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5 unit Mind and body

5ª Should I see a doctor?

1) Match The Speech bubbles with The Pictures.

2) Look at the title and the picture in the text, in pairs, try to mach the
strange health tips with the problems in exercise 1. Read the quickly and

Five Strange Health Tips That You Should Know About

The Internet is full of websites that offer health tips, some serios and
some strange.
Here are our top five tips from the web… do they work? You can decide on
Do you have a You`re chopping Do you have Are you stressed? If you have a
Temperatura or vegetables in regular You should call cough that won`t
The flu? the kitchen and headaches? Then your mom. go away, then
Then you should you cut your you should Astudy by the you should eat
put thumb. What always have an university of some chocolate.
Some onion in should you do? Apple nearby. Wisconsin Scientists say that
your socks and Put a Little black Some studies showed that chocolate
wear them at pepper on the have found that people who had contains a
night. You’ll feel cut, of course! It the smell of more contact chemical that is
much better the stops the Green apples can with their mother better at
next morning. bleding and help with had lower levels stopping coughs
Remember helps the cut headaches and of stress. So you tan many cough
though, you get better. But can also make should´t delay- medicines.
shouldn`t eat the you should only you feel les call her today! So you shouldn`t
onion afterward¡ do this for small anxious. go to a
cuts. pharmacy-go to a
For anything candy store.
serious, you
should see a

3) Discuss the questions in pairs.

1. Would you try any of the tips? Why/ why not?
2. Do you know any other strange health tips?
3. Do you ever use the internet to look for health advice?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet for this?

4) A look at the question and sentence from the. Check (/) the correct meaning.
Are you stressed? You should call your mom
1) It´s necessary to call your mom if you are stressed.
2) It´s a good idea to call your mom if you are stressed.
3) It´s a bad idea to call your mom if you are stressed.
B) Complete the sentences with the Words in the box. Check your answers in the text
Then read the Grammar box.
do go put should (x2) should´t
1 what______________ you___________?
2 You___________ __________some onion in your socks.
3 You___________ __________ to a pharmacy.
Grammar Should/ Shouldn´t
Ask for advice: What should I do ?
Say something is a good idea: You should see a doctor. I think you should get help.
Say something is a bad idea: You shouldn´t trust tips on the internet. I don´t think
you should go to work.

5) A Pronunciation: should/ shouldn´t how do you say should and shouldn´t?

Listen to the sentences and check.
1 What should we do?
2 Why shouldn´t I speak to him?
3 I think you should talk to an expert.
4 You shouldn´t believe him.

6) A Complete the conversation with should and shouldn´t to give health advice.

Paul : I´m really stressed. I can´t sleep. What 1 ______________ I do?

Doctor: well, I don’t think you________________ work so many hours, and

you ______________ go to bed so late. You_________________ try to get
more exercise. That will help you to sleep better.
Paul: ________________ I drink less coffe?
Doctor: yes, you _______________! And you ______________ drinkmore
water, too.
Paul: ok, thank you.
Doctor: If that doesn’t help, you _____________ come to see me again.
1 How do you think the woman is feeling? Match the adjectives in the box with the
Calm delighted upset cheerful nervous

B. In pairs, think of situations that make people feel these emotions.

An exam can make you feel nervous
Go to vocabulary practice: emotions and feelings page. 116
2 a. Do you think money makes people happy? Why /why not?
b. Read the text check ( ) the sentences that best summarizes the main idea.
People whit a lot of money often feels miserable.
If people have less money, they often feel envious of others.
Spending money on other people can make you feel good.


The Beatles may have been night when they sang “money can’t buy me love” but,
according to a new study it can buy you happiness- If you spend it in the night way.
Many people think that they’ll be happier if they earn more money. But Dr. Michael
Norton from Harvard Business School believes that it’s not about how much money
you make, but about how you spend it.
Dr. Norton tried an experiment with people in different countries, At the Start of the
experiment; he asked people how happy they were. Then he gave them an envelope
with some money and instructions on how to spend it. Some people had to spend
money on themselves, and other were told to spend it on someone else. At the end of
the experiment, they measured how happy the people felt again.
The results show that if you spend money on other people, you’ll feel happier. And if
you only happier. And if you only spend money on yourself you won’t feel and
different. So the next time you want to buy a new TV or some new clothes, ask
yourself, “If I buy this, wills it, make me happier?” According to Dr. Norton, we should
think less about, ourselves and more about others because, if we do that, well feel
much better.
3A Complete the sentences. Check your answer in the text.
If you_______________ money on the people, you _______________ feel happier.

B: Answer the questions about the two parts of the sentences: A and B. them read the
grammar box.
1. Which part of the sentences is a possible future action? ___ What tense is the
2. Which part of the sentences is the result of that action? ____ What tense is the
verb ______
3. Can we rewrite the sentence so that part B COMES FIRT and part A comes
second ________
GRAMMAR First Conditional
If it rains tomorrow Result Of actions
If the train doesn’t arrive Laura wont go to the beach
If she fails the exam Ill ve late for the meeting
Will she have to do it again

4 A Listen to the conversations. Why doesn’t Sam accept the movie ticket? Do you
think this a good a reason?
B. Complete Sam reason. Listen again and check.
If I 1__________ to the movies, we 2_________________a scary movies, and if I
3________ a scare movie, I 4__________nervous. And If I 5_____________ nervous, I
6__________ well tonight. And if I 7________ well, I 8_____________ late for work.
And if I 9______________ late for work my boss 10____________ angry. And if my
boss 11____________ angry, I 12_____________ on vacation. And if I 13 _________ a
party raise, I 14_______________on vacation, And if I 15__________ on vacation, I
16________miserable. So, no thank you.
5A. Pronunciation
I’ll you’ll he’ll she’ll it’ll we’ll they’ll
B. Match the two columns to make sentences. In pairs, say the sentences. Pay
attention to they’ll sound. Listen, check, and repeat
1. I’ll be really envious A. she’ll call you late
2. You’ll miss your flight B. If your boss sends you to
3. If you give her your phone Jamaica
number. C. she’ll be really upset
4. If you can fix the computer now. D. If you can’t take them to the
5. If she fail her exam. station
6. They’ll get a taxi E. If you don’t leave now
F. It’ll be very helpful

GO TO COMMUNICATION PRACTICE: Student A pag131, Student B, page 169

6A. Take the quiz in `pairs. Write down you partner’s answers.
B. Go to page 174and look at the results. Do you agree with them? Why/ Why not?
1. If I wake up very tomorrow morning….
a) I’ll be miserable all day.
b) I’ll try to go back to sleep.
c) I’ll get up and make a big breakfast.
d) I might go running or work out at the gym.
2. If my best friend buys a new laptop…
a) I might feel a little envious.
b) I’ll an even better one.
c) I might look for a new one, too.
d) I’ll be delighted for him/ her.
3. In I find some money on the street next week…
a) I’ll put it in my bank account.
b) I’ll buy myself some new clothes.
c) I’ll give it to the police.
d) I’ll donate it to charity.
4. If my boss asks to speak to me
a) I’ll think he/she wants to fire me.
b) I’ll probably feel very nervous.
c) I’ll be calm and find out what he / she wants.
d) I’ll think I’m going to get a promotion.
5. If my parents give me a present that I don’t really want…..
a) I’ll ask for the receipt and exchange it for something I like.
b) I’ll thank them, but say I don’t want the present.
c) I’ll say thanks but use it as a present for someone else.
d) I’ll tell them I love it and try to use it in some way.
7A. in pairs, complete the sentences.
1. If I make a lot of money……
2. If I get a headache later…….
3. I won’t believe it if……..
4. I’ll be delighted if………
5. If I don’t come to class next week….
6. I’ll have a big party if……
B. Tell the class what you partner said

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