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Syllabus of Elimination Test ( min=60% to pass)

(i) English Language

(ii) Gujarati Language
(iii) General Knowledge
(iv) Arithmetic
(v) Current Affairs
(vi) Indian History and Geography
(vii) Basics of Computer Applications
(viii) Sports
(ix) Analytical Reasoning
(x) Mental Ability etc.

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Syllabus of Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type)(min:50% to pass)

(i) English Language
(ii) Gujarati Language
(iii) General Knowledge
(iv) Basic Knowledge of Computer – Spreadsheet & Word Processing

Practical / Skill Test (Typing Test) (40 Marks - 10 Minutes) :

(1) The Candidates who qualify in the Main Written Examination (Descriptive
Type) will have to appear in the Typing Test of 40 Marks (Duration : 10
Minutes) on Computer (English and/or Gujarati as the case may be), at
Ahmedabad or at any other place(s) that may be decided by the High Court.


 history and culture of Gujarat

 gujarati grammer
 English Grammer
 Current affair(india,Gujarat),general scince,aptitude test, computer theory
 Public Administration and Constitution of India.

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