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Chapter 1
The Problem


Education is essential to everyone nowadays. It is a continuous

process that every individual has to undertake. The teachers’ teaching

methods are ways on how teachers teach students effectively. Each

teacher has various methods of teaching.

Every mentor tries various teaching method which suits the

understanding of the students.

Teachers need to discover the memory capacity of every student.

Through this, he will know what method fits the learners.

Learning styles are students’ way of learning. They use different

learning styles at different situations.

The effectiveness of learning styles of the SPED-FL students

depends on what method the teacher uses.

The researcher wanted to find what method the mentor seems to

be very effective or is compatible to the students’ style of learning.

According to Zhen Hui, (2001), “An effective matching between

teaching and students learning can be achieved when teachers are aware

of their learner’s needs, capacities, potentials, and learning style

preferences, and it is necessary to alter the teaching style to create a


teacher – student styles. So with that learners would express their feeling

physically in which they performed very well.

By that, there will be an effectiveness of teaching method to

describe with students’ learning style.

The difference between a good and bad teacher can be a full time

of achievement in a single school year, Haycocks, (1998).

It meant that you may know if a teacher is a good one when a

student excelled in the class.

It was not an effective mentor if in the end the learner does not

even learn a thing. A good teacher produced excellent students.

Another was according to Kon Kurtus, (2012), there are a number

of possible reasons that students get poor grades which affect their

academic performance.

The researchers considered the fact that teaching method which

was not appropriate for a body of students lead to the poor performance of


This meant that the teaching methods of teachers greatly affected

the performances of the students.


If the methods were not effective, it became difficult for them to

understand. That’s why the researchers needed to know what method fit

the learning of the students.

The Conceptual Framework of the Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the various teaching

methods toward the learning styles of the SPED - FL class as a basis for

academic performance.

The figure revealed that the dependent variable of this study was

the teachers’ teaching method used in teaching the students.

These methods figured out the outcome of the students – habits,

skills, attitudes and appreciations.

On the other hand, method included everything the teacher does or

neglected to do which caused behavioral changes in the students.

The teachers’ task required that he possess a wide variety of

positive personality and professional traits.

Students’ learning styles were the independent variables of this

study. These styles were our own preferred method of learning.

Some students have preferred learning style that is mainly through

– seeing, hearing, and doing.


The academic performance of the students was used as indicator

for the learning style of the students.

Students’ academic performances can be categorized into the

following: recitations, outputs, periodical tests, homework, projects, and


According to Cohen, et al, (2001), those who learned more gave

their teachers higher ratings.

This meant that students focused on the lesson that the teacher

was teaching. They really participate well in the class discussion. It

became the basis of the teachers to teach well. It is where the teacher’s

method was good, wherein the students understand the lesson


On the other hand, learning style was the way in which each

learner began concentration on the process, absorbed and retained new

and difficult information, Dunn, (1999) that the curiosity of the students

sometimes is being answered by their learning or information gathered.

They absorbed the lesson being taught to them.


Teacher’s Teaching Method

Academic Performances

Learning Styles of the SPED - FL class

Figure 1

The Conceptual Framework of the Study which shows the

Relationship of the Variables


Significance of the Study

Through this study, the researchers knew the different methods

used by the teachers and the learning styles used by the students of the

SPED-FL Class as a basis for their academic performances.


Our very own supportive parents got some knowledge from this

study. This study became their guide in seeing how their children were

handling with their study. This determined how fast their children learned.

And what methods did the teachers apply to make sure that their children

learned better.

The parents knew the interaction between the teachers and the

students. Therefore, they guided or taught their children attain excellence

in school.


As we all know, the SPED-FL Class was a model to all. They were

the ones who did the right thing so that others pursued them.

In this study, the students got some suggestions to have an

effective learning that surely gave an enormous amendment to them.

It became their inspiration to enhance their learning and have good

grades. It helped the learners understand how the teacher taught them in

every subject. This study acted as a motivation for the students to be an

independent learner.


The researchers conducted this study to know the effective

methods used by teachers in teaching and be aware of the learning styles

of the SPED-FL class.

This study became a ready reference for future researchers who

wished to pursue a deeper relationship of the teaching-learning of the

SPED-FL class.


Moreover, the teachers had other methods used in teaching that

surely suited to the levels of understanding of their students.

And helped them match the method of teaching to the learning style

of the students.


The result of this study served as a starting point to recognize the

learning styles of the SPED-FL class and the teaching methods of the

teachers. This helped in future seminar and trainings for teachers and

identified the students who comprised the SPED-FL class.


Statement of the Problem

The researchers’ aimed to study the teachers’ teaching methods

and the effectiveness of the students’ learning styles of the SPED-FL


Furthermore, it seeked an answer to the following questions:

1. What is the teachers’ teaching method in the SPED-FL class?

2. What are the learning styles of the 4th year SPED-FL students?

3. Is there a significant difference on the teaching methods of

teachers in SPED-FL class when they are grouped according to subject:

a. Major subjects

b. Minor subjects

4. Is there a significant difference on the learning styles of the

4th year SPED-FL students when they are grouped according to gender?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was delimited to 39 students of the Fourth Year

SPED – FL Class of Basilan National High School, school year 2014 –


The instrument used in gathering data was the questionnaire


This was a descriptive research wherein it seeked to study the

teachers’ teaching method and the learning styles of the SPED – FL Class

as a basis for academic performance.

Definition of Terms

Some terms in this research were given meaning based on how

they are used to help the readers fully comprehend the content.

Some of the terms were defined for the readers to understand well.

These were the terminologies used by the researcher for their study.

Teaching Methods – are the strategies or techniques on teaching

used by the teachers on their students like giving activities, reports, group

works, and the likes. Teachers try different teaching methods which try to

suit with the learning style of the learners.

Learning Styles – is the process wherein learners reciprocate on

the respondents towards teaching scenario. It is also the style used by the

students to understand and comprehend the lesson being taught to them.

Effectiveness – is a tool to determine the level of responses of the

learners. The result of what you’ve done in a certain thing. Effectiveness

determines the teachers’ way of teaching, if it helps in the development of

the students or it leaves them without learning something.


SPED-FL Class – is a group of advanced learners with high level

of intelligence and significant potentials and talents. These students are

being molded in this particular class and are given lots of activities and

exercises to enhance their skills. The class caters more on learning the

English Language.

Academic Performance – these are the improvements or the

student’s development inside the classroom. With the students’ academic

performance, it can be identified how the student improves, what is his

standing, and what he is doing to maintain it. This determines if the

teacher teaches effectively.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presented the different teaching methods used by the

teachers when teaching a certain group of students. It also focused on the

learning styles of the learners. It aimed to study the teacher’s teaching

methods and the students learning styles as a basis for the academic

performance of the students.

Chalmers, (2007) pointed out that it matters more than 400

empirical studies to show that teaching method is significantly correlated

to student’s achievements. Every teaching method of teachers caused

the students achievement. Every now and then, teachers used lots of

teaching method to improve their students’ capacity.

All of the teachers wanted that their students would have lots of

achievement to achieve. Achievement of students also meant the success

of their teachers.

Teaching Methods

Teaching method has greatly improved the achievement of

students. Every year because of the method the teacher uses when they

teach, they produce good and high quality students.

Teaching method has given the power to enhance the skills and

learning styles of students.


They try to change the shyness of the students to confidence to

gain achievements in life because if the student is shy the word

achievement would never be attained.

The teachers’ method of teaching can change the learner’s attitude

and outlook towards task, if before they are shy students, then in the long

run if the teacher’s method is effective, then it can transform learners to be

more vocal and participative when it comes to class discussion.

Another is that students dig deep into themselves, they discover

new skills which they think they cannot have but when they try different

forms of activities, they notice that they too can have that skill and further

enhances that ability for it to be useful in the future.

Teachers really have gone far searching for best teaching methods

that fit to their students. Mentors do not stick to one method but they try

various methods and apply it to the students. If it has a good effect on

them then it will be applied but if it does not bear good results then they

have to look for another one which suits the students.

Looking for a method which best fits the learners is a never ending

process. It happens to each teacher and the class they are handling.

They have taken efforts to achieve the best result for their student’s

achievement. If the teachers have an effective method then the result is

that students excel in their class.


The teaching method of teacher has offered an enormous

opportunity for students to have a great and wide knowledge. Even if the

teacher has an effective method of teaching but if the students do not do

their part then still it has no effect.

Both of them should work together to attain accomplishment

because if the learners will really pay attention, then he will be opening

doors of opportunity in the future. He will be ensured of his future life

because if one is well educated, looking for a job in the future will never be

a hassle for him.

The teaching method of teachers creates a great impact to

student’s achievements. Once the students are learning, little by little they

get the achievements they want.

Understanding what the teacher teaches increases the student’s

knowledge. If they will cooperate and will give their best then success will

not be far from them, achieving the ultimate goal is already in the palm of

their hands.

Best teaching methods had been a possible way to directly achieve

the student’s achievement.

They train the student’s to be active and be more participative. With

that, we can say that there is achievement in a particular student. When


they teach they communicate in a way that they supplement the

knowledge of the students and would cause the accomplishment of it.

Communication is really essential when teaching because

communicating develops the student’s skill in connecting with the teacher.

Teaching method is a reflection to student’s achievements, all

thoughts, ideas, and skills of the students are enhanced and developed by

the teachers.

If the students have a good result in all aspects therefore that

teacher is good in teaching and the teaching method was effective and

best among all.

Students cannot achieve their goals alone in life; they need a

helping hand to achieve those things.

You do not only depend on yourself when you want to attain

something, like our parents who guide us every step of the way to be a

successful someone, teachers are known as the second parents of the

learners and they contribute a lot to the triumph of their students. No man

is an island. You cannot stand alone. Help is indeed needed to achieve

the learner’s aim.

In other words the teaching method of the teachers, guide the

students in obtaining the achievement that every students dream to

achieve, and apply it with the things they purposely need.


What the teacher does or refrain from doing is part of a teaching


Method is the bridge between the student and the subject matter.

The teacher’s method serves as a channel for the student and teacher to

really interact and understand each other.

The teacher may have mastered the subject matter but fail because

he cannot get the attention of the student to learn.

Being a teacher does not depend on his intellectual capacity of an

individual, being a good teacher is seen on the way he approaches his

students, even if he knows everything, even if he memorized every topic

but if he teaches ineffectively, then it is the teacher’s failure because he

was not able to teach correctly the topic.

According to Theall and Franklin, (2001) “Research indicates that

students are the most qualified sources to report on the extent to which

the learning experience was productive, informative, satisfying, or

worthwhile. While opinions on these matters are not direct measures of

instructor or course effectiveness, they are legitimate indicators of student

satisfaction, and there is substantial research linking student satisfaction

to effective teaching”.

Students are the ones who will judge the teacher’s method used in

teaching them. Wherein other effective teaching method used that greatly

satisfies the student. It states that if the students were really satisfied on

the way the teacher teaches it will be the learners who will be the judge.

They are able to say if the mentor is good if they grasped

something about the lesson. And another way to determine if they really

learned is that when they are asked to say something or explain the

lesson they stand confidently and explain what they learned. If they were

able to do that it proves that the past discussion was interesting,

worthwhile and satisfying.

The literature on teaching is crammed full of well researched ways

that teachers can present content and skills that will enhance the

opportunities for students to learn.

There are consistently high correlations between students’ ratings

of the “amount learned” in the subject and their overall ratings of the

teacher and the subject. Those who learned more gave their teachers

higher ratings, according to Franklin et al, (2001).

Teaching is not an easy task. The learners are not ignorant that

before the teachers get inside the classroom and teach them, they really

study the topic and look for the best way to relate the topic effectively to

the students.

It is also said that there is a connection with the student’s rating of

the amount learned in the subject and the overall ratings of the teachers

and their subjects.

If students got high ratings definitely teachers will also have the

honor because he taught well and now he is given high ratings because

he persevered in teaching the students for them to really understand their


According to Thomas Angelo, “Teaching in the absence of learning

is just talking.” And that is a big fact, because for the students, even

though they are listening but the presence of mind is not with the flow of

the discussion, they will never learn even a piece of information.

And for the teachers, teaching out of topic and sharing other

information far from the subject looks like they are just gossiping to the

students. If both parties will not have a collaborative effort, nobody will


The student will not acquire new knowledge and so with the

teachers, the time is wasted for just a mere chitchat with each other.

Method used in teaching is a little technique. Hamm (2008) quoted

Rafe; “A presentation involves motivating listeners to accept a new idea,

alter an existing opinion, or act on a given premise.” When teaching, the

teacher should get the attention of the students, he should make the

discussion alive as much as possible so that students will be motivated. In

that case learning is easy for them because class discussion is made

interesting and easily understandable.

Method can be standardized. According to Kochhar (2000), “A

problem, an issue, a situation in which there is a difference of opinion, is

suitable for discussion method of teaching. That’s why interaction occurs

during the discussion between the students and the teacher. It’s like,

teacher using the same method and devices in teaching the same subject

matter will get the same results.

It is said here that the one suitable for a discussion method is a

problem, issue or a situation. It is because the learners may relate or

connect it to themselves that is why there is interaction. Both parties

express opinions in which one may agree and the other disagrees.

Sometimes in the discussion method, arguments or debates arise

because one party insists on what they believe. It should not lead to

argument, for they can express and accept each other’s point of view

based on the experiences one has undergone.

Assignments on the other hand are inevitable when it comes to

school life. Most of the students dread the day when assignments are

given because it does not conform to their lifestyle.


Another study found that fully explained assignment better prepare

students to know their best. When the inevitable question, "Will we be

tested on this?" arises, make sure your answer includes not only a "yes"

or "no," but a "because." Shea A. (2009).

But, as it said, students are tested when they are given

assignments, they are not only tested but their diligence is developed

because it will really help them a lot in the future.

Students should really think the advantage of being given

assignments and should always have a positive outlook when given one.

According to Lardizabal, et al, 1977 in their book the Principles and

Methods of Teaching, the different teaching methods are as follows:

Inductive Method

In reality, it is the discovery method. It is the method of solving a

problem from particular to the general. Through the inductive procedure,

one may arrive at a fact, principle, truth, or generalization.

The inductive method has three aims: to help students discover

important rules or truths for themselves through careful observation of

enough specific examples that will support the generalization, to make

meanings, explanations, and relationships of ideas clear to students, and

to enable students to carry on investigations by themselves, independent

of the teacher.

The inductive method states that the teacher teaches the lesson

from particular to general. It’s up to the students to derive their own

generalization based on their observations of the topic it is the students

that formulate their own meanings and explanations.

This is helpful to the students because they will not easily forget the

lesson. This also trains the students to be independent when it comes to


Nowadays, students do not solely rely on the teachers to give

everything and discuss it with them. Now it is up to the students to learn all

by themselves.

However, the inductive method has its advantages and

disadvantages. For the advantages: first, whatever learned through

induction is learned thoroughly and retained longer, students are provided

with means of solving concrete problems later, students are trained to

think logically and scientifically, and lastly, students go through a method

of work that is psychologically right.

The disadvantages are: it is not suited for all subject matter, many

teachers cannot master the technique because it requires much clear

thinking, sometimes it is too lengthy and tires the undisciplined, and it

tends to make the lesson too formal and this is undesirable.


This method is useful because as it is stated when it’s the students

who discover the lesson by themselves the lesson is really inculcated in

their minds and is retained longer for them to use in the future. Having

known the lesson clearly the students are equipped to face tougher

problems in the future.

In the inductive method students really use their heads and are

trained to really think logically and scientifically. They do not immediately

formulate conclusions without them studying the case.

But this method is not applicable to every subject; it cannot be

applied to every topic because there might be another method that fits that

topic. Being too lengthy might bore the listeners or even the teacher, the

lesson being too formal is undesirable for many. The lesson that is too

formal is not really interesting to the learners.

Deductive Method

The deductive method is the opposite of the inductive procedure.

Deduction starts with the generalization that is applied to specific cases, it

is a process of reasoning from general to particular. It begins with a rule,

definition, formula, or concept.

These individual cases are studied or examined to conclude that

the generalization is valid.


It is stated that this method is the total opposite of induction. The

teacher is the one that gives the generalization or definition and it is up to

the students to find out if the given definition is correct by examining


There are two types of deduction: the anticipatory and the

explanatory. Anticipatory deduction forecasts details that will be found in a

particular situation, while explanatory deduction connects facts at hand

with principles that interpret them.

In the anticipatory deduction, the details given are only found in a

specific situation while the explanatory deduction connects every detail

given. These details all pertain to the topic or interpret it. The deductive

method is considered as the teaching methods commonly used by


Grammar Translation Method

It has its goal. First is to read literature in the target language and to

memorize grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language.

Since the respondents are from the SPED – FL class which is a

part of the English Program by the English Department, it is necessary for

the researchers to find out if this method helps mold the learners

particularly in learning the language.


In this kind of method, the students learn the target language by

reading poems, stories, or essays for them to be acquainted with the

language. By doing this, they enhance their vocabulary.

The students also need to memorize the grammar rules; indeed, it

is really important to memorize every rule in grammar for a student to be

able to communicate confidently without the fear of being embarrassed.

Its characteristics are: it focuses on reading and writing with little or

no systematic attention to listening or speaking. Vocabulary selection is

solely based on the reading text used. Much of the lesson is devoted to

translating sentences from and into the target language. Grammar is

taught deductively. Accuracy is emphasized.

This kind of method focuses mainly on reading and writing. This

method develops the students especially when it comes to reading

comprehension and it also improves the student’s skill in writing.

Using this method, the learner might discover his hidden skill in

writing. The words used in vocabulary are from the selection read.

Also, in this method, the students are trained to translate sentences

from their native language to the target language, or vice – versa. Since

sentences are fundamental in language, the students should learn how to

translate properly sentences using the appropriate word.


Direct Method

Its goal is to communicate in the target language. The

characteristics are: a foreign language is taught without the use of the

native language, there are extensive drills in listening, imitating, and

speaking so that the students’ use of the different forms of the language

becomes second nature to them.

There is no memorization of grammar rules, oral communication

skills are developed. Emphasis is on correct pronunciation and grammar.

And, in this method, it is the teacher that directs the class activities

but the teacher and students are partners in the teaching and learning


In this method, the teacher and the students interact using the

target language. The students even if they have not mastered the

language should use it when communicating for them to learn it and to be

able to communicate using it in the future.

Also, in this method, the teachers and the students solely use one

language inside the classroom.

There are also listening, imitating, and speaking activities to

enhance furthermore their knowledge of the language.


Grammar rules are integrated and oral skills are developed.

Students are trained to talk always even if they talk using the wrong

grammar. Still, they should go on with that so that it will be usual for them

to speak the language. If they will master it, then, it will be too easy for

them to communicate.

Accompanied with being fluent of the language, the students should

also know the proper pronunciation and the correct usage of the language

for effective speaking.

Lastly, the students and teachers are partners in the learning

process. Although it is the teacher that directs or manages the class, but it

is both the students and teachers that benefit in the class. The two parties

learn and are partners in the learning process.

Total Physical Response Method

The goal of this method is to promote an enjoyable learning

experience with minimum stress. Its characteristics are: first it begins with

commands given by the teacher which the students execute. Activities are

novel, often humorous, and include games and skits. There is teacher-

student or student-student interaction.

Meaning in the target language is often made clear through actions.

The students are expected to commit errors when they begin speaking;

only major errors are corrected. Evaluation is done through observation of

the student’s action.

This total physical response method focuses mainly on outdoor

activities, or it is more on physical activities.

This method facilitates learning through different activities because

through activities, students are able to learn easily without being bored of

the subject.

In here, lessons begin with commands given by the teacher, so it is

the teacher that commands or gives instruction for students to do.

Activities done are often enjoyable and happy like games and skits

so that students will really learn. Meanings are discovered by students

through action even if the teacher does not give the meaning, the students

easily discover it through actions.

Errors are usual. The teachers let the students commit mistakes so

that they will be able to learn, but it is only the major errors that are


Lastly, in every topic discussed, there should always be an

evaluation to assess if there is a development within the students. If the

actions done by students are right, then it means that the students did

really learn.

Learning Styles

Students will learn better and be contented through their preferred

learning style.

A learning style is the way students respond within the process.

Furthermore, the learning style concept is embraced in a number of

current educational psychology textbooks.

According to Omrod, (2008) ‘‘Some cognitive styles and

dispositions do seem to influence how and what students learn. Some

students seem to learn better when information is presented through

words (verbal learners), whereas others seem to learn better when it’s

presented through pictures (visual learners)’’.

These styles help the student to learn right away. Other enhances

more if it is presented orally while others enhance more if it is presented

through illustration. Students really differ in their learning styles.

One learns orally and the other visually; that is why the teacher’s

method of teaching should really fit the student’s learning styles.

The student, as he learns to evaluate how others solve their

problems, improves his ability to solve his own problems. Within a medical

education context, a recent study by Thomas, et al, (2009) examined the

hypothesis that learners with a ‘‘sensing learning style’’ would do better

when given instruction in which the problem was presented prior to the

content information used to solve the problem, whereas ‘‘intuitive

learners’’ would do better with the reverse.

Here, it states that when solving problems students also differ in the

way they learn. The one with the sensing learning style learns even if the

content of the topic is not yet presented. When a problem is given they

need not to know how it is being solved. Instead they look for a way on

how to solve it and discovers the solution on their own.

The other is the intuitive learners; it is the reverse of the first one in

which the content of the topic should be presented first so that it can be a

source of reference for the student to use when they are already solving

the problem.

In Callender and McDaniel, (2007), the ability of interest was the

degree to which learners can construct a coherent representation of

presented content (either through text or lectures).

In fact, the more concentration given within the discussion affects a

great impact to the students wherein they can make some conclusions on

their own. The more attention given, the more knowledge gathered.

Students really differ when it comes to learning. If presenting the

lesson through text or lecture arouses the interest of the learners, it will be

easy for them to learn because they create mental representations in their

minds, and this is a sign that the student really understood the lesson.

And, if they are interested with the lesson then, they will

concentrate and pay attention to the lesson. In that way, learning is easy

and knowledge is acquired immediately.

Finding that learner’s memory for information or procedures can be

directly enhanced through testing, Roediger and Karpicke, (2006).

Usually, it is always said that after the discussion, students

immediately forget the lesson. That is why tests are given because it is

believed that tests retain and enhance the student’s knowledge. Giving

test is also an assessment if the students really grasped the lesson.

The Dunn and Dunn assessment instrument for adults asks

respondents to indicate, for example, whether they learn best when they

hear a person talk about something, whether their desk is typically

disorganized and messy, whether they would say that they normally think

in words as opposed to mental images, and whether they would

characterize themselves as someone who thinks intuitively or objectively,

Rundle & Dunn, (2007).

Everyone has its unique learning style. Others by just merely

hearing it from others, simply from seeing others, and purely by doing.

Assessing how someone learns is not that easy because it is stated that a

person learns only by hearing someone talk about it.


Hearing something can cause learning. Others have to characterize

themselves first to discover their learning style.

However, one recent and well-executed study, which will be

discussed at more length later, discloses that preference for visual versus

verbal information intake shows hardly any relationship to an individual’s

objectively measured specific-aptitude profile, Massa & Mayer, (2006).

This means that learning verbally and visually does not depend if

someone is intelligent or not. It does not mean that if you are not that

intelligent, you only understand if the lecture is accompanied with pictures,

and it does not also mean that if a person is intelligent, he learns easily

without visual representations.

Even people with high I.Q. don’t have the same learning styles. As

it is said, each person has unique learning styles, and it should not be the

case that it is already assumed that an intelligent and a slow learner have

their fixed learning style.

Visual presentations produced better free recall than did purely

verbal presentations, and the authors reported finding ‘‘no relationship

between a visual learning style and the actual learning of verbal items that

are presented visually or auditory’’, Constantinidou & Baker, (2002).


Visual learning and actual learning plays a big role in student’s

learning, this will act as a basis for them, and where we can see their

differences in every aspect.

Learning style is seen in every students bearing with different

surname and having different attitudes towards education.

Rather it is far more important to match the presentation with the

nature of the subject, such as providing correct learning methods,

strategies, and context: rather than matching individual preferences,

according to Coffield et al, (2004).

However, Ecclestone et al, (2004), stated that there is

disagreement on how to best measure learning styles. Sometimes,

learning style is not capable within the individual, wherein it gives out

disadvantages. There are occurrences how to get along properly to the

learning of the student.

As a matter of fact, David Merrill, (2000) has the best philosophy for

using learning styles – instructional strategies should first be determined

on the basis of the type of content to be taught or the goals of the

instruction (the content-by-strategy interactions) and secondarily, learner

styles and preferences are then used to adjust or fine-tune these

fundamental learning strategies.


Learners should have learning strategies aiming to be more

knowledgeable enough and has the awareness about the uses of learning

styles. One use of this learning style is instructional strategies wherein

your finding out the base of the substance to be taught or the aim of

instruction used.

Furthermore, it is used to change or to make tiny adjustments to

something in order to achieve the best possible performance or


Individuals perceive or process information in very different ways.

There are 5 learning styles, we have: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic,

Extrovert and Introvert.


The visual memory records come through the eye, or, in other,

words, it is the avenue which helps you to remember all that you see. 60

percent of the population is visual. We are a society of media, visual aids,

and digital.

Students are able to perceive a picture in the mind rather an

abstract idea. What they see, is what they learn. Using their vision, they

learn. If students have this so called visual memory, they are able to recall

all things which they observe.


For this type of learning, seeing is hearing. For what they see, is

what they also hear from the teachers. What they see is what they

understand. Students prefer to read information. They need to see and

know it. And sometimes they have artistic ability.

They remember what they hear and say; enjoys classroom and

small group discussion; can remember oral instructions well; understands

information best when they hear it. They must hear things for them to have

the best chance of learning.

Visual learners usually enjoy reading books and may appear to

day-dream during a session with a lot of verbal activities.

These students need to read over information, first looking at the

headings in a written text. Visual learners like to study from their own



Characteristically a student has kinesthetic memory. Things are

learned through feel and manipulation with its concrete instructions &

techniques. Students are being knowledgeable because of their


They can handle it with their own understanding. Having also basis

and information’s given by the teachers. Student prefers hands-on


learning. And sometimes they learn better when physical activities are

being involved, and may be very well coordinated and have athletic ability.

Kinesthetic learners usually are predisposed to remember things

that they do and experience and may be inclined to tap their pencil or pen

during a lesson.

Studying techniques for this type of learner might be making flash

cards or investing a game to play.


Individual prefers to eavesdrop. Their ears are their eyes. Wherein

they learn base from what they hear. They are using their sense of

hearing to obtain supplementary intellectual capacity. They prefer to get

information when by listening, needs to hear it to know it.

Auditory learners usually like discussion in lessons and may have a

propensity to whisper when reading.

These students might benefit from tape recording notes from class

or tape recording parts of the textbook.

Auditory learners enjoy studying with friends over the telephone or

in person.

Quality of human learning is related to our emotional state. What

we have been through the years will also give us information to learn.

From our mistakes we learn, it is also like the teachings in school, if

sometimes we are being corrected, as a student we must accept it, and

that way we learn and we will make those corrections more productive.


Introvert Learner are usually loners. They are the shy type of

person, a shy person who does not really socialize much. Somebody

whose feelings and thoughts are directed inward. They are usually those

persons whom they say that they have their own world.

They don’t like attention from others. They want to work within

themselves. They avoid people whenever they come near to them and

does not really have lots of friends. They keep their feelings and emotions

within them.

As it is said that introverts learn within themselves, they also learn

by themselves. For them to gain knowledge they read books, magazines,

and other reading materials. They try to understand and ponder within

themselves the lessons taught. It is by the help of their own selves that

introverts are able to learn.



These are persons that get energy from being around people.

Extrovert learners are the type of persons that are not shy. They

are fun to mingle with other persons.

They can express their feelings to others. They can be somebody

who is sociable and has the strong self-confident toward others.

And they are somebody whose interests are directed outside

themself. They are the persons who are really friendly, they are the

loquacious type of person.

They tend to intrude in discussions even if they do not know the

persons. These are the persons whose self – confidence is oozing.

Extroverts learn in various ways. Since they have lots of friends,

they learn along with their friends, through sharing of ideas and

knowledge. Also, by group studies and activities. With their friends help,

extroverts learn easily.

According to Verona A. Magnesen, we learn: 10% of what we read.

20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear,

70% of what we say, and 90% of what we say and do.


According to other studies Knowles et al, (2005), the most effective

strategies for divergers are the small group activities, simulations, group

projects, discussions, and case studies.

At the same time as previous studies have shown Nilson, (2010),

the recommended instructional strategies for accommodators are projects,

solving open-ended problems, investigations, simulations, role plays, and


People learn and think in different ways. Based on Chalmers

(2007), “Understanding learning style understands brain function.” For

when you learn your brain functions well, and you cope with the subject


According to M. Elia Flores, for every 10 students you will find: 2

auditory learners, 4 visual learners, 4 tactile kinesthetic learners, yet 90%

of all teaching is auditory. That means we shortchange 8 out of 10


Chapter 3


This chapter deliberated the seven subtopics namely research

design, research locale, subject-respondents of the study, validation of the

research instrument, statistical tool, research instrument, and the data

gathering procedure. This research used the descriptive method since this

was the suitable design to gather the needed data on teaching method

and the learning styles of the SPED Class-FL students.

Research Design

Descriptive method is a kind of method that describes factually,

accurately and objectively a situation, problem or, method systematically.

It is the method used in this study.

This study aimed to describe the different teaching methods used

by the teachers and the students’ learning styles as a basis for their

academic performance.

This method fit the study because by knowing the teachers’

teaching methods and the students’ learning styles, the researchers found

out the appropriate teaching method that fits the students’ learning style

for them to develop and excel academically.


Research Locale

Isabela City, although found in Basilan, but is a part of the Region

IX, Zamboanga Peninsula a place where multi-cultural tribes live

harmoniously. Dubbed as the “Rising City of the South”, Isabela City is

now on its way to development. It is a place worth living. The city boasts

the largest school in the entire province of Basilan.

Basilan National High School is a well-known school and is the

largest public high school in the said province. The BNHS is not just an

ordinary public school, but also a place where students learn and discover

the beauty and the advantages of learning.

BNHS accepts students regardless of their status in life and their

affordability level; the school is satisfied with the result of the student’s

academic performance.

BNHS screw up one’s courage. They train students to have a

positive thinking in life.

In making the research regarding the teaching method and

learning style, the researchers made the investigation at the Basilan

National High School, Isabela City, Zamboanga Peninsula, in the School

Year 2014-2015.

Subject-Respondents of the Study

In the 19 sections of the 4th Year in the Basilan National High

School, it is the 4th Year SPED-FL Students that were chosen as the

subject-respondents of this study.

The SPED-FL class is a special program supported by the English

Department. This program focuses on learning the English language.

The students in this program are well-trained in writing and public

speaking. They can communicate effectively and confidently.

Validation of the Research Instrument

Data gathering using the questionnaire were carefully gathered and

analyzed by the researchers.

The data were properly examined by the panel of experts, clustered

by the researchers, and validated by the English Teachers.

Statements regarding the different teaching methods and learning

styles were placed in the instrument for the students of the SPED-FL class

to answer.

These different teaching methods and the learning styles were a

big help for the students.


Research Instrument

The researchers came up with two instruments in this study. One is

to find out what teaching method is used by the teachers and the other

one is to evaluate what kind of learning styles do students use.

In the first part of the instrument, an introduction explains how the

researchers conducted the survey and assured them of the confidentiality

of their answers as well as their socio-demographic which pertains to their

personal identities.

The next part was the answering of the first instrument which

pertains to the teaching methods; the teachers answered if they used a

specific kind of method when teaching.

The statements were grouped according to the teaching method of


Lastly, the respondents answered the learning styles which were

assessed by the respondents.

The statements were grouped into the different learning styles used

by the students-respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The investigators asked the consent of Mrs. Tita Orbecido Tan, the

English Department Head to allow the researchers agree to manage the


Upon agreement, the researchers managed the questionnaire and

used it to conduct a survey on the 4th Year SPED-FL Class of Basilan

National High School.

In managing the questionnaire, the researchers followed some

stages in command for the respondents to understand the purpose why

they were given a questionnaire. Upon giving the questionnaire to them,

the students were given a sufficient time to answer it.


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter discussed the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of data that were surveyed by the researchers which assessed the

teachers’ teaching method and learning styles of the SPED-FL class as a

basis for their academic performance.

The discussions are sequenced according to the problems

presented in Chapter 1.

1. What is the teachers’ teaching method in the SPED-FL class?

As shown in table 1, it is sequenced first, the teaching methods

used by teachers namely: Inductive, Deductive, Grammar Translation,

Direct and Total Physical Response. It is followed by the mean or the

average of every method. Next to it is the standard deviation of every

method and lastly, the rank. The method with the higher mean indicates

that it is the mostly used teaching method.

As observed in table 1, the inductive method got the highest mean.

It means that a lot of the teachers use this particular method. They teach

the students inductively that the teacher starts with a particular topic,

explains it, gives meanings to it until they are able to arrive or formulate

conclusions or generalizations.

The grammar translation method is the least used method because

there are subjects that don’t emphasize grammar and do not need lots of

rules. The Inductive method is followed by: Deductive, Total Physical

Response, Direct, and lastly the Grammar Translation method.

Table 1

Teacher’s Teaching Method on the SPED Class

Teaching Standard
Mean Rank
Methods Deviation

Inductive 4.5 .46428 1

Deductive 4.4 .82192 2

3.42 .80250 5

Direct 3.8 .90431 4

Total Physical
4.3 .50111 3

2. What are the learning styles of the 4th year students?

The table 2 shows the commonly used learning styles of the 4th

year SPED-FL class. The student’s learning styles are as follows: Visual,

Kinesthetic, Auditory, Extrovert, and Introvert. These were the learning

styles which were given to the students through survey. Next to it is the

mean or average of each style. Then, the standard deviation of every

method follows. Lastly, they are ranked according to their mean. The one

with the highest mean indicates that it is the mostly used learning styles of

every student in the class.

It shows that all the styles surveyed, most of the students are

introvert. It means that there are a lot of learners who tend to keep things

within themselves. They prefer to learn individually than with companions,

and they are also energized with what they are thinking inside.

On the other hand, the Extrovert style of learning got the lowest

average. This means that students are not into socialization, and they do

not really engage much into talking when it comes to learning. The

Introvert is followed by the Auditory, then Visual, Kinesthetic and finally


Table 2

Learning Styles of the 4th year SPED Students

Learning Styles Mean Rank

Visual 3.11 .40742 3

Kinesthetic 3.1 .62386 4

Auditory 3.21 .79730 2

Extrovert 2.95 .75458 5

Introvert 3.39 .63237 1


3. Is there a significant difference on the teaching method

of teachers when they are grouped according to subject?

A. Major Subjects (English, Filipino, Science and Technology,

Mathematics, Statistics, and Research)

B. Minor subjects (Social Studies, T.L.E. MAPEH, and Values


Table 3 shows the teaching methods used in the SPED-FL class.

The Inductive Method shows a t-value of 1.98 and p-value of .13, the

deductive method has a t-value of 1.86 and a p-value of .15, the grammar

translation method has a t-value of .94 and a p-value .40, the direct

method shows a t-value of .88 and a p-value of .42, and the total physical

response method has a t-value of 1.15 and a p-value of .32. The p-value

of the teaching methods is less than tabular value 0.05 level of

significance. Therefore, there is no significant difference on the following

teaching methods: Inductive, Deductive, Grammar Translation, Direct, and

Total Physical Response on the teachers as grouped according to major

and minor subjects. This implies that there is equal number of teachers

teaching the major and minor subjects uses the following teaching


Table 3

The Teaching Methods of Teachers Grouped According to Major and

Minor Subjects

Teaching Subjects Mean Standard t- df p- Interpretation

Methods Deviation value value

Inductive Major 4.73 .16 Not

1.98 3.33 .13
Minor 4.15 .57

Major 4.80 .25
Deductive 1.86 3.23 .15
Minor 3.80 1.06 Significant

Grammar Major 3.63 .64
.94 4.60 .40
Translation Minor 3.10 1.01 Significant

Major 4.03 .66
Direct .88 4.23 .42
Minor 3.45 1.20 Significant

Physical Major 4.47 .30 Not
1.15 3.80 .32
Response Minor 4.05 .68

4. Is there a significant difference on the learning styles of

the 4th year SPED-FL class when they are grouped according to


Table 4 shows the learning styles of the SPED-FL class grouped

according to gender. The Visual style of learning shows a t-value of -.481

and a p-value of .63, the Kinesthetic style of learning has a t-value of .862

and a p-value of .39, the Extrovert has a t-value of .628 and a p-value of

.53, and the Introvert has a t-value of -1.38 and a p-value of .18. The p-

value of the following learning styles is greater than the tabular value at

0.05 level of significance. Therefore, there is no significant difference on

the following learning styles; Visual style, Kinesthetic style, Extrovert style

and Introvert style of learning on the students as grouped according to

their gender. This implies that equal number of males and females uses

these learning styles. Lastly, the Auditory style of learning shows a t-value

of -2.26 and a p-value of .03 which is lesser than the alpha 0.05.

Therefore, there is a significant difference on the learning style of students

when grouped according to gender. This implies that more females are

Auditory Learners than the male. This further implies that more females

learn easily through hearing than males.


Table 4

The Learning Styles of the SPED-FL Class When Grouped

According to Gender

Learning Standard t- p-
Gender Mean df Interpretation
Styles Deviation value value

Visual Male 3.03 .37 Not

-.481 37 .63
Female 3.12 .42 Significant

Kinesthetic Male 3.30 .56 Not

.862 37 .39
Female 3.6 .64 Significant

Auditory Male 2.57 .81

-2.26 37 .03 Significant
Female 3.33 .75

Extrovert Male 3.13 .85 Not

.628 37 .53
Female 2.92 .74 Significant

Introvert Male 3.07 .77 Not

-1.38 37 .18
Female 3.45 .60 Significant

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presented and discussed the summary of findings,

conclusion and recommendation of this study.


The study concentrated on describing the teachers teaching

methods and the students learning styles as basis for their academic


This study also answered the following questions.

1. What is the Teachers’ Teaching Method used in the

SPED-FL Class?

The teachers of the SPED-FL class use the inductive method of

teaching. They start teaching a particular topic until they are able to derive

a generalization.

2. What are the learning styles of the 4th year students?

It shows that most of the students are introvert. They learn easily by

themselves and usually without companions.


3. Is there a significant difference on the teaching method

of teachers when they are grouped according to subject?

A. Major Subjects (English, Filipino, Science and

Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, and Research)

B. Minor Subjects (Social Studies, T.L.E. MAPEH, and

Values Education)

There is no significant difference on the teaching method of

teachers even if they are grouped according to subject. There is equal

number of teachers teaching major and minor subjects use the different

teaching methods.

4. Is there a significant difference on the learning styles of

the 4th year SPED-FL class when they are grouped according to


The derived results indicate that in the Visual, Kinesthetic,

Extrovert, and Introvert styles of learning, there is no significant difference

on the learning styles of the students.

The Auditory style shows that it has a significant difference on the

students. The result showed that the female students are more inclined to

this style than the male.


Ten teachers of the SPED-FL class and 39 students of the said

class were the respondents of this study.

For the researchers to be able to gather data, they used the

questionnaire as their instrument. It is a set of a rating scale that was

given to the teachers for the teaching methods and another set was

handed to the students for the learning styles.

This study employed a descriptive research design.


The study yielded the following findings:

1. The method of teaching used by the teachers on the SPED-

FL class is the inductive method.

2. The SPED-FL students use the introvert style of learning.

Most of the SPED students are introvert. They learn through reading

books and listening to information by themselves.

3. There is no significant difference on the teaching methods of

teachers when grouped according to subject. There are equal number of

teachers using the different teaching methods be it major or minor


4. The Auditory style of learning shows that it has a significant

difference on the gender. The female are more influenced on this style of

learning than the male. The other learning styles don’t show a significant

difference to the students.


Based on the findings, these conclusions are drawn.

1. Most of the teachers teaching the SPED-FL class use the

inductive method of teaching.

2. The SPED-FL students are introvert when it comes to

learning. They gain knowledge through activities that involves only their

own selves.

3. The different teaching methods do not show any significant

difference on the teachers even if they are grouped according to major

and minor subjects.

4. The Auditory style of learning shows a significant difference

on the students as grouped according to their gender. The other learning

styles don’t show any significance.



On the basis of the findings and conclusions of this study, the

researchers recommend the following:

Teachers handling the SPED-FL classes should not only use their

desired method. They should consider first if this method suits every


They can test different methods to know if their learners learn

something from their lesson.

They will not have a hard time discovering the best method for the

students because the SPED-FL students are able to understand and

comprehend the lesson easily.

Also, the parents should have the quality time with their children so

that they can have the parents-children interaction wherein they will be

talk to their children about their standing in school.

They could also give some inspiring messages that their children

could feel their support throughout the school year which will motivate

them to study hard and achieve in school.

And, they must know the needs of their children in and out of the

school. It is good for them to give their children a balance time between

leisure and studying.


For the students, they should not only confine themselves with one

learning style. The result says that the students are introvert. Being an

introvert has a positive effect because the students learn independently,

but being alone for quite some time will not be of help.

They learn to socialize or look for a companion even if it will not be

the case always, but at least, they will not be alone for the rest of their

learning years.

Lastly, the administrators, can help the students by recommending

programs and activities that will develop their personal attitudes towards


This research study can be of help to the researchers in the future

as a basis for their study.



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Dunn, R. (1995)

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Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice.

Grasha, Anthony F. Ph. D, (2001), Teaching with Style.

Lardizabal, et al (1977), Principles and Methods of Teaching.

Miller, P. (2001), Learning styles: The multimedia of the mind.

Irilis, et al (2013), The Learning Styles of Low-Average Female Students:

Factor to Academic Performance, Research Instrument, p. 33

Thomas, et al, (2009)

Thompson-Schill, et al, (2009)

Basilan National High School

Isabela City, Basilan

The Teacher’s Teaching Method and Learning Styles of the SPED-FL

Class: A Basis for Academic Performance

The researchers of IV – Abad Santos class are here to determine

the different teaching methods used by teachers and the student’s

learning styles of the Fourth year SPED-FL class of Basilan National High

School, S.Y. 2014 – 2015 as a partial fulfillment in their research project.

Be assured that your answers will be kept private and treated safely; it will

not be reproduced to embarrass the respondents. Thank you. God bless!

I – Socio – Demographic

Name (Optional):

Age: Tribe:

Gender: Position:

Years in Service:

Place of Origin: (Rural or Urban)


II – Survey Proper (Teaching Methods)

Directions: Stated here are the characteristics of teachers in a class.

Answer the following by checking the number corresponding the

characteristic of the teacher expressed in the class.

1 – Never, 2 – Rarely, 3 – Sometimes, 4 – Often, 5 – Always.

Inductive Method 1 2 3 4 5

I have the ability to explain the lesson.

I train the students to think logically.

I teach thoroughly and retain the lesson to

the students longer.

I give meanings of ideas.

I help discover important rules.

Deductive Method 1 2 3 4 5

I ask to solve problems.

I apply the generalization.

I ask the students to make inferences.


I state the problem to the students.

I make verification.

Grammar Translation Method 1 2 3 4 5

I emphasize accuracy.

I use student’s native language to explain.

I teach grammar deductively.

I focus in reading and writing with little

listening and speaking.

Vocabulary selection is based on the reading

text used.

Direct Method 1 2 3 4 5

I develop the student’s oral communication


I give emphasis on pronunciation and


I direct the class activities.


There is no memorization of grammar rules.

I give drills in listening, imitating, and


Total Physical Response Method 1 2 3 4 5

I give different kinds of activities like games

and skits.

Meanings are made clear through actions.

I evaluate by observing student’s action.

There is teacher-student or student-student


I give commands which the students


Basilan National High School

Isabela City, Basilan

The Teacher’s Teaching Method and Learning Styles of the SPED-FL

Class: A Basis for Academic Performance

The researchers of IV – Abad Santos class are here to determine

the different teaching methods used by teachers and the student’s

learning styles of the Fourth year SPED-FL class of Basilan National High

School, S.Y. 2014 – 2015 as a partial fulfillment in our research project.

Be assured that your answers will be kept private and treated safely; it will

not be reproduced to embarrass the respondents. Thank you. God bless!

I – Socio – Demographic

Name (Optional):

Age: Tribe:


Place of Origin: (Rural or Urban)


III – Survey Proper (Learning Styles)

Direction: Here are the learning styles of students. Kindly check the

corresponding number of your choice.

0 – Never, 1 – Rarely, 2 – Sometimes, 3 – Often, 4 – Always.

Visual 1 2 3 4 5

I remember something if I write it down.

I take detailed notes during lectures.

I prefer to learn with television or radio rather

than other media.

I use color – coding to help me as I learn or


I need written direction for task.

Kinesthetic 1 2 3 4 5

I need frequent breaks when I work or study.

I use to eat something when I read or study.

I get nervous when I sit still too long.


I play with or bite on my pens during lectures.

I move my hands when I speak.

Auditory 1 2 3 4 5

I remember things better if I discuss it with


I need oral direction for task.

Background sound helps me think.

I like to listen to music when I study or work.

I easily remember jokes that I hear.

Extrovert 1 2 3 4 5

It is easy for me to approach strangers.

Interacting with lots of people gives me


I am better with classroom than with a private


I meet new people easily by jumping into the


I learn better when I work or study with others

than by myself.

Introvert 1 2 3 4 5

I am energized by the inner world. (what I am

thinking inside)

After working with a large group; I am


I want to understand something well before I

try it.

When I am in a large group, I tend to keep

silent and listen.

I prefer individual or one – on – one games

and activities.

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