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The following text is for questions 6 to 10.
commodore yos sudarso was an Indonesian naval officer who was killed in a battle
between the dutch and Indonesian vessels on January 15, the time of his death, yos
sudarso was deputy chief of statt of the Indonesian navy.
the battle in which he was killed occurred near vlakke hoek,or etna bay, in the Arafura
sea. dossen of Indonesian lives were lost and it is commemorated by “Sea Sacrifice Day”,an
annual nation-wide day of rememberance.yos sudarso,along with his commodores were
killed, when his ship,the KRI macan tutul was gunned down.the ship was made a target
deliberately as a part of saving two other ships in the vicinity, KRI macan kumbang and KRI
twelve years after his death,yos sudarso was officially added to the register of
Indonesian heroes for the revolution. Indonesia issued a special postage stamp to
commemorate his service to his country. indonesia’s yos sudarso island and yos sudarso bay
are named in his honor.there is also an ex-dutch warship named KRI yos sudarso, ship
number 353,in honor of him.

6. where did the battle take place?

A. In the Aru Sea
B. In the Etna Sea
C. In the Arafura Sea
D. In the Arumba Sea
E. In the New Guinea Sea

7. why did Yos Sudarso’s ship become the target of Dutch ship’s attack in purpose?
A. To attack the Dutch troops
B. To chase away the Dutch ships
C. To evacuate Indonesian navy’s soldiers
D. To defend the Indonesian waters from enemies
E. To save two other Indonesian Navy’s ships nearby

8. when was Yos Sudarso awarded as national hero?

A. 1962
B. 1972
C. 1974
D. 1982
E. 1984

9. what is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. An island named after Yos Sudarso
B. A bay named after Yos Sudarso
C. An ex-Dutch warship called KRI Yos Sudarso
D. A special postage stamp about Yos Sudarso
E. Things to honor Yos Sudarso’s service

10.”The ship was made a target deliberatery as a part of saving …..”(paragraph 2).
the similar meaning of the underlined word is
A. Weakly
B. Freely
C. Definitely
D. Perfectly
E. Coincidentally

The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

Born in Pungkusari, Salatiga,Central Java,Agustinus Adisucipto was known as the

founding father of the Indonesian Air Force.He was the first Indonesian to fly the fisrt
Indonesian airplane.He was also the founder of the School of Aviation,which later became
the Air Force Academy.
A descendant of an empu who was one of prince Diponegoro’s troops told that
Adisucipto was predicted to have a short life.Mbah Wiryo, Adisucipto’s Grandfather, said
that his grandson was like palgunadi,a courageous and honest wayang character who died
young. that was why Adisucipto’s father insisted that his son go to School tot Opleidings van
Indische Arisen (STOVIA),a medical school for Indonesians during the Dutch Colonial
period, to become a doctor. However, Adisucipto’s determination to become a pilot was so
strong that the dropped out of his medical school to enlist in the aviation school.
At the Militaire Luchtvaart Opleidings,an aviation school in Kalijati, West Java,he
boasted an excellent record.he finished his studies in two years and was also one of two
Indonesians who received an advanced pilot license. for his excellent performance,
Adisucipto was appointed secretary of the oninklijk Nederlands-Indische Luchtvaart
Maatschapij,the Dutch aviation company.
After the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia, Adisucipto formed the Air Force
together with Suryadarma, who later became the first commander of the Indonesian Air

11.what is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Adisucipto attended an aviation school.
B. Adisucipto was predicted to die young.
C. Adisucipto attended STOVIA,a medical school.
D. Adisucipto dropped out of his medical school.
E. Adisucipto was like Palgunadi,a courageous and honest wayang character.
12.which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Palgunadi was a courageous and honest wayang character.
B. There was an aviation school in Kalijati,West Java.
C. Mbah Wiryo predicted Adisucipto to have a shrot life.
D. Adisucipto received an advanced pilot license.
E. Adisucipto’s father wanted him to be a doctor.
13.who became the first commander of the Indonesian Air Force?
A. Adisucipto.
B. Suryadarma.
C. Adisucipto’s father.
D. Adisucipto’s instructor.
E. Suryadarmas’s instructor.
14.what can we conclude from the text?
A. Suryadarma established the future Air Force Academy.
B. Adisucipto was the only founding father of the Indonesian Air Force.
C. There was no person who flew Indonesian Airplanes before Adisucipto.
D. It took three years for adisucipto to finish his studies at an aviation school.
E. Adisucipto finished his studies at a medical school before he entered an aviation
15.since English classes,Arman has made many friends.
the suitable adverbial phrase to complete the sentence is
A. Attended.
B. Attending.
C. Arman attends.
D. Arman attending.
E. Attending arman.
16. to ride a bicyle,adi walked to work every morning.
the suitable adverb phrase to complete the sentence is
A. Unable.
B. Be unable.
C. Unabling.
D. Because he unable.
E. Because he were unable.

The following text is for questions 17 to 20.

Saridjah Niung Bintang Soedibjo, known as ibu Soed, was a composer of

children songs. she was born in Sukabumi, West Java,March 26,1908,the youngest child of
Mohammad Niung,a Bugis sailor. she married Bintang Soedibjo in 1927 and had three
Saridjah’s proficiency in music, especially playing the violin, was mostly due to
her foster father’s, Prof. Dr. Mr.J.F. Kramer, teaching. After finishing her studies in Kweek
School,Bandung, Saridjah taught in Hollandsch-Inlansche School (HIS). While teaching,
Saridjah began towrite songs,Indonesian upbeat and patriotic songs which encouraged the
kids to sing cheerfully.Amongst her works are “Hai Becak”,”Kupu-Kupu”,”Bila Aku
Besar”,”Tanah Airku”And “Berkibarlah Benderaku”.she had written more than 200 songs.
In addition to composing songs,Saridjah also wrote a play script for a ballet
operetta and performed it a Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in 1955 with Nani Loebis Gondo
sapoetro as the choreographer and R.A.J. Soedjasmin as the music arranger. for her work and
dedication, she was awarded Satya Lencana Kebudayaan by the government.

17.what is paragraph one about?

A. Saridjah’s personal life.
B. Saridjah’s achievements.
C. Saridjah’s works.
D. Saridjah’s multi talents.
E. Saridjah’s academic background. old was Saridjah when she performed a ballet operetta at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta?
A. 19 years old.
B. 28 years old.
C. 39 years old.
D. 47 years old.
E. 66 years old.
19.from the text we can conclude that
A. Saridjah started her career in 1927.
B. Saridjah learned to play the violin from her father,Mohammad Niung.
C. Saridjah was awarded Satya Lencana Kebudayaan by the government.
D. Saridjah started to compose songs when she studied in Kweek School,Bandung.
E. Saridjah was the music arranger of a ballet operetta performed at Gedung Kesenian
20.”… performed it a Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in 1955 with Nani Loebis Gondosapoetro as
the choreographer …” (last paragraph).
The word ‘it’ refers to
A. a play script.
B. Ibu Soed’s dedication.
C. Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.
D. a song written by Ibu Soed.
E. a ballet operetta.

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