OA No. 2382 of 2019: NGT For BMC - PBR in 9 UT's - 62 Cantonments in India: Sukanya Berwal With Abhishek Kadyan

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OA 2382 0f 2019: Hon’ble Principal Bench of the National Green Tribunal

BMC’s with PBR’s in all 9 Union Territories with 62 Cantonments in India

Naresh Kadyan, Chief National Commissioner


Before the Hon’ble Principal Bench of the National Green Tribunal

Complainant Naresh Kadyan son of Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan, VPO Siwana, Tehsil Beri, District Jhajjar
(Haryana), Jat by birth: Fighter by spirit: Cobbler by profession: Activist by mission: Humanitarian by
choice; Chief National Commissioner, Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds; National Authority for
Animal Welfare, OIPA – Indian People for Animal Welfare www.oipa.org

WhatsApp: 9813010595 OA 2382 of 2019 Email: kadyan.ipfa@gmail.com

With support
1. Abhishek Kadyan based in Canada.
2. Mrs. Suman Kadyan based in Canada.
3. Mrs. Sukanya Berwal based in Ahmadabad.
Blessed by:
Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan, BDPO (Rtd) with Mrs. Sharda Kadyan
1. National Biodiversity Authority through its Secretary
2. Directorate General of Defense Estates, New Delhi.
1. Map of 28 State Biodiversity Board’s – 9 Union Territories 4
2. Complaint 5-8
3. Decentralization of power to lodge complaint as per section 39 of BD Act, 2002 9-10
4. Consideration for nomination as Chairman – Member of NBA 11
5. NBA refusal to support – demoralize the protection of cow 12
6. NBA never coordinate with 62 Cantonments for BMC’s formation: RTI reply with Appeal 13-14
7. NBA have No coordination with other Departments to protect biological resource 15
8. MOEAF – 00739: NBA replied, 00653, 00663 & 00572 - NBA replied 16-24
9. 2 orders on Appeal under RTI Act, 2005 25-26
10. O.A. No. 347 of 2016, NBA communicated for 7 Union Territories 27
11. Department of Forest & Wildlife, Delhi combination with NBA 28-30
12. MOEAF 00487, 00524 to NBA for response 31
13. Application No. NBDAT 50006 & 50007 under RTI replied by NBA 32-35
14. Appeal decided by NBA quoting section 45 & 47 of the BD Act 36
15. DOAAC 00400 replied by NBA about 5 freedom – Biological resources 37
16. Additional Secretary to MoEF letter dated 11-9-2018 38-40
17. Ministry of Panchayati Raj to all State’s about BMC’s – PBR’s 41-43
18. APEDA have No role in flora & fauna 44
19. MoEF to AWBI for live animal export, two communications about cruelty 45-47

20. Directions under section 48 of BD Act, 2002 to NBA continuation letter 10-9-2018 48
21. AWBI mishandled its role, confirming reply under RTI Act, 2005 49-52
22. Eastern Command to 4 Cantonment Boards 53
23. Western Command to Cantonment Boards 54
24. Northern Command: Badamibagh – Srinagar replied 55-56
25. DGDE to Central – Eastern – Northern – Southern – Western Command 57-58
26. Ahmadabad Cantonment reply 59-60
27. Barrackpore Cantonment reply 61-62
28. Danapur Cantonment Board reply 63
29. Faizabad Cantonment reply 64
30. Jabalpur Cantonment reply 65-68
31. Kamptee Cantonment reply 69-74
32. Central Command forwarded to Cantonment Boards 75
33. Meerut Cantonment reply 76
34. Ramgarh Cantonment reply 77-79
35. Ranikhet Cantonment reply 80
36. Roorkee Cantonment reply 81
37. Shillong Cantonment reply 82
38. Varansi Cantonment reply 83
39. Bill No. 5 of Haryana Vidhan Sabha opposed: NBA to State Biodiversity Board 84
40. National Bee Board reply under RTI: 5 freedoms of honey bee 85-88
41. AWBI asked compliance of Biological Diversity Act, while live animals export 89-92
42. Maharashtra Biodiversity Board asked report on live animals export 93
43. Deolali Cantonment Nashik replied 94
44. Mathura Cantonment reply 95
45. Lansdowne Cantonment reply 96
46. Dagshai Cantonment reply 97-98
47. Jalandhar Cantonment reply 99-100
48. Central Command compiled reply with compiled list 101-09
49. Puduchery Panchyat reply 110-11
50. Wellington Cantonment reply 112
51. Amritsar Cantonment reply 113-14
52. Almora Cantonment reply 115
53. Dalhousie Cantonment reply 116-17
54. Secunderabad Cantonment reply 119-21

August 10, 2019 Naresh Kadyan


28 State’s with 9 Union Territories

1. Abhishek Kadyan based in Canada.

2. Mrs. Suman Kadyan based in Canada.
3. Mrs. Sukanya Berwal based in Ahmadabad.
Blessed by:
Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan, BDPO (Rtd) with Mrs. Sharda Kadyan

Before the Hon’ble Principal Bench of the National Green Tribunal

Complainant Naresh Kadyan son of Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan, VPO Siwana, Tehsil Beri, District Jhajjar
(Haryana), Jat by birth: Fighter by spirit: Cobbler by profession: Activist by mission: Humanitarian by
choice; Chief National Commissioner, Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds; National Authority for
Animal Welfare, OIPA – Indian People for Animal Welfare www.oipa.org

WhatsApp: 9813010595 OA 2382 of 2019 Email: kadyan.ipfa@gmail.com

With support
4. Abhishek Kadyan based in Canada.
5. Mrs. Suman Kadyan based in Canada.
6. Mrs. Sukanya Berwal based in Ahmadabad.
Blessed by:
Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan, BDPO (Rtd) with Mrs. Sharda Kadyan
3. National Biodiversity Authority through its Secretary
4. Directorate General of Defense Estates, New Delhi.
During celebrations of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Respectfully showeth:
Being Jat by birth, cobbler by profession, activist by mission, fighter by spirit and
humanitarian by choice - It is humbly submitted that:

1. The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established in 2003 by the Central
Government to implement India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002), based at Chennai instead
National Capital of India. The NBA is a statutory body and that performs facilitative,
regulatory and advisory function for Government of India on issue of Conservation,
sustainable use of biological resource and fair equitable sharing of benefits of use. The
Biological diversity Act (2002) mandates implementation of the provisions of the Act
through decentralized system with the NBA focusing on advice the Central Government on
matters relating to the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components and
equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of biological resources; advice the
State Government in the selection of areas of biodiversity importance to be notified under
Sub-Section (1) of Section 37 as heritage sites and measures for the management of such
heritage sites. The state Biodiversity Board (SBBs) focus on advice the State Governments,
subject to any guidelines issued by the Central Government, on matters relating to the
conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the
benefits arising out of the utilization of biological resources. The NBA considers requests by
granting approval or otherwise for undertaking ant activity referred to in Sections 3,4 and 6
of the Act. The SBBs also regulate by granting of approvals or otherwise upon requests for
commercial utilization or bio-survey and bio-utilization of any biological resource by the
Indians. The Local Level Biodiversity Management committees (BMCs) are responsible for
promoting conservation, sustainable use and documentation of biological diversity
including preservation of habitats, conservation of land races, folk varieties and cultivators,

domesticated stocks and breeds of animals and microorganisms besides chronicling of

knowledge relating to biological diversity. The NBA with its Headquarters in Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India delivers its mandate through a structure that comprises of the Authority,
secretariat, SBBs, BMCs and Expert Committees. Since its establishment, NBA has
supported creation of SBBs in 28 States, facilitated establishment of BMCs to prepare &
maintain PBR’s.
2. To prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals, in terms of the
provision of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960; Mandate of Animal
Welfare Board of India, restoring five freedom of all living creatures other than human
beings, whereas without assessing rich species & consumption of meat – chickens along with
its demand, besides it No rich species as per Biological Diversity Act, 2002 - surplus census
of animals & birds to export; No permission obtained from BMC to misbalance PBR. Even
animal & birds are being ill treated, shifting as goods, vehicles are not approved by the
Bureau of Indian Standards, whereas animals can be transported as per their shape & size
instead weight.
3. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau is a statutory multi-disciplinary body established by the
Government of India under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, to combat organized
wildlife crime in the country. Under Section 38 (Z) of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, it
is mandated to collect and collate intelligence related to organized wildlife crime activities
and to disseminate the same to State and other enforcement agencies for immediate action
so as to apprehend the criminals; to establish a centralized wildlife crime data bank; co-
ordinate actions by various agencies in connection with the enforcement of the provisions of
the Act; assist foreign authorities and international organization concerned to facilitate co-
ordination and universal action for wildlife crime control; capacity building of the wildlife
crime enforcement agencies for scientific and professional investigation into wildlife crimes
and assist State Governments to ensure success in prosecutions related to wildlife crimes;
and advise the Government of India on issues relating to wildlife crimes having national
and international ramifications, relevant policy and laws. It also assists and advises the
Customs authorities in inspection of the consignments of flora & fauna as per the provisions
of Wild Life Protection Act, CITES and EXIM Policy governing such an item.
4. There are 62 notified Cantonments in India occupying an area of 1,57,000 acres: 25 in
Central Command, 19 in Southern Command, 13 in Western Command, 4 in Eastern
Command and one in the Northern Command. In addition 15,96,000 acres is in use for
military garrisons, quartering, camping, offices and training areas.
As per section 41 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 every local body shall constitute a
Biodiversity Management Committee within its area of jurisdiction, whereas under section
45 of the said Act, the annual reports of the BMCs are to be submitted to the local body of
the concerned area, besides it section 47 of the said Act also mandate the BMCs to submit a
copy of the same to the concerned District Magistrate having jurisdiction of the area of the
local body. It would also be pertinent to mention here that as per section 22 (6)(8-11) of the
Biological Diversity Rules, 2004 that the main function of the BMC is to prepare Peoples
Biodiversity Register in consultation with local people, the Register shall contain
comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local biological resources,
their medicinal or any other use or any other traditional knowledge associated with them,

1. No rich - surplus census of animals & birds, to slaughter for their flesh, bone, blood, hairs.
2. No rich - surplus census of animals & birds, to export for personal gain & profit.
3. Non ISI vehicles shifted animals in overcrowded positions.
4. Biological resources need attention to protect species from extinction.
5. No BMC’s functional & PBR’s maintained all around 62 Cantonments.

6. As per section 22 (2) of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002: Notwithstanding anything
contained in this section, no State Biodiversity Board shall be constituted for a Union
territory and in relation to a Union territory, the National Biodiversity Authority shall
exercise the powers and perform the functions of a State Biodiversity Board for that Union
territory: Provided that in relation to any Union territory, the National Biodiversity
Authority may delegate all or any of its powers or functions under this sub-section to such
person or group of persons as the Central Government may specify.
RTI Request Registration number NBDAT/R/2019/50019
Public Authority National Biodiversity Authority
Mrs. Sukanya Berwal, Commissioner of Education, Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds
explained that 62 Cantonments are handled, managed under the Cantonment Act, 2006
being Municipality, Biodiversity Management Committees along with Peoples Biodiversity
Registers are being maintained as per Biological Diversity Act, 2002, Rich - extinct species
of flora and fauna also prepared and protected the safe guard of five freedoms as per article
51 of Indian Constitution read with the orders passed by the Court of law, hence supply me
the copies of all communications made and received related to above explained positions
along with the copies of Noting sheets, during the consideration of the communications,
please supply me the following Information along with the concerned Noting sheets, related
to all 62 Cantonments:
1. Complete list of Biodiversity Management Committees are formed under the
jurisdictions of Cantonment Boards.
2. Complete list of Peoples Biodiversity Registers are formed under the jurisdictions of
Cantonment Boards.
3. Complete list of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: SPCAs are formed under
the jurisdictions of Cantonment Boards.
4. Complete list of Infirmaries are formed & functional under the jurisdictions of
Cantonment Boards as per section 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
5. Complete list of rich species of flora & fauna are maintained - prepared under the
jurisdictions of Cantonment Boards.
6. Complete list of flora & fauna are going to extinct - disappear under the jurisdictions of
Cantonment Boards.
7. Complete list of Committees on Slaughter Houses are formed under the jurisdictions of
Cantonment Boards, keeping in view the orders passed by the Supreme Court of India in
CWP No. 309 of 2003.
8. Complete list of legal - illegal slaughter houses - meat shops under all 62 Cantonments.
9. Complete list of animal trophies in the custody of all these 62 Cantonments along with the
copies of their ownership - declaration before the competent Authorities in time.
10. Complete list of complainants received - action taken reports about the animal trophies
in custody of these Cantonments.
11. Complete list of complaints received - action taken reports on the stray animals with
their species & gender as Cattles, dogs, cat, pig, donkey, Ass etc along with the Pashu Fatak
in functions.
12. Complete census of animals & birds under the jurisdiction of all 62 Cantonments along
with the details about the Dairy Farms, disposal of animals under all these Military Dairy
Farms, gender wise male - heifer - females with species.

13. Complete list of unused bore wells - tube wells all around the jurisdiction of 62
Cantonments with the list of dismantle as per orders passed by the Supreme Court in CWP
No. 36 of 2009.

RTI Request Registration number MOPRJ/R/2019/51865

Public Authority Ministry of Panchayati Raj
RTI Request Registration number DIGDE/R/2019/50077
Public Authority Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE)
RTI Request Registration number MOURB/R/2019/50739
Public Authority Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
RTI Request Registration number AWBIC/R/2019/50028
Public Authority Animal welfare Board of India, Chennai
1. As per the Act, the local bodies constitute the BMC in accordance with Section 41, within
their area of jurisdiction for the purpose of promoting conservation, sustainable use and
documentation of biological diversity including preservation of habitats, conservation of
land races, folk varieties and cultivars, domesticated stocks and breeds of animals, micro-
organisms and chronicling of knowledge relating to biological diversity. The BMC consists
of a Chairperson, and six persons nominated by local bodies, including 1/3rd women and
18% SC/ST. The functions of BMCs are to Prepare, maintain and validate People’s
Biodiversity Register (PBR) in consultation with the local people. The BMC is to maintain a
Register giving information about the details of biological resources and traditional
knowledge available within the jurisdiction of BMC. Advice on any matter referred to it by
the State Biodiversity Board or Authority for granting approval, to maintain data about the
local vaids and practitioners using the biological resources, issue directions to obey.
2. The National Biodiversity Authority failed to delegate its powers according section 22 (2)
along with formation of BMC’s all around 62 Cantonments with 9 Union Territories as
well, necessary directions may be given to the Respondents.
3. Only selected class of public servants authorized to lodge complaint, needs to be
decentralize, whereas authorized officials failed to perform as per law.
4. Status report on the strict compliance of the Judgment passed by the Hon’ble National
Green Tribunal (Principal Bench), New Delhi in original Application No. 347 of 2016 on
08.08.2018 along with 12-4-2019 and 9-8-2019.
5. PBR’s be maintained, restoring 5 freedoms of rich species, NBA HQ shifted to Delhi.
6. Status reports on the grant in aid disbursed by the NBA, since beginning as audit
observations are seen in the Audited Balance Sheets of NBA during 2014-15.
7. Whether Monkey, Blue bulls & Wild Boar menace being public nuisance, handled by which
Authority, either by Department of Wildlife or Urban & Local Body, needs clarification?
Abandoned Monkey, Blue bulls & Wild Boar needs to be declared vermin being public
nuisance as per legal provisions under section 62 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 to
handle as stray animal by the Urban & Local Bodies along with the Society for Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals, exercise of the powers conferred by section 62 of the Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the Central Government, can declare Rhesus Macaque -
Wild Boar & Blue bull, as vermin and included in Schedule V of the said Act, for a period
as per decision of the competent Authority, verifying that these species are rich, disclosing
in the PBR’s, confirming that all are born & brought up in human habitat, look like wild
animal as per their shape & size but don’t have wild character.

Petitioners ………..

Details for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00739

Grievance Description:
National Biodiversity Authority be asked to take up the matter with the Cantonment
Boards, handled all 62 Cantonments to introduce Biodiversity Management Committees
along with the Peoples Biodiversity Registers as In terms of Entry 3 of Union List
(Schedule VII) of the Constitution of India, Urban Self Governance of the Cantonments
and the Housing Accommodation therein is the subject matter of the Union of India. There
are 62 Cantonments in the country which have been notified under the Cantonments Act,
1924 (succeeded by the Cantonments Act, 2006). The overall municipal administration of
the notified Cantonments is the function of the Cantonment Boards which are democratic
bodies. The Station Commander of the Cantonment is the ex-officio President of the Board
and an officer of the IDES or Defence Estates Organisation is the Chief Executive Officer
who is also the Member-Secretary of the Board. The Board has equal representation of the
elected and nominated / ex-officio members to balance the official representation with the
democratic composition. This unique structure of Cantonment Boards is being maintained
successfully keeping in view the fact that the Cantonment areas were and are primarily
meant to accommodate the military population and their installations. Cantonments are
different from the Military Stations in that the Military Stations are purely meant for the
use and accommodation of the armed forces and these are established under an executive
order whereas the Cantonments are areas which comprise of both military and civil
population. There are four categories of Cantonments which depend on the size of
population residing inside a Cantonment. The Cantonments, despite having financial and
land constraints especially towards their permissible use for residential and commercial
activities, today represent the green areas which strive to maintain ecological balance while
at the same time providing better civic facilities to the residents. DGDE is an Inter Services
Organisation of the Ministry of Defense which directly controls the Cantonment
Administration. Some of the functions performed by DGDE towards the Cantonment
Administration are as follows: Functions and duties of Cantonments Division - 1. Policy
making in respect of various facets of Cantonment administration. 2. Advising Ministry of
Defense on matters relating to Cantonments. 3. Preparing and submitting Annual
Administration Report of all Cantonments to the Parliament. 4. Enactment of Rules,
Regulations and Bye-laws. 5. Election and variation of Cantonment Boards. 6. Monitoring,
inspecting and guiding the Boards on various functional parameters. 7. Assessment of the
need for grants to Cantonments and allotment of Ordinary and Special Grants-in aid to
Cantonment Boards. 8. Assessing and allotting Service Charges to all Cantonment Boards.
9. Processing of taxation proposals. 10. Classification of posts, supervisory, non-supervisory
posts, industrial disputes etc. 11. Issues relating to the welfare of Cantonment Board staff-
Ex-gratia payment of bonus, etc.
Abhishek Kadyan with Mrs. Suman Kadyan along with Mrs. Sukanya Berwal endorsing
me to move complaint for Mandatory Injections before concerned Civil Court for
appropriate orders, advance copies are being supplied to all concerned to safe guard the
flora & fauna, to perform our fundamental duties towards biodiversity - Nature.

Details for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00613

Grievance Description:
Kind attention: National Biodiversity Authority along with Haryana State Biodiversity Board.
Subject: Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated Knowledge and Benefits
Sharing Regulations, 2014 be implementing on the National Horticulture Board (NHB).
It is humbly submitted that:
1. National Horticulture Board (NHB) was set up by Government of India in April 1984 on the
basis of recommendations of the Group on Perishable Agricultural Commodities, headed by Dr
M. S. Swaminathan, the then Member (Agriculture), Planning Commission, Government of
India. The NHB is registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act 1860, with its
headquarters at Gurugram.
2. As per section 92(1) of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012: The
Societies Registration Act, 1860, in its application to the territorial jurisdiction of the State of
Haryana is hereby repealed.
3. As per the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2018 (1)
Every existing Society shall apply to the District Registrar for allotment of a new registration
number in Form-VI within a period of two years from the date of coming into force of the Act
without any fee or within next fifty seven months and three days i.e. up to the 31st December,
2018 on payment of fee set out in the Schedule of fees contained in Appendix-I in terms of
provisions contained in sub-section (4) of section 9 of the Act. The Society shall file application
and submit the requisite documents along with a certificate from the office bearer duly
authorized by the Governing Body to the effect that the Memorandum and the Bye-laws of the
Society, as being presented before the District Registrar, conform to the provisions of the Act
and the rules made there under.
1. Abhishek Kadyan with Mrs. Suman Kadyan and Mrs. Sukanya Berwal endorsing me to ask
for strict compliance of the Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated
Knowledge and Benefits Sharing Regulations, 2014 read with the Biological Diversity Act, 2002
and Rules, 2004, keeping in view the functioning of the National Horticulture Board.
2. Immediate establishment of the Biodiversity Management Committee along with the Peoples
Biodiversity Registers all around in Haryana.
3. The National Biodiversity Authority may direct State Biodiversity Board to take immediate
cognizance, to resolve the issue.
Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00653
Grievance Description:
Immediate attention as National Biodiversity Authority along with Many State Biodiversity
Boards committing contempt of court, Union Territories also needs BMCs with PBRs. Please
find attached here with National Green Tribunal order dated 12-4-2019 for strict compliance.
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) to
submit a report on constitution of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) at the local
level in every state within three months.
A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel also asked the states who have
not constituted the committees to file an affidavit stating the reason for the delay.
During the hearing, a monitoring committee formed by the tribunal informed it that as against
2,52,709 panchayats where Biodiversity Management Committees were to be constituted a total
of 1,44,371 BMCs have been formed, which shows a gap of more than one lakh.

With respect to People Biodiversity Registers, 6,834 have been documented so far and another
1,814 are in progress, it noted. The tribunal on August 8 last year had directed a monitoring
committee comprising officials from the Ministry of Environment and Forests and National
Biodiversity Authority to furnish a report.
Abhishek Kadyan with Mrs. Suman Kadyan along with Mrs. Sukanya Berwal keeping their eyes
on the introduction with proper functioning of the Biodiversity Management Committees with
Peoples Biodiversity Registers all around India.
It would also be pertinent to mention here that Minister endorsed the petition of Naresh Kadyan
for delegation of powers & authorities under Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00663
Grievance Description:
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 38 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 (18 of
2003), the Central Government, in consultation with all 29 State Governments or 7 Union
Territories, notify the species of plants and animals which are on the verge of extinction and
prohibit or regulate the collection thereof subject to the conditions be specified, Mrs. Sukanya
Kadyan, Commissioner of Education, Mrs. Suman Kadyan, Universal Commissioner for IT &
Retails with Abhishek Kadyan, Universal Commissioner for Human Resources, based in Canada,
endorsed me to be whistle blower for all 7 UTs along with rest 29 States to comes forward to
compel them to Notify the species of plants and animals which are on the verge of extinction,
prohibiting or regulating their collection besides it all these should be included in the list of
Emblems under cover all concerned legislation as the Emblems and Names (Prevention of
Improper Use) Act, 1950 with Trade Marks Act, 1940.
Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00572
Grievance Description:
THAR BIOTEK PRIVATE LIMITED (THBP), www.naturaltherapyindia.com/tharbiotek a sister
concern of GLOBAL BIOTECH, Jodhpur (INDIA) is a multidisciplinary research organization
engaged in Genetic Resources and its Conservation, Breeding, Tissue Culture, Phytochemistry,
Plant Protection, Process & Product Development and Technology Transfer, based at Global
farms,Manger,Gurgaon-Faridabad Road, Faridabad . THBP is an ISO 9001:2008 certified
company with GMP accredition, which conforms to quality products under the brand developed
from the herbs grown/ raw material generated by GLOBAL BIOTECH in the rich lands of
Aravali and the North Eastern India. THBP uses the tools of modern science to create
pharmaceutical-grade natural products. A well-researched effort and in-depth study is behind the
conversion of Ayurvedas traditional herbal knowledge into a complete range of formulations of
THBP for healthy living and longevity. Today, THBP products have been accepted far and wide
and are serving the health and personal care need of consumers all over.
Products are being made using biological resources without any approval, sharing profit,
violating Biological Diversity Act, 2002 along with Rules, 2004 along with guidelines, since
Herbal Capsules, Ayurvedic Capsule, Aloe Vera Soap, Eye Care Products, Herbal Juice, Fruit
Juice, Aloe Vera Juice, Herbal Hair Oil, Foot Care Products, Health Drink and so on.
Hence immediate FIR may kindly be lodged for the violation of many legislation including
spoiling Environment, Commercial activity on the forest and Hills, whereas DFO along with
District Ayurveda Officer also alerted for action along with the National Biodiversity Authority
and Chairman of the Haryana Biodiversity Board - Chief Wildlife warden of Haryana - Principal
Chief Conservator of Forest also alerted with Deputy Commissioner - Commissioner of Police.

Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00416

Grievance Description:
As per Biological Diversity Act, 2002, the National Biodiversity Authority may be looked after
the work of the State Biodiversity Boards to the 7 Union Territories as Andaman and Nicobar
Islands / Chandigarh / Dadra and Nagar Haveli / Daman and Diu / Lakshadweep / Delhi
(National Capital Territory) and Puducherry.
Whereas Judgement passed by the Honble National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench), New
Delhi in original Application No. 347 of 2016 on 08.08.2018 that all Biodiversity Management
Committees be functional in 29 States along with 7 Union Territories, all around India but Mrs.
Sukanya Berwal, Commissioner of Education, Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds reported to
the National Chief Commissioner that all above said 7 Union Territories have not a single
functional Biodiversity Management Committees, besides it Peoples Biodiversity Registers also
maintained but local Biological sources under threat along with restoration of five freedoms of
fauna needs immediate attention.
Please find attached here with orders passed by the NGT for immediate compliance before
moving contempt of court, please supply us action taken report within three working days.
Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00734
Grievance Description:
Kind attention: National Biodiversity Authority:
Subject: Status report on the scheduled wild animals in captivity of Dera Sacha Sauda.
Kindly refer to the letter of then Union Minister Smt. Maneka Gandi to then Chief Secretary to
Govt. of Haryana, forwarded to the Forest Department read with the report of CWLW of
Haryana, keeping in view a petition, submitted to the President Secretariat.
Please let us know the present status of all captive wild animals under the custody of Dera Sacha
Sauda at Sirsa for restoration of their five freedoms as both letters are attached here with as ready
It is further requested to please ask Biological Management Committee to prepare Peoples
Biodiversity Registers at once, under intimation to us, all around Haryana.
Grievance Status for registration number: MOEAF/E/2019/00741
Grievance Description:
Kindly refer to the Draft on the Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated
Knowledge and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Regulations, 2019: Scouts & Guides for Animals
& Births along with OIPA: Indian People for Animals Abhishek Kadyan, Mrs. Suman Kadyan
with Mrs. Sukanya Berwal submitting their points of view to be considered while finalizing the
said draft into Rules:
12(g) items listed below are exempted under section 40 of the Act as normally traded as
3 - Poultry, livestock and products derived out of these (adopting legal procedure under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter Houses) Rules, 2001) obtained from the premises
duly recognized by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
4. Items/products derived from cultivated biological resources (agriculture, horticulture,
apiculture) except those notified under the Geographical Indication Act, 1999 (restoring five
freedoms of honey bees adopting scientific methods)

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