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Reviews and Commentary 

State of the Art: Imaging of
Occupational Lung Disease1

n  State of the Art

Christian W. Cox, MD
Imaging of occupational lung disease, often perceived as
Cecile S. Rose, MD, MPH
a static discipline, continues to evolve with changes in in-
David A. Lynch, MB
dustry and imaging technology. The challenge of accurately
identifying an occupational exposure as the cause of lung
disease demands a team approach, requiring integration
of imaging features with exposure type, time course, and
severity. Increasing use of computed tomography has dem-
onstrated that specific occupational exposures can result
in a variety of patterns of lung injury. The radiologist must
understand the spectrum of expected imaging patterns
related to known occupational exposures and must also
Online CME recognize newly described occupational exposure risks,
often related to recent changes in industrial practices.

Learning Objectives: © RSNA, 2014

After reading the article and taking the test, the reader will
be able to:
n Categorize the broad spectrum of imaging patterns
from lung injury caused by occupational exposures
to provide a novel framework for approaching
occupational lung disorders.
n Discuss guidelines permitting the use of digital
radiography in the International Labor Organization
classification of pneumoconioses.
n Explain the importance of a multidiscipline approach to
occupational lung disease.
n Identify newly recognized occupational lung diseases
such as accelerated silicosis in denim sandblasting
and deployment-related lung disease to highlight the
dynamic nature of the field.
Accreditation and Designation Statement
The RSNA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing
medical education for physicians. The RSNA designates this
journal-based CME activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit TM. Physicans should claim only the credit
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the
Disclosure Statement
The ACCME requires that the RSNA, as an accredited
provider of CME, obtain signed disclosure statements from
the authors, editors, and reviewers for this activity. For this
journal-based CME activity, author disclosures are listed at
the end of this article.

 From National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson St, Denver,
CO 80206-2761. Received July 19, 2012; revision
requested September 4; revision received December 20;
final version accepted January 30, 2013; final review
November 11. Address correspondence to C.W.C.

 RSNA, 2014

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 681

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

ith advances in technology over relying on typical imaging appearances and timing of the patient’s chest symp-
the past 40 years, radiology has and the clinical history, rather than inter- toms, past medical history, review of
increasingly become pivotal in disciplinary interaction, to suggest the systems, current medications, family his-
management of most common medical diagnosis of occupational lung disease. tory, and personal habits, including use of
conditions, including stroke, chest pain, Since the approach to classifying occupa- tobacco products, alcohol, and recrea-
cancer, and trauma. In contrast, the role tional lung disease is often based mainly tional drugs. The three essential compo-
of radiology in the diagnosis and treat- on exposure history rather than imaging nents of an occupational history include
ment of occupational lung disease ap- pattern (3–6), the radiologist may be at a (a) a chronology of current and longest
pears at first glance to have changed very further disadvantage in recognizing an held jobs, (b) a current job description,
little. Despite substantial limitations, ra- imaging abnormality as work related. and (c) questions about symptoms during
diography remains the most widely used In fact, the diagnosis and imaging of or after exposure to specific fumes, dusts,
method for diagnosis and monitoring of occupational lung diseases is rapidly and chemicals. For example, in patients
many occupational lung diseases, often in evolving. Thin-section computed tomog- presenting with symptoms of interstitial
conjunction with the International Labor raphy (CT) of the chest continues to lung fibrosis, the clinician should elicit in-
Organization (ILO) classification system demonstrate previously unidentified formation about previous exposure to fi-
(1). In many settings, radiologists prac- characteristics that shape our under- brogenic dusts such as asbestos, silica,
tice at a distance from their occupational standing of occupational lung injury (7– and coal mine dust. Other clinical clues
medicine or pulmonary colleagues (2), 11). New industrial practices and mate- that may suggest an exposure-disease
rials are increasingly recognized as causes link include a temporal relationship be-
Essentials of lung disease (12–18). Less-industrial- tween an exposure and respiratory symp-
ized nations may enforce fewer protective toms (eg, work-related wheezing in an
nn The emphasis on the spectrum of regulations, so that “exporting” more auto-body worker exposed to isocya-
lung injury caused by occupational hazardous industrial processes may re- nates), a diagnosis that has been strongly
exposures provides a novel frame- sult in outbreaks of occupational lung dis- linked to exposure (eg, pleural mesotheli-
work for approaching occupa- eases that are now rare in the United oma), or the unexpected occurrence of
tional lung disorders. States (6,17,18). Moreover, recurrent or an illness (eg, lung cancer in a non-
nn New guidelines permitting the distinct radiographic appearances in the smoker). Such findings should prompt
use of digital radiography in In- setting of a common exposure have aided the physician to obtain a more thorough
ternational Labor Organization in the identification of several newer oc- occupational history, with a detailed de-
classification of pneumoconioses cupational exposures which cause lung scription of all jobs held, associated expo-
are discussed and additional disease (12–16). sures, and presence of similar illness
online resources are provided. In this article, we demonstrate the among coworkers. Table 1 contains some
nn Reviewing new occupational lung importance of a multidisciplinary ap- of the more common exposures associ-
diseases such as accelerated sili- proach to diagnosis of occupational lung ated with risk for occupational lung dis-
cosis in denim sandblasting and disease, with particular emphasis on a eases, along with typical imaging findings.
deployment-related lung disease radiologic pattern-based approach. We Information on nonoccupational ex-
reveals the dynamic nature of the illustrate the spectrum of lung injury re- posures, particularly those in the home
field. lated to occupational exposures and dis- environment and associated with particu-
cuss the imaging features of several newly lar hobbies or recreational activities, also
nn Restructuring imaging character-
described occupational diseases. should be elicited. The presence of ani-
istics in occupational lung disease
mals can be important in understanding
into a pattern-based approach
risk for hypersensitivity pneumonitis
stresses the variability in imaging Clinical Evaluation (from birds or feather furnishings) or
appearances and provides a foun-
asthma (eg, from pet dogs and cats). Use
dation for the radiologist to pro- The Occupational and Environmental of indoor hot tubs and exposure to other
spectively consider an occupa- Exposure History
tional exposure as a cause of an
To recognize a lung disease as work re- Published online
undiagnosed lung disease.
lated, the clinical findings must be in- 10.1148/radiol.13121415  Content codes:
nn Expanding knowledge of thin- formed by specifics of workplace expo-
section CT characteristics of oc- Radiology 2014; 270:681–696
sures along with the relevant medical and
cupational lung disease furthers scientific literature on causal associations Abbreviations:
understanding of the pathophysi- between exposures and associated health ILO = International Labor Organization
ology of these diseases and em- effects. A detailed medical and exposure NSIP = nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
phasizes the limitations of the history remains the mainstay of diagnosis PMF = progressive massive fibrosis
current radiograph-based UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia
of exposure-related lung disease. The
classification of pneumoconioses. medical history should include the onset Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

682  n  Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

potentially contaminated aerosol sourc- Physical Examination tion findings are often normal. Wheezing
es (eg, those from humidifiers or mois- may be a sign of large airways obstruc-
ture intrusion in the home) should be Findings at lung examination are gener- tion, and end-inspiratory squeaks may be
sought when hypersensitivity pneumoni- ally nonspecific and often occur late in heard in patients with bronchiolitis.
tis is a diagnostic consideration, as ex- the course of chronic occupational pul-
posure abatement is necessary for monary diseases. For interstitial diseases, Laboratory Testing
disease management. Finally, the ciga- inspiratory crackles on auscultation re- Depending on the disease of concern, se-
rette smoking history must be elicited flect later stages of fibrosis and may be rologic and other laboratory studies may
since clinical and imaging findings may accompanied by digital clubbing and find- help distinguish exposure-related lung
be partially or entirely explained by to- ings of right heart failure. For occupa- diseases from autoimmune and other
bacco smoke exposure. tional airways diseases, physical examina- conditions that may be included in the

Table 1
Imaging Features That May Be Identified Following Specific Common Exposures
Exposure Airway Parenchyma Pleura Risk for Lung Malignancy

Coal mine dust Bronchial wall thickening Upper lobe small nodular Conglomerate opacities may
  opacities (simple coal worker’s   mimic solitary mass
Lower lobe irregular opacities
Coalescent large opacities (PMF)
Respirable silica Bronchial wall thickening Silicoproteinosis Pleural thickening Risk for lung cancer
Upper lobe small nodular Pleural effusions Conglomerate opacities may
  opacities (simple silicosis)   mimic solitary mass
Lower lobe irregular opacities
Coalescent large opacities (PMF)
Fibrogenic asbestos Bronchial wall thickening Asbestosis: Lower lobe or Pleural effusion Risk for lung cancer
  diffuse irregular opacities Pleural plaques (calcified Pleural mesothelioma
Rounded atelectasis   and noncalcified)
Diffuse pleural thickening
  (involving the
  costophrenic angle)
Mesothelioma (irregular
  nodularity of pleura)
Organic and inorganic Bronchial wall thickening Nonfibrotic hypersensitivity
 antigens   pneumonitis: centrilobular
  nodules; ground glass
  opacities; thin-walled cysts;
Fibrotic hypersensitivity
 pneumonitis: volume loss;
diffuse reticular opacities;
modest mediastinal
adenopathy; honeycombing
Beryllium Airway wall thickening Perilymphatic nodules Risk for lung cancer
Conglomerate opacities
Flavoring chemicals Mosaic attenuation, Centrilobular nodules
 (diacetyl); oxides of   air trapping
nitrogen and sulfur;
combustion products
Chemical irritants and Airway wall thickening, High dose: chemical pneumonitis
  toxic fumes  bronchiectasis, mosaic
attenuation, air trapping

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 683

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

differential diagnosis. For example, a pos- opsy may be required to confirm a diag- recent release of a digital set of standard
itive blood beryllium lymphocyte prolifer- nosis of bronchiolitis or in cases in which images (27) and publication of proposed
ation test is helpful in distinguishing diagnostic certainty is important for man- guidelines permitting the use of digital ra-
chronic beryllium disease from sarcoido- agement in the clinical setting of diffuse diography systems for evaluation of coal
sis (19,20). interstitial lung disease. miners (36). Free customized viewing
software to facilitate side-by-side viewing
Pulmonary Function Testing of digital chest images and digital stan-
Pulmonary function tests are essential to Imaging Technology dards may be downloaded at the Centers
determining lung disease pathophysiol- The chest radiograph remains the pri- for Disease Control and Prevention Web
ogy, severity, management, response to mary mode of screening for pneumoconi- site (37).
treatment, prognosis, and impairment. osis in the United States and elsewhere. Thin-section CT has replaced chest
Full pulmonary function tests include Its advantages are relatively low cost, low radiography in evaluation of nonoccupa-
measurements of lung volume, pre- and radiation dose, and wide availability. tional diffuse lung diseases because of its
postbronchodilator spirometry, and diffu- However, the chest radiograph is rela- higher sensitivity for early lung disease
sion capacity for carbon monoxide. Occu- tively insensitive for detecting early pneu- and greater accuracy in characterizing
pational lung diseases are often charac- moconiosis (21–24). The chest radio- the pattern of disease (38,39). Despite
terized as obstructive, restrictive, or a graph is particularly insensitive for these advantages, no country has adopt-
combination of both. Cardiopulmonary abnormalities such as ground-glass opac- ed CT as a primary screening modality
exercise testing can be helpful in deter- ity found in granulomatous occupational for pneumoconiosis, presumably because
mining the presence and degree of venti- diseases like hypersensitivity pneumoni- of higher cost and radiation dose com-
latory and gas exchange abnormalities, in tis and chronic beryllium disease (25,26). pared with chest radiography. CT is com-
clarifying the presence of cardiac disease An abnormal chest radiograph is also monly used as a secondary screening mo-
as a source of chest symptoms, and in relatively nonspecific for diagnosis of dality in symptomatic or physiologically
determining lung disease severity and im- pneumoconiosis, since a substantial pro- impaired workers when the chest radio-
pairment. Methacholine challenge is use- portion of cases identified as demonstrat- graph is normal or equivocal (40). CT is
ful in establishing the presence of airways ing pneumoconiosis on chest radiographs particularly useful in identifying and char-
hyperreactivity in some occupational air- are found to have no evidence of pneu- acterizing atypical presentations of occu-
ways diseases (21). Interpretation of pul- moconiosis at CT (27–30) or autopsy pational lung dis­ease, as discussed below.
monary function test results may be fur- (31). This lack of specificity may in part A standardized system for scoring extent
ther enhanced when considered in be due to the fact that cigarette smoking of disease on CT scans, analogous to the
relation to CT data. For example, sub- causes small irregular opacities on chest ILO radiographic classification system, is
jects with normal spirometry findings but radiographs (32). Additionally, the increasingly used (40–44) and has been
low lung diffusion capacity may have boundary between normal and abnormal shown to be associated with moderate
mixed emphysema and lung fibrosis evi- chest radiographs may be subjective and interreader and intrareader agreement
dent on CT scans. difficult to define (33). for all categories of abnormality except
A systematic classification system for ground-glass abnormality (45). Reduced-
Bronchoscopy and Surgical Lung Biopsy chest radiographic findings in pneumoco- dose CT (,1.5 mSv) is beginning to be
A careful exposure history in combina- nioses was first developed more than 50 used to screen for lung cancer in those
tion with imaging and pulmonary func- years ago and has been repeatedly re- with occupational exposures creating
tion testing is often enough to make the vised by the ILO with support from the high risk for malignancy (particularly as-
diagnosis of an occupational lung disease. National Institute for Occupational Safety bestos exposure) (46,47). In such individ-
This is particularly true for the pneumo- and Health (NIOSH) and the American uals, CT may also be used to screen for
conioses, which usually manifest with dis- College of Radiology (1,34,35). By pass- pneumoconiosis.
tinct imaging abnormalities and typical ing a NIOSH-administered film-based ex-
occupational histories. Similarly, occupa- amination, physicians may become certi-
tional asthma and most other obstructive fied “B-readers,” permitting them to The Radiologist’s Role
lung diseases are diagnosed without his- apply the systematic ILO clas­si­fication to As with many lung diseases, diagnosis of
tologic findings. When diagnostic uncer- interpret screening chest radiographs for occupational lung disease requires a mul-
tainty remains, clinicians may need to pneumoconiosis. The sys­tem uses a set of tidisciplinary approach, including the oc-
consider lung biopsy. Fiberoptic bron- 22 standard radiographic images to cod- cupational medicine physician, radiolo-
choscopy, with bronchoaveolar lavage ify and characterize the presence, pat- gist, industrial hygienist, pulmonologist,
and transbronchial biopsies, is particu- tern, and extent of pleural and parenchy- and pathologist. Traditionally, the radiol-
larly useful in the evaluation of exposure- mal abnormalities related to occupational ogist assists in confirming a suspected
related granulomatous lung dis­ease such exposures. An important recent develop- diagnosis correlated with the clinical his-
as chronic beryllium disease and hyper- ment is the adaptation of the analog- tory with or without lung biopsy—an ap-
sensitivity pneumonitis. Surgical lung bi- based system to a digital format, with the proach which has left the radiologist no-

684  n  Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

ticeably absent from the initial recognition Table 2

of new occupational lung diseases, de-
spite the routine use of imaging in the Pattern-based Approach to Differential Diagnosis of Occupational Lung Disease
diagnosis (12–15). Looking to the future, Pattern Classic Presentation Atypical Presentation
the radiologist is well positioned to iden-
tify clusters of radiographic patterns that Diffuse pulmonary opacity
 Consolidation Acute silicosis (3,4,6,57); Hard metal lung (3,4,6,134);
may lead to identification of new occupa-
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (5,6,57); Flock worker’s lung (15,16)
tional exposures or new sources of known
Ardystil syndrome (5,56)
exposures. For example, multidetector
  Ground glass Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4–6,60–64,77); Chronic beryllium disease
CT played a central role in the identifica-
Acute silicosis (3,4,6,57); (3–5,9,67,68);
tion and characterization of accelerated Hard metal (3,4,6,66,134); Asbestosis (3,4,6,8,69);
silicosis in Turkish denim sandblasters Flock worker’s lung (15,16); Siderosis (3,5,6,134);
(48,49). Diffuse pleural thickening, iden- Indium-tin oxide (12,132) Accelerated silicosis (49)
tified on chest radiographs in workers   Crazy paving Acute silicosis (3,4,57);
and residents in Libby, Montana, was an Indium-tin oxide (12)
important marker of exposure to vermic- Nodules
ulite contaminated with amphibole as-  Centrilobular Acute silicosis (3,4,57); Chronic silicosis
bestos (50–54). Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4–6,60– (3,4,6,11,49);
CT evaluation may assist in differenti- 64,73,77); Coal worker’s
ating between occupational lung disease Siderosis (3,5,6,74,134); pneumoconiosis (3,4,6,10);
and other common causes of respiratory Flock worker’s lung (15,16); Aluminosis (134);
impairment, such as smoking-related Ardystil syndrome (5,56); Hard metal lung (66)
lung disease. At the same time, radiolo- Indium-tin oxide (12);
gists must realize the broad spectrum of Byssinosis (6);
appearances of occupational lung disease Accelerated silicosis (49)
at imaging. Occupational injury can be  Perilymphatic/subpleural Chronic silicosis (3,4,6,11,22,69,82); Hard metal lung (4,65);
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (3,4,6,10,28); Aluminosis (134);
generally categorized into airspace, nodu-
Chronic beryllium disease (3–5,9,67); Accelerated silicosis
lar, reticular, cystic, emphysematous, air-
Talcosis (71,135); (48,49);
way, and pleural patterns which correlate
Calcicosis (5); Asbestosis (4,8,75)
with particular exposures. Table 2 pro-
Stannosis (72)
vides an extensive, though not exhaus- Fibrosis
tive, list of exposures categorized by im-  UIP/NSIP Asbestosis (3,4,6,8,75); Chronic silicosis (4,11);
aging pattern on CT scans or chest Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4–6,60–64) Coal worker’s
radiographs. pneumoconiosis (4,28);
Chronic beryllium disease
Diffuse Pulmonary Opacities (3–5,9,67);
Diffuse pulmonary opacities, including Hard metal lung
consolidation, ground-glass opacities, (3,4,6,66,136);
and crazy paving, may represent a wide Siderosis (3,6,134);
gamut of histologic patterns, including Ardystil syndrome (5);
diffuse alveolar damage (13), organizing Flock worker’s lung (15,16);
pneu­monia (5,55,56), and alveolar pro- Indium-tin oxide (24);
teinosis (3,4,12,57,58). As a classic ex- Aluminosis (134)
ample, acute silicosis or silicoproteinosis Masses
manifests as multifocal consolidations  PMF/conglomerate Complicated silicosis (3,4,6,11,22,69); Siderosis (3,134);
with posterior distribution (Fig 1), occa- Complicated coal worker’s pneumoconiosis Chronic beryllium disease
(3,4,6,28); (3–5,67)
sionally with a nodular component
Talcosis (3,5,71,135)
(3,4,57,58). Diffuse pulmonary opac-
  Round atelectasis Asbestos exposure (4,6,75) Silicosis (11)
ities in the setting of an occupational
exposure do not necessarily imply acute Table 2 (continues)
lung disease. Development of consolida-
tive opacities from organizing
pneumonia in a series of Spanish textile Several occupational exposures (4,5,60–64) and hard metal intersti-
workers in 1992 was attributed to Acra- characteristically cause ground-glass tial lung disease (65,66). Other expo-
min-FWN exposure and later termed opacities on CT scans, such as hyper- sures like accelerated silicosis (49),
Ardystil syndrome (5,55,56,59). sensitivity pneumonitis (Fig 2) asbestosis (8), and chronic beryllium

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 685

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Table 2 (continued) Figure 1 

Pattern-based Approach to Differential Diagnosis of Occupational Lung Disease

Pattern Classic Presentation Atypical Presentation

  Bronchogenic carcinoma Asbestos exposure (3,4,6,75) Silicosis (3,4);

Coal worker’s
pneumoconiosis (3,4);
Hard metal lung (3)
Airway abnormalities
  Mosaic attenuation/air Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4,5,60–62); Asbestosis (4,6,8);
trapping Flavor worker’s lung (4); Silicosis (82)
Toxic fume inhalation (6,83);
Occupational asthma (137) Figure 1:  Thin-section CT image at the level of
 Bronchiectasis Toxic fume inhalation (6,83) Silicosis (82) the right middle lobar bronchus in a patient with
concentrated concrete dust exposure resulting in
  Bronchial wall thickening Occupational asthma (138,139); Flavor worker’s lung (4)
acute silicosis that manifested as posterior predomi-
Toxic fume inhalation (6);
nant patchy consolidation. Note some areas of
Chronic beryllium disease (3–5,9,67)
ground-glass opacity and septal thickening consis-
Emphysema Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (3,4,10,28,76); Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
tent with a crazy-paving pattern (between arrows).
Talcosis (injected) (3); (4,62);
Siderosis (3,5,134) Silicosis (4,22,49,69,76,82);
Asbestosis (8);
Chronic beryllium disease (9); Figure 2 
Hard metal lung (65,134);
Talcosis (inhaled) (71,135)
Cysts Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4,5,60,77)
Pleural abnormalities
  Pleural plaques/thickening Asbestos exposure (4,6,75); Calcicosis (5);
Chronic silicosis (4,11,49,69); Siderosis (134)
Accelerated silicosis (49)
 Pseudoplaques Chronic silicosis (3,4);
Chronic beryllium disease (5,9,67);
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (4,28)
  Pleural effusion Asbestos exposure (4,6,75); Chronic silicosis (11) Figure 2:  Thin-section CT image through the lung
Acute silicosis (57) bases in a patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis
 Mesothelioma Asbestos exposure (4,6,75) demonstrates bibasilar ground-glass opacities and
Lymph nodes some focal mosaic attenuation (arrow).
 Lymphadenopathy Chronic silicosis (3,4,22); Coal worker’s pneumonitis
Chronic beryllium disease (3–5,9,67,68); (3,28);
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4); Acute silicosis (57) Figure 3 
Accelerated silicosis (49)
  Hyperdense or calcified Chronic silicosis (3,4,6,22); Accelerated silicosis (49);
lymph nodes Acute silicosis (57); Aluminosis (140)
Chronic beryllium disease (5,9);
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (6,28)

Note.—Numbers in parentheses represent reference numbers.

disease (9,67,68) occasionally demon- The crazy-paving pattern, described

strate ground-glass opaci­ties, usually as well-defined regions of ground-glass
in combination with more character- opacity with superimposed septal thick- Figure 3:  Thin-section CT image at the level of
istic findings. Processes that may ening, scattered throughout regions of the carina in a foundry worker with complicated
mimic airspace patterns include con- normal-appearing lung, has been asso- silicosis demonstrates conglomerate opacity in the
glomerate fibrosis (Fig 3), rounded ciated with silicoproteinosis in some posterior right upper lobe (arrow) with volume loss
atelectasis, and malignancy. but not all studies (57). consistent with progressive massive fibrosis (PMF).

686  n  Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 4  Figure 5 

Figure 5:  Thin-section CT image just superior to the

carina in a patient with occupational beryllium expo-
sure demonstrates perilymphatic distribution of fine
nodularity with nodules studding the fissures (black
arrow) and the bronchovascular bundle (white arrow).

beading, bronchovascular studding, and

subpleural nodularity. Silicosis and coal
worker’s pneumoconiosis most often
produce well-defined perilymphatic
nodules or combined centrilobular and
subpleural nodules (3,4,22,28,49,69,70),
as do most other pneumoconioses
Figure 4:  Thin-section CT images at the level of the left lower lobar bronchus in a patient (3,5,71,72). Early pneumoconiosis
with a 20-year history of metal mining. (a) Uniform distribution of well-defined centrilobular tends to be more centrilobular (Fig 4)
nodules is present. (b) Seven years later, the pattern transitions to perilymphatic nodules with (30). Centrilobular nodularity in sub-
peripheral (black arrow) and bronchovascular (white arrow) distribution. There is a new conglomerate jects with subacute hypersensitivity
mass in the superior segment of left lower lobe. pneumonitis, acute silicosis, hard metal
disease, and siderosis tends to be less
Figure 6  well defined or ground glass in appear-
ance (3–5,57,58,60–66,73,74). Perilym-
phatic distribution of nodules similar to
sarcoidosis is seen with chronic beryl-
lium disease (Fig 5) (3–5,9,67,68).
Characteristic differences in the
distribution of nodularity reflect impor-
tant differences in pathophysiology be-
tween the various occupational lung dis-
eases, but it is important to remember
that substantial overlap may occur.

Reticular Patterns
Reticular linear opacities may represent
Figure 6:  Thin-section CT images in a patient with occupational asbestos exposure.
fibrosis occurring in asbestosis (Fig 6a),
(a) Basilar peripheral predominant reticular pattern (black arrows) and traction bronchi-
chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
ectasis (white arrow) are present consistent with asbestosis. (b) Image through the left
and in some patients with respirable sil-
upper lobe in bone window reveals associated calcified pleural plaque (arrowhead).
ica or coal mine dust exposure. Typical
appearances of usual interstitial
Nodular Patterns sides within the central secondary pul- pneumonia (UIP) and nonspecific inter-
When evaluating nodular lung disease, monary lobule, sparing the subpleural stitial pneu­monia (NSIP) may be seen,
distinction between centrilobular versus region. Conversely, perilymphatic nod- but the find­ings in early pneumoconio-
perilymphatic or random distribution is ules are distributed along the axial and sis may be less specific. Certain radio-
important. Centrilobular nodularity re- peripheral interstitium, with septal logic characteristics may help differen-

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 687

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 7  Figure 8  bronchiolitis in military personnel re-

turning from deployment in Iraq and
Afghanistan (81). Abnormalities of
small airway disease have also been de-
scribed in other occupational lung dis-
eases, such as asbestosis and silicosis
Large airway disease manifested by
means of imaging findings of peribron-
chial thickening and bronchiectasis may
be associated with inhalation of toxic
fumes (Fig 10) and with other causes of
occupational asthma (83). Large airway
changes may be also found in chronic
beryllium disease (3,4,9), silicosis or
coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (49,76)
and constrictive bronchiolitis (14), al-
though not as the dominant pattern.

Figure 7:  Thin-section CT image through the right Pleural Patterns

upper lobe in a coal miner shows confluent centri- Figure 8:  Thin-section CT image at the level of Benign pleural abnormalities (including
lobular emphysema (between arrows). the bronchus intermedius in a patient with hyper- effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, or
sensitivity pneumonitis demonstrates scattered cysts pleural plaques) are most commonly as-
(arrows). Note the characteristic centrilobular sociated with asbestos exposure
tiate potential exposures. For example, ground-glass nodules near the horizontal fissure
(3,5,75,84,85). Pleural effusions typically
although asbestosis typically manifests (between arrowheads).
arise within 10–15 years and pleural
as a UIP pattern, subpleural dotlike or
thickening or plaques generally arise 20–
branching opacities and parenchymal
30 years after initial exposure (Fig 11)
bands are more common than in idio- spaces, which may represent paraseptal
(8). In silicosis, parenchymal pseudo-
pathic pulmonary fibrosis (8,75). Addi- emphysema or fibrotic-related changes,
plaques secondary to coalescence of
tionally, because pleural plaques occur have been reported in hard metal inter-
subpleural nodules may be seen (3–5),
at a much lower fiber burden than as- stitial lung disease (65,66), and scat-
and more recently silicosis has also
bestosis, interstitial fibrosis from asbes- tered cysts have been described in
been shown to be associated with true
tos exposure is uncommon in the ab- subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis
pleural abnormality, including pleural
sence of pleural plaques (Fig 6b). The (Fig 8) (4,5,77). Interestingly, emphy-
thickening, effusion, and pleural invagi-
presence of lobular decreased attenua- sema has also been described as one of
nation (11).
tion, air trapping, or predominance of the more common manifestations of
disease in the upper or midlungs should chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis on
suggest fibrotic hypersensitivity pneu- long term follow-up, even in non-
monitis (4,5,60,61,63). smokers (62,78–80). Major Contemporary Occupational
Lung Diseases
Emphysema and Cysts Airway Patterns
Several studies describe emphysema as- Small airway disease typically manifests Silicosis
sociated with occupational lung disease, as centrilobular nodules, centrilobular Although the incidence of silicosis has
particularly silicosis or coal worker’s ground-glass opacities, or mosaic perfu- fallen since its peak during World
pneu­ moconiosis (4,22,69,76). Centri- sion with air trapping. Mosaic perfu- War II, it is still a major cause of pul-
lobular and panacinar emphysema are sion (sharply defined heterogeneity of monary impairment in at-risk
present in higher rates in coal workers lung attenuation) and air trapping sug- workers. Occurrence of new cases of
(Fig 7) or silica exposed individuals gest hypersensitivity pneumonitis or silicosis may be due to inadequacy of
than in the general population, even constrictive bronchiolitis (Fig 9). “Fla- current respirable dust limits or fail-
when adjusting for smoking history vor worker’s lung” or “popcorn work- ure to control workplace exposure to
(69), and may be found in nonsmokers. er’s lung” associated with artificial but- respirable silica. In addition to the
Paracicatricial emphysema, defined as ter flavoring results in constrictive classic occupational settings for silico-
emphysema resulting from fibrosis and bronchiolitis manifesting as mosaic per- sis risk in miners, foundry workers,
architectural distortion, may also occur fusion and air trapping (4). Recently, and sandblasters, silicosis may also
in relationship to PMF. Peripheral cystic concerns have arisen regarding risk of occur in ceramic (86) or construction

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STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 9 

Figure 9:  Thin-section CT images at the level of the bronchus intermedius in a flavor industry worker with bronchiolitis oblit-
erans. (a) Inspiratory image with subtle mosaic attenuation. (b) Expiratory image shows air trapping in adjacent areas of the
right upper, middle, and lower lobes (between arrows), and also in the left lung.

Figure 10  Figure 11  sion tomography (PET) scans (Fig 12)
(3,94,95). Slowly progressive fibrosing
interstitial pneumonia with a pattern
typical of UIP may occur in about 10%
of silicosis patients (Fig 13) (96,97).
The prevalence of pleural abnormality
in silicosis has been underemphasized;
silicosis is associated with unexplained
pleural effusions in 11% and pleural
thickening in 58% of subjects (11).
Rounded atelectasis may also be seen
(98,99). In acute or subacute silicopro-
teinosis, consolidation is characteristic.
Crazy-paving pattern may or may not
Figure 11:  Axial CT image at the basilar seg- be seen, and other findings may include
mental bronchi in soft-tissue window demonstrates centrilobular nodules and pulmonary
predominantly calcified bilateral pleural plaques calcifications (57).
(arrowheads), consistent with asbestos-related pleu-
ral disease. Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis
Despite knowledge of risk factors and
implementation of dust control
Figure 10:  Thin-section CT image through the in 77 of 145 subjects (18). Other measures, increasing prevalence of
right middle and lower lobes in a patient with re- newly recognized occupational groups pneumoconiosis among underground
mote work-related high-dose anhydrous ammonia at risk for silicosis include goldwork- U.S. coal miners has been identified
exposure resulting in bronchiectasis (arrowhead), ing jewelers (89) and electric cable in several recent publications. Wade
bronchial wall thickening (black arrow), and mosaic manufacturers (90). et al (100) reported 138 newly identi-
attenuation (white arrow), indicating a combination Centrilobular and perilymphatic fied cases of coal workers pneumoco-
of large and small airways abnormality. nodules are characteristic of silicosis. niosis—related PMF in West Virginian
Nodal enlargement with or without coal miners from 2000 to 2009, with
workers (87). A newly recognized nodal calcification may also be seen 21 deaths. Nearly all miners in this
cause of accelerated silicosis and sili- (91). Emphysema (22,92) and expira- group who developed PMF experi-
coproteinosis is sandblasting denim tory gas trapping (82) are important enced exposures following implemen-
clothing, mainly in developing coun- contributors to physiologic impairment. tation of federal dust regulations.
tries where few exposure controls ex- Conglomerate masses occur typically in Laney et al (101) also report increased
ist (17,18,48,88). In a study of former the posterior upper lobes or superior prevalence of pneu­ moconiosis in un-
denim sandblasters, chest radio- segments of lower lobes (93) and are derground coal miners from 1980 to
graphic evidence of silicosis was found often hypermetabolic on positron emis- 2008. Additionally, regional increases

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 689

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 12  Figure 13 

Figure 13:  Thin-section CT image through the

lung bases in a coal worker shows peripheral basilar
predominant reticulation (arrows) with subtle honey-
combing (arrowhead) consistent with a UIP pattern
of interstitial fibrosis.

Figure 12:  Hard rock miner with complicated silicosis. (a) Thin-section CT image through the right upper peated inhalation of and sensitization to
lobe shows conglomerate opacity (arrow) with surrounding nodularity. Note the presence of both cicatricial a wide variety of organic aerosols and
and centrilobular emphysema. (b) Fused PET/CT image at the same level demonstrates increased metabolic some chemical antigens. Diagnosis relies
activity in the conglomerate opacity, with a maximum standardized uptake value of 8.8. on a constellation of features including
antigen exposure, characteristic signs
and symptoms, pulmonary function ab-
in prevalence of coal workers pneu- countries, CT-based studies have shown normalities, radiologic abnormalities,
moconiosis in Appalachia have been substantial prevalence of asbestos-relat- and histologic findings (116). Work-relat-
reported (102). ed disease in current and former asbes- ed exposures important in development
The imaging features of coal work- tos workers (108,109). A recent CT of hypersensitivity pneumonitis include
er’s pneumoconiosis are similar to study of 1011 asbestos-exposed workers microbially-contaminated metal-working
those described for silicosis. A substan- showed that 47% had pleural plaques fluids, isocyanates used in two-part
tial minority (10%–40%) of coal miners and 6% had asbestosis (109). There is paints, and organic dusts in farming,
affected by coal worker’s pneumoconio- increased concern about environmen- among many others. However, no clear
sis develop diffuse lung fibrosis, charac- tally acquired asbestos-related disease. causal antigen can be identified in a sub-
terized on the chest radiograph by For example, in Libby, Montana, a signif- stantial minority of cases. In a series of
small irregular opacities in the lower icant increase in mortality from lung 85 consecutive cases of hypersensitivity
lungs (99,103,104). These irregular cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis pneu­ monitis presenting to the Mayo
opacities correlate better than rounded occurred in miners and community resi- Clinic, avian antigens accounted for 29
opacities with the extent of physiologic dents owing to locally mined vermiculite cases (34%), with hot tub lung in 18
impairment (105). On chest CT scans, contaminated with small amounts of (21%) and farmer’s lung in nine (11%)
this entity is characterized by reticular tremolite asbestos (Fig 14) (110–112). In (117). No cause was identified in 21
abnormality often associated with hon- this population, the presence of radio- cases (25%). Regardless of the antigen,
eycombing, similar to UIP or NSIP graphic pleural disease was associated typically only a minority of exposed indi-
(106,107). Reticular abnormality may with restrictive lung function (113). In viduals will develop hypersensitivity
or may not be associated with pneumo- developing countries, where hazardous pneumonitis. The clinical diagnosis of
coniotic nodules. This pattern of diffuse occupations like ship demolition and as- chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis can
interstitial fibrosis appears to be associ- bestos milling are often poorly regu- be quite challenging because of the vari-
ated with a high prevalence of lung can- lated, the prevalence of asbestos-related ety of pulmonary presentations and the
cer, preferentially occurring in areas of disease on radiographs remains substan- diversity of potential antigenic causes,
lung fibrosis (107). tial (114,115). which may not be elicited in a routine
medical history (118).
Asbestos-related Lung and Pleural Disease Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Imaging features of hypersensitivity
Though exposure to friable asbestos has Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a group pneumonitis include poorly defined cen-
been increasingly regulated in developed of pulmonary syndromes caused by re- trilobular ground-glass nodules (Fig 15),

690  n  Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 14  Figure 15  work­ers in 1992 was attributed to Acra-

min-FWN exposure and later termed
Ardystil syndrome (5,55,56,59). At the
Ardystil plant in Alcoy, Spain, aerosol-
ized Acramin-FWN for use in textile
printing resulted in inhalational expo-
sure of this product designed for brush
or sponge application. Romero et al
(56) found that nine of 14 Ardystil
syndrome patients demonstrated bilat-
eral, peripheral predominant, patchy
airspace consolidation on CT scans.
Figure 15:  Thin-section CT image in a patient with
Exposure-related outbreaks have
hypersensitivity pneumonitis demonstrates character-
istic diffuse ground-glass centrilobular opacities. Note also been reported related to the nylon
focal lobular areas of mosaic attenuation (arrows). flocking, artificial flavoring, and flat-
panel screen industries. Initially recog-
nized at a Canadian plant in 1995,
flock worker’s lung arises from respi-
tion of exposure; in fact, it may occur
rable flock, an ultra-fine nylon fiber
with relatively minimal exposure, par-
used in the production of certain fab-
ticularly in those with a genetic predis-
rics, and results in a nongranuloma-
position (128).
Figure 14:  CT image through the right lower chest tous interstitial lung disease (131).
Exposure to beryllium occurs in a
in a subject with environmental exposure to vermic- Subsequently, eight workers at a dif-
variety of industries (including aero-
ulite contaminated with tremolite asbestos shows a ferent plant were diagnosed in 1998
space, ceramics, dentistry, nuclear
subtle noncalcified posterior pleural plaque (arrow). with flock worker’s lung, characterized
weapons and reactors, and several
on thin-section CT scans by patchy
others) where workers may be at risk
ground-glass attenuation, mosaic atten- ground-glass and consolidations or dif-
for disease from either direct or indi-
uation, expiratory gas trapping, and fuse micronodularity and at pathologic
rect exposure to the metal. Recently a
features of lung fibrosis, including retic- evaluation by lymphocytic bronchiolitis
case series of community-acquired
ular abnormality and honeycombing and peribronchiolitis with lymphoid
chronic beryllium disease was report-
(119–124). Emphysema and cysts may hyperplasia (15,16).
ed in a neighborhood surrounding a
occur in chronic cases (62,77,125). In 2000, eight workers at a micro-
beryllium manufacturing plant (68).
Classically, the presentation of hyper- wave popcorn plant in Missouri pre-
The radiographic and CT appear-
sensitivity pneu­ monitis has been di- sented with constrictive bronchiolitis
ances of chronic beryllium disease are
vided into acute, subacute, and chronic associated with exposure to the artifi-
similar to those of sarcoidosis, though
forms. However, the imaging findings in cial butter flavoring chemical, diacetyl
mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopa-
hypersensitivity pneumonitis do not (2,3-butanedione), and termed flavor
thy are less common, occurring in
necessarily correlate with the duration worker’s lung (4,14).
about 25% of cases (Fig 17) (129).
or presentation of symptoms, except Reports from Japan recognized the
The radiologist should include the dif-
for the fact that fibrosis is found only in relationship of indium-tin oxide to in-
ferential diagnosis of chronic beryl-
chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis terstitial lung disease (24,132). The
lium disease in every patient with im-
(Fig 16). When CT signs of lung fibrosis properties of indium-tin oxide allow for
aging appearances suggestive of
are present, mortality is substantially production of transparent conductive
sarcoidosis. In a recent series of 84
increased (126,127). films utilized in flat-panel screens. Two
patients with previously diagnosed
separate cases of indium-tin oxide ex-
Chronic Beryllium Disease “sarcoidosis,” the diagnosis was cor-
posure were described related to the
rected to chronic beryllium disease in
Beryllium-related lung disease may be flat-panel screen industry, both of
34 (130).
acute (now very rare) or chronic. Al- which resulted in biopsy-proved pulmo-
though chronic beryllium disease tech- nary fibrosis. At CT imaging, the initial
nically meets the definition of pneumo- case in 2002 resulted in subpleural hon-
coniosis, it differs from pneumoconiosis Emergence of New Occupational Lung eycombing, while the subsequent case
in the following ways: (a) It represents Diseases in 2003 demonstrated upper lobe pre-
a granulomatous hypersensitivity re- Industrial progress has resulted in mul- dominant fine nodular opacities,
sponse to inhaled beryllium, and (b) tiple new causes of occupational lung ground-glass opacities, and associated
its incidence and severity are not al- disease. Development of organizing emphysema. In 2010, Cummings et al
ways related to the intensity and dura- pneu­monia in a series of Spanish textile (12) described two additional cases of

Radiology: Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014  n 691

STATE OF THE ART: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease Cox et al

Figure 16  Figure 18 

Figure 18:  Thin-section CT image at the level of

Figure 16:  Thin-section CT images in a patient with fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. (a) Inspiratory the bronchus intermedius in a soldier with exertional
image demonstrates peripheral reticulation and traction bronchiectasis on a background of mosaic attenua- dyspnea following Middle East deployment shows
tion. (b) Expiratory image reveals areas of air trapping (arrowheads). diffuse ill-defined centrilobular nodules and back-
ground of mosaic attenuation consistent with small
airway disease.
Figure 17 
strictive bronchiolitis reported specific
exposure to combustion products from
an industrial sulfur fire in Mosul, Iraq.
The prevalence of and risk factors for
deployment-related lung disease await
further investigation. A multidisciplin-
ary group of scientists recently recom-
mended that postdeployment military
personnel with unexplained respira-
tory symptoms or physiologic impair-
Figure 17:  Thin-section CT images in a patient with occupational beryllium exposure. (a) At the level of ment should undergo diagnostic test-
the carina, perilymphatic nodularity due to chronic beryllium disease is present. Note associated bronchial ing including thin-section CT (133).
wall thickening (arrow) and background of mild mosaic attenuation. (b) Bone window demonstrates partial
calcification of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes.
indium-tin oxide exposure resulting in copy, and pulmonary function testing The radiologist plays a pivotal role in
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, with confirmed acute pulmonary toxicity, the diagnosis of occupational lung dis-
one resulting in death. which resolved without treatment. eases. Radiologic diagnosis of occupa-
Unregulated novel chemical agents Unique situations such as military tional lung disease requires awareness
may result in concentrated exposures service in a war zone may be associ- of the diverse patterns of lung injury
and acute respiratory illness. Lee et al ated with limited ability to control haz- related to occupational exposures, ap-
(13) reported 15 cases of 1,1-dichloro- ardous exposures and substantial vari- propriate use of CT, and awareness of
1-fluoroethane (HCFC-141b) exposure ability in occupational exposure risks. newer occupational exposures. The
resulting in acute pulmonary toxicity. In a case series by King et al (81), con- radiologist is often ideally placed to
Animal testing of HCFC-141b showed strictive bronchiolitis was described in recognize potential occupational lung
low risk for toxicity. However, when soldiers returning from Iraq and Af- disease and question the clinician
utilized in an electronics factory to ghanistan with symptoms of unex- about possible exposures that, if caus-
clean circuit boards in the setting of plained shortness of breath. While less ally relevant, may lead to more tar-
limited ventilation and no respiratory than a quarter of the soldiers demon- geted medical management and pre-
protection, HCFC-141b triggered on- strated abnormalities such as centri- vention.
set of respiratory symptoms in 15 lobular nodules or air-trapping on
workers over the course of 1 day. By thin-section CT scans (Fig 18), 38 out Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: C.W.C. Fi-
the following day, all 15 workers pre- of 49 of those who underwent surgical nancial activities related to the present article:
none to disclose. Financial activities not related
sented to the hospital with progressive lung biopsy were diagnosed with con-
to the present article: Payment for lectures in-
respiratory symptoms. Subsequent strictive bronchiolitis. Many but not all cluding service on speakers’ bureaus for U.S.
evaluation with imaging, bronchos- of the soldiers diagnosed with con- Army Madigan AMC (one-time honorarium) and

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