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Raw water Flow = 100 Mld

Recycle Flow = 5 Mld
Design Flow = 100+5
= 105 Mld
Number of units provided = 4 nos.
So, Design flow per Tube Settler = 105/4
= 26.250 Mld
= 26250.000 m³/d
= 1093.750 m³/h
Shape of unit = Square
Length/ Breadth of Tube Settler provided = 11.40 m

Tube Pack Data:

Shape = Hexagonal - Chevron
Cross sectional area = 120 x 44 mm x mm
Hydraulic radius = 0.015 m
Settling area : 60° Slope = 11 m²/m³
Settling area : 55° Slope = 13 m²/m³
Vertical Space between Tubes = 0.044 m
Angle of inclination = 55 °

Select, Settling rate on the horizontal projected area of Tube Pack = 1.00 m³/m²/h
Apply the probability factor,as recommended by theTube Pack Vendor = 0.70
Revised Settling rate on the horizontal projected area of Tube Pack = 1* 0.7
= 0.70 m³/m²/h
Kinematic viscosity of water at 30°C = 0.00000080 m²/s
Design temperature of water = 20.00 °C
Kinematic viscosity of water at 20°C = 0.000001003 m²/s
Correction Factor for Settling rate, w.r.t. Kinematic viscosity = 0.0000008/0.000001003
= 0.798
Corrected Settling rate = 0.7*0.798
= 0.558 m³/m²/h
Selected Settling rate on the horizontal projected area of Tube Pack = 0.700 m³/m²/h
Selected vertical depth of Tube Pack = 1.000
Plan area of the Tube Settler = 11.4*11.4
= 129.960 m²
Volume of Tube Pack provided = 129.96*1
= 129.960 m³
Loss of volume of Tube Pack, on account of inclination = 11.4*1 *(1/TAN55°)
= 7.982 m³
Effective volume of Tube Pack = 129.96-7.982
= 121.978 m³
Settling area of Tube Pack, corresponding to the inclination, = 121.978*13
based on the effective volume of Tube Pack = 1585.709 m²

Actual Settling rate on the horizontal projected area of Tube Pack = 1093.75 / 1585.709
0.690 m³/m²/h
< 0.70 m³/m²/h
Hence O.K.

Check for the performance of the Tube Settler:

Sedimentation takes place in the length following the transition length and it will retain all particles
with a settling velocity less than Vs.
Vs = V. k / { [sin θ + (Ls/d)cos θ ] }
Vs = Settling velocity, m³/m²/h
Ls = Settling length of Tube
d = depth of water in a Tube at right angle to the direction of flow, m
θ = angle of inclination of Tube Pack to the horizontal
k = a coefficient
= 1.33 for Hexagonal Tubes

Schiller formula to calculate transition length:

Lt = 0.0288 NR .D
Lt = Transition length
V = Average velocity of flow in the Tubes, m³/h.m²
= U / sin θ
U = Average upward velocity, m³/h.m²
= Surface loading rate of the Settling Tank
= Rate of flow / Tube entrance area
ν = Kinematic viscosity of water, m²/s = 0.00000086 m²/s
NR = Reynolds Number

Ls = L - Lt
L = Length of Tube
Ls = Settling length of Tube

Plan area of the Tube Settler = 11.4*11.4

= 129.96 m²
The tube entrance area is reduced due to the thickness of the tube pack and also due to the supporting
structure provided.
The support width of minimum 60 mm is recommended at a centre-to-centre distance of 1000 mm, in a
square grid.
No. of supporting angles, lengthwise @ 1m c-c spacing = (11.4/1)+1
= 12.40 nos.
Say = 13.00 nos.
No. of supporting angles, breadthwise @ 1m c-c spacing = (11.4/1)+1
= 12.40 nos.
Say = 13.00 nos.
Width of supporting angle of standard size, provided = 65.000 mm
= 0.065 m
Plan area lost by the supporting angles of width 65 mm = (11.4*13*0.065)+(11.4*13*0.065
= 0.768 m²
Plan area lost by the thickness of the Tube Pack = 3.00 % of plan area
= 3%*129.96
= 3.899 m²
Total area of obstruction for flow through Tube Pack = 0.768+3.899
= 4.667 m²
Tube entrance area = 129.96-4.667
= 125.293 m²
Average upward velocity, U = 1093.75/125.293
= 8.730 m/h
Average velocity of flow in the Tubes, V = U / sin θ
= 8.73 / sin 55°
= 10.657 m/h
= 0.003 m/s

Hydraulic radius, R ( = CSA / Wetted perimeter) = 0.01500 m

Equivalent diameter, D ( = 4 R) = 4*0.015
= 0.060 m
Reynolds Number, NR = VR
= 0.003*0.015/0.00000086
= 51.632
Transition length of Tube = 0.0288*NR*D
= 0.0288*51.632*0.06
= 0.089 m
Settling length of Tube, Ls = L - Lt
= 1-0.089
= 0.911 m
Relative settling length of tube = Ls/d = 0.911/0.044
= 20.700
Coefficient k for Hexagonal shaped Tubes = 1.33
Vs = V. k / { [sin θ + (Ls/d)cos θ ] }
= 10.657*1.33/((sin55°+20.7*cos55°))
= 1.117 m³/m²/h
> 0.690
Hence O.K.

Unit Size
Length / Breadth of Tube Settler provided = 11.40 m
Flow per Tube Settler = 1093.75 m³/h
= 0.3038 m³/s
Approx.liquid height above the top of the tube pack = 0.65 m
Vertical Height of Plates = 1.00 m
Horizontal velocity in the clarification shall be 0.02 to 0.03 m/s.
Horizontal Velocity in the clarification zone selected = 0.025 m/s
C/S area of clarification zone required below Tube Pack = 1093.75 / 3600 / 0.025
= 12.15 m²
Height of the Clarification zone required = 12.15 / 11.4
= 1.066 m
Depth of the sludge compression zone provided = 1.00 m
Space provided for sludge scrapper = 0.30 m
Side water depth of unit required = 0.65 + 1 + 1.066 + 1 + 0.3
= 4.016 m
SWD provided = 4.05 m
Hence O.K.

Provide V-Notch weir plates on the inner side of overflow launders.

Recommended weir loading for Tube Settler = 250 m³/m/d
Length of weir to be provided = 26250/250
= 105.000 m
No.of overflow launders to be provided = 105/(2*(11.4-(1/TAN 55°)
= 4.907
Say = 6.000 nos.
Approx.length of weir provided in each Tube Settler = 6*2*((11.4)-(1/TAN55°))
= 128.398 m
Discharge rate at design flow over the weir = 1093.75 / 128.398
= 8.52 m³/m/h
= 204.44 m³/m/d
< 250.00 m³/m/d
Hence O.K.
Design Hydraulic flow per Tube Settler = 30.000 Mld
= 30000.000 m³/d
Discharge rate at design Hydraulic flow over the weir = 30000 / 128.398
= 233.65 m³/m/d

Size: 4 Nos. Tube Settlers, each of 11.4 m x 11.4 m x 4.05 m SWD

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