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1.) What is a myth?

a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or
explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural
beings or events.
2.) What are the criteria of the myth?
-Myths are connected to regions, traditions, or belief systems.
-Myths answer the question "why".
-Myths follow patterns.
3.) What patterns exist in a myth?
- Natural Elements
- Animals.
- Colours
- Circles
- Creation
- Heroes
- Females

4.)What patterns do myths use to explain our world?

Myths use circles to explain to us about the circle of life. Myths also uses creation to
explain why things exist or why things are the way they are. These two patterns are
the things we were taught as kids, which helps us easily understand the world.

5.)How do myths reflect cultural values or beliefs?

Myths reflect cultural values or beliefs by making stories that are based on the beliefs
each place has. Like for example, The Egyptian Mythology. The people of Egypt
made stories based on their culture to teach their surroundings.

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