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We know that civil wars stars because there’s KONS
a miss-understood between iron man and one
of the Captain America’s friend named
Bucky because in the past Iron Man parent
killed by him, that’s way there’s conflic BACKGROUND
between Iron Man and Captain America but A good government should support
that was just miss-understood cause Bucky
what their society doing. Why government
was manipulate by the enemy and the conflict
start getting worse when the government should support what the society doing?
wants to control the avengers because seeing Because society know what they need the
the damage they make when they take action mostbecause they its their life, they know
iron man agree with it but Captain America their habbit., if the goverment just eradicate
doesn’t agree. That’s how civil war start. the hardwork without seeing the background
or don’t know what the society doing. The
society will become a mess because hard
 We as affirmative team state our side working is already being their habbit, if the
as International society which want overment changing their habbit suddenly,
peace. there no guarantee that they will adapt to the
 Avengers is a groups of people that new proram like work smart.
have superpower that has propose to
make the world peace We all know that japan is a hard worker but
why they are a develop country not
URGENCY developing country like Indonesia? That is
We see that how when the avengers take because they are having a clear goals, and
action in the age of ultron series they destroy they have intention to achieve their goals,and
a country named Sokovia, if we don’t as we know from the definition of hard work,
control the avengers it will cause more hard work can be done by everyone as long
damage in the future and make more lost to as they have intention to achieve their goals.
the country itself. That’s why we are agree on this motion
because, everything can be achieve by hard
You may say that if we are being
inmoral if we let the society do the hard work
because you think that hard work bring more
negativity rather than positivity. But which
one is more inmoral banning the habbit of a
society that actually having biger potential to
be develop or supportin the society that we
knew that is already their habbit, their
obligation, ? Of course it will be better or will
be moral if we are supporting what the

society doing and it means that we are Althogh the opposition team might say that
supportin them to be develop in the future. money can bring happines, because if we
want to buy something we need money, it
everyone doesn’t have enough time to spend
with their family or doing their hobby to be URGENCY
happy in live, it can make them stress and Because not all of the society can adapt to the
they can get sick, and there is a possibility for work smart, and because most of our society
someone to died because of getting stress, if is a bluecollar worker it will complicate the
many people died it can affect to the economy worker about how they can reach their goals
of the country itself because how if too many to make theirself prosperous and if we do
people die in a developing country like because like we’ve said before everyone can
indonesia it will impact the demography that do the hard work using their physic and we
got from the productive age of the society know that not all people are smart so it is an
itself. exclusivity for the hard work because all
JUSTIFICATION people can do it.

Because first it was immoral to make JUSTIFY

someone gloryfiyng hard work because it Its justifiable for us because first everyone
means it limited their time to do things that can do the hard work, meanwhile not
can make them happy like spending hoby, everyone can do the smart work. Second we
spending time with family,etc. And second won’t force the society to do something that
we as the government have an obligation to they don’t want to do and something that they
stopping them from doing something that is are not good at.
bad for them, and also it actually bring bad
impact to the country because it can slowing POINT 1: WHY HARD WORK IS
the economy of a country. EXCLUSIVE?
POINT 1: WHY THE GLORIFICATION As we know from the definition, hard
OF HARD WORK IS INEFFICIENT? work can be done by everyone as long as they
have will to do it. it means doesn’t matter if
From the definition we knew that you’re smart or no as long as you have will or
hard work is take longer to finish something intention to finish your work, you can
because we are using the usual way rather achieve everything. Meanwhile smart work
then thingking the fastest solution to finish can be done if youre smart enough or you
our work, base from that case it means if we have critical thinking to solve your problem
are doing something longer than usual it by having the fastest solution. It means that
means we are being unproductive. By being smart work is inclusive because it only
unproductive it means we need more time to advantage the whitecollar workers that use
finish our work, if we need more time to most of their knowledge rather than their
finish our work it means we aren’t efficient physical. Meanwhilwe hard work is
with our time, by being inefficient it will take exclusive because everyoe can do it even tho
many of our time that actually can we used to youre a white or blue collar workers as long
communication with our family, or we can as you have will to do it you can finish it
used it for doing something what like, as
example doing our hobby. By can’t doin In this case everyone can do the
something what we like, it means hardwork meanwhile not everyone can do
hardworking doesn’t bring happiness. smart work. Like the poor people they need

to work hard to get out from the poverty because we are using the usual way rather
right? It means that hard work is more then thinking the fastest solution to finish
efficient than smart work. We also provey ou our work, meanwhile work smart is when
that hard work can be done by everyone as- we want to do our work we will be thinking
first, we will be thinking how to finish our
will be useless because what is the meaning
of having many money if we don’t time to long as they have intention to do it.
spend it. And also by hard working even tho
we’ve got money that can bring happiness, it Why hard work is exclusive? As we
just take too much sacrifices of our time to do know from a baby everyone have a physic
other things that make us unhappy. that can support them, meanwhile not
everyone is smart. For smart work we all
Because of hardworking can limited our time accused to be creative in solving problem, but
to do something what we want, or doing our as we know not eveyone is creative enough
hobby, ora having communication with our to do the samrt work. Meanwhile hard work
love one, of course it can make us being is only reuire physic and intention.
stress, by being stress it can impact to our
health condition that make us fall sick and we By using hard work it will advantage
can get hospitalized, of course to pay for our all people, meanwhile smartwork will only
bill it needs many money. And by that fact it advantage the whitecollar workers only
means by hardworking, it actually can make because most of them are smart and creative
spending more money rather than the income enough to solving their problem, they know
itself. Of course we don’t want that things to what they need to do to solving their problem.
be happening right? Because what is the But how about the bluecollar workers? The
meaning if we’ve ot money but we used to bluecollar workers only have physical ability
pay for our bill rather than to spend it for our to backup their life, they are not smart or
hobby or refreshing. creative enough to do the smart work, even
though they are doing the smart work, it wont
Hard working is also abused our guarantee that they will know what are they
Human Rights. Why? First we want to gonna do after, maybe with the smart work
ackonwledge you that abusing human rights the bluecollar workers will be more
that we mean here is when the superior or the complicated with their job because they are
boss is forcing their subordinate to do hard accused to be smart to solving their problem,
working to finish their work. Why the but they don’t know how. It means work
superior is forcing their subordinate to do smart required smart and creativity that the
hard work? Because if they need more time, bluecollar workers don’t have. That’s why
it means they are being unproductive, of smart work is inclusive and hard work is
course their superior doesn’t want them to be exclusive.
unproductive right? So we are already
proving to you that hard working is POINT 2:WHY HARD WORK IS

POINT 2: WHY WORK SMART IN As we know hard work can be done

MORE EFFICIENT RATHER THAN by everyone as long as they have intention to
HARD WORK? fo it. Even though they need more time to
finish their work, doesn’t mean that they are
From the definition we knew that being unproductive. Hard work can take
hard work is take longer to finish something more time because they have intention to

finish their job. By taking more time to finsih solution to finish our work. It means we are
their work it means that they can finish more efficient in time, meanwhile if we are hard
problems/work, by finishing more work it working we wont be efficient with time
means more goals will be achieve by the hard because its finish longer. So, what is the
worker. by finsihing more job it means that advantages of being efficient with our time?
They are being productive. It means that hard By being efficient with our time, it means we
work faster rather then using the usual way. work is better than smart work because hard
In Japan they believe that everything can be work can finish achieve more goals.
reached by hard work, but they don’t if there
is another solution that is better than hard Then if we are working hard , you
work to finish their work, that’s why we want may say that it will risk the health condition
to eradicate the harrdwork and replace it with of the hard worker right? Will the
work smart. How by using smart work can government support the hardworker?of
finish faster rather then doing hard work? By course the goverment should support the hard
doing smart work we can using technology to worker , why? Because the hard worker will
helping us to finish our work and also help the country a lot, because the hard
worker will sacrifice their time to finish more
working smart doesn’t meant that we need to work, by finishing more work it means they
use technology everytime but we do work will be more productive, by being productive
team if we think it can be done faster if we do it means that the economy of a country will
it together rather then do it by ourself it increase because they are being productive,
means we are thinking first to do it is in the because the economy of a country increase it
fastest way, then do it, meanwhile if we are means that the tax of a country will also
working hard it’s depending on our physical increase because the income of the society
ability rather than our intelectual. increase. Because the tax increase, of course
country should help the hard worker by
As example, if we are a bluecollar giving them health insurance, by giving the
worker that known to used more of their hard worker health insurance it means the
physical ability rather then their intelectual, government will help the health condition of
by working smart they can used technology the hard worker. that’s why hard work is
that can helping them to solving their better than smart work.
problem. By using technology, is actually
bring many advantages, like decrease the Then will hard work limit the happiness of
percentage of error, because it already the hard worker itself? Of course no, why?
designed by the program, meanwhile if we Because happiness can be gain by having
are not using the technology we there is money, because by having money we can buy
bigger posibility of an error because, everything what we want, having money can
everyone can do a mistake and everyone is increase our social status, that’s why by
not perfect, that why technology can decrease having money can bring happiness to ourself.
the precentage of having an error because its
having its own program. And also by using We also can gain happiness by mastering
technology it can make more quality items some skill, by mastering some skill we can be
rather than by not using techonoly because proud of ourself, and also by mastering some
there is a posibilty of having an error. skill we also can be happy, because maybe
the skill that we are masterin is our hobby.
By work smart it means we can finish By mastering some skill by working har dit
faster because we already knew the fastest means that our job can finish faster because

we already knew what we are doing. That’s

how we gain happiness by mastering some
We also can gain happines by
working hard, why? Because if we are
can have more time that can we used to
communication witu our love one, like
family, hangouts with friend, and etc. by
efficient with time it also means that we can
used it for doing something that we like, as
decrease the possibility of being sick,
because of the cause of being sick being
stress. By doing what we like it means we
will get away from stress, so we wont fall
sick, and we can spend the money on
something that we like rather than spend it on
something like paying health bill,etc.
Work smart is also taking less energy
rather than hard work that needs more energy,
and the result is the same. That’s why work
smart is more efficient because is takes less
energy and take less time, so we can get away
from sick, have enough time for doing our
hobby, socializing. That’s why work smart is
better than hard work.

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