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Standards always play a critical role in the educational system. They

remain an essential part of education, in that they set clear and measurable goals

while also informing educators about what the outcomes of a course of study

should be. Standards guide the goals that educators must work toward. In

addition, standards inform instruction, they are what curriculum, assessments and

professional development are designed to support and achieve. Another critical

role that standards play, is to help in measuring achievement. It is said that a

standard-based curriculum achieves better student outcomes. For example; when

using a standard based curriculum in Math, it allows for the student to think,

apply knowledge and skills gained that are necessary for solving life problems. In

English, it enhances students’ abilities in garnering skills necessary to write, read,

speak, and listen critically. Overall, a standards help us by giving us guidelines

and execrations that govern us to create the best learning environment for our


Curriculum & Professional Educational Standards

INTASC Standards.

Artifact #1: Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The

teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually

evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on
others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts

practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Artifact #2: Standard #3: Learning Environments: The teacher works with

others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning,

and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and


Artifact #3: Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The

teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually

evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on

others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts

practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Artifact #4: Standard #7: Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans

instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by

drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,

and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Artifact #5: Standard #2: Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding

of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive

learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Artifact #6: Standard #7: Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans

instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by

drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,

and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Artifact #7: Standard #2: Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding

of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive

learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Artifact #8: Standard #7: Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans

instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by

drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,

and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators.

Artifact #1: Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to

develop their practice.

Artifact #2:Principle 1:Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional,

social and civic potential of every student.

Artifact #3: Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to

develop their practice.

Artifact #4:Principle 1:Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional,

social and civic potential of every student Principle 2: Educators create support

and maintain challenging learning environment for all.

Artifact #5:Principle 2: Educators create support and maintain challenging

learning environment for all.

Artifact #6: Principle 1:Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional,

social and civic potential of every student Principle 2: Educators create support

and maintain challenging learning environment for all.

Artifact #7:Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to

develop their practice.

Artifact #8: Principle 2: Educators create support and maintain challenging

learning environment for all.

Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards.

Artifact #1:INTEGRITY: Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in

the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in

exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.

Artifact #2: CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members

express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice. RESPECT: Intrinsic to

the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness. Members honour

human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their

professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social

justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment.

Artifact #3: :INTEGRITY: Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in

the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in

exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.

Artifact #4: CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members

express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

Artifact #5: CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members

express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

Artifact #6: CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members

express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice. TRUST: The ethical

standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty. Members' professional

relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are

based on trust.

Artifact #7: INTEGRITY: Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in

the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in

exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.

Artifact #8: CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members

express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social


Artifact #4: 5.G.1. Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define

a coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to

coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an

ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number

indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the

second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis, with

the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond

(e.g., x-axis and xcoordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).

5.G.2. Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the

first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in

the context of the situation.

Artifact #6:

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,

and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building

on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Artifact #8: NYSCC: RI: 5. Know and use various text features (e.g., headings,

tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or

information in a text.

W2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some

facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.

Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation.

Artifact #4: – locate an object using the cardinal directions (i.e., north, south,

east, west) and a coordinate system (e.g.,“If I walk 5 steps north and 3 steps east, I

will arrive at the apple tree.”);

– compare grid systems commonly used on maps (i.e., the use of numbers and

letters to identify an area; the use of a coordinate system based on the cardinal

directions to describe a specific location);

Artifact #6: B1.1 engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with

a focus on identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and

ideas from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources and diverse

communities, times, and places (e.g., adapt roles and develop improvised

scenes based on human rights issues and/or environmental issues such as

species extinction; dramatize opinions about cultural appropriation; role-

play historical characters; prepare a presentation about peace for

Remembrance Day; use choral speaking and role playing to interpret


Artifact #8: 2.3 identify some text features (e.g., illustrations, symbols,

photographs, title, page number, table of contents) and explain how they help

readers understand texts

1.1 read a few different types of literary texts (e.g., pattern books, rhymes, books

from home, simple fiction stories), graphic texts (e.g., calendars, environmental

print, signs), and informational texts (e.g., morning messages, strategy charts,

instructions, simple non-fiction books, labels)

1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or

from a variety of sources

DOE Claims & CAEP Standards.

Artifacts 1-8: 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the 10 InTASC

standards at the appropriate progression level(s) in the following categories: the

learner and learning; content; instructional practice; and professional

responsibility. 1.3 Providers ensure that candidates apply content and pedagogical

knowledge as reflected in outcome assessments in response to standards of

Specialized Professional Associations (SPA), the National Board for Professional

Teaching Standards (NBPTS), states, or other accrediting bodies (ed.National

Association of Schools of Music – NASM). 1.4 Providers ensure that candidates

demonstrate skills and commitment that afford all P-12 students access to

rigorous college- and career-ready standards (e.g., Next Generation Science

Standards, National Career Readiness Certificate, Common Core State Standards.

Artifact #1 - Pedagogy of the oppressed :Claim 2: Medaille College graduates

meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching

Artifact #2 - Classroom Management Kit: Claim 1: Medaille College graduates

know the subject matter in their certification area(s) Claim 2: Medaille College

graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best

teaching practices.

Artifact #3 - Literacy Practitioner Article Review: Claim 2: Medaille College

graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best

teaching practices.

Artifact #4 - Junior Geometry Lesson Plan:Claim 1: Medaille College graduates

know the subject matter in their certification area(s) Claim 2: Medaille College

graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best

teaching practices.

Artifact #5 - Literacy Game:Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs

of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

Artifact #6 - Video of Drama Lesson: Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know

the subject matter in their certification area(s) Claim 2: Medaille College

graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best

teaching practices.

Artifact #7 - Disability Studies BA Degree: Claim 2: Medaille College graduates

meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching

Artifact #8 - Primary Literacy Non-Fiction Text Lesson Plan: Claim

1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification


Council for Exceptional Children (ECE).

Artifact #2 - Classroom Management Kit : Principle 1 :Maintaining

challenging expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop the

highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that

respect their dignity, culture, language, and background. Principle 2: Maintaining

a high level of professional competence and integrity and exercising professional

judgment to benefit individuals with exceptionalities and their families. Principle

3: Promoting meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with

exceptionalities in their schools and communities.

Artifact #8: Primary Literacy Non- Fiction Text : Principle 1 :Maintaining

challenging expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop the

highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that

respect their dignity, culture, language, and background. Principle 3: Promoting

meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities in their

schools and communities.


Each standard discussed in the above section, aligns or adheres to a

specific teaching practice. In this section, it showed how each of the artifacts
aligns with the various standards. A chart was created with a summary of all the

standards accompanying each artifact for easier review. The next section will look

critically at the educators’ professional dispositions to navigate and reflect upon

the journey as well as different experiences that has shaped, strengthened and

pushed her to be a teacher.

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Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards Chart

Artifact INTA NYS NYS 
Title SC Code P-12 Learn Clai Stand Interna Stand Curricu ario
Stand of Commo ing ms & ards tional ards lum Teac
ards Ethics n Core Stand CAE for Literac Standar her
Standa Learnin ards P Teach y ds Ethi
rds for g Stand ers Associa cal
Educa Standar ards and/ tion Stan
tors ds or Profess dard
Stude ional s
nts Standa
Stand Princip N/A N/A Claim N/A N/A N/A Ethi
ard le 3: 2: c
Artifact #9:Pr Educat Pedag Stan
#1: ofessi ors ogy & dard
onal commi Best of
Pedago Learn t to Teach Integ
gy of ing their ing rity
the and own Practi
Oppres Ethica learnin ces
sed l g in
Practi order CAEP
ce to Stand
develo ards
p their 1.1
Artifact Stand Princi Clai N/A N/A N/A Ethi
#2: ard 3: ple 1: m 1: Standar c
Classro d 5: Stan
om Learn Educat Subje Literate dard
Manage ing ors ct Environ of
ment Envio nurtur Matte ment Care
Kit rnmen e the r &
t intelle ect
ctual, Clai
physic m 2:
al, Peda
emotio gogy
nal, &
social, Best
and Teac
civic hing
potenti Practi
al of ces
studen CAEP
t Stand

Artifac Stand Princi Clai Standar Ethi

t #3 : ard ple 3: m 2: d 3: cSta
#9:Pr Assess
Literac ofessi Educat Peda ment & ndar
y onal ors gogy Evaluat d of
Practiti Learn commi & ion Inte
oner ing t to Best grity
Article Ethica their Teac
Review l own hing
Practi learnin Practi
ce g in ces
develo Stand
p their 1.1,
practic 1.3 &
e. 1.4
Artifac Stand Princip Geomet Clai Standar Grade 4 Ethi
t #4 : ard le 1: ry: m 1: d 2: &5: cSta
Educat Curricu Geometr
Junior #7: ors 5.G.1 Subje lum y and ndar
Geome Planni nurture 5.G.2 ct Instruct Spatial d of
try ng for the Matte ion Sense Care
Lesson Instru intellec r
tual, Standar
ction physic d 3:
al, Clai Assess
emotio m 2: ment &
nal, Peda Evaluat
social, ion
and gogy
civic & Standar
potenti Best d 5:
al of Teac Literate
each Environ
student hing ment
Princip ces
le 2:
, and
1.3 &
for all.
Artifac Stand Princi Clai Standar Ethi
t #5: ard ple 2: m 2: d 2: c
Elemen #2: Educat Peda lum Stan
tary Learn ors gogy Instruct dard
Literac ing create, & ion of
y Differ suppor Best Care
Game ences t, and Teac d 3:
mainta hing Assess
in Practi ment &
challe ces Evaluat
learnin CAEP Standar
g Stand d 5:
ards Literate
enviro 1.1, Environ
nment 1.3 & ment
s for 1.4
Artifac Stand Princip Speakin Clai Standar Grade Ethi
t #6: ard le 1: g and m 1: d 2: 6: c
Educat Curricu
Video #7: ors Listeni Subje lum Drama- Stan
of Planni nurture ng ct Instruct Creatin dard
Drama ng for the SL.6.1 Matte ion g& of
Lesson/ Instru intellec r Presenti Care
tual, Standar
Lesson ction physic d 3: ng &
Plan al, Clai Assess B1.1 Trus
emotio m 2: ment & t
nal, Peda Evaluat
social, ion
and gogy
civic & Standar
potenti Best d 5:
al of Teac Literate
each Environ
student hing ment
Princip ces
le 2:
, and
for all.
Artifac Stand Princi Clai Standar Ethi
t #7: ard #2 ple 3: m 2: d 2: c
Disabil : Educat Peda lum Stan
ity Learn ors gogy Instruct dard
Studies ing commi & ion of
Bachel Differ t to Best Inte
or of ences their Teac d 3: grity
Arts own hing Assess
Degree learnin Practi ment &
g in ces Evaluat
to Standar
develo CAEP d 5:
p their Stand Literate
ards Environ
practic 1.1 ment
Artifac Stand Princip Readin Clai Standar Grade Ethi
t #8: ard le 2: g m 1: d 2: 1: c
Educat Curricu
Primar #7: ors RI.5 Subje lum Langua Stan
y Planni create, :Know ct Instruct ge - dard
Literac ng for support and use Matte ion Variety of
y Non- Instru , and various r of Texts Care
maintai Standar
Fiction ction n text d 3: 1.1
Lesson challen features CAEP Assess Text
Plan ging . Stand ment & Feature
learnin ards Evaluat
1.1 s
g ion
enviro Writing 2.3
nments W2: Standar Compre
for all. Write d 5: hension
informa Literate Strategi
tive/ ment es
explana 1.3
texts in
name a

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