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Whatever (pron.): Any thing that; no matter what
Wherever (adv./conj.): In, at or to whatever place or situation
Whenever (adv./conj.): At whatever time or date
Whoever (pron.): Any one without exception; no matter who
Whichever (pron./adj.): Any one of two or of several; no matter which
However (adv.): In whatever manner; to whatever degree

I. Complete the sentences using the correct form.

1. You can arrive _______________ you want, but try to get here before 10:00 p.m.
2. He can eat ________________ he likes. He never gains weight.
3. She can go ________________ she feels like going without a passport. It's a free country.
4. We should rent ________________ car is the cheapest. I'm on a limited budget.
5. _____________ you call me "stupid," it hurts my feelings. It doesn't matter how sweetly or jokingly
you say it.
6. I don't think he should come in, ______________ he says he is.
7. ____________ my alarm rings, I hit the snooze button.
8. ____________ you go, ______________ you do, I'll be right here waiting for you.
9. ______________ did you finish the assignment so fast? I'm still on Part I.
10. Bring ______________ you can fit into your carry-on bag onto the plane. Leave all the rest in your
11. According to this map, we can drive _______________ way. All these routes will get us to our
12. I'm 21 now; I can drink _____________ much I want. It all depends on my appetite.
13. My mother gets heartburn _______________ she eats chili.
14. _________________ do you think you're going? Have a seat; our detective wants to ask you a few
15. If you ask the chef, he'll prepare the omelet ____________ you like it.
16. There's no time limit for the test. You can hand it in _______________ you are finished.
17. He's a liar. Don't believe him, _______________ he says.
18. ____________ stole my bicycle is going to be in big trouble with the police. _________ he's found,
he'll be arrested, even if it's months from now. __________he goes, he'll be caught, because my bike
has a satellite tracker system installed. _____________ way he turns, there will be no escape!
19. Just tell the police _____________ you remember about the crime. Any and all details can help.
20. ______________ started the fight is going to be suspended. Are you a witness?
21. The restaurant will prepare your steak _______________ you like it; rare, medium or well-done.
22. We're best friends. I will do _______________ you want me to. Just ask.
23. I will travel _______________ you want me to; by bicycle, by train, by airplane, even by donkey!
24. As long as I'm with you, I will live _______________ you want me to live; in the city, the mountains,
the countryside. It doesn't matter.
25. I get a headache ______________ I drink alcohol.
26. _________________ much I try, I just can't seem to remember.
27. My father gets a haircut ________________ it costs the least amount of money.
28. We get cavities _____________ we eat candy.
29. _______________ book you'd like to borrow, just bring it to the front desk to check it out.
30. It's your birthday! We'll go to ______________ restaurant you choose and you can order
_____________ you want. Happy birthday, honey!
31. He gets a stomachache _____________ he eats acidic foods.
32. _________________ I go camping, the mosquitoes and flies eat me alive.
33. I'm 21 now; I can drink _____________ I want: beer, wine, liquor, or soda pop.
34. They're fashion models, so they can't eat ______________ they want. They're on a very strict diet.
35. ______________ can learn to use a digital camera can be a photographer. A person doesn't need any
special skills, just a good eye.
36. Coffee and donuts are available to _______________ arrives early to the meeting.
37. __________________ many cookies you can bake, we'll sell at the bake sale. _______________
money we collect goes to the local homeless shelter.
38. __________________ shoes you wear on vacation, make sure they're comfortable, or you'll get
39. Follow the spy _________________ he goes. Keep an eye on him!
40. On the cruise, there's a masseuse who will take care of ______________ muscle aches and pains you
41. ________________ broke the window will have to pay for it.
42. ________________ you choose to present your project is fine. Just make sure it's by the end of the
43. I'm going to take a nap. ________________ calls, just take a message.
44. I love listening to you play piano, even if you're just practicing. _______________ you play, the
music just sounds beautiful to me.
45. Take the name of _______________ comes to the meeting.
46. We need to be careful that _______________ we vote for in the election feels as we do about the
important issues.
47. She tries to make friends ________________ she travels.
48. Learn English _______________ you can--on the internet, in a class, or even with just a phrasebook.
49. Smile at _______________ you meet. You never know what a positive effect it can have!
50. There are several English-language websites available on the internet. Use _________________ you
enjoy the most.
1. whenever
2. whatever
3. wherever
4. whichever
5. whenever
6. whoever
7. whenever
8. wherever, whatever
9. however
10. whatever
11. whichever
12. however
13. whenever
14. wherever
15. however
16. whenever
17. whatever
18. whoever, whenever, wherever, whichever
19. whatever
20. whoever
21. however
22. whatever
23. wherever
24. wherever
25. whenever
26. however
27. wherever
28. whenever
29. whichever
30. whichever, whatever
31. whenever
32. whenever
33. whatever
34. whatever
35. whoever
36. whoever
37. however, whatever
38. whichever
39. wherever
40. whatever
41. whoever
42. however
43. whoever
44. whatever
45. whoever
46. whoever
47. wherever
48. however
49. whoever
50. whichever

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