Com - Lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife - Lua 1561191210223 1641321890.dump

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%main </storage/sdcard0/Notes/com.lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife.

lua:0,0> (76
instructions, 304 bytes at Proto)
0 param, 22 slot, 1 upvalue, 13 local, 34 constant, 0 function
1 [-] LOADK 0 -1 ; "Script for Avakin Life 1.031.00"
2 [6] LOADK 1 -2 ; "1.0.0"
3 [7] LOADK 2 -3 ; "User"
4 [8] LOADK 3 -4 ; ""
5 [10] LOADK 4 -5 ; 0
6 [12] LOADK 5 -6 ; "Avakin Life"
7 [13] LOADK 6 -7 ; "com.lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife"
8 [14] LOADK 7 -8 ; "1.031.00"
9 [15] LOADK 8 -9 ; 1031000007
10 [20] GETTABUP 9 0 -10 ; 0 "_ENV" "gg"
11 [20] GETTABLE 9 9 -11 ; "require"
12 [20] LOADK 10 -12 ; "82.1"
13 [20] LOADK 11 -13 ; 15188
14 [20] CALL 9 3 1
15 [22] EQ 1 3 -4 ; - ""
16 [22] JMP 3 ; to 20
17 [22] LOADK 9 -14 ; "\n"
18 [22] MOVE 10 3
19 [22] CONCAT 3 9 10
20 [23] GETTABUP 9 0 -10 ; 0 "_ENV" "gg"
21 [23] GETTABLE 9 9 -15 ; "toast"
22 [23] MOVE 10 0
23 [23] LOADK 11 -16 ; " v"
24 [23] MOVE 12 1
25 [23] LOADK 13 -17 ; " by "
26 [23] MOVE 14 2
27 [23] MOVE 15 3
28 [23] CONCAT 10 10 15
29 [23] CALL 9 2 1
30 [25] EQ 1 4 -5 ; - 0
31 [25] JMP 43 ; to 75
32 [26] GETTABUP 9 0 -10 ; 0 "_ENV" "gg"
33 [26] GETTABLE 9 9 -18 ; "getTargetInfo"
34 [26] CALL 9 1 2
35 [27] LOADBOOL 10 0 0
36 [28] LOADBOOL 11 0 0
37 [29] LE 0 -19 4 ; 1 -
38 [29] JMP 2 ; to 41
39 [30] MOVE 10 6
40 [31] GETTABLE 11 9 -20 ; "packageName"
41 [33] LE 0 -21 4 ; 2 -
42 [33] JMP 14 ; to 57
43 [34] MOVE 12 10
44 [34] LOADK 13 -22 ; " "
45 [34] MOVE 14 7
46 [34] LOADK 15 -23 ; " ("
47 [34] MOVE 16 8
48 [34] LOADK 17 -24 ; ")"
49 [34] CONCAT 10 12 17
50 [35] MOVE 12 11
51 [35] LOADK 13 -22 ; " "
52 [35] GETTABLE 14 9 -25 ; "versionName"
53 [35] LOADK 15 -23 ; " ("
54 [35] GETTABLE 16 9 -26 ; "versionCode"
55 [35] LOADK 17 -24 ; ")"
56 [35] CONCAT 11 12 17
57 [37] EQ 1 10 11
58 [37] JMP 16 ; to 75
59 [38] GETTABUP 12 0 -10 ; 0 "_ENV" "gg"
60 [38] GETTABLE 12 12 -27 ; "alert"
61 [38] LOADK 13 -28 ; "This script for \""
62 [38] MOVE 14 5
63 [38] LOADK 15 -29 ; "\" ["
64 [38] MOVE 16 10
65 [38] LOADK 17 -30 ; "].\nYou select \""
66 [38] GETTABLE 18 9 -31 ; "label"
67 [38] LOADK 19 -29 ; "\" ["
68 [38] MOVE 20 11
69 [38] LOADK 21 -32 ; "].\nNow script exit."
70 [38] CONCAT 13 13 21
71 [38] CALL 12 2 1
72 [39] GETTABUP 12 0 -33 ; 0 "_ENV" "os"
73 [39] GETTABLE 12 12 -34 ; "exit"
74 [39] CALL 12 1 1
75 [42] LOADNIL 9 0
76 [42] RETURN 0 1
constants (34) for Proto:
1 "Script for Avakin Life 1.031.00"
2 "1.0.0"
3 "User"
4 ""
5 0
6 "Avakin Life"
7 "com.lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife"
8 "1.031.00"
9 1031000007
10 "gg"
11 "require"
12 "82.1"
13 15188
14 "\n"
15 "toast"
16 " v"
17 " by "
18 "getTargetInfo"
19 1
20 "packageName"
21 2
22 " "
23 " ("
24 ")"
25 "versionName"
26 "versionCode"
27 "alert"
28 "This script for \""
29 "\" ["
30 "].\nYou select \""
31 "label"
32 "].\nNow script exit."
33 "os"
34 "exit"
locals (13) for Proto:
0 scriptName 2 77
1 scriptVersion 3 77
2 scriptAuthor 4 77
3 startToast 5 77
4 checkTarget 6 77
5 targetName 7 77
6 targetPkg 8 77
7 targetVersion 9 77
8 targetBuild 10 77
9 info 35 75
10 check 36 75
11 current 37 75
12 revert 76 77
upvalues (1) for Proto:
0 0 instack _ENV

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