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DIRECTIONS; determine the part of research paper being described.

1. Presents backrounds information, scope , and focus of the research paper.




D.Review of related literature

2.Provides a review of what others have written or researched on concerning the topic.

A. Reference



D. Review of related literature

3.Lists all the sources used in the research




D. Review of related literature

4. Presents the information gathered through the research





5.Provides the summary of the research

A. Reference



D.Review of related literature

6. what is the primary source?

A.A source used often

B.A source found in a important book like encylopedia

C. A source created at the time of the event

D. A source created after the event has happened

7. which of the following is a secondary source?

A. A textbook chapter in a world war II and its famous battles

B. Martin luthers kings “ i have a dream” speech

C. A photograph of a family arriving at ellis island

D. A journal kept by a soldier during revolution

8. “purples puppies like playing on the playground” this is an example of

A. Personification

B. Alliteration

C. Anaphora

D. Metaphor

9. “hello darkness my old friend,i ve come to talk with you again” this is an example of

A. Personification

B. Alliteration

C. Anaphora

D. Juxtaposition

10. The funeral home was built next to the childrens nursery.

A. Personifications

B. Apostrophe


D. Juxtapositions

11.The word bibliography has originated from the term “biblion” meaning a book and “graphien”
meaning to write




D. French

12.which is not function of bibliography?

A. It provides directions to researcher

B. It helps a librarian to be selective

C. It is not a systematic guide to the literature of the subject

D. Aids in locating information through the publisher

13. which of the following is an opinion

A. The sunset was beautiful last night

B. The human body is 55% to 78% water

C. My little sister just learned how to walk

D. JK Rowling wrote the harry potter books.

14. Which of the following is a fact?

A. Katie’s room is wonderful

B. Math is confusing

C. My father has black hair

D. He’s the best volleyball player ever


1 Global warming: Myth or Reality?

2 Leroux , Marcel

3 Springer, 2005.

4 The erring ways of climatology

15 A. 1-3-2-4


C. 2-1-4-3

D. 4-1-2-3 Accessed 12 May 2016.

2. Dean, Cornelia.

3. 22 May 2007

4. “executive on a mission: saving the planet”

5. The newyork times

16. A. 3-1-2-5-4

B. 2-4-5-3-1



1. 0’ Grady, W, de Guzman, V.
2. (2008)

3. Morphology: the analysis of world structure

4 In W.O’Grady & J. Archibald

(eds.), contemporary

Linguistic analysis: an introduction,


6 Toronto; Addison Wesley longman

17.the correct arrangement of the bibliograpical entry above is

A. 1-2-3-4-5-6



D. 1-4-2-3-5-6

18.From the items below, the correctly written referene list is

A. Stockwell,R,& Minkova,D. (2001). Cambridge: cambrigde university press english word history and

B. Stovkwell , R,& Minkova D. (2001). English words: history and structure cambridge : cambridge
university press

C. Stock well ,R. & Minkova, D. English words:history and structure cambridge: cambridge university
press (2001)

D. Stockwell, R. & Minkova D. English words: history and structure (2001) cambridge: cambridge
university press

19. below are the sub-moves in writing the “introduction”of a research paper EXCEPT

A. Reviewing items of previous research

B. Making topic generalizations

C.Interpreting graphs

D. Announcing present research

20 which of the following characteristic is NOT that of a qualitative research?

A. More in-depth information on a few cases

B. Text-based

C. Number-based

D.Fixed responce options

21. Below are characteristic of a quantitative research EXCEPT

A. More objective: provides observed effects (interpreted by researcher)of a program on a problem or

B.Less- generalizations

C. Primarily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs and hyphotheses that
make up a theory

D. Can be avoid and reliable: largely depends on the measurements device or instrument used

Carmela threw her sling bag on the sofa, flew past her astonished mother to her room which she shares
with her little sister, slammed the door threw herself on the bed,buried her face in her palms and
started crying.

22. Based on the passage,we can analyze that

A. Freedom brings a person to several destinations.

B. Liberty gives a person the right to do whatever he wants.

C. A person who has free will must still know his limitations.

D.Limitations curtail the duties and responsibilities of a person.

23. From the passage above we can infer that carmela felt

A. Exhausted

B. Threatened


D. Frightened

24.the following criteria could be used to evaluate a persuasive speech EXCEPT

A. Consistently speaks in a loud clear manner; voice is audible on all sides of the room

B.Choice the words sentence structure and grammars are always accurate

C. Always stand with ease and poise; establishes eye contact and audience rapport all time; uses
gestures to emphasize a point

D. Appropriate materials were used the talents was showcased verywell


You’re sick of the game? Well now,thats a shame;

You,re young and you,re brave and you,re bright,

You’ve had raw deal, i know, but don’t squel.

Back up, do your darnedest and fight!

It’s the plugging away that will win yiu the day,

So don’t be a piker, old pard.

Just draw on your grit; it’s so easy to quit,

It’s easy to cry that you’ve beaten, and die;

It’s easy to crawfish and crawl,

But to fight and to fight when hopes out of sight,

Why,that’s the best game of them all.

And though you came out of each grueling bout,

All broken and beaten and scarred,

Just have one more try; its dead easy to die,

It’s the keeping on living thats hard.


25. What does the word “game” refer to in to poem?

A. Death

B. School

C. Life


26. To whom did the poet addressed the poem?

A. Grow-up person

B. Teen-age boy



27.what is the idea expressed by the poet in the poem?

A. Unhappiness

B.Unloved by his parents

C.Keep living

D. Has falling grades

28.what is the mood expressed in the poem?

A. Sad


C. Guilt

D. Patient

29. What is the purpose of the author in writting the poem?

A. to let things just happen

B. to realize that we are the master of our fate keep on hoping even if we think there is no hope

D. to give up and hide when we are defeated and unhappy

30 What figure of speech is used in the underlined line above?

A. Simile

B. Apostrophe



31. What is the purpose of the author in writting the article?

A. to inform

B. to persuade

C. to argue

D. to entertain

(1) when my father was 10 yrs old, his parents died and he had to leave russia. (2) he moved to his
grandparents farm,which happened to be in poland at the time. (3) my father worked in poland for
seven long years.(4) he and his family tilled the soil and cared for the animal at least 12 hours a
day.(5) then, he met a man who has hiring workers for the danzing shipyards.(6) after work in danzig
for two years , my father got a job in steamer. (7) his works on that ship allowed him to visit halifax,
canada.(8) he immigrated to the maritimes shortly thereafter.

32. Which of the following ideas help in achieving coherence in the paragraph above?

A. Effective use of pronouns

B. Logical arrangement of ideas

C.Appropriate use of transitiona devices

D.Proper use of capitalization and punctuation marks

33. What type of transitional device is used in the paragraph?




D. Stating cause and effect

(1) writers use several techniques to develop extended definitions

(2) a second techniques is to give the origin and history of the word in the language.

(3) yet another method to extended definitions is to deal with what you do not mean by the term-a
techniques called “ negation “.

(4) one common stratery is to define some general group to which the subject belongs ang to show how
the word differs from all the words in that general group

34.What makes the paragraph above incoherent

a.unified ideas

b.mixed up sentences

c.wrong use of pronuons

d.incorrect use of transitional devices

35.which of the following arrangement makes the paragraph coherent ang cohesive

a.1-2-3-4 b.1-3-2-4 1-4-2-3 -4-3-2-1

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