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Name : Dyah Puddya Haningtyas

NIM : 131511133002

Death by PowerPoint

Death by PowerPoint is a term used when a given presentation is very boring, so the information
provided is not conveyed to the audience. Presentations become very tedious when the use of
poor presentation software, such as confusing graphics, too much text in the slides, too small
text, no images and not interesting to look at. This can be seen from the response of an audience
that is not focused on the presenter, use smartphone during the presentation, sleepy, talking with
other audients, etc.

Death by PowerPoint can occur because of factors that make the presentation interesting doesn't
fulfill. There are three factors that influence the successful of the presentation. First is Content,
the content of the material delivered like the topic of presentation, selecting and limiting the
important points submitted, arranging the flow of material to be easily understood. A common
mistake is that the points are presented too much so that they are unclear and the presentation
flow is not interesting Secondly, the design is anything related to the contents of a slide
presentation such as images, graphics, text, color selection, size, etc. Using too much text and
text that is too small makes the presentation so boring. Last is delivery, this is a major factor in
the success of the presentation, the presenter should be able to use good public speaking aspects
such as body language, voice tone, and interactivity with the audience. A common mistake is that
the presenter simply delivers the slide content regardless of the audience, so the audience likes
listening to boring stories.

To be a good presenter and avoid killing the audience, all you have to do is use the public
speaking aspect optimally. Body language like an eye contact with the audience should be done,
sound intonation should be appropriate, talk well and sometimes use jokes to keep the audience
entertained. The presenter should maintain interaction with the audience so that the material
given can be well communicated to the audience. So that the presenter must have high

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