JKSimBlast Installation in Windows 7 PDF

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1 Kynuna Court tel: +61 7 3201 2011

Karana Downs fax: +61 7 3201 2022

29 June 2011 Queensland email: soft-blast@soft-blast.com
Australia 4306 web: www.soft-blast.com

JKSimBlast Installation in Windows 7

There have been several instances of problems with installation of JKSimBlast in Windows 7,
especially in 64 bit versions. The problems are usually related to security issues, such as system
files not correctly registered, cannot copy program updates automatically, or unable to save data
files. All of these problems can be corrected, but require some manual intervention during

A new installation program is currently being evaluated, but in the meantime, the following steps
will guide you through the installation process and the necessary steps to correct any problems.

You will need full Administrator rights to install the software and make any of the corrections.

You can also use this procedure for Windows XP and Vista, except that the 64 bit dongle drivers in
step 2 will not be required.

1) Run [CD]: \install\JKSimBlast\Setup_JKSimBlast_v2_menu.exe.

This program will install system files and create the program folders and the JKSimBlast menu
in >Start >Programs.

2) Run [CD]: \install\Hardlock\hldrv32.exe to install the dongle drivers.

Run [CD]:\install\Hardlock\ Sentinel_HASP_Run-time_setup\ HASPUserSetup.exe for
Windows 7 64 bit.

3) Plug in the dongle and run [CD]:\install\Hardlock\tests\HL_G.exe. This small program will test
the local (blue) dongle, to ensure that the dongle drivers have been installed correctly. Possible
problems are that the files hlvdd.dll or msstdfmt.dll have not been installed or registered
correctly. See below for the procedure to register a file.

4) Copy program files for the latest versions from [CD]:\C\Program Files\JKSimBlast\...
The CD has copies of the folders that have been created on your hard drive during installation,
with the latest versions of the programs and supporting files. Compare the folders installed on
your hard drive (usually in C:\Program Files\JKSimBlast or C:\Program Files (x86)\JKSimBlast)
with the folders on the CD, and copy the same folders from the CD and replace those on the
hard drive.

5) Copy the license file [CD]:\C\Program Files\JKSimBlast\License.nfo to the JKSimBlast program

folder. For first time installation, this license file is a temporary file that will run for a short
period, to check that all programs are running correctly. Contact your agent or Soft-Blast to
obtain a full license.

6) Change the security settings for the JKSimBlast program folder to Full Control. This will allow
the JKSimBlast programs to save control files and other data files to their own folders.

To change the security settings:

- in Windows Explorer, right-click on the JKSimBlast program folder
- select Properties from the pop-up menu
- select the Security tab
- click the [Edit] button
- select Users in the list
- in the Permissions list, activate Full Control

7) Run the JKSimBlast programs to check that everything is correctly installed. If any files have
not been registered, they will be indicated by an error message as the program is loaded.
Follow the procedure below to register the file.

Note: the DesignImport program is run from the >File menu. To test this program, open any
text file and proceed to the second screen – if this screen loads correctly, the program and its
files have been correctly installed.

To register a file

All files installed with JKSimBlast, and a number of sample files, are provided on the CD in the
folders C\Program Files and C\Windows. For any files that were not installed or registered
correctly, copy the file from the CD and paste into the relevant folder on your hard drive (in some
cases the file may already be in the system folder but did not register correctly).

a) Open a DOS command prompt from >Start >Programs >Accessories, but in this case right-click
and select Run As Administrator.

b) Go to the System32 folder (or SysWow64), enter cd C:\Windows\System32

c) Run regsvr32 to register a file. For example, to register hlvdd.dll, enter regsvr32 hlvdd.dll
In this form, the file to be registered must be present in the current folder – you can check this
from Windows Explorer. Otherwise, enter the full path and file name.

d) Repeat step (c) for any other files, or go back to step (b) to change to a different folder.

If there are any problems, please contact Soft-Blast or your local agent.

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