee ea net He con wrk with heb of bis Mee eg ee igen tenses hs hang perma! ond sods" ae ‘contributor to the progress of the global comm We pursue ctive and responsive research undertakings in consonance with the Raina Grameen sau eee ae ie 1 acted wun lobe eompesat and weve vine a Me uphold he provision of affordable but excellent education in keeping with national and 2 Gander et eons orang ones ‘© Enable leaming opportunities using a wide range of te the secondary schools as wel as skills in educational practices Enhibit a varity of thinking skils in plannin ‘outcomes, Practice professional and chica taching standard Pursue lifelong, learning for personal and profes ‘opportunites, Support current thrusts of the National Goverm ‘development, multicultural and gender equa ‘eric areas Express the rootedness of education in philosophie context, Develop the stints understanding ofthe nature of the physically, mentally, emotionally and socaly Provide opportunities for hands-on experiences they will through relevant program and field studies. ‘Assist the students in appreciating the value of collaborative ‘extension activities, clementary level to enhance teaching and learning, + Practice professional and eical teaching standards sensitive to the Fx culinea vi inetge ekscacy exalts Sele + Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth ‘oppottnites ‘development, multicultural and gender equality, environmental edu wledge of various learing areas in the secondary curriculum, ‘curricular areas rials appropriate to the secondary level o enhance teaching and le + xpress the rooted of oct I, socio-cultural, : plement assessment tools and procedutes to measure secondary learn Course Code Course Name Course Description Course Credits Pre-requisite Contact Hours/week Course Outcomes Values Integrated Professor/Instructor Course COURSE SYLLABUS second Semester, 2017-2018 Edue 117 Assessment of Student Learning I “The course focuses on the development and utilization of assessment tools to improve the teaching — learning process, It emphasizes the use of testing for measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills. It allows the students to go through the standard steps in test construction for quality assessment 3 Units none 3 hours At the end of the course, the students must have: 1. acquire comprehensive understanding of the vision, mission, goals &objectives of the colleges; 2. internalize the vision, mission, goals, & objectives of the college to achieve excellence in education; 3. define the roles of assessment for placement, formative, diagnostic, and summative purposes in making instructional decision; 4. explain the basic concepts and principles of high quality assessment, 5. match the different learning targets and their appropriate assessment techniques, T.construct classroom assessment tools in measuring knowledge and thinking skills; 8. demonstrate skills in utilizing and reporting test results; and 9. apply statistical procedure in standardizing test. Lecture/Discussion, Problem Solving, Computer Assisted Instruction, Brain Storming, Cooperative Learning, Peer Teaching Cooperation, Patience, Self Confidence Herbert M. de Jesus, Analiza A. Vendicacion, John Edward Y. Cruz BEEd 3A, BEEd 3B, BSEd 3 Physical Science, BSE 3 English ute of Education, Arts and Seiences age 1 of 7 COURSE OUTLINE Introduction. 1 History of the Institute and BASC 2.Vision, mission, goals and objectives of BASC. 3. Orientation and discussion about the course B, Basie Concept in Assessment 1, Measurement 2. Assessment 3. Evaluation E, Development of Classroom ‘Assessment for measuring, Knowledge and Learning. Objective Test Planning Identifying test objectives Preparing table of specification Selecting the test format Construction and tryouts C. Roles of Assessment in tem writing Making Instructional Deci Item tryout 1. Placement purpose Item analysis 2. Formative purpose Item revision 3. Diagnostic purpose | Non-Objective Test _ | 4. Summative purpose __ e fee eee ey ensaseia D. Principle of High quality Week 10 to 16 F. Utilization of Assessment Data Assessment | 1. Norm-referenced interpretation 1, Clarify learning | 1.1. Tabular and graphical presentation of data 2. Appropriateness of 22 Deseriptive statistics assessment methods. 3. Criterion-referenced interpretation 3, Properties of assessment methods 3.1. Validity 3.2, Reliability 3.3, Fairness 3.4. Positive Consequences: 3.5, Punctuality & Efficiency Hh 3.6. Ethi fer eee eat | EEE pore ee i Week 17 to 18 G. Utilization and Reporting Test Results 1. Grading system Bete = __|__2._Competency profiling Z ® Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 2 of 7 Learning Plan Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) At the end of the course, the students must have: ‘© acquired comprehensive understanding of the vision, mission, poals & objectives of the colleges; jintemalized the vision, mission, goals, & objectives of the college to + defined the roles of assessment for placement, formative, diagnostic, and summative purposes in making, instructional decision; ‘* explained the basie concepts and principles of high quality assessment. education. _| Course Content/Subject Matter A introduction | History of the Institute and BASC 2.Nision, mission, goals and objectives of BASC 3. Orientation and discussion about the course B. Basic Concept in ‘Assessment 1. Measurement 2. Assessment 3. Evaluation C. Roles of Assessment in Making Instructional Decision 1. Placement purpose 2. Formative purpose 3. Diagnostic purpose 4, Summative purpose D. Principle of High quality Assessment 1. Clarify learning 2. Appropriateness of assessment methods, Properties of assessinent methods 3.1. Validity 3.2. Reliability 3.3.Faimess 3.4, Positive Consequences 3.5. Punctuality & Efficiency ‘Teaching and Learning Activities | Assessment Task Resource Hi (TLAs) (ATs) Materials Lee Lab Question-generation strategies Oral Recitation | Laptop 12 LCD Projector | hours Lecture Formative Test | Laptop Discussion Oral Recitation | LCD Projector | 3-5 Film showing Laptop hours Use PowerPoint presentation | Formative Exams | LCD projector Visual Strategies Chalkboard Discussion Handouts Dimensional question approach | Use PowerPoint presentation Oral Recitation | Laptop 34 Discussion LCD projector | hours Question & Answer Formative Exams | Handouts Interactive Learni @ Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 3 0f7 ‘© matched the different learning targets and their appropriate assessment techniques. + constructed classroom assessment tools in measuring knowledge and thinking skills; © applied statistical procedure in standardizing tes. * utilized the assessment data using the norm and criterion referenced interpretation ‘demonstrated skills in utilizing and reporting test results. 1.1, Tabular and graphical presentation of data | 1.2. Descriptive statistics 1.3. Critetion-referenced terpretation HE G. Utilization and Reporting Test Results, 1. Grading system 2. Competency profiling _ Drill and Practice Cooperative learning Use PowerPoint presentation Use PowerPoint presentation Discussion Computer Aided Instruction ® Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 4 of 7 ~~ Hands-on Computer ‘Summative Exams: Laptop LCD projector Handouts Chalkboard E, Development of Classroom: Discussion Formative Exams | Laptop ‘Assessment for measuring Mini -Workshop LCD projector Knowledge and Learning Critiquing Test Construction | Handouts 1. Objective Test _ Brainstorming Chalkboard Planning c coperaive learns Presentation Test pat Ene ice Use PowerPoint presentation Sample Facilitation of assigned topics Preparing table of igned topi setvieeerise specification produc Selecting the test format ee Construction and tryouts teow riae: Summative Exams tem tryout Item analysis Group reports Item revision 2. Non-Objective Test F. Utilization of Assessment Data — Elaborate ~ | Formative Exams | Laptop 18-19 1, Norm-referenced interpretation Discussion hours Problem solving Chalkboard hours ‘Course Requirements and basis of computation of grades A. Grade will be computed based on the following criteria ‘Attendance = 3% Quizzes/Long Test/ Exercises = 15% Summative Test 30% Portfolio = 50% B. Grading Scale 97-100 94-96 91-93, 88-90 85-87 82-84 79-81 76-18 5 “a 7B & below Class Policies 1. Weating of the prescribed Uniform, ID is a must and putting of hairnet for girs is also a must. 2) Punctuality must be observed. One tardiness is equivalent to 1 absence. A student is considered absent when he/she comes to class 15 minutes after the start of 1% or 2 hour class or 10 minutes ofa 1 hour class. A student who has 7 ACCUMULATED ABSENCES will be considered DROPPED. 3. Only those students who have approved/excused or valid absences may request for special projects or make-up activities: however proofs must be presented (excuse letter, medical certificate, police report ete). 4. ‘The use of cell phones, I-pod and other gadgets is prohibited during class hours. 5. Cleanliness and orderliness of lecture and laboratory rooms must always be observed. Vandalisin must be avoided. 6. In group activity, each group should have a laptop for the presentation of their work. 7. PLAGIARIZED aetivities, quizzes, exercises, etc. will automatically be marked ZERO. 8, Dropping must be done before the midterm examination; otherwise a failing mark (5.00) will be incurred. 9. Cutoff grade is 60%, @ Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 5 0f7 Consultation Hours: References: Website: John Edward Y. Cruz ‘Thursday 2:30 p.m, ~4:00 pam. Herbert M. de Jesus Friday 2:30 pam. ~4:00 pm. Analiza A. Vendicacion Monday 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. Abanador, P.D.(2007), Assessment of Student Learning! Culiannin, PlaridelBulacan: TCS Publishing House. Calmorin, L-P. (2011), Assessment of Student Learning! Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Printing Company, Ine. Corpuz, B. B., Principle of teaching 2, Quezon City, Loriman Ine. Garcia, C.D.(2008). Measuring Evaluating Outcomes. Leyva St. Mandaluyong City, Books ATBP., Publishing Corp. Gutierrez, D.S. (2007), Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Cognitive Domain),Malabon City. Kerusso Publishing House. Kubizyu, T. &Borich, G. 2008).Hducasional Testing and Measurement. Zoom Printing INC. for C&E Publishing ,Ine. Navarro, Rosita L. & Santos, Rosita G. (2012). Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1). Cubao, Quezon City, Lorimar Publishing Inc. Santos, R.DG (2007). Assessment of Student Learning Boston St., Cubao, Quezon City, Lorimar Publishing Ine. Vega, V.( 2004).Gide Book in Student Teaching. Groundwater Publications, Ittp://educSlet2012. blogspot. conv2012/08/table-of-specification_15 html ‘htp://images.pemac. org/Uploads/JefTersonCountySchools/JeffersonCounty chools/Departments/DocumentsCategories/Documents/Principles%2001%2 OLearning%20-%20Defining%20Learning%20Targets pdt 2 Reading 2.pd shim! itp ZAwww.deped gov phiordersido-8-s-2015 hitp://wwww tand 1080/7 13837537? joumalCode=ucjc20#,UemeVawiyzY hitps:// pdf https: /leamnercenteredteaching. wordpress.convteaching-resources/definition-of-assessment-of-student-leamingy hitps.//www.nwea,org/blog/20 13/five-characteristics-quality-educational-assessments-part-one! hitps://www.socialresearchmethods.nevkb/statdese. php @® Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 6 of 7 Prepared by: mae DE JESUS avail som ES. RUZ Asst Prof I Instructdr 1 Instructor 1 Reviewed by: HERBE{§b M .DE JESUS Discipline Chair ® Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences Page 7 of 7

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