Saying 58 - Pray To Be Fully Alive

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Saying 58 - Pray to be Fully Alive

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Saying 58 - Pray to be Fully Alive
by Martina Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:53 am

Shabbat Shalom!

58. Mary said, “Pray that you have an eye that sees, an ear that hears, a tongue that tastes, a
nose that smells and a body that feels. For many are they who are dead, whose senses perceive
nothing, but you have been called to life and raised from the dead. Therefore, pray to be fully

I have been contemplating this saying. In praying to be fully alive we invite the Holy Spirit into our
lives. There is a great need to become open and sensitive to the Light to receive it. When we
receive the Light from above our Inner Stars are opened and our senses become clearer. We begin
to see our being beyond name and form and personal history. We begin to perceive the Kingdom of
Heaven within and beyond this world.

“Pray that you have an eye that sees" brings to mind Lord Yeshua's saying "Love God with all your
heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself";
"an ear that hears," seem to imply the reception of teachings and their embodiment;
"a tongue that tastes," seems to correspond to the navel star and the subtle energetic dimension
within and behind the physical dimensions and our awareness of this;
"a nose that smells" seems to correspond to the root star and the underlying unity of all life.

Holy One, please let us receive your Spirit and become fully alive!

I am grateful for any corrections.

In gratitude,


Re: Saying 58 - Pray to be Fully Alive

by Tau Malachi Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:17 am
Blessings to you in the Holy Name of Messiah Yeshua, our Adonai!

Yes, indeed, this speaks of the reception of the Holy Light and Spirit, and in that this saying speaks
of us having been raised from the dead, and yet teaches us to pray to be “fully alive,” this implies
an invocation of a greater influx of the Holy Light and Spirit, and a greater awakening of the
faculties of the soul. In this regard I’m reminded of St. Paul encouraging us in his First Letter to the
Corinthians to pray for greater gifts of the Spirit, or a greater reception of the Spirit.

This is a message to the faithful that they might seek a greater reception of the Holy Spirit and
experience a mystical awakening and greater spiritual gifts. There are many who are touched by
the Spirit and who experience an awakening of faith, and who take up a religious life, but who do
not seek a greater reception of the Spirit, and do not actively pray for the experience of a mystical
awakening and greater spiritual gifts, let alone direct experience of Christ and God, or greater
nearness to God and conscious unification with Christ in God. That these brothers and sisters have
become faithful and lead a religious life is good, and truly they have been raised from the dead,
but they are not fully alive in the Spirit, for their soul has not, as yet, fully awakened; they have
not experienced a greater influx of the Holy Light and Spirit, or Light Transmission.

Religion comes to its culmination where spirituality and mysticism begins, and the true virtue of
religious faith is that it may spark a mystical awakening, and lead to a true awakening of the soul -
the enlightenment and liberation of the soul. Among the throngs of the faithful of the exterior
church relatively few are aware of this, or understand this, and therefore do not seek a greater
awakening in the Lord. This saying of Lady Mirya, however, encourages us to actively seek a greater
reception of the Holy Light and Spirit, and through it a greater awakening in the Lord; hence, to
pray to be “fully alive,” and able to see, hear, taste, smell and feel in the Spirit. This is
synonymous, of course, with praying that one may experience Christ or God Consciousness, for such
corresponds with the full awakening of the soul, or the fullness of the Life Divine.

Now if we consider the Gnostic experience, as we know it is an experience of higher states of

consciousness with greater intelligence, and it is an opening of consciousness to the heavens, or to
realms and worlds of inner metaphysical dimensions, and it is direct spiritual and mystical
experience of Christ and God, the fruition of which is conscious union with Christ in God. This
implies an opening of interior senses, or the capacity to see, hear, smell, taste and feel in the
Spirit; hence, the activation of faculties of the soul to perceive the spiritual world and kingdom of
God, and to acquire wisdom, understanding and knowledge (Habad) through direct spiritual and
mystical experience of the Truth and Light.

Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling, though, can have many levels of meaning, and while
on one level they do suggest a capacity for visionary experiences, they also correspond with other
more subtle and sublime perceptions. As an example, seeing and hearing can manifest as direct
knowing without any need for a visionary experience, knowledge and understanding of deep
mysteries spontaneously arising in higher states of consciousness, or during times when we merge
with the Holy Shekinah and Spirit. Thus, all manner of perceptions in the Spirit are indicated by
these various modes of sensing, perceiving, things hidden.

As we pray for a greater influx of the Holy Light and Spirit, we also pray for greater spiritual gifts
so that we may be of greater service to others; and in everything we seek for ourselves this is our
true intention, compassion, love, the desire to be of the greatest possible benefit to others,
uplifting others in return to God.

In closing we can say this: At first faith is blind, but when we receive the Spirit faith is seeing -
knowing; all of the senses indicate the capacity to acquire wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

These were a few thoughts I was inclined to contribute to your contemplation this morning.

May we have our life in the Spirit, and have life and light to give! Amen.

Shalom Aleichem!

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