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The accomplishment of this study is accredited to God for his guidance in

every step of the way since the beginning of this research until its completion.
The researchers’ would like to thank God for his graciousness and generosity,
we are truly grateful for his gifts and blessings of life, knowledge, and

The researchers would like to offer their sincerest gratitude to

the following people mentioned:

Miss Lourdes V. Lucero, principal of Baguio Patriotic High School, the

researchers would like to express their thanks to the Principal as no one
would have ever thought that she was actually very approachable and
understanding towards the researchers when they would approach her for
help on certain matters regarding the study. She would never fail to inspire
the researchers, offer them her help and advices whenever they needed one.

Miss Judith A. Khensay, subject teacher for research 1 & 2, the researchers
would like to thank her for her patience, for her enthusiasm and dedication
that could be seen burining within her each day she enters class and to
impart to them the best of what she knows and to assist them in every step of
their research work.

To their previous mentors:

Mr. Glenn Barboza, their subject teacher in English in 10 th grade for he

exposed the researchers of this study to the beauty of the immersing one’s
self into the field of inquiry and search for truth through research.

Miss Melanie N. Salingguhay, their subject teacher in Filipino in 11th grade ,

for she had paved the way for the researchers to gain an ample amount of
understanding on how proper research works should be done.

To their classmates:

Maybelle and Marco who are also working on their researches, the
researchers would like to thank them for their cooperation and help in
making this research possible.
The Correlation Of Students Academic
Performance in Chinese Education with their
Performance In The English Education In
Baguio Patriotic High School

A research proposal submitted to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Department of Baguio Patriotic High School.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the subject Research 2


Maches, Blance
Yeo, Ahn Ahn
Yang, Jasper
Submitted to:

Ms. Khensay, Judith A.

Teacher in research 2

August 29, 2018

Table of Contents
Title page i
Approval sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of contents iv
Abstract v
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Review of related literature 2
Paradigm of the study 4
Chapter 3: Methodology 5
Reseach design, population and locale, data and gathering approach 5
Treatment of the data 6
Chapter 4: Data analysis and findings 7
Chapter 5: Summary, Findings, Conclusions, And Recommendations 11
Summary of findings 11
Conclusions 12
Recommendations 13
Curriculum Vitae 16
Bilingualism or multilingualism is one skill that a lot of researchers
look into studying in order to assess if the acquisition of more than
one language is able to expand one’s mental capabilities. This paper
was then created to test if there is a relationship between students’
chinese academic performance to their performance in their english
subjects in Baguio Patriotic High School. Students’ grades for their
English and Chinese classes were taken and subjected to a statistcal
test using Pearson’s R coefficient correlation formula. After the
analysis of the data, it was realized that students’ chinese grades and
english grades shared a moderately strong relationship.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of the study

Learning a foreign language allows a person to be exposed to a

whole new system of rules and meaning.Learning a new language will
also improve one’s cognitive abilities that includes increased memory,
improved problem-solving, critical thinking, and planning skills, as
well as an improved ability to multi-task since one’s brain is being
challenged to switch between languages, as well as to receive input in
multiple forms, and then negotiate the meaning.Studies have shown
there is a strong correlation between learning a foreign language and a
students’ performance in learning.Cognitive scientists like K.M.
Foster and C.K. (1989) discovered that students that studied foreign
language for an extended period of time will score significantly higher
on evaluation tasks than others who do not study foreign language.
Learning more than one language can increase one’s intellectual
capacity by exercising his/her brain,cognitive skills improve
exponentially which will enable students to gain a better perspective
by taking note of their surroundings so their decision-making skills
will improve too.

Objective of the study

The aim of this study is to assess the relationship of students

learning the chinese language with their academic perfomance in the
English subjects by comparing their Chinese grades and their grades
in English specifically in the different subject areas.

Significance of study
Once this study is proven to be successful, it shall be used in
order to determine learning the chinese language is beneficial to the
students who are enrolled in the integrated classes in Baguio Patriotic
High School in a way that it helps to improve their grades in their
English subjects or if their scores in their chinese class could be used
to predict their success in their English classes. If proven to be true,
this study could be a good predictor for academic sucess in Baguio

Patriotic High School which will greatly benefit the institution, the
teachers, and the students.

Scope and limitations of the study

This study is limited only to selected students taking up chinese
classes in Baguio Patriotic High School.

Statement of the problem:

1. Does studying the chinese language improve students’

academic performance in their other subject areas in English?
2. Is there a significant correlation between the students’ chinese
grades and their english grades.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains other related literature and studies conducted by other
researchers that has been synthesized for better understanding of the study.

In the past years many bilingualism/multilingualism researchers

like Peal and Lambert (1962), Hakuta (1986), Campbell (1962),
Bialystok and Barac (2010) have engaged in deep researches and tests
about the existence, scope, and sources of bilingualism/
multilingualism to see its benefits in human cognitive development.

The assumption that bilingualism affected the development of the

mind in a negative way started a long time ago , some of the first few
people that quetsioned this assumption was Peal and Lambert
(1962). It was shown in their study that bilinguals/multilinguals have
greater mental flexibility and concept formation,at the end of their
research on biligualism or multilingualism they concluded that
bilinguals have greater mental flexibility, concept formation and
bilingualism gave them a set of diverse mental abilities. In a similar
study conducted by Hakuta (1986), she found out that
bilingual/mutlilingual learners display generally greater cognitive
flexibility, better problem solving and higher-order thinking skills ;
they have better ‘measures of conceptual development’, ‘creativity’
and ‘analogical reasoning’ divergent thinking. Assertions from the
previous researchers metioned were strengthened through a test

conducted by Campbell (1962) in his longitudinal study he compared
the performance in all school subjects of Elementary Schools that
teaches foreign languages and elementary schools that don’t, all
students with a second language had an IQ of 120 or above, proving
that Foreign Language in Elementary School has a positive effect;
consistent improved performance on both verbal and non-verbal
intelligence tests.The most recent researchers, Bialystok and Barac
(2010) were able to study about the children who were learning a
second language through immersion education.They used the
regression analysis to relate background and learning variables to
outcomes,and their studies showed that language proficiency
predicted performance on metalinguistic tasks, but the length of time
spent in the immersion program predicted performance on nonverbal
executive function tasks.

All the cited researchers have greatly impacted the studies in

bilingualism and multilingualism, their works have shown that
bilingual students show significant difference in language tasks, in
which the focus is on the differences between form and meaning , and
in non-verbal problems where they need to ignore the incongruent
information .This means bilingual or multilingual students have the
ability of rapidly adapting to unusual or unexpected situations and
ignoring incongruent information and decision making, when we
decide which one is the best to choose from the possible behaviors in
the given situation. These processes are crucial in controlling other
cognitive functions. So, bilinguals have an advantage in cognitive
inhibition, selection, attention control and maintenance, working
memory operations, representations, thus they can quickly notice
changes in their environment .

Independent variable Dependent Variable
-Chinese students -Chinese students academic
performance in their performance in their other
chinese classes subject areas in English.

Expected outcome
-Enhanced cognitive
abilities and improved
academic performance due
to exposure to bilingualism.

Expected outcome to be
valitaded through the
comparison of chinese
students’ output in both
in Chinese and English

Figure 1. Research

Chapter 3: Methodology
This chapter presents the methods and strategies that are used to
analyze the data that were gathered. It also discusses the area of the
study, the population, and the sample population that were taken into
consideration in this study.

Research Design
This research used a quantitative method since the aim of a
quantitative approach is to determine the relationship of the
independent variable( Chinese Education) and the dependent variable
( Academic performance in English subjects). This research was
designed to provide systematic information about a phenomenon and
so this study will entail the process of comparing students’ grades in
the chinese department with that of their grades in the English

Population and locale of of the study

This research will be using simple random sampling, only a group of
subjects (sample) will be chosen out of all 315 integrated students (a

The sample size that will be taken in this research will be determined
through the use of Yamane’s formula:

1+ N (e)2

Where n= corrected sample size, N = population size, and e = Margin

of error (MoE), e = 0.05
Since Yamane’s formula for determining a sample size is commonly
applied to simple random samples and a finite number of population.

60 315
n= n= = 172
1+60(0.05)2 1+315(0.05)2

Data gathering method and apporach
The researchers will be doing a comparison of Chinese and English
grades of the students enrolled in integrated classes with proper
authorization to assess the students records for both English and
Chinese classes. This will be done in order to find acceptable and
reliable answers to the problems of this study:

1. Does studying the chinese language improve students’

academic performance in their other subject areas in English?
2. Is there a significant correlation between the students’ chinese
grades and their english grades.

Treatment of the data

The data that will be gathered from both Chinese and English grades
which will be subjected to the Pearson R test that will be computed
and analyzed on SPSS or Satististics Package of Social Sciences.

The formula of Pearson R:

Where n= number of paired obeservations, x= first variable, y=

second variable. Pearson’s correlation coefficient or the Pearson’s “R”
formula will be used in this research as it will be able to determine or
measure how strong the relationship is between 2 variables.

Chapter 4 : Data Analysis And Findings
The tables presented in this chapter presents the analysis of data
obtained from the students’ academic record in both english and
chinese from grades 1 to senior high school. There are a total of 315
integrated students for school year 2018- 2019, however only a
sample size of 172 were taken for the analysis and subjected to
Pearson’s R coefficient is test to identify if there is a relationship
between the student’s chinese grades ( independent variable) and
english grades (dependent varible), in order to determine if the
students’ chinese grades are indeed a good predictor of academic
success for english subjects.

Table 4.1 presents the frequency and percentage of the students’ who
were able to obtain certain grades in their chinese classes.

Table 4.1

Students’ Frequency Percent

≤71 4 2.3
≤75 8 4.7
76-79 14 8.1
80-83 22 12.8
84-87 35 20.3
89-91 43 25.0
92-95 26 15.1
96≥ 2 11.7
Total 172 100.0

Based on the table above it can be seen that 4 students have grades
below 70, 8 students below 75, 14 that ranges from 76-79, 22 that
ranges from 80-83, and 35 that ranges from 84-87,43 that ranges from
89-91, 26 that ranges from 92-95, and two students that have an
average of 96 and above for their chinese grades. It could be seen

from this that the students are able to do well for the chinese classes
since only 8 and 4 students got grades that are below 75 or 75 and the
rest were able to pass their chinese classes. Generalizations could be
made that chinese classes maybe easy to pass since 43 or the majority
of the students have grades that fall between 89-91, however, it takes
a lot of effort to gain a grade that’s near perfect or 100 that since only
2 students out of 172 integrated students were able to get 96 and

Table 4.2 presents the frequency and percentage of the students’ who
were able to obtain certain grades in their english classes.

Students’ Frequency Percent

Grades for
english subjects.

74-77 5 .5
78-81 24 14
82-85 48 27.9
86-89 51 29.7
90-93 38 22
94-97 5 2.9
98≥ 1 0.56
Total 172 100.0

Based on the table above it could be seen that there are 5 students who
have a grade of 74-77, 24 have a grade of 78-81, 48 have a grade from
82-85, 51 have a grade from 90-93, 5 for 94-97, and only one that
scored 98 or above. It could be seen that there are only a few students
who are not able to do so well since only 5 students have an average
of 74-77. Most however are able to just fine since at least 51 students
or majority of the students’ average falls within 86-89.

Table 4.1 presents the mean and standard deviation of the students’
chinese and english grades.

Table 4.1

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
CHINESE 83.4779 6.80008 172
ENGLISH 84.8628 4.80529 172

Based on the table above, it could be seen that the mean of students’
chinese grades is 83.4779 and 84.8628 for the students’ english grades
which are close to each other. The standard deviation of the students’
chinese grades is 6.80008 and 4.80529 for the students’ english from
the sample size of 172 that had been analyzed.
Table 4.2 presents the Pearson’s R value and P value of the students’
chinese and english grades after it had been subjected the Pearson’s R
correlation and coefficient test.

Table 4.2
Pearson Correlation 1 .476**
CHINESE Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 172 172
Pearson Correlation .476 1
ENGLISH Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 172 172
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the table above, the obtained Pearson’s r value is . 476

therefore, it is proven that there is a moderately strong relationship
between the students’ chinese grades and english grades since Evans
(1996) suggested absolute value of r that lies within the range of .
40-.59 are moderately strong relationship. Also, since the P value of
the analyzed data is .000, that the there is a significantly positive
relationship between the students’ english and chinese grades because
P is ≤ to α= 0.001

Figure 4.3 is a graph that shows the dispersion of the different values
and the trend line.

Figure 4.3

Based on the figure shown above, it can be seen the values for both
english and chinese grades are spread through out the graph, most lie
closer to the center while some are further from the rest of the values.
The relationship between the 2 varibles, chinese and english grades
are further proven to be true since the trend line slopes upward with a
line linearity of 0.226, this goes to show that the trend line is not
prefectly linear since it also has a few outliers.

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Chapter 5: Summary, Findings,
Conclusions, and Recommendations
This chapter presents a short summary of the findings of the study.
Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given as well.

Summary of findings
This study was conducted in with the objective of discovering
determining if there’s a relationship between the chinese and english
grades of the students from grades 1- senior high school in Baguio
Patriotic High School, this would help to identify if chinese education
could be a successful predictor for students’ academic success for
their english subjects.

This study was aimed at seeking answers to the following questions

1. Does studying the chinese language improve students’
academic performance in their other subject areas in
- Based on the findings in chapter 4, it is has been determined
that the integrated students chinese grades may really help to
improve a students’ academic performance in their English
sunjects, although its impact is not very obvious. It could be
seen in Chapter 4 table 4.1 and 4.2 that majority of the
students’ averages in both English and Chinese are usually
within the range of 86-89 for English or 89-91 for Chinese.

2. Is there a significant correlation between the students’

chinese grades and their english grades?
-Students’ chinese and english grades share a moderately strong
relationship which is still considered to be significant since

11 | P a g e
based on table 4.2, the P value is equivalent to .000 because a
correlation can be identified as significant as long as the p value
or significance is less than or equal to the alpha of 0.001. With
this being said, the students’ chinese performance may not be a
major determiner of the students’ english performance but it
could still be one factor that could influence or shape the way
an individual work in a certain environment.

1.) Learning the chinese language may not have a very strong
impact on the students’ grades in English, but it may
influence or train a student in his/her ways of learning such
that they will start learning to balance their time for both
classes and manage their time well if they want to do well
for both. Their minds are also trained to multitask and take
part in activities for both chinese and english or to switch
between both and so they are challenged therefore, they
have to exert an equal amount of effort for both.

2.) A reason why learning the chinese language do not have a

very strong relationship with the students’ academic
performance in their English classes could be because the
kind of things being taught in chinese and english classes
may have different approaches in teaching their students ,
like when students’ are made to write or memorize
paragraphs of a chinese literary piece, but students’ are more
encouraged to analyze a written work more so they could
come up with their own point of understanding. Which could
be one of the reasons why students’ are unable to establish a
connection between whatever they’ve learned in their
English classes and that of those in their chinese classes.

12 | P a g e
1.) The school should allow the chinese department to come up
with their own programs and activities of their own kind, and to
integrate this into the school’s usual events so integrated
students may see taking up chinese classes in a new light where
there’s a common meeting point between the two. Like the
Chinese department should also be given a specific time around
the school year to host their own fun activities and competitions
that all integrated students should take part in so Confucius Day
won’t be the only main event for the chinese department every

2.) The teachers of teaching both departments should be able to

share their approaches in teaching their students to allow for a
crossover of the teaching methods and strategies that are being
used for English subjects and in chinese. This could help
students to create a connection between both classes, the
intersection between the 2 would somehow create a connection
or relationship between the 2 through its commonalities and so
it’d be easier for them to get lost or struggle while transitioning
between the 2 such shifting from rote memorization work to
analysis work from time to time.

13 | P a g e
 Why study a language? Retrieved from
 Alban, D. The Brain Benefits of Learning a Second Language. Retrieved
 Loveless, B.(2018). Learning a Foreign Language Supports Academic
Achievement and Cognitive Development. Retreived from
 Bravo, L. Benefits Of Learning Multiple Languages: Cognitive And
Beyond. Retrieved from
 Oxenham, J. (2006). The benefits of learning language. Retrieved from

Articles and books:

 Peal, E., & Lambert, W. E. (1962). The relation of bilingualism to
intelligence. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 76(27), 1-
 Bialystok, E. (1988a). Levels of bilingualism and levels of linguistic
awareness.Developmental Psychology, 24, 560–567.
 Hakuta, K., Ferdman, B. M., & Diaz, R. M. (1987). Bilingualism and
cognitive development: Three perspectives. In S. Rosenberg
(Ed.),Advances in applied psycholinguistics: Reading, writing and
language learning (Vol. 2, pp. 284–319). New York: Cambridge
University Press.

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Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Jasper Young

BIRTH DATE: September 08, 1999


ADDRESS: Kisad Road, Baguio City

FATHER:Yang Shaowei

MOTHER: Liu Ping


ELEMENTARY:Victory Road Elementary School

Baotou, China
( 2006-2012)
HIGH SCHOOL: Bao Tou Senior High School

NAME: Yeo, Ahn Ahn

BIRTH DATE: January 01, 2001

BIRTHPLACE: Philippines

ADDRESS: #156, City Camp Proper

FATHER: Larry Yeo

MOTHER: Irene Yeo


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ELEMENTARY: Peiying Primary School
HIGH SCHOOL: Baguio Patriotic High School

NAME: Blance T. Maches

BIRTH DATE: May 22, 2000

BIRTH PLACE: General Benguet Hospital

ADDRESS: Badiwan Adafang, Tuba Benguet

FATHER: Romeo M. Maches

MOTHER: Loreta T. Maches

ELEMENTARY: Acupan Elementary School
Acupan, Virac Itogon Benguet

HIGH SCHOOL: Baguio Patriotic High School


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