Asynchronous and Synchronous Counter

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TITLE : Asynchronous and Synchronous Counter

OBJECTIVE : The objectives of this laboratory exercise are to:

1) Construct 3-bit asynchronous using JK Flip-flops.

2) Construct 2-bit Synchronous using JK Flip-flops.
3) Describe the operation asynchronous and synchronous counter.
4) Explain the similarity between asynchronous and synchronous
5) Explain the difference between asynchronous and synchronous


Asynchronous counter is also known as ripple counter because it used

less circuitry, less component makes it as one of the simple type. The flip flop is
connected when output transition of first flip flop derives the clock (CLK) of next flip
flop. In asynchronous the flip flop is not clocked simultaneously. When the first flip
flop is trigger to master clock, second flip flop must wait for the first flip to change its
condition before it can toggle. The speed of clock is a bit slow is propagated through
number of stages.
Synchronous counter also was known as parallel sequential circuit. The
condition is when the input pulse is used to all clock of all flip flop simultaneously.
When the output of first flip-flop has no connection with clock of next flip flop, the
flip flop is clocked simultaneously. The speed is high and circuit became more
difficult as number states increase. Example of this synchronous counter applied is
ring counter and Johnson counter.

1) LDL-800 Digital Lab unit / Raffles Instrument Digital Analog

Trainer Model RDA 2008 / ETS 7000 Digital-analog Training
2) Dual JK flip-flops (7476) IC chips.
3) Jumper wire.
4) Power cord.
5) Long nose.
6) Wire Cutter.
7) Chip Extractor.


1) The procedure in lab sheet had been read and understood.

2) The equipment was sure in good condition.
3) Knew every function of IDL -800 Digital Lab Unit.
4) The power supply was sure not to turned on until complete
constructed the counter circuit.

A. Asynchronous Counter
1) The JK flip-flops of 3-bit asynchronous counter was connected. The
counter has Q0, Q1, and Q2 as the output (Q0 is LSB and Q2 is
2) The CLR (Reset) and PR (Set) was connected to +5v.
3) Function Generator output point is connected to the clock for the
first flip-flops.
4) Settings of Function generator will be like the followings:
I. Output Amplitude Adjuster was set to maximum.
II. Fine Tune Output are set to 1Hz.
III. Then, the Output Waveform has been selected to square
5) Then, 2 digits has been setting like the following:
I. D knew as MSB while A is LSB.
II. Pin A, B and C is connected to Q0, Q1 and Q2 respectively.
III. The other pin that not being used are grounded.
IV. The DIP switch is turned ON for LDL-800 Digital Lab Unit.
6) After completed the circuit, the power supply is turned ON.
7) The seven segment display was observed and reported it in result.
8) Schematic diagram of 3-bit asynchronous using JK flip-flops and
external connection of 7476 chips was draw in Result.

B. Synchronous Counter
1) The JK flip-flops is connected to have 2-bit synchronous counter.
The counter has Q0 and Q1 as the output (Q0 is LSB and Q1 is
2) The procedure was repeated from A2-A4.
3) For procedure 5, Q0 and Q1 is connected to pin A and B
respectively and was grounded the others that not in use.
4) The procedure from A6-A8 is repeated.

A. Asynchronous Counter

Draw the schematic diagram of 3-bit asynchronous circuit using JK flip-flops.

Draw the external connection of 7476 chips.

B. Synchronous Counter

Draw the schematic diagram of 2-bit asynchronous circuit using JK flip-flops.

Draw the external connection of 7476 chips.

Asynchronous counter

Synchronous Counter

After this experiment, we learned to construct asynchronous and

synchronous counter using JK flip-flops. For the asynchronous counter we used 3 bit
and will have 3 output which is Q0, Q1 and Q2. After that, we understood the procedure
and tried to sketch the schematic diagram using JK symbol. Then, we draw the external
connection pf 7476 chips before we start using the IDL-800 Digital Lab Unit so it will
became easier to make connection.

We used two of 7476 Chips and connected to IDL-800 Digital

Lab Unit by using jumper wire, long nose and power cord. During experiment, we have
completed make connection, then we try to turn the ON the trainer but it did not show
the result as we expected. Then, we recognize our mistake. We wrongly put the jumper
and long nose at wrong number of IC chips and output. After we fixed our mistake,
finally the output shows the result. It shows the maximum counter display from 0 until
7 in UP Counter.

In synchronous counter, we used 2 bit which will have output of

Q0 and Q1. After finish make connection, we try to turn ON the trainer and its shows
the binary number that we expected. The counting didn’t same as the 3 bit asynchronous
counter because in synchronous we used only 2 bit which equal to 4 that will show
result from 0-3 in Up/Down counter.

From this we can observe that, in synchronous it triggered by the

input pulse because of that it changes the state simultaneously.

From this experiment, we learned to construct 3 bit

asynchronous and 2 bit synchronous by using JK flip flop and able to understood the
concept on how many output will show by referring to the bit. In addition, we knew
and understood the difference and similarity of operation in both counter. In
asynchronous, the counter does not change the state in which flip-flop within
counter because it doesn’t have common clock pulse. But, in synchronous counter, the
flip-flop changes the state simultaneously because all the flip-flop connected together
and triggered by input pulse. Lastly, we able to gain more knowledge and skill in
practicing the counter.


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