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Information Services

Fresh Graduate Program

Information Services Fresh Graduate Program

Technical Examination
*Please do not write anything on this questionnaire

Section A: Linux

1. If Administrator is for Windows then ______ is for Linux.

 SuperUser

OS - Moderate

2. When you issue a “top” command on a linux machine, what are the useful parameters you can
see? (Choose five):

Uptime of the server Open Files User Zombie

Queue Number Memory Usage Disk Usage ACL
Groups CPU Usage File Permission Machine Name

OS - Dfficult

3. How do you connect to a Linux Machine/Server

a. Remote Desktop Connection d. Virtual Remote Control Protocol
b. Secure Shell e. Remote Shell
c. Secure Socket Layer

OS - Moderate

4. What is the core of Linux Operating System?

a. Shell d. Script
b. Kernel e. Terminal
c. Command

OS - Moderate

5. Choose the odd one out.

a. vi c. edit
b. vim d. nano

OS - Moderate

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Information Services
Fresh Graduate Program

6. 00 23 5 12 3 2017 /bin/bash /command/to/run.bash

What is the scheduled date the command “/bin/bash /command/to/run.bash” will run
based on the Cronjob settings above?

a. March 12, 2017 c. December 3, 2017

b. December 5, 2017 d. May 12, 2017

OS - Difficult

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Information Services
Fresh Graduate Program

Section B: Security
1. “Locky” is among the things which have been a widely publicized topic in information
security affecting both enterprise and home machines. Which of the following statements
best describes it?
a. They are a group of techniques which can be used to break the encryption used
between the target’s machine and the other machines it communicates with.
b. They are usually used as a form of ransomware; encrypting target’s files and attempting
to extort payment in exchange for decrypting their data.
c. They are a suite of vulnerabilities in the cryptographic exchange that happens within the
SSL/TLS protocol.
d. They are specialized malware affecting Linux-based machines; encrypting system files so
that normal function is impaired.
e. They are hidden code embedded by hardware manufacturers into the firmware of
certain devices in efforts to bypass privacy brought about by encryption.

Cyberthreat - Difficult

2. Your company’s official website has apparently been modified to show the following
publicly visible message: “I hv pwned you, ABC Inc. I gots into yo systems”. Among the
options below, which best describes this security incident?
a. Installation of backdoor malware
b. Denial-of-service (DoS) attack
c. Data exfiltration
d. Information disclosure
e. Website defacement

Cyberthreat – Easy

3. Social engineering is a prevalent security concern which exploits inherent weaknesses in the
human element of an organization. Phishing attacks are a popular form of social
engineering. Which of the following best describes the most common goal of a phishing
a. Man-in-the-middle eavesdropping
b. Account password theft
c. Theft of peripheral storage media
d. Breach of restricted physical area
e. Destruction of system files

Cyberthreat – Easy

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Information Services
Fresh Graduate Program

4. You are tasked to develop a web application containing several different pages and forms,
user accounts, and a database connection. What is the foremost mechanism you would
implement into this web application in order to increase security?
a. Modularization. Segment the different functions and features of the web
application into individual modules to ensure that the failure of one does not affect
the other.
b. Input validation and output encoding. Sanitize all user input and system output to
remove certain characters or strings which may be used in attacking the web
c. Verbose error output. Show detailed error information on webpages in order to
facilitate faster debugging and issue resolution.
d. Reuse older developed code. Leverage previously developed code which should
already be more mature and stable.
e. Hash user data. Include code which will hash user data including account passwords
before these are stored into the database.

Cyberthreat - Difficult

5. Your organization has set up a website which is connected to a backend database server.
Which of the following issues/techniques may allow attackers to steal data from the
a. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
b. SQL injection
c. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
d. Directory listing
e. Cookie manipulation

Cyberthreat - Difficult

6. You receive a phone call from a phone number you are not familiar with. The caller claims to
be an employee of your company and even gives you his name but claims he has left his
computer at home. He says that he needs to get in touch with his manager urgently and
asks you to give him contact details of this specific person from the company address book.
Which of the following best describes the most appropriate action from your part in this
a. Give him the information on that specific person since not giving it may adversely
affect the business of the company.
b. Transfer the call to the team which he claims to belong to.
c. Only give him this specific person’s email address and not any other details such as
the person’s mobile phone number.
d. Validate the claimed identity of the caller by checking if he knows information only
real employees would, but ultimately do not give him any information, then
immediately report the call to the company security team.
e. Do not give him any information, but since calls like this are common and are
difficult to trace, you just ignore this. Cyberthreat - Easy

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Fresh Graduate Program

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Information Services
Fresh Graduate Program

Section C: Virtualization

1. Which of these applications are usually good candidates for virtualization? (Choose one)
a. Applications that are computing-intensive
b. Applications that suffer low utilization
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above


2. What are some of the benefits of virtualization? (Choose two)

a. It provides for server and resource consolidation to maximize resources.
b. It increases the amount of space being taken by data centers.
c. It allows multiple operating systems on one virtualized platform.
d. It allows dynamic resource allocation across different virtualized servers.


3. Which of the following statements are true for VMWare snapshots? (Choose two)
a. A snapshot is the state of a virtual machine and generally, its storage devices, at an
exact point in time.
b. It is not possible to create multiple snapshots of a virtual machine.
c. The creation of a snapshot increases the performance and reliability of a virtual
d. Snapshots can be useful as a short-term and rapid backup technique.


4. Is virtualization exclusive to VMWare? (Choose one)

a. Yes, virtualization is a patented technology and term for VMware
b. Yes, as other providers do not use the term “virtualization”
c. No, virtualization is a general term used and technology adopted by other vendors.
d. No, virtualization is a patented technology and term for Microsoft Hyper-V.


5. Identify all required layers for a virtual infrastructure to function. (Choose three):
a. Physical server c. Shared Storage
b. Hypervisor d. Virtual machine
Application/Software e. Virtual switch


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Fresh Graduate Program

6. Can virtualization allow for automated distribution of virtual machines? (Choose one):
a. Yes, the feature called Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) can move and group virtual
b. Yes, the feature called Resource Pools can dynamically allocate resources by moving
distributing virtual machines.
c. No, virtual machines are associated with their hypervisor host and require vMotion to
be moved.
d. No, automated distribution is accomplished by a third party application such as a Load


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Fresh Graduate Program

Section D: Windows
1. What is the default port for HTTPS?
a. 21 c. 53
b. 443 d. 8080


2. Windows service is a:
a. program or process that runs in the background and does not require user intervention.
b. hardware driver that provides support to a specific device.
c. program or process that runs in the foreground.
d. hardware driver that provides support to the operating system.


3. An Application layer protocol used to monitor and manage network devices and gather statistics
about network traffic. It operates on UDP ports 161 and 162.
a. Server Message Block (SMB) c. Telnet
b. Secure Shell d. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)


4. Which is used to verify that a secure Web site is legitimate?

a. Active Directory c. Private Key
b. Enterprise trust d. Digital certificate


5. After you configure an IP address and subnet mask on a Windows 7 PC, you want to check the
configuration and confirm that the IP and subnet is configured, which of the below command is
a. ifconfig c. traceroute
b. ping d. ipconfig


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Fresh Graduate Program

Section E: Database
1. You have database that contains tables named Customers and Orders. The tables are related by a
column named CustomerID. You need to create a query that meets the following requirements:
Returns the CustomerName for all customers and the OrderDate for any orders that they have
placed. Results must include customers who have not placed any orders. Which join would you
SELECT CustomerName, OrderDate Select the join to fill in the blank:
FROM Customers
________________ Orders a. RIGHT OUTER JOIN
ON Customers.CustomerID = b. JOIN
Orders.CustomerID c. CROSS JOIN
2. You administer a database that supports a banking transaction management application.
You need to retrieve a list of account holders who live in cities that do not have a branch location.
Which Transact-SQL query or queries should you use? (Each correct answer presents a complete
solution. Choose all that apply.)?
a. SELECT AccountHolderID c. SELECT AccountHolderID
FROM AccountHolder FROM AccountHolder
CityID FROM BranchMaster) CityID FROM BranchMaster)
b. SELECT AccountHolderID d. SELECT AccountHolderID
FROM AccountHolder FROM AccountHolder
FROM BranchMaster) CityID FROM BranchMaster)

3. Given the two tables below:

Customers Table:

Orders Table:

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Fresh Graduate Program

You need an SQL statement that will return a list of all orders, and include the corresponding
customer information, only if customer information is available. The table should output the
columns Order ID, OrderDate, Customer ID, and CustomerName.

Based on the SQL query below:

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate, Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CustomerName
ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID

Indicate if:
a. It is 100% Correct
b. It is incorrect
c. It is partially correct. Should have used an inner join.
d. It is partially correct. Should have used a right outer join.

4. This is the content of a table named "Templates"

TemplateID TemplateName StageID Activity ProjectID

S01AA Initiate Project S01 Initiate Project AP
S01AB Engage/Other Team S01 Engage Other Team AP
S01AC Review & Approval S01 Review and Approval AP
S01AD Kick off S01 Kick off AP
S01TA Initiate Project S01 Initiate Project TP
S01TB Engage Other Team S01 Engage Other Team TP
S01TC Review & Approval S01 Review & Approval TP
S01TD Kick off S01 Kick off TP
S02AA Study User Needs S02 Study User Needs AP
Document URD/Product
S02AB Backlog S02 Document URD/Product Backlog AP
S03AA Prototype S03 Prototype AP
S03AB Conduct Usability Test S03 Conduct Usability Test AP
S03AC Document Design S03 Document Design AP
S03AD Define Coding Std. S03 Define Coding Std. AP
S03TA Detail Implement. Plan S03 Detail Implement Plan TP
S03TB Owner Endorse S03 Owner Endorse TP
How many rows will the following SQL statement return?

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Fresh Graduate Program


FROM Templates

Section F: Programming

1. Show what will be printed on the screen by the following code:

a. 111111
b. 234561
c. 222221
d. 222222
e. 234567
f. 0
g. None of the choices

2. The following code illustrates which sorting algorithm?

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Fresh Graduate Program

a. Bucket Sort e. Heapsort

b. Bubble Sort f. Mergesort
c. Insertion Sort g. None of the choices
d. Selection Sort

3. This is an implementation of bubble sort. Please complete it.

var a = [33, 103, 3, 726, 200, 984, 198, 764, 9];

function bubbleSort(a)
var swapped;
do {
swapped = false;
for (var i=0; i < a.length- _______; i++) {
if (a[i] _______ a[i+1]) {
var temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[i+1];
a[i+1] = temp;
swapped = _________;
} while (swapped);


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