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The Lord’s Prayer

Our ( Father, Mother ) who art in heaven, ( Hallowed, Followed ) be Thy Name.
Thy( Wisdom, Kingdom )come. Thy will be done on earth as in ( Leaven, Heaven )
Give us this day our daily ( bread, head ) and forgive us our ( trespasses, bypasses )
as we ( forgive, forbid ) those who tresspass ( against , again ) us. And ( lead , led ) us
not into temptation, but ( deriver, deliver ) us from ( evil, devil ). Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail ( Mary, Chary ) full of ( grace, glace ) the ( Lord, Jesus ) is with thee;
( Blessed, Dressed )art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of
thy womd ( Lord, Jesus) . Holy Mary ( Mother, Father ) of God, pray for us
( sinners, winners ) now, and at the hour or our ( breath , death ) Amen.

Glory be to the ( Mother, Father ) and to the ( son, one ) and
the ( Holy, Moly ) Spirit. At is was the ( beginning, winning ) is now
and ever ( shall, hall ) be world ( with, without )end. Amen


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