01 - Science Research PP Project (Info)

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PowerPoint Project: Genetics/Body Systems/Current News/Earth

1. Conduct research to develop a basic understanding of topic.
2. Read critically for key information related to the topic.
3. Organize information using note cards (color-coded format).
4. Use scientific vocabulary in a meaningful context.
5. Create/present a PowerPoint presentation to communicate a topic to an audience.

1. Choose a topic.
2. Target audience: Teacher/Adult
3. Research the topic using provided resources.
- Alternate science sources can be used after exhausting the provided resources; sources need to be
approved by teacher. Wikipedia is not an adequate source; however, references listed at the bottom of
Wikipedia might be acceptable.
- Requirements will vary somewhat depending on the topic chosen.
- 20 note cards minimum
4. The presentation must be a power point presentation (8 slide minimum).
- Use PowerPoint to inform, not distract.
5. A minimum of four (4) pictures must be displayed on the presentation.
- Keep pictures factual. Clipart is not allowed (i.e. cartoons).
- A picture should be on each content slide. Pictures should CLEARLY relate to content in order to
provide a deeper understanding of the concept and to help the audience understand.
- Pictures must be large enough to be seen easily and clearly.
- Pictures must be cited (small font) directly underneath the picture.
6. The length of the presentation should be between three (3) and four (4) minutes.
7. Save the document as a pdf “Last Name – Topic.” Email presentation to the appropriate teacher.
- Muir: muirc@asd20.org Ehresman: dehresman@asd20.org

Dates of Interest:
4/30 Introduce project (science class)
5/01 Choices due (2 minimum)
5/01-5/08 Computer work sessions (2 sessions)
5/01-5/14 COMPUTER class (5 sessions)
5/7 Bibliography cards due (3 minimum)
5/7 Note cards due (20 minimum)
5/7-5/16 Revise/Finish PowerPoint; Practice presentation at home
5/16 EMAIL FINAL presentation (pdf) by 5/15; Save as “Last Name FINAL– Topic”
5/17-5/23 PRESENTATIONS; Bring in presentation on flash drive as a backup.
Topic Choices
Genetic Engineering Genetic Disorders Current Event Article Body Systems
Cloning Huntington’s Disease Find a high interest current (1) Circulatory (2) Digestive
Genetically Modified Animals Tay-Sachs Disease event science article (any (3) Endocrine (4) Excretory
DNA Forensics Cystic Fibrosis (5) Integumentary
topic) to discuss/present.
Gene Therapy Sickle-Cell Anemia (6) Lymphatic/Immune
Regenerative Medicine Hemophilia Print off article to submit (7) Muscular (8) Nervous
Organ Transplant Down Syndrome for approval. (9) Reproductive (10) Respiratory
Any genetic disorder (11) Skeletal

PowerPoint Presentation Project 2018

ALL presentations require the following:

All Topics
Slide 1  Title of topic
Title Page  Student Name
 Phrase or picture to “catch” the audience’s attention
Slide 2  List what will be discussed in order of presentation
Discussion Points  BULLETED ONLY
 Do NOT include works cited
Slide 3
Brief general description about topic/article
Content Area: Options
Specific Information*
Content AREAS Key vocabulary
(no particular order) Scientists/Major contributions
Interesting Facts
Genetic Engineering Genetic Disorders Current Event Body Systems
Science Inheritance Location Description
PROS/CONS Symptoms Science Major Organs
Latest research Latest research Importance Importance
Summary Slide Close presentation by briefly summarizing main points.
Last Slide  MLA format - 3 sources minimum
Bibliography  Maximum of 4 bibliographies per slide
 No bullets

General Requirements:
 No more than 30-40 words per slide. Recommended minimum bullet font size: 30
 Slide titles must be provided for each slide. Recommended minimum title font size: 40
 PowerPoint presentations should be CONCISE.
o NO paragraphs are allowed on the slide!
 NO contractions!
 NO timings!
 NO sentences on slides!
 No transitions or animations (due to pdf upload).
 Pictures should be on most of the content slides; citations are required underneath the picture.
o “Image acquired from…”
 Speaker notes are required for all slides excluding slide 1, 2, and works cited.
o Speaker notes are what will be said during the presentation.
o Speaker notes are used to fill in the details.
o Speaker notes must be written in complete sentences.
 Bring down information from slide.
 Add detail to each bullet point (complete sentences).

PowerPoint Presentation Project 2018

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