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When we were born

When we inhale in our lungs held breath for the first time

When our eyes… open like 2 small prayers searching for grace

When everything was strange

So all we knew was faith

We were born believing in one thing that life is a gift

Today we honor the women that we unwrapped to give it

An ode to the mothers

An ode to the walking monuments of selflessness

You, are one of the greatest treasures this world has ever known

For the world may never fully know the weight of your crown

You are queen all the same for the days that you sacrifices nights to brighten our tomorrows

For the many overtimes that you clocked in just to watch over us

your love remains timeless even when we held back some of ours

you are strength, strong enough to forge meals into moments and turn any situation into a classroom
and raise children higher than the standards the world is trynna ground into them.

When I was a boy my mom go to war for our family our prayers battle back against statistics bearing the
back breaking pain for being a single mother

But her faith never faltered.

She kept her composure like a good secret and worked her fingers to the bones to give everything but
up on us, a mother’s love. as one of the first examples of God that we are shown.

How you graciously give up your self to make us whole and mirror the coming of a messiah.

You are nativity and one day the world will again be wiseman enough to recognize you as miracles,
sometimes we forget that doing a good job doesn’t mean that it isn’t a hard one

That though your task may be rewarding it doesn’t mean it is difficult in circus of circumstances

So when you feel like an opening act you feel like juggling parenting and your sanity and of the same
breath walking on a tight rope through life with an even tighter budget. Never doubt that What you do
is amazing

For having a child that can change lives and and raising a child that can change the world, then we
literally have no world without you for you are promised when the god intends to keep you shine like a
handful of diamonds the more cuts you take the greater his light shines through you.
Your light is more home than any building dare to be. Today we thank you for being a place we can
always return to. Today we honor the women who are willing to be mother to the motherless. The only
blood that matters is the blood that saves the day. Today we praise god for all mothers. Today we give
you flowers because true beauty deserves to be reflected. Today we offer you sweets because none of
our free love can be sweeter than yours. Today we will give you gift cards because you could be hard to
shop for sometimes.

You are always giving. Today we return to you a portion of the unconditional love that you had
graciously given to us. We honor the mothers that grieved

We pray that god’s love will be for you and forevermore. The children of god said. Amen.

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