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The Teaching of Electromagnetics

(Invited Paper)

Abstmct-Maxwell’s formulation of electromagnetic theory is one of of these analyses had to wait for the microwave sources
the most profound and beautiful of physical theories, and is the basis of World War 11, and in some cases the original analyses
of all electrical engineering. This paper discusses the history of its
teaching in universities, some questions of content and order, useful
were redone without any realization that they were al-
analogies and teaching aids to clarify the concepts, and the growing ready in the literature [ 5 ] .
importance of computational approaches to the subject. Another surprise to those who have grown up since
World War 11: Maxwell’s equations, the basis of all elec-
trical engineering, were seldom, if ever, mentioned in a
INTRODUCTION typical undergraduate EE curriculum of the 1930’s. The

R ICHARD FEYNMAN, in his brilliant book, Lectures

on Physics [l], introduces his treatment of electro-
magnetic radiation with the following statement:
texts and courses stressed the derived concepts of circuit
analysis-certainly a very powerful tool but one that had
to be strained to explain the behavior of such things as
“Perhaps the most dramatic moment in the develop- rotating machines or antennas [6]. All of this changed with
ment of physics during the 19th century occurred to J. C. the development of microwaves during the war, and the
Maxwell one day in the 1860’s when he combined the necessity to return to the fundamental base. Physicists and
laws of electricity and magnetism with the laws of the the relatively few electrical engineers with doctorates had
behavior of light . . . . Maxwell could say when he fin- to provide the analyses for the waveguides, cavity reso-
ished with his discovery, Let there be electricity and mag- nators, aperture radiators, and other elements of this new
netism and there is light!” regime. The effect upon the post-war curriculum was im-
Certainly Maxwell’s achievement is one of the most mediate, with courses on field and wave concepts at both
beautiful and yet profound of the formulations of classical the undergraduate and graduate levels available in nearly
physics. The set of four equations we know as “Max- all curricula and required in most.
well’s equations,” in modem notation [2], is simple The exciting characteristic of electrical engineering has
enough to imprint on a T-shirt, and yet rich enough to been its rapid change, and the ability of our profession to
provide new insights throughout a lifetime of study. Some adapt to this change. During the last few decades there
students grasp the clarity, power, and excitement on a first have been many new specialties developed and absorbed
introduction while others have a very rough time with the by the profession-some of these several stages removed
concepts. This special issue is dedicated to helping more from the charged particles and their fields of influence that
and more of the students move into the former class. enter into all electrical phenomena. With this expansion
and diversity, the need for electromagnetics is less clear
to some of the specializations, and there is a less uniform
Maxwell built upon centuries of experimentation and pattern of requirement of field courses. More will be said
codification of electric and magnetic interactions, and about this later but for the present we only point out the
upon theories of and experiments with light. His achieve- lesson of past history: there will be more change, and with
ment, at about the same time as the U . S . Civil War, seems this change a continuing need to return to fundamental
like ancient history to most of us. Certainly this author laws rather than to derived concepts.
thought of it as such upon a first introduction a half-cen-
tury ago, and yet only a half century before that Hertz had ORDERA N D CONTENT
carried out his incisive experiments, verifying Maxwell’s
predictions. Another surprise to most of us was in finding In discussing the question of content and order, it is
the breadth and depth of analysis of waveguiding, reso- important to say at the outset that there is no unique so-
nance, scattering, and diffraction by Lord Rayleigh, lution as to the optimum. Different texts and different in-
Oliver Heaviside, Arnold Sommerfeld, J. J. Thomson, structors with the same text can give successful courses
and others [ 3 ] , [4] in the late 1800’s. Many applications using differing selection and ordering of material. The
typical pattern for an undergraduate course is that of pro-
gression from static field concepts to the dynamic laws,
Manuscript received February 3, 1989. followed by application to such things as waveguiding and
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-
puter Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, C A , 94720. resonant systems, radiating systems, and optoelectric ele-
IEEE Log Number 8929914. ments. Review or introduction of the mathematical tools

0018-9359/90/0200-0003$01.OO 0 1990 IEEE


such as vector analysis, orthogonal functions, and Fourier SPARKING UP FIELDS

analysis may be introduced where needed, given as one As mentioned above, some students see with great clar-
or more introductory chapters or placed in appendixes. ity the physics behind the necessary symbolism of elec-
This author prefers the introduction of the mathematical tromagnetics, and find the subject easy because of the
tools at the point they are to be used. But in any of these logic with which everything develops from the basic laws.
orderings, there should be flexibiity for the instructor in Other students do not [lo]. For both groups, but espe-
the attention to be given them, as there is typically a wide cially the latter,it is important to use analogies and teach-
variation in background on some of these matters among ing aids to the extent possible to help develop the needed
entering students. physical pictures. Some suggestions will be given in the
A major alternative to the above ordering is that of in- following, many of these developed and used by col-
troducing Maxwell’s equations at the beginning, allowing leagues. Indeed the section title “sparking up fields” was
everything, including statics, to follow from these. This composed by a colleague [ 1 11 for a recent talk on the sub-
approach works if students have had a sufficiently rigor- ject.
ous prerequisite physics course, but for most undergrad-
uates a beginning with the simpler static laws helps to Analogies and Analog Demonstrations
give a feeling for both the physics and mathemtics of field There are many exact analogs to static fields because of
concepts before proceeding to the more general dynamic the universality of Laplace’s equation. Some of these are
laws. Too much time with statics, however, may imbed familiar enough to the students that mention alone is help-
static concepts into the mind so deeply that they provide ful, as in the analogy between electrostatic and gravita-
difficulty in moving on to more general concepts. (The tional potential. (But even here, bringing in a topographic
misuse of scalar potential in time-varying problems is a map can help.) Others need demonstration or hands-on-
common example.) work by the student. Some of the analogies useful for
Much of the development will be done with simple di- demonstration of electrostatic fields in charge-free, sim-
electric, magnetic, or conducting materials, both for rea- ple media are as follows:
sons of simplicity of concept and practical importance of
such materials. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize 1) Electrolytic tank or resistance paper analog
at the outset that many materials of modern electronics 2) Liquid crystal paper [12]
and optoelectronics are inhomogenous, anisotropic, non- 3) Soap bubbles or rubber membrane models
linear, or time varying-and sometimes a combination of 4) Fluid flow field mappers [ 131.
all these things. It is especially important in presenting The resistance paper is applicable to Cartesian two-dimen-
general theorems such as uniqueness or reciprocity to sional problems, but the electrolytic tank can be tipped to
make clear the limitations on material properties that are model axially symmetric problems also. The rubber mem-
assumed in any given proof. brane, pushed by elements to heights proportional to elec-
Moving systems are not emphasized much in a typical trode potentials, has the advantage that small ball bear-
undergraduate course. Two or three pages out of a few ings roll down the slopes with paths approximating the
hundred appears to be typical coverge for the most-used paths of electrons in the corresponding field. The fluid
undergraduate texts. This is in part because so few of our flow models can be extended to regions with sources
graduates work with electrical machinery for which such (Poisson’s equation) or to axially-symmetric regions [ 131.
concepts are essential, and also because such systems pre- It is harder to find equally good analogs for time-vary-
sent added difficulties. At a minimum, it is important to ing problems, but many exist for wave motion in general.
recognize the importance of motion to Faraday’s law [7]. A film on similarities of wave motion, prepared by the
In turning to the graduate level, one can use the same Bell Laboratories [ 141, is particularly good in showing the
order of presentation as for undergraduates, with every- effect of mismatching in producing reflections. Spring-
thing done at a higher level of sophistication and mathe- mass systems, as analogs to resonant systems, can be use-
matical development. Since the students have already met ful, especially when coupling is added to show the trans-
Maxwell, it does seem very desirable to start with his fer of energy between coupled resonant systems. (Cou-
equations even if the next subject is to be the special case pled pendulum demonstrations are commercially
of statics [8]. An intereting but optional extension is that available, but home-made versions are easily put to-
of deriving all the laws from Coulomb’s experimental law gether.) This list is not exhaustive, but once an instructor
by starting with relativity as a fundmental [9]. begins to think in these terms, he or she will soon develop
Much emphasis in the graduate course is typically new ideas or variations of old ones.
placed upon advanced methods of solution of boundary-
value problems-use of Green function techniques, vari- Classroom Demonstrations and Minilabs
ational methods, integral equations, etc.-but it is still Short classroom demonstrations, such as voltage induc-
important to place the major emphasis on understanding tion by Faraday’s law, reflection measurements on trans-
and the development of physical pictures. The role of nu- mission lines, or with quasi-plane waves, are very helpful
merical methods will be discussed in a separate section. if well planned [15]. Some of these are better for hands-

- -
7 1

on experience, and may be set up as a minilab. A few

years ago one of our colleagues [ 161 set up such a minilab
with six demonstration experiments to be completed in a
15-week semester. Each demonstration experiment was
planned for about an hour, with short preparation time.
Experiments were scheduled flexibly through a sign-up
procedure. These continue to rank high in student evalu-
ations. Recent topics for the minilabs were
1) electrostatics (resistance-paper analog and Mac-
Intosh models)
2) magnetic measurements and Faraday’s law (Fig. 1)
3) pulse propagation (experiments on coax line and
MacIntosh models)
4) microwave measurement instruments Fig. 1. One of the minilabs in which Faraday’s law and the Hall etfect are
5 ) reflection and matching of coaxial transmission lines used to measure the magnetic field of a solenoid.
6) plane wave experiemnts (Fig. 2).
The minilabs are not intended to replace a full laboratory
experience, but that is often better scheduled after the first
course, with more sophisticated experiment and measure-
ment techniques.

Films and Videos

A number of excellent films and videos on electromag-
netics are available, the format to be used dependent upon
class size and the equipment available for clear viewing.
If video equipment is practical, one can record with a
video-camera short experiments or demonstrations in the
research laboratories to further enrich the presentations.
When using presentations prepared by others, it is impor-
tant to preview them to be sure they are worth the time
and are of the right level. Fig. 2 . A minilab illustrating Snell‘s law. total internal reflection. and
After trials with both long and short films and video, Brewster’s angle. using a He-Nc laser as the source of quasi-plane
we have found that short ones ( 5 to 10 min) are more waves
effective, inserted in the lecture at a position to illustrate
a particular point. The film on wave phenomena 1141, al- different frequency ranges, and especially between micro-
ready mentioned, did hold student attention for all of its wave and optical ranges. are especially useful. Term pa-
half-hour running period. A colleague’s film on wave ve- pers, individual projects, and class visits to research lab-
locities [17] was also useful, but has been even more oratories can be especially effective. Once the decision is
helpful when broken into 10-min video segments [See Fig. made to look for such “sparks,” each instructor will have
3(a), @)I. fun in generating new ones suitable to his or her outline
and format. Good ideas will be found by following this
Computer Modeling TRANSACTIONS and the American Journal of Physics [20].
Computer models have the advantage over the above in Is ELECTROMAGNLTICS FOR EVERYONE?
that they can be interactive, so that parameters may be It has been noted that electromagnetics was an ignored
changed and the consequences immediately observed. subject before World War I1 and a required one in the
Static field problems and problems of wave reflections are period immediately after. Now there is a mix. and a good
subjects especially suitable for such programs. Programs deal of discussion as to its relevance to certain EE spe-
suitable for PC’s with standard software are described in cialties. Students interested in microwaves, plasmas, op-
the literature [18], and commercial programs are also toelectronics, advanced solid-state devices, and electro-
available 1191. As noted in the earlier list of minilabs, mechanical energy conversion can clearly see the
these are especially suitable for that format. necessity of understanding the subject. Others may not
see the need so clearly, but bioelectronics engineers con-
Show und Tell-und More cerned with modem measurement systems can see the ne-
It is also helpful to bring to class samples of wave- cessity for understanding of fields in the body and of
guides, resonators, and other components utilizing elec- transmission phenomena. Circuit and computer engineers
tromagnetic principles. Comparisons among elements for must be concerned with delay phenomena, dispersion, and

fore to evaluate series solutions and other complicated so-

lutions that result from classical methods of analysis.
Problems can then be assigned that would have once been
considered as cruel and unusual punishment. But more
fundamentally, one can apply finite element and other nu-
merical techniques to the basic partial differential equa-
tions with prescribed boundary conditions [22]. The
memory capacity of modern computers now makes pos-
sible modeling in the time domain [23]. There is a con-
tinuing evolution and it is important to follow this in order
to decide upon the optimum way of presenting the mixture
of analytical and numerical techniques.
Since most of the analytical techniques we use are de-
veloped for linear systems, numerical methods become
increasingly important as one faces nonlinear elements or
materials. But even here-as in the study of solitons [24]-
approximate analytical solutions can play an important

We can think of our goal in teaching electomagnetics
as one with at least four channels:
1) development of physical pictures and a good intui-
tive understanding of field and wave phenomena;
2) development of the ability to use the most imporant
analytical tools for solution of problems in electromagne-
3) development of an understanding of the role of nu-
merical techniques as these become increasingly impor-
4) presentation of practical problems from a variety of
specialties of electrical engineering.
It is important in all of this to recognize the increasing
ib) importance of materials which may be inhomogeneous (as
Fig. 3. Excerpts from the film and video\ o n v,a\e velocities I17j. ( a ) I!- an ion-implanted semiconductor circuit), anisotropic (as
lustration o t a wa\eforni in time. its transform in the frequency domain.
and an ci - B diagram of a tran\tiii\sion circuit h i t h dispersion. ( b ) The a lithium-niobate modulator), nonlinear (as a magnetic
o\cilloscope picture showing experimental confirmation of pulse storage element), or time varying (as a surface-acoustic-
broadening because of dispersion in the tran\mission circuit. wave device). Or (as with a plasma) there may be a com-
bination of all these characteristics!
The base in Maxwell’s equation will remain the same
unwanted coupling between elements through radiation or but there will be the continuing excitement of new sys-
evanescent fields. t e m to which these must be applied, new techniques of
For each of the above groups, it is important to have analysis and synthesis. and new methods for presenting
problems which utilize field theory for their special inter- the material.
ests. A colleague 1211 who recently completed a special We conclude with another quote from Feynman [ 2 5 ] :
course in fields for computer engineers found it rough “From a long view of the history of mankind-seen
going in establishing the preliminaries, but did find real from, say, 10 000 years from now-there can be little
interest in the subject of magnetic storage and greatest doubt that the most significant event of the 19th Century
interest in the question of delays and dispersion when data will be judged as Maxwell’s discovery of the laws ofelec-
trains are transmitted over various transmission systems- trodynamics. The American Civial War will pale into pro-
especially optical fibers. vincial insignificance in comparison with this important
scientific event of the same decade.”
As with all aspects of engineering. numerical compu- ACK~WWLEDGMEN~
tational methods are playing an increasingly important role With deep appreciation I acknowledge the influence of
in the solution of electromagnetic problems and this fact S. Ramo-my first teacher of Maxwell’s Equations. I also
obviously has impact on the presentation of the subject. greatly appreciate the insights. both in content and teach-
At one level, one simply finds it more practical than be- ing methods, given me by many colleagues at Berkeley:


D. J . Angelakos, C . K. Birdsall, A. Dienes, T. K. Gus- [17] T. Van Duzer, “Wave velocities, dispersion, and the w - 6 dia-
tafson, M. A. Lieberman, A. J. Lichtenberg, K. K. Mei, gram,” originally produced by the Educational Development Center
for the National Committee on Electrical Engineering Films, 1969.
S. E. Schwarz, T. Van Duzer, R. M. White, the late S. [ 181 For example, T. T . Crow, “Solutions to Laplace’s equation using a
Silver, and by friends in other institutions too numerous spreadsheet on a personal computer,” Amer. J . Phys., vol. 55, pp.
to list. 817-823, Sept. 1987.
[ 191 The programs used in our minilabs were obtained from Kinko’s Ac-
ademic Courseware Exchange. 255 West Stanley Ave., Ventura, CA
[ l ] R. P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1 Reading. [20] Amer. J . Phys., a journal of the American Association of Physics
MA: Addison-Wesley, 1963, p. 28-1. Teachers, published by American Institute of Physics, 335 E. 45th
121 The familiar vector notation, now commonly used, was introduced by St., New York, NY, 10017.
Willard Gibbs and Oliver Heaviside ca 1895. Maxwell expressed his [21] A. Dienes, Univ. California, Davis.
work in terms of Hamilton’s quaternions. See M. J. Crowe, A History [22] V . Vermuri and W. J . Karplus, Digital Computer Treatment of Par-
of Vecror Analysis. New York: Dover, 1986. rial Diferenrial Equarions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
[3] Sir E. Whittaker, “A history of the theories of aether and electric- 1981.
ity,” Amer. Insr. Phys., vol. I, 1987. [23] A. C. Cangellaris, C. C. Lin, K. K. Mei, ”Point-matched time do-
[4] A. A. Oliner, “Historical perspectives on microwave field theory,” main finite element methods for electromagnetic radiation and scat-
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-32, pp. 1022-1045, tering,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagar., vol. AP-35, pp. 1160-
Sept. 1984. 1173, Oct. 1987.
[5] K. S. Packard, “The origin of waveguides: A case of multiple redis- 1241 H. A. Haus, Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics. Englewood Cliffs,
covery,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT 32. pp. NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984, Sec. 10.2.
961-969, Sept. 1984. [25] R. P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. I1 Reading,
[6] This writer still remembers his struggles with the concept of subtran- MA: Addison-Wesley, p. 1-11.
sient synchronous reactance of electrical machines, and with the “de-
rivations” given in popular texts of radiation from a dipole antenna
ca 1937.
[7] Many graduate-level texts give more complete coverage. An excellent
review of the approach to moving systems is given by C . T. Tai, “On John R. Whinnery (A’41-SM’44-F’52) was born
the presentation of Maxwell’s theory.” Proc. IEEE, vol. 60, pp. 936- in Read, CO, on July 26, 1916. He received the
945, Aug. 1972. B . S . degree in electrical engineering in 1937 and
[8] J. A. Stratton makes this point clearlyin the Preface to his classic text the Ph.D. degree in 1948, both from the Univer-
Elecrromagneric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1941. sityof California, Berkeley.
[9] For example, R. S . Elliott, Elecrromagnerics. New York: McGraw- From 1937 to 1946 he was with the General
Hill, 1966. Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, working on
[lo] M. N. 0. Sadiku, “Problems faced by undergraduates studying elec- various microwave problems. and during that pe-
tromagnetics,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. E-29. pp. 31-32, Feb. 1986. riod coauthored, with Simon Ramo, the first edi-
[ l l ] R. M. White, Univ. California, Berkeley. tion of the text Fields and Waves in Modern Ru-
[12] Obtainable, for example, from Edmund Scientific Company, 101 E. dio. Since 1946 he has been at the University of
Gloucester Pike, Barrington, NJ 08007. Electrodes at different tem- California, Berkeley, as faculty member, Chairman of the EE department.
pertures are placed on the paper and color differences show variations and Dean, returning to teaching in 1964 and was named a University Pro-
of potential. fessor in 1980. Leaves from his Department have been spent at the Hughes
[I31 A. D . Moore, “Fields from fluid flow mappers,” J . Appl. Phys., vol. Aircraft Company, Bell Laboratories, and several universities. His re-
20, pp. 790-804, Aug. 1949; also Trans AIEE, vol. 71, Part I, pp. search interests since 1964 have been concentrated on photonic devices.
1-5, 1952. Dr. Whinnery received from the IEEE the Education Medal (1967). the
[14] Shive, “Similarities in wave behavior,” Now in video format. For Microwave Career Award (1976), Centennial Medal (1984) and Medal of
information on availability, requests through your library to Library, Honor (1985); he received the Lamme Award of the American Society for
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Whippany, NJ 07981. Engineering Education (1975) and the Founders Medal of the National
[ 151 The recent book, Elecrromagneric Fields and Energy, by H . A. Haus Academy of Engineering (1986). He is a member of the National Academy
and J. R. Melcher, contains 37 detailed descriptions of possible dem- of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences and is Fellow of the
onstrations! American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Optical Society of America
[I61 M. A. Lieberman, Univ. California. Berkeley. and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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