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BAYAN v. ZAMORA (Executive Secretary) 2.

When Congress so requires, such treaty should be ratified

October 10, 2000 | Puno (Dissenting Opinion) by majority of the votes cast by the Filipino people in a
Petitioner: Bayan, Junk VFA Movement, Bishop Tomas Millamena, Bishop national referendum held for the purpose;
Elmer Bolocan, Dr. Reynaldo Legasca, Kilusang Mambubukid ng 3. Such treaty should be recognized as a treaty by the
Pilipinas, Kilusang Mayo Un, Gabriela, Polador, Public Interest other contracting party (NOTE: Please see sub-issue first
Law Center before going to the main issue. Medyo magulo
Respondents: Executive Secretary Rolando Zamora, DFA Sec. Domingo Siazon, pagkakaorder ni Puno so I don’t know how to structure it
Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado, Brig. Gen. Alexander according to your outline)
Aguirre, Senate President Marcelo Fernan, Sen. Franklin Drilon,  INTENT OF THE FRAMERS: The asymmetry in the 1947 RP-US Military
Sen. Blas Ople, Sen. Rodolfo Biazon, Sen. Francisco Tatad Bases Agreement, which was ratified by the Philippine Senate and not
NATURE by the US Senate was a slur to our sovereignty. The framers do not
Special civil action for certiorari and prohibition want this anomalous asymmetry to be repeated that’s why Art
BRIEF XVIII, Sec. 25 requires that the treaty allowing the presence of foreign
Petitioners assail the validity of the VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement) military bases, troops, and facilities should also be recognized as a
which after having been ratified by Pres. Estrada was duly concurred treaty by the other contracting party.
by the Senate, by a 2/3 vote of its members. They contend that the VFA o The yardstick should be the US Constitutional Law2.
did not satisfy the requirement laid in Art XVIII, Sec 25 since US merely o In US practice, a “treaty” is only one of the four types of
treats it as an “executive agreement” rather than a “treaty.” As such, US international agreements: (1) Article II Treaties, (2) Executive
thinks that VFA does not need the ratification of the US Senate. Agreements pursuant to a treaty, (3) Congressional Executive
Agreements, (4) sole executive agreements (VFA is more
Main decision upheld the validity of the Visiting Forces Agreement. akin to this)
Justice Puno dissents and believes that VFA is unconstitutional. o The term “executive agreement” is used as a convenient catch-
all to subsume all international agreements intended to bind
FACTS the US other than those which receive consent of 2/3 of US
No facts are narrated in the dissenting opinion. Justice Puno automatically Senate.
jumps to the issue. o The US Constitution does not expressly confer authority to
make these executive agreements, hence the authority to make
MAIN ISSUE: WON the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) violates Art. XVIII, Sec 25 of the
them, their scope, and legal force have been the subject of a
Constitution1, (YES)
long on-going debate.
 3 Constitutional requisites that must be complied with before foreign
 FIRST VIEW: In the case of sole executive agreements,
military bases, troops, or facilities can be allowed in the Philippine
commentators have been in general agreement that
unlike treaties, sole executive agreements cannot
1. Their presence should be allowed by a treaty duly
prevail over prior inconsistent federal legislation. It is
concurred in by the Philippine Senate;
doubtful whether, in the absence of appropriate
legislation, it may supersede a prior inconsistent

2Sec. 2, Art. II, Clause 2 of US Consti – the President shall have power, by and
with the advice and concurrence of the senate, to make treaties, provided two
thirds of the Sebators present concur.
 SECOND VIEW: On the other hand, it is argued that o VFA does not provide for a specified and limited period of
when the US President enters into a sole executive effectivity. It instead provides an open-ended term3
agreement pursuant to his exclusive presidential o Both Black’s and Bouvier’s Law dictionaries’ definition of
authority in the field of foreign relations, such “permanent” does not necessarily contemplate absolute
agreement may prevail over prior inconsistent federal perpetuity. (as long as it continues for an indefinite period of
legislation. time)
 In conclusion, with the doubtful legal status of sole executive o Also, Art XVIII, Sec 18 contemplates both permanent and
agreements, the Court will be standing on unstable ground if it places a temporary presence of foreign military troops. HENCE, VFA
sole executive agreement like the VFA on the same constitutional regardless of WON permanent or temporary comes within its
plateau as a treaty. Questions remain and the debate continues on the purview.
constitutional basis as well as the legal effects of sole executive
agreements under US Law.
 In the words of Louis Henkin: “often the treaty process will be used
at the insistence of other parties to an agreement because they
believe that a treaty has greater ‘dignity’ than an executive
agreement, because its constitutional effectiveness is beyond
doubt, because a treaty will ‘commit’ the Senate and the people of
the US and make its subsequent abrogation or violation less likely.
 With the cloud of uncertainty still hanging on the exact legal force of
sole executive agreements under US Constitutional Law, this Court
must draw a bright line between the dignity and status of a treaty
in contrast with a sole executive agreement.

DISSENT: Petition should have been granted. VFA falls short of the requirement
set by Art XVIII, Sec 25 of the 1987 Constitution.

Respondents: these constitutional requirements are not applicable to
the VFA.
o These requirements applies only to the stationing or
permanent presence since “troops” is mentioned along with
“bases” and “facilities” which are permanent in nature
o VFA contemplates merely temporary visits of US Military
Troops in Philippine territory
Justice Puno: VFA is of a permanent nature
o Neither the VFA nor the Mutual Defense Treaty provides the
slightest suggestion on the duration of the visits of U.S. Forces 3Art IX, VFA – this Agreement shall remain in force until the expiration of 180
in Philippine territory. days from the date on which either party gives the other party notice in writing
that it desires to terminate the agreement

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