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Chapter 2

Fundamentals of

Chapter 2
Fundamentals of Astrology
2.1 Astrology: The Eyes of the Vedas
Astrology is a very unique part of the rich body of Vedic knowledge.
“Jyotiṣa,” the authentic Sanskrit name of Vedic astrology, is one of the six vedāṅgas,
and is called the “eyes of the Vedas.” Jyotiṣa represents the knowledge of the light of
consciousness. The word “Jyotiṣa” means light and its knowledge allows us to really
see ourselves by shedding light on the relationships between consciousness and
matter, and the subtle balance between free will and predestination.
In essence, we are all beings of light, and the purpose of our lives in this
physical realm is for the awareness of “being the light” to penetrate and coexist with
the experience of the limitations of the relative. As we enter this physical state, and
the soul joins the body, some degree of this experience of being light comes along,
but in different ways for different people. Jyotiṣa has the amazing power to tell us in
fine detail what our unique spectrum looks like, and where ignorance has blocked
out specific colors.

2.2 Ācārya of astrology

There are 18 ācārya considered as per Kāśyapa and Parāśara. As per

Kāśyapa, following are the names of eighteen ācārya. Sūrya, Pitāmaha, Vyāsa,
Vasiṣṭha, Atri, Parāśara, Kaśyapa, Nārada, Garga, Marīci, Manu, Aṁgirā, Lomaśa,
Puliśa, Cyavana, Yavana, Bhṛgu and Śaunaka.

As per Parāśara, following are the names of eighteen ācārya. Nārada, Vyāsa,
Vasiṣṭha, Atri, Parāśara, Lomaśa, Yavana, Sūrya, Cyavana, Kaśyapa, Bhṛgu,
Pulatsya, Manu, Pauliśa, Śaunaka, Aṁgirā, Garga, and Marīci .

2.3 Planets:

The planets according to Indian astrology are nine in number. The following
saṁskṛta verse will be worthy to be remembered to how the appellations of the nine

Thus the names of nine planets are-

Saṁskṛta Name English name
Sūrya Sun
Candra Moon
Maṅgala Mars
Budha Mercury
Bṛhaspati Jupiter
Śukra Venus
Śanī Saturn
Rāhu Rāhu
Ketu Ketu

2.4 Planetary Significations:

Planetary significations of planets include traits such as portfolios in

planetary cabinet, body colour, sex, primordial elements (tatva), classes of planets
(varṇa), nature of planets (guṇa), appearance of planets, body elements, flavours of
planets etc.
1. Sun:
Kingdom, king, government service, glory, red cloth, ruby, forest, mountains,
father, soul, head, eyes (right eye), copper, tall and mountainour trees, Veda, wheat,
light, astronomy, religious and sacrificial fire, (yajña), temple and places of worship;
bilious nature; bones. Satva Guṇa; wool, male; pungent taste; upward looking;
medium height; hot food and drinks; Teja tatva.5


2. Moon:
Mother; mind; government service , female deity; left eye; pearls, scent,
sandal wood, flowers, fruits, agriculture, grains, rice, salt, butter, marine products,
cows, milk, curd, ghee, food and drinks, consumption (T.B.), asthma, lung disease,
phlegmatic nature; silver; Satva Guṇa. 7

3. Mars:
Younger brothers and sister; land, houses, prowess, bravery, courage, brute
force, energy and motion; fire, cooking, wounds and fire accidents; blood, red
colour; engineering and mechanical skill; army, war, enemies; immoral practices;
small-pox; thief, falsehood; bilious nature, marrow of the bone and flesh; Tamo
Guṇa; small-pox, glutton, menstruation, carbuncle, gold, ram, goat, thorny trees;
bitter taste; logic, anger. 9


4. Mercury:
Maternal uncles, education and knowledge; trade, commerce and business;
Dvaita Philosophy (dualism); pure mathematics and accounts, astrology, messenger
and postal services; wit and humour; grammar; writing work, speech, intelligence;
architecture, fine art, ethics; emerald, green gram, planting, places of recreation;
green colour, three humours (vāta pitta kapha); Rajas Guṇa; Pṛthvī tatva; Earth

(primordial element) fruitless trees, playgrounds, mixed diet; typewriting, printing,
sculpture; painting, drawing, brush work; leaves, green vegetables; brass,
childhood. 11


5. Jupiter
Issues(male); spiritual knowledge, intuition and abstract thinking; Yoga,
meditation, divine knowledge; intelligence, government, minister royal patronage,
titles and paraphernalia, honours; knowledge of veda, smṛti Scriptures, ethics and
moral code, philosophical researches; deva and Brahmins, justice, truth; self-
reliance; gold and, Bengal gram, roots and plantins; sacred rivers and places of
worship; treasury, money lending and banking, yellow colour; preceptor, astrologer,
saint, Satva Guṇa, ether ākāśa tatwa. 13


6. Venus
Wife and conjugal life; female and sexual enjoyments; lust, temporal glory,
titles, music, dance, drama; sandal wood, flowers, musk, beddings, curtains and other
luxurious paraphernalia beauty, youth, wealth, garlands, honours, primary living,
luxurious vehicles; law, literature, poetry and dramatic works; diamond, rubies and
silver, utensils; sea trade; navy, marine occupations; foreign fashions, śrī vidyā
upāsanā, cows, milk, curd, beans, tamarind, minister; auspicious celebrations, Raja
Guṇa, Silk, water (Jala) tatwa,; semen, virility.15


7. Saturn
Life, death and longevity; labour class, labourer, service, agriculture;
servitude, Iron; buffalo, blue colour; theft; causing loss; heavy work; imprisonment;
Punishment, dismissal from service; shame; indebtedness, funeral ceremonies;
alcoholic drinks and narcotic drugs, sexual enjoyment with sickly or aged females of
low caste widows travel in foreign countries, irreligious practices, reaming of wild
bears; Medical practice, false notion of philosophy, diseases pertaining to nervous
system; misery, humiliation, poverty, research work, immorality, Tamo Guṇa, and
torn clothes, heavy machinery vāyu Tatwa, head of a town or city; Oil-seeds. 17


8. Rāhu
Grandparents, misconceptions, self-praise and talkative, jugglery,
mesmerisms, hysteria; buffoonery; imitation; thief, robber, dacoit; slavery,
emigration to foreign lands, irreligious; anti-social practices; gambling; illicit
connections with widows and sickly females: fear of poisons and venomous reptiles,
serpent, rheumatism, epilepsy and fits; carbuncle, eczema, skin-disease, impri-
sonment, jealousy and hatred, alcoholic drinks; onion and allied vegetables; bath in
holy rivers, performance of gomedha, Tamo Guṇa, worshipper of durgā.19
9. Ketu
Mother's parents, fallacious reasoning, false knowledge, low class habits,
emigration to I foreign lands, ulcers, carbuncles, cancer, dropsy; imprisonment and
severe punishment, dacoit, murders and infanticide, self-immolation, hatred,
jealousy, hysteria, snakes, treachery and bet rayal, lust, out caste, salvation, gaṇapatī
upāsanā; goat, Tamo Guṇa.20
2.5 Zodiacal Signs
The twelve signs of zodiac in order are:
Saṁskṛta Name English name
1. Meṣa ( ) Aries
Saṁskṛta Name English name
2. Vṛṣabha ( ) Taurus
3. Mithuna ( ) Gemini
4. Karka ( ) Cancer
5. Siṁha ( ) Leo
6. Kanyā ( ) Virgo
7. Tulā ( ) Libra
8. Vṛścika ( ) Scorpio
9. Dhanu ( ) Sagittarious
10. Makara ( ) Capricorn
11. Kuṁbha ( ) Aquarius
12. Mīna ( ) Pisces


2.6 Constellation (Nakṣatra):

In atharveda, we find reference for 28 Nakṣatra as below:


These 28 Nakṣatras are:

1. Aśvinī ( )
2. Bharaṇī ( )
3. Kṛttikā ( )
4. Rohiṇī ( )
5. Mṛga ( )
6. Ārdrā ( )
7. Punarvasu ( )
8. Puṣya ( )
9. Āśleṣā ( )
10. Maghā ( )
11. Pūrvā ( )
12. Uttarā ( )
13. Hasta ( )
14. Citrā ( )
15. Svāti ( )
16. Viśākhā ( )
17. Anurādhā ( )
18. Jyeṣṭhā ( )
19. Mūḻa ( )
20. Pūrvāṣāḍhā ( )
21. Uttarāṣāḍhā ( )
22. Śravaṇa ( )
23. Dhaniṣṭhā ( )
24. Śatatārakā ( )
25. Pūrvābhādrapadā ( )
26. Uttarābhādrapadā ( )
27. Revatī ( )
28. Abhijita (
Here It should be noted that Abhijita ( Nakṣatras is merged in between
Uttarāṣāḍhā ( ) and Śravaṇa ( ). It occupies last 1/4th area of Uttarāṣāḍhā
( ) and first 1/15th area of Śravaṇa ( ).

2.7 Houses (bhāva)

Natal chart is divided in 12 houses. They are given terminology as shown in
following table.
House Terminology
First house Tanu ( )
Second house Dhana ( )
Third house Sahaja ( )
Fourth house Bandhu ( )
Fifth house Putra ( )
Sixth house Ari ( )
Seventh house Jāyā ( )
Eighth house Raṁdhra ( )
Ninth house Dharma ( )
Tenth house Karma ( )
Eleventh house Lābha ( )
Twelfth house Vyaya ( )

The traits of these houses are as follows:
1. First house: Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intellect i.e.
brain), complexion of body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and innate
nature of all.
2. Second house: Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, and
precious stones.
3. Third house: Valour, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters, initiatory
instructions, journey and parents death.
4. Fourth house: Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and
5. Fifth house: Amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty ( or
authority) and fall of poison.
6. Sixth house: Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers and step
7. Seventh house: Wife, travel, trade, loss of sight and death
8. Eighth house: Longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of dead and things
that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births).
9. Ninth house: Fortunes, wife’s brother, religion, brother’s wife and visit to
10. Tenth house: Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour,
father, living in foreign lands and debts.
11. Eleventh house: All articles, son’s wife, income, prosperity and quadrupeds.
12. Twelfth house: Expenses, history of enemies and one’s own death.



The basic tenet pertaining to diseases in astrology is that causes of diseases
indicated by planets. According to astrology, diseases of body or mind can be result
of imbalance of the humors or due to sins in the past births or due to both.


As per karmavipāka saṁhitā, there are three types of karma.

1. Prārabdha
2. Sañcita
3. Kriyamāṇa


The simple and succinct definition of Karma is that “each and every physical
action or deed that you perform with the co-operation of the mind, right from
morning to evening during the whole day and night, during the whole week, whole
month, and whole year and during the whole of your life right from birth to death is
called Karma”. 27
All physical actions performed by human being with all senses, organs and
limbs, performed as influenced and propelled by the likes and dislikes, attachments

and non-attachments and with the co-operation of your mind and intellect are called
All these Karmas are divided into three categories according to their stages as
1. Kriyamāṇa Karma: means an action done at the spur of a moment or time
in the present tense which instantaneously bears fruit and results in
reaction then and there.
2. Sañcita Karma (Cumulative Karma):
It means the actions done but not yet ripe to give fruits immediately or on the
spot but take some time to get ripened. Such Karmas are kept in abeyance pending in
the balance waiting for the opportune time to become ripe, to give fruits in future.
Till then they remain in balance and are accumulated. Until their fructification, these
Sanchit Karmas would not be neutralised.
3. Prārabdha Karma:
It is the accumulated karmas which have now become ripe and are ready to
give fruits. They are commonly known as destiny, luck, fate, fortune etc.28
As per vedic astrology, if the native has to confront diseases according to his
previous malefic actions, then nature of the disease, period of the disease, gravity of
the disease, possibility or impossibility of the disease, cure of the disease etc. will be
indicated by the planets relating itself with the ascendant and other houses in the
horoscope. Planets by their particular placements in the signs in birth chart indicate
the diseases that occur due to past sinful deeds of human being.

2.9 Classification of diseases

In astrology, diseases are classified in to two types namely natural and

These two can again be sub-divided thus: natural into bodily and mental; and
acquired into known causes and unknown causes. Bodily diseases are of four kinds,
viz., those caused by vāta, those caused by pitta, those caused by kapha and those
caused by sannipatha.
Diseases arising in the body may also be due to a combination of vāta and
pitta, vāta and kapba and pitta and kapha. Thus there are seven variations of bodily
troubles arising from (1) vāta, (2) pitta, (3) kapha, and a combi nation of (4) vāta and
pitia, (5) vāta and kapha, (6) pitta and kapha and (7) vāta, pitta and kapha.
The bodily diseases (śarīrottha) can be determined by considering the
strength of the 8th house, its lord, the planet aspecting or occupying it.
Anger, fear, sorrow, desires and such emotions bring about mental diseases.
They have to be determined by considering the relationship between the lords of the
5th and the 8th houses.

The diseases arising from known causes are curses, incantations and falls
from elevation. These should be ascertained from the 6th, its lord or the planet
aspecting the 6th or the planet occupying the 6th. If the lords of the 6th and 8th are
related, then the intensity of the diseases will be much. The diseases arising from
unknown causes should be known from the attack of evil spirits.



Sun: Sun signifies the following diseases.

1. Bile
2. High Fever
3. Burning of whole body
4. Epilepsy
5. Heart Diseases
6. Skin Diseases
7. Leucorrhea
8. Mental incompetence
9. Aching head
10. Raging fever
11. Wasting consumption
12. Dysentery




Moon: Moon signifies the following diseases.

1. Excessive sleep or sleeplessness
2. Laziness
3. Phlegmatic afflictions

4. Diarrhea
5. Carbuncle
6. Typhoid or malaria
7. Indigestion
8. Loss of appetitive
9. Jaundice
10. Mental Abnormalities
11. Impurity of blood
12. Venereal indulgence
13. Pallor
14. Catarrh
15. Inflammation of nose
16. Diabetes




Mars: Mars signifies the following diseases.

1. Excessive thrust
2. Blood Morbidity
3. Bilious fever
4. Leprosy
5. Eye diseases
6. Appendicitis
7. Epilepsy
8. Injury to the marrow
9. Roughness to body

10. Psoriasis
11. Physical abnormities
12. Diseases affecting the upper extremities such as lungs, throat, ear, nose teeth
and tongue
13. Swelling of scrotum phlegm
14. Knotty tumors




Mercury: Mercury signifies the following diseases.

1. Mental weakness, of memory forgetfulness and other diseases
2. Vocal cord troubles
3. Eye diseases
4. Diseases of throat and nose
5. Fever
6. Ailments caused by the disturbance of three humors (wind, bile and cough)
7. Poison
8. Skin diseases
9. Anemia
10. Bad dreams
11. Itches and scabs (psoriasis)
12. leprosy
13. Indigestion
14. Colic
15. Diarrhea




Jupiter: Jupiter signifies the following diseases.

1. Appendicitis
2. Disorders of intestine including fevers
3. Neurotic disturbances caused by anxiety
4. Fainting or swoon
5. Phlegmatic disorders
6. Ear trouble
7. Vertigo
8. Diseases of spleen




Venus: Venus signifies the following diseases.

1. Anemia
2. Ailments due to disturbances of phlegmatic and windy humors
3. Eye troubles
4. Urinary diseases
5. Diseases of generative organs
6. Infections due to sex
7. Exudation of semen
8. Loss of physical charm due to coitus with impure women
9. Rickets
10. Diabetes




Saturn: Saturn signifies the following diseases.

1. Diseases arising due to disturbances of wind and phlegm
2. Paralysis of the extremities
3. Weariness
4. Mental abnormality
5. Stomach ache
6. Excess of internal heat
7. Injury to the ribs
8. Injury to some limb
9. Mental anguish
10. Distress




Rāhu : Rāhu signifies the following diseases.

1. Palpitation of the heart
2. Leprosy
3. Mental deviations
4. Danger from the artificial poison
5. Pain in legs




Ketu: signifies the following diseases.

1. Affliction by the itch
2. Smallpox
3. Diseases from water


Gulika: Gulika signifies the following diseases.

1. Physical and mental agony

2.11 Planetary combination for Diagnosis of Disease (Roganirṇaya)

Anything about disease and sickness should be ascertained through

1. The planets occupying the 6th house
2. Those planets who are posited in the 8th and 12th house
3. The planets owing the 6th house, or
4. Those in association with the lord of 6th house



2.12 Sixth house and disease

Sixth house is main representative of disease. Lord of sixth house is
responsible for diseases. If it is placed in sixth house, then gives disease as per his
traits. If moon is placed in sixth house, then it will give eye disease and fever with
cold fits. If lord of sixth house is placed in other house, then it will give diseases
according to house placed in. Also it will give diseases to concern person indicated
by the house placed in. Following planets represents the part of body being diseased
as shown:
Planet Disease
Sun Head
Moon Mouth
Mars Throat
Mercury Naval
Jupiter Nose
Venus Eye
Saturn Foot
Rāhu & Ketu Stomach


2.13 Eighth and Twelfth house and disease:

Eighth house and twelfth house are representatives of houses for diseases.
Lord of these houses is also responsible for diseases. If Mars and Saturn are lords of
these houses then they become more malefic. If these planets aspects any houses and
planets or placed in any houses, then individual get diseased by diseases represented

by those particular houses or planets. If Sun and Moon are lord of first house are lord
of eighth house, then they are not malefic.
2.14 Planets in Sixth house
Planets placed in sixth are also responsible for disease. When a house has its
lord in sixth, the eighth or twelfth or is occupied by the lord of one of these three, it
suffers annihilation, say those that know the traits of the houses. If such house is
aspected by a benefic planet, the effect will be different.


2.15 Descending Planet (Avarohī palnet)

When a planet is in its descent form from the highest degree of exaltations, it
is known as Avarohī palnet. The daśā period of such planet is known as avarohiṇī
daśā. Every planet in its avarohiṇī daśā, causes diseases. Avarohī palnet is also
responsible for diseases.


2.16 Malefic Planets:

Planets are influenced by malefic. If planets are aspected by or conjunct with
malefic then are adversely influenced. In such situation planets causes diseases as
indicated by their traits and houses.
2.17 Planets and Death
If planets are related to māraka or ariṣṭa situation, then they may cause death
by diseases. Following are māraka planets and their diseases.
Māraka planets Diseases
Sun Fiery glow, high fever, bile
Moon Cholera, water diseases, ascetic or pulmonary diseases
Mars Accidental fire, magical spells, witch craft,
Mercury Anemia, bloodlessness, verigo
Jupiter Phlegm
Venus Venereal diseases, diabetes, urinary diseases
Saturn Wind disease, typhoid
Rāhu Leprosy, venomous bite
Māraka planets Diseases
Ketu Unnatural death such as suicide


When Sun and Mars without strength occupies eighth house and malefic
planets are in the second house, the astrologer should predict death from a bilious
If the moon and Jupiter occupying watery sign be also in eighth house and
aspected by malefic planet, the astrologer may predict death from consumption.
When Venus occupies the eighth house and aspected by malefic planet, the
astrologer can predict death from rheumatism, consumption or diabetes.
When Mercury occupies Leo and is aspected by a malefic, the astrologer
should ascertain that death is to result from a disorder of three humors; or he may
declare that it will be brought on by fever.
When Rāhu is in eighth house and aspected by malefic planet, death will
occur from a head-generated disease such as boil, or from an injury infected by a
When Rāhu is in eighth house and aspected by malefic planet, death will
happen from an attack of smallpox and such other affliction or from a fall on by


2.18 Astrology and Diabetes

Role of Venus and other planets in Diabetes
In many of astrology books it is mentioned that, Venus is responsible for
diabetes. As per Phaladīpikā and Jātaka Pārijāta Venus is responsible for diabetes.
But in Praśna Mārga, it is mentioned that Jupiter and Venus both are responsible the
diabetes. As per Gadāvalī, Moon and Venus both are responsible the diabetes.
In Phaladīpikā , it is stated that , Venus signifies jaundice, diseases caused by
the irritation of phlegmatic and windy humours, trouble to eyes, diabetes, urinary
diseases, diseases in the generative system, strangury, trouble in cohabitation,
exudation of semen, loss (fading away) of bodily splendor as a result of intercourse
with courtezans, rickets, fear from witches, female ghosts and female deities and
break of friendship with dear friend.


In Jātakapārijāta, it is mentioned that Venus produces peril through such

causes as drink and diabetes arising from the diseases of the beloved women
associated with a result induced by addition to females endeared by excessive


In Gadāvalī, it is stated that, if Moon is malefic then it causes diseases like
want of appetite, weak digestion, diseases arising from water, fever with cold fits,
jaundice, bladder diseases, diabetes, excess windy humor, phlegm, gases, dysentery,
blood diseases and cold affecting to nose.


In Gadāvalī, it is stated that, if Venus is malefic then it causes diseases

arising from phlegm and wind, jaundice, diabetes, diseases from having intercourse
with courtesans, swelling, diseases in the private parts and urinary system and
diseases in the eye.


In Praśna Mārga, it is mentioned that both Jupiter and Venus are responsible
for diabetes. While describing about diseases causing form Jupiter, it is stated that
Spleen diseases (gulma), fever, sorrow, fainting, ear troubles due to phlegm,
diabetes; afflictions due to the removal of temple treasure and the curses of
Brāhmaṇa; troubles from Kinnara, Yakṣa, Deva and Vidyādhara; and diseases
caused by the anger of serpents and God Viṣṇu are the results due to Jupiter.


While describing about diseases causing form Venus in Praśna Mārga, it is

stated that Venus brings about jaundice, diseases arising from phlegm and wind,
diseases in the eye, laziness, tiredness and exhaustion (diabetes is another reading);
diseases in the private parts, face and urinary system; affliction due to avarice for
money or girls; loss of seminal fluid, loss of clothes, wife; cultivation, fading away
of the luster in the body, swelling, and fear from yogini, yakshis, matrus and the
death of near relations.


Planetary Combinations for Diabetes

1. If malefic aspects first house and the lord of the first house is debilitated or
in the sign of enemy, and Venus occupies or aspects the 8th, the person suffers from


2. Should Mercury be in Sagittarius or Pisces, and aspected by the Sun, one

will suffer from urinary diseases, diabetes and epilepsy, and peaceful in disposition.


3. If Saturn, Sun and Venus are in fifth house, then it causes diabetes.

4. In tenth house if Mars is in conjunct with or aspected by Saturn, then it

causes diabetes.

5. If Sun is in first house and Mars is in seventh house, then it causes


6. If Venus is in eighth house aspected by malefic planet, then a person dies

due to wind diseases or tuberculosis or diabetes.


7. Following planetary combinations are responsible for diabetes

a) Saturn, Sun and Venus are in fifth house,
b) Mars is in seventh house and Sun in first house,
c) Mars is in tenth house and aspected by Saturn,
d) Lord of first house is debilitated or in sign of enemy, first house is
aspected by malefic and eighth house aspected by Venus or Venus is in eighth house,
e) Jupiter is in conjunct with malefic in sixth house,

f) First house is aspected by malefic and is not aspected by benefic and
Jupiter is in conjunct with malefic.


Daśā Period For Diabets

1. During the Antar of Rahu in the Mahadasha of Saturn the native may
deviate from the path of righteousness, suffer the loss of life or danger from diabetes
or gonorrhea, severe enlargement of the spleen, a continuous fever, a wound.


2. Effects like danger from the wrath of Brahmins, snakes, and the king
(government), possibility of affliction with diseases like stoppage of urine, diabetes,
pollution of blood, anemia, availability of only coarse food, nervous disorder,
imprisonment, loss of wealth as a result of penalties or fines imposed by
government, will be derived if Venus is associated with malefics in the 6th, the 8th,
or the 12th from the lord of the Dasha (Rahu).


3. There will be fear of death / disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes,

unnecessary troubles, danger from thieves and the king and quarrels if Mars is in the
8th, in the 12th, or in the 2nd from the lord of the Dasha (Ketu). In the above
circumstances amidst evil effects there will be some auspicious effects also.


4. Frequent urination, weakness in the body, cold fever, danger from thieves,
intermittent fever, opprobrium quarrels, diabetes, pain in stomach, will be the results
if Rahu is associated with a malefic in Randhra or in 12th house.


5. There will be danger from snakes, thieves, and wounds, loss of power of
thinking, headache, agony, quarrels without any cause or reason, diabetes, excessive
expenditure, antagonism with wife and children, going away to foreign land, loss in
ventures, if Ketu is in the 8th or in the 12th from the lord of the Dasha (Venus), or if
Ketu is associated with a malefic.


6. If the 22nd decanate is the first decanate of Cancer, the reason of death
will be a crocodile (or a shark), wine, thorn or dreams. The second decanate will
cause end by beating or by consuming of poison. The terminating decanate indicates
death by respiratory diseases, urinary diseases (viz. gleet, diabetes etc.), spleenary
disorders, affliction to blood or by swooning caused by excessive labor.


1. B.J., p.66
2. Ibid
3. Ibid
4. E.L.E.A. p.29
5. Jy. p. 49
6. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.1
7. Jy. p. 49
8. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.2
9. Jy. p. 49
10. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.3
11. Jy. p. 50
12. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.4
13. Jy. p. 50
14. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.5
15. Jy. p. 50
16. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.6
17. Jy. p. 51
18. P.D. Ch.2 Shl.7
19. Jy. p. 51
20. Jy. p. 51
21. B.P.H.S. Ch.4 Shl.3
22. B.J. p.57
23. B.P.H.S. Ch.12 Shl.1-12
24. P.M. Ch.13 Shl.29
25. V.S.L. Ch.1 p.10
26. K.V.S. Ch.1 Shl.40-42
27. T.K. p.12
28. Ibid p. 13
29. P.M. Ch.12 Shl.18-24
30. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.2
31. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.75
32. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.6
33. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.3
34. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.76
35. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.7
36. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.4
37. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.77
38. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.8
39. P. D. Ch. 14 Shl.5
40. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.78
41. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.9
42. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.6
43. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.78.5
44. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.10
45. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.7
46. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.79
47. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.11
48. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.8
49. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.79.5
50. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.12
51. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.8.5
52. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.81
53. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.13
54. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.80
55. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.14
56. P. D. Ch.14 Shl.8.5
57. Ibid Ch.14 Shl.1
58. G.D. Ch. 1 Shl.5
59. B.P.H.S. Ch.18 Shl.3-4
60. J.P. Ch.11 Shl.4
61. B.J.J. Ch.8 Shl.6
62. P.D. Ch. 14 Shl.14-15
63. J.P. Ch.5 Shl.87-92
64. P.D. Ch.14 Shl.7
65. J.P. Ch.2 Shl.79
66. G.D. Ch.1 Shl.7
67. Ibid Ch.1 Shl.11
68. P.M. Ch.12 Shl.71
69. Ibid Ch.12 Shl.72
70. P.M. Ch.12 Shl.64
71. S.R. Ch.26 Shl.55
72. J.T. ṣaṣṭha viveka Shl.107
73. Ibid Shl.108
74. Ibid Shl.107-109
75. J.P. Ch.5 Shl.89
76. G.D. Ch.3 Shl.18
77. P.D. Ch.21 Shl.55
78. B.P.H.S. Ch.57 Shl.56-59
79. Ibid Ch.61 Shl.40-41
80. Ibid Ch.61 Shl.47-48
81. Ibid Ch.62 Shl.69-71
82. S.R. Ch.47 Shl.29-30


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