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Syafira Imsakiyah 11161130000048



PERIOD (2004-2014)

Bilateral Relations between Indonesia and Australia face ups and downs. Where in the SBY
period there were several times the replacement of Prime Minister of Australia, Prime Minister
John Howard (1996 - 2007), Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (2007 - 2010), Prime Minister Julia
Gillard (2010 - 2013), Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (2013 - 2013), and Prime Minister Tony
Abott (2013 - 2015). The replacement of the prime minister is a challenge for Indonesia,
because of the foreign policy will be taken depending on how the actors make decision.

SBY's main idea in carrying out his foreign policy was through the idea of Zero Thousand
Friends Zero Enemy, which stated that it would improve relations with each country through
bilateral relations or multilateral institutions. It also aims to promote justice in the international
world, better investment policies for economic development, democracy and consolidation in
regional integration, protect Indonesian citizens especially migrant workers, maintain national
unity, and fight for a more effective foreign policy mechanism (Puspitasari, 2010).

In his inaugural in 2009, SBY described the strategic prospects of Indonesia's foreign policy
by saying "Indonesia faces a strategic environment where no country considers Indonesia an
enemy and no country is considered an enemy by Indonesia. Thus Indonesia can carry out its
foreign policy freely in all directions, have a million friends and without enemies.
"(Thediplomat, 2014).

In relation with Australia, SBY did not overlook the implementation of the Thousand Friend
Zero Enemy. The issue of terrorism is also one of the focuses of SBY's policies, as well as
several collaborations such as economic and educational cooperation, joint military training,
the signing of the Lombok Agreement in 2006 in order to deal with the issue of terrorism and
other cooperation. Since the beginning, the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and
Australia have been ups and downs, where many events have colored the relations between the
two countries, also known as the Love-Hate Relationship, which has a fluctuation in relations
given that these two countries are politically different, but look the position of neighboring
geoglyists makes this country seek a series of compromises (Prabaningtyas, 2013).
One of the events that became the receding point of relations with Australia was the
wiretapping by the Australian cyber defense bureau, ASD (Australia Signals Directorate),
against several important people in Indonesia, one of them was President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono and several ministers. This tapping action is a threat to unreal security stability
(Shaffan, 2018). As a form of protest against the tapping, Indonesia suspended its bilateral
cooperation for a while, such as stopping the joint training of the Indonesian army with
Australia, withdrawing the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia and stopping cooperation in
exchanging information and intelligence. The passive response was shown by Australia, which
argued that tapping was a natural thing done by a country. However, in the end Australia agreed
to settle the case by signing a memorandum of understanding.

During the SBY administration, which used the Thousand Friend Zero Enemy jargon,
it became a conversation again with the leadership of Indonesia's new president, Jokowi. The
jargon initiated by SBY began to have a new interpretation, which the idea was considered
could not maintain Indonesia's sovereignty. In the Jokowi government, its policy priority
agenda was formulated in Nawa Cita, a program initiated as an effort to bring Indonesia to the
State politically sovereign, economically independent and a cultural personality as a country.


Noor, Siti Widyastuti. Indonesian Foreign Policy Under Three Years Of Jokowi’s
Administration. 6 Desember 2017. Diakses melalui

Prabaningtyas, R. Aj. Rizka F. Indonesia–Australia: Menguji Persahabatan di Tengah Konflik

Penyadapan. Commentaries vol. 20 Issue 1 Institute of International Studies Universitas
Gadjah Mada (Desember 2013).

Puspitasari, Irfa. Indonesia’s New Foreign Policy- ‘Thousand friends zero enemy, IDSA Issue
Brief, 23 Agustus 2010. Tersedia di Diunduh pad 20 Mei 2019.

Shaffan, Ahmad Mafud. Respons Indonesia terhadap Kasus Penyadapan Australia. Journal of
International Relations, Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): 285-294
Ted, Piccone and Bimo Yusman. Indonesian Foreign Policy: ‘A Million Friends and Zero
Enemies, 14 Februari 2014. Diakses melalui

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