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A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of Medina College Science High School,
Ozamiz City

In Partial Fulfilments
Of the Requirements for the
Research I

Samaila A. Dilaba
Joana Hempisao
October 2018



Generally, laziness occurs at anytime, anywhere or to

everyone in their daily activities. Students feel lazy to finish their

homework; not attending classes at school, failure to complete the

given tasks assigned by teachers within the allocated time;

workers delay organizing files; not settling their job; entrepreneurs

relaxing in the office without planning anything for the company,

graduates lazy to prepare their own resumes and everybody has

many kinds of laziness. It is normal to feel lazy at certain time but

it will become a crucial problem if the attitude is out of control.

Hence, the person neglects to self-regulate or manage him/herself

positively. Laziness among students has become a serious

problem in schools which is closely related to some of the

disciplinary problems.

Laziness is a mental state of an individual when it lacks

energy and/or the desire to perform tasks, which can have several

causes (Steve, 2010). A lazy person is one who is not aware of

their thoughts, emotions and actions. One who is aware of their

thoughts as they occur, the feelings that pass through them and

the actions they take, are the ones who are not lazy. So, one can

be very active and still be very lazy, or one can be not active at all,

but be very diligent. It is simply about being mindful and finely

tuned in to the present moment (Mehta, 2007). The lazy man does

not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring

down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man

doesn't pass the buck. He lets the buck pass him. We have always

secretly envied our lazy friends (Morley, 1920).

From the psychology point of view, laziness is a behavior

describing the passive attitude of a person with the tendency to

avoid work although he/she is capable, unwilling to put forth

efforts and choosing not to work hard and lack of will power

(Beghetto, 2007; Mish, 1994, Ellis. 1991). An attitude can be

defined as a tendency to think, feel, and an individual’s response

either positively or negatively towards particular objects or

situation from the cognitive, affective, and behavioral perspectives

(Bidjari, 2011; Salta & Tzougraki, 2004; Howarth, Fosters and

Dorrer, 2004). A statement from Ellis (1991) stated that the will

power consists of the strong determination towards individual’s

change, persistent of work and practice (Neenan, 2008).

According in this book Dr. Floyd L. Ruch, a psychologist has

said that the difference between a good student and a poor one is

often not so much inborn differences in ability to learn as it is a

difference in the management of those abilities. Studying means

reading and examining in order to learn and to understand it

involves gathering ideas and facts in order to be able to answer

questions. The questions way be there the teacher asks or assigns

as guides for homework, or they may be questions arise in the

minds of the intellectually curious, or questions that come from

the problems of everyday life or business life. The ultimate aim of

all study is to be able to solve the problems that occur in everyday


Conceptual framework

We explore the influences on student time use with two-

period model. The two-periods are however, of very different length.

The first period of education in which the student can choose to

work, study or enjoy leisure and the second is the rest of the

student’s life depends positively on the effort put into studying and

thus, for any given amount of leisure time, negatively on the time

that the students spends working. The effect of the study with

most analysis of the effects of education, and we aim to explore the

factors influencing the student’s decision about how much time to

allocate study.

Independent Dependent

Variables Variables




Figure 1: Schema of the Study

Statement of the problem

It endeavoured to answer the following specific sub-


1. What is the profile of the respondents?

2. How students do perceived the study time?

3. How students do perceived the leisure time?

4. What is the level performance of the students?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the

administrative activities of students and student’s

performance in school?


Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the

administrative activities of students and student performance.

Significance of the Study

It will help the students to join and participate in school

activities special on the clubs activities. It will help the students to

compete confidently. It will serve as their asset in the future

because they will lead the school someday.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

In this study, it covers the academic performance of the Grade 7 to

Grade 12 students in Medina College Science High School.

Definitions of Terms

Confidence – a feeling and consciousness of one’s power or of

reliance on one’s circumstances.

New Environment – the circumstances, or conditions which one is


Lack of Confidence – losing of self-esteem, being shy.

Shy – lacking of confidence.

Academic Performance – a student’s activities in their academic


Review of Related Literature

Duru & Bakis (2014) in their research revealed that passive

attitudes such as lazy or procrastination affect self-regulation with

relation to academic performance. By postponing academic tasks,

students would fail to control themselves which then leads to

stress, low academic performance and anxiety. However, by

controlling their habits and routine in any given task, it would lead

to the implementation of action in oneself (Sommer, 2013). Thus,

by self-regulating oneself with routine and effort, a person could

avoid from becoming lazy.

The positive tendency reaction affects the high commitment

towards learning and student’s interest which described the ability

of a person in self-regulation (Simpson & Oliver, 1990). Moreover,

some findings showed that attitudes lead to persistence,

performance and achievement (Zain & Jusoh, 2010; Trumper,

2006; Siegel & Ranney, 2003). Meanwhile the negative outcomes

such as procrastination, easily giving up, perform task with less

effort etc. (Schouwenburg & Lay, 1995; Motie et al., 2012; Stead et

al., 2010; Howell and Buro, 2009; Michinov et al., 2011; Steel,

2007; Qi et al., 2010).

Thus, from the above finding, it is proven that a passive

attitude means a tendency to react negatively in their thinking,

feeling and responses towards commitment and achievement.

Although a lazy person has the tendency in reacting negatively

towards certain event, it has been reported that this internal

attribute could be controlled (Reyna, 2000). She suggested that

laziness could be elaborated more from the self-esteem, motivation,

attitudes in thinking and behavioral perspectives.

From the above findings, laziness is closely related to self-

regulation within oneself. Any action taken was based on their

decision to make it happen or just letting it go without any

achievement. Their commitment towards any task or activity is the

results of how they self-regulate or control themselves towards

achievement. The challenges would make them competent within

themselves or when compared to others. However, lazy students

would fail to control or regulate themselves towards commitment

and finally they would not achieve anything that would make them

satisfied. Hence, this low motivation in desire and self-regulation

would involve them in procrastination, social and disciplinary

problems and finally would affect their performance in academic.

From the Islamic perspective, the habit of laziness is clearly

stated in the Al-Qur’an, Al-Jathiyah 45: 15, "If anyone does a

righteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does

evil, it works against (his own soul)". This verse indicates the

importance of the attitudes that would affect positively or

negatively in oneself according to their action. Thus, whether a

person becomes lazy or persistent, it would either benefit or

degrade them. It is because any action or attitude will affect them

directly as stated in the Al-Qur’an, Al Najm 53: 39, “That man can

have nothing but what he strives for.” Thus, good attitudes are

important as being stated in the Al-Qur’an, Al-Asr 103: 1-3, "By

(the Token of) Time (though the Ages). Verily Man in loss. Except

such as have Faith and do righteous deeds and (join together) in

the mutual teaching of Truth and of Patience and Constancy". The

verse indicates the importance of time management, in order to

achieve productive results. Thus, Islam is against laziness or waste

of time or any unproductive activity. By becoming lazy, the person

will lose the opportunity to become successful.

The previous research also concluded that in the Islamic

work ethics, being hardworking is important, in order to achieve

balance within one’s self and the social life. As hard work is a

compulsory element in the work ethics, it will develop self-reliance

within the practitioner. Finally, through commitment and hard

work practices, a person would achieve success in the given task

(Ali, 1987). His research has revealed that success has strong

relationship with self-control or self-regulation, in terms of

commitment. Hence, a lazy person demonstrated the lack of self-

regulation control due to passive attitudes, having problems in

time management and etc. Apart from that, recent findings

illustrated the relationships of piety and morality with hardworking

attitudes (Elci, Sener & Alpkan, 2011). From the regression

analysis, they found that hard work was affected by both morality

and piety. The regression model was found to be significant (f=

82,037; p=.00). Thus, based on the evidence from the above

finding, it is concluded that lazy attitudes are wasting time

(procrastination), low commitment and far from hard work

attitude. Moreover, a hardworking person is committed in their

task to achieve success. Yet, to overcome laziness, a person should

practice positive attributes suggested by religious and moral


Research Instrument

Its Preparation. In the absence of a standardized

instrument to be used in gathering the needed data. The

researcher with the consent from the thesis committee structured

a self-made research tool based on the various related reading

which was reviewed validated, and patterned after a checklist-

rating scale questionnaire. The data for the student’s performance

were taken from the file of the school registrar.

Validation. The prepared draft of the research tool was

subjected to a try out to 150 students. The results were collected

and carefully scrutinized to suit to the problem under


Revision. The instrument was refined and revised based on

the results of the dry run. Suggestions were carefully noted and

integrated to come up with a well refined research tool. The index

of difficulty per time was considered. Items with .20 to .80 index of

difficulty were the only ones included in the final form of the
instrument. Item with an index difficulty below and above the set

index of difficulty were excluded.

Reproduction. After the “go-signal” given by the thesis

committee, the researcher reproduced the corrected and revised

instrument. Adequate number of copies was produced to avoid

problems in the administration.

Administration. The researcher personally administered the

questionnaire during his convenient time. Care was taken to have

all the time of the instrument answered honestly and sincerely. A

one hundred percent retrieval was achieved.

Scoring. The complete questionnaires were then handscored

personally but the researcher avoid biases after the scoring, the

results were tallied and tabulated properly and made ready for

statistical treatment.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher prepared a request letter for permission

addressed to the School President through channels Vice President

for Academic Affairs to conduct a survey among students in

Medina College Science High School. The data gathered were used

in the realization of this research work. The results were held

strictly confidential based on the “Ethics of Research”, upon

approval; the researcher with assistance of her thesis adviser

planned the preparation of the research instrument.

Statistical Treatment

For valid, reliable and accurate interpretation and analysis of

the data, the following statistical treatment were employed:

Weighted Mean. This tool was utilized for accurate

evaluation of the administrative and supervisory activities of school

administrators by assigning their corresponding descriptive rating.

The formula is:

WM = ------------------


WM = weighted mean

f = frequency

w = weighted

N = number of cases

T-test. This tool was used to determine the significance of

the difference between means of the variables with the formula:

X1 - X 2
t =
(SD1 ) 2 (SD 2 ) 2
N1 N2
t = t-test value
Pearson Product Moment

Coefficient of Correlation. This tool was used to find out if

there existed a significant relationship between administrative

activities to job performance of administrators. the formula was as


nxy - xy
r xy = ----------------------------------
nx2- (x) 2ox2 – (x)2


N = number of cases

r xy = Pearson Product Moments of


x = first variable

y = second variable

In testing the significance of r, the t-test was used with the


t=r n–2
1 – r2
All statistical tests are set at.05 level of significance.


This chapter describes the presentation interpretations and

analysis of the data gathered in the discussion based on the

sequence of the problem presented in chapter 1.

I. Profile of the Students

Table 1 Profile of the Students

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of

age, gender, and distance between home and school. In terms of

their age, there are 16 (26.67%) who are 15 years old and below,

17 and above, 27 (42.86%) who are 16 years old we have 20

(31.25%) In their gender, there are 40 (63.49%) who are females

and 23 (36.51%) who are males student. In terms of their distance

between home and school, there are 15 (23.80%) who are 3.1 to 5

kilometers from home to school, 31 (49.21%), and who are 1

kilometer and below, 17 (26.98%) distance from home to school of

the students.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 23 36.51

Female 40 63.49

Total 63 100

15 and below 16 26.67

16 years 20 31.75

17 years and above 27 42.86

Total 63 100

Distance between
home and school

1km and below 31 49.21

1.1km – 3km 17 26.98

3.1km – 5km 15 23.80

Total 63 100

Table 2 Rationale of being lazy in school as perceived by


As displayed in the table 2 statements 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10

obtained an average weighted mean of 2.63, 3.63, 2.72, 2.63, 3.00,

which have a descriptive rating of “Often”. Statement 4, 6, 7, and 8

had obtained an average weighted mean of 2.60, which have a

descriptive rating of “Sometimes”. Statement 5 had obtained an

average weighted mean of 1.80, which have a descriptive rating of

It can be shown to the table that most of the students

“Often” on cheating based on the data presented below. Statement

5 says that most of the students never do that, and the mean

average of this data is 2.68, which have a descriptive rating of


Statements of Rationale being lazy in School AWV DR

1. How frequent do you study your lesson? 2.63 O

2. How frequent do you cheat? 3.63 O

3. How do you feel when you cheat? 2.72 O

4. Have you ever failed when you cheat? 2.60 S

5. Have you get questionnaire/answer from the students who
have already taken the exam or quiz you are about to take to?
1.80 N

6. Have you claim or submit academic work of another as 2.60 S

your own?

7. Have you paid someone to answer your assignment or 2.60 S

paper work?

8. Have you provide false information to the purpose of 2.60 S


9. Have you threaten physically someone to do you a factor? 2.63 O

10. Have you taken a cheat sheet into a test? 3.00 O

Mean 2.68 O

Table 3 Performance of the Students

Average Grade in First Semester


75-79 80-85 86-90 Mean Remarks

20 35 8 80.46 Low Average
(31.74%) (55.5%) (12.7%)

Table 3 reflects the performance of the students in first

semester. As you can see in the table 20 or 31.74% of the

respondents average their grade (75-79), then (80-85) had obtained

a frequency of 35 or 55.5%, and (86-90) had obtained a frequency

of 8 or 12.7%.

We can infer that most the respondents have 80-85 average

grades in first semester, and mean average would be 80.46 which

have remarks of low average.

Table 5 Significant Relationship between the administrative

activities of student’s and is performance in school

Pearson-r p– Decision on Interpretation

Value value Ho
There is significant
0.486 0.000 Reject Ho

Effective learning does not happen in isolation. Students

need to learn and understand the interrelationships among

teacher’s outcomes with the everyday world. Throughout the

instruction, the teachers should help students make these

connections. Utilizes skills developed from other subject areas.

Students need to read and view subject’s related materials.

Speaking, reading and writing and representing are important so

students can communicate their questions and understanding

related to subjects. Students also need to see patterns in the real

world as well. (Curricular connections: elements of integration in

the classroom, 2010). While this is the general feature of affective

learning, in his book, Introduction to learning, Melchor (2007),

highlighted the most recent technological advancements for the

purpose of developing students skills in the cognitive,,

psychomotor and affective domains believing that this will benefit

the students and apply such insights in their daily lives therefore

giving the learning process more meaning and more exciting, so

that student will not be lazy.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion

and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

In terms of their age, there are 16 (26.67%) who are 15

years old and below, 17 and above, 27 (42.86%) who are 16 years

old we have 20 (31.25%) In their gender, there are 40 (63.49%) who

are females and 23 (36.51%) who are males student. In terms of

their distance between home and school, there are 15 (23.80%)

who are 3.1 to 5 kilometers from home to school, 31 (49.21%), and

who are 1 kilometer and below, 17 (26.98%) distance from home to

school of the students.

As displayed in the table 2 statements 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10

obtained an average weighted mean of 2.63, 3.63, 2.72, 2.63, 3.00,

which have a descriptive rating of “Often”. Statement 4, 6, 7, and 8

had obtained an average weighted mean of 2.60, which have a

descriptive rating of “Sometimes”. Statement 5 had obtained an

average weighted mean of 1.80, which have a descriptive rating of


As you can see in the table 20 or 31.74% of the respondents

average their grade (75-79), then (80-85) had obtained a frequency

of 35 or 55.5%, and (86-90) had obtained a frequency of 8 or



Based on the findings, it is concluded that students’ age and

gender profile have no bearing on their performance in school. The

number of hours spent for studying, however, is associated with

their level of academic performance. Further, pupils’ gender profile

and their hours of studying are determinants on the level of their

performance, while age profile has no bearing on the same

intelligence. It can be shown to the table that most of the students

“Often” on cheating based on the data presented below. Statement

5 says that most of the students never do that, and the mean

average of this data is 2.68, which have a descriptive rating of

“Often”. We can infer that most the respondents have 80-85

average grades in first semester, and mean average would be 80.46

which have remarks of low average. Finally, it is concluded that

the students’ performance is associated with the good skills of the

teacher in order for the student’s not to be lazy.


Based on the findings and conclusion, it is recommended


1. The teacher should strict in implementing rules and regulation

to the students in Medina College Science High School.

2. The parents should follow up there son/daughter in the school.

3. The school should implement sanctions to the students who

violate the rules and regulations of the school.

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