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The following dialog is for questions 22 to 24!

Widi : Good morning, Ari. You look pale. What is wrong with you?
Ari : I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I watched a softball match with my neighbors.
Widi : that’s no good, you know. You should get enough sleep every day.
Ari : Why? I use to sleep every late.
Widi : There are health risks if you don’t get enough sleep.
Ari : Really? What are they?
Widi : First, inadequate sleep time can make you fat. You r metabolism and homones will
become unstable. It will make you gain weight easily. On a long term this. Will expose
you to the risk of getting heart problems. Inadequate sleep will also affect your immune
system. You will easily get sick if you don’t sleep enough. Inadequate sleep also affects
your skin health. Your body will loose most of its moisture. Your skin will bedry and
stiff. The most easily spotted effect is probably the increase of acne around the face.
Ari : I guess you’re right. I have acne around my check.
Widi : see! Your should manage your sleep time.
Ari : well, I’ll try my best.

1. why are we prone to diseases if we don’t get enough sleep?

A. Our metabolism system become unstable.
B. Our immune system weakens.
C. Our body will be exposed to viruses.
D. Our bodies will loose its moisture.
E. We will easily gain weight.
2. how does inadequate sleep affect our beauty?
A. Our skin will be darker.
B. We will have pimples.
C. Our skin will look pale.
D. You will feel itchy.
E. We will have moist skin.
3. what will ari do with his sleeping habit?
A. He will try to fix his sleeping habit soon.
B. He will start before he get sick.
C. He will start when the competition is over.
D. He will sleep during the day
E. He will try his best

The following text is for questions 25 to 28.

According to the recording industry Association of America (RIAA), 30 billion songs were
illegally downloaded between 2004 and 2009. Even with sites like iTunes and rhapsody offering
legal downloads, peer-to-peer file sharing still exists. Illegal music downloading has had impacts
on the music industry resulting in a loss of profits and jobs, and changing how music is delivered
to the masses.
The RIAA reports that music sales in the United States have dropped 47 percent since
Napster first debuted in 1999. The availability of tree music has cost the music industry $12.5
billion in economic losses. To recoup some of these losses, the music industry has filed lawsuits
against individuals who have been found to have illegally downloaded music. In few cases,
individuals have been sued for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Singers and bands are the public face of the music industry, but creating, recording and
promoting a song takes a large team of people. As record companies have seen their profits
decrease, the have cut positions they are no longer able to afford. This includes artists as well as
engineers, songwriters, producers, technicians and marketing support. The RIAA reveals that
more than 71,000 jobs have been lost as a result of illegally downloaded music.
Declining profits and fewer staff leave the music industry with less funds and opportunities
to recruit and develop new talent. Record labels are more inclined to focus their money and time
on established artist and only a few, promising new artists. As a result, more new artists have to
look for outlets to create and promote their music on their own, such as selling it directly online.
The illegal sharing of music has impacted the way the music industry markets and
promotes its artists. The introduction of tapster and illegal downloading has helped usher in a
new era of digitally accessible music where singles trump a full-length album. To expose its
artists to a wider audience, the music industry has had to develop and deploy new tacties like
ringtones and digital licensing music to sites like YouTube and Pandora. Touring and
promotional deals are more lucrative for the music industry than selling songs.

1. What does the text mainly talks about?

A. The benefits of illegal music downloading.
B. The negative impacts of illegal downloading music.
C. The job loss due to illegal music downloading.
D. The decreasing profit in music industry.
E. The amount of illegal downloaded music.
2. How does illegal music downloading cause a job loss to people work in the music industry?
A. New artists choose to promote themselves online.
B. Record companies don’t need people for promotion.
C. Record companies cut many position due to profit decrease.
D. Record companies are focused only on established artists.
E. Many position are replaced by online services.
3. what is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Unemployment increases due to illegal music downloading.
B. New sales strategies developed by record companies.
C. The decreasing profits in music business.
D. Music sales drop due to illegal music downloading.
E. The changes in promoting music.
4. “touring and promotional deals are more lucrative for the music industry than selling
songs.”(paragraph 3) the underlined word is closest In meaning to______
A. Motivating
B. Acceptable
C. Feasible
D. Profitable
E. Encouraging

The following text is for question 29 to 31.

December 220, 2017
Hello virza,
I hope this letter finds you in the best health and spirits.
Hey, are you free next year’s eve? I’d like to invite you to a new year party in my place.
There will be our old friends from middle schools. Everyone is interested to join in the party. We
can set fireworks, play games and hold barbeque. We also miss you playing guitar. What do you
say? Please, say yes.
Sent my best regards to you parents.


29. What is the propose of the letter?

A. To invite Virza to a barbeque party.
B. To ask Virza to play the guitar on the party.
C. To invite Virza to a new party.
D. To invite Virza to watch fireworks.
E. To invite Virza to plays games.

30. how did Virza and the other invites know each other?
A. They are neighbors.
B. They are club friends.
C. They were schoolmate.
D. They are musicians.
E. They are cousins.

31. from the letter we know that ____.

A. Gilang and Virza studies at the same school.
B. Virza is the leader of the club.
C. The party will be held in Virza’s places.
D. Virza will organize the party
E. Gilang can play the guitar.

The following text is for questions 32 to 34.

Ever cousins how chocolate is made from cacao fruit? At first, the manufacturer chooses
cacao beans for their chocolate. Then, the cacao beans are roasted in large, rotating ovens, at
temperatures of about 210˚-290˚F. roasting lasts from half an hour up to two hours. The heat
brings out more flavor and aroma, and it dries and darkness the beans.
Two, the cacao nibs will be crushed and ground into a thick paste called chocolate liquor.
To make cocoa, the powdery stuff is mixed up into hot chocolate and the cocoa liquor is
slammed by a giant hydraulic press. This removes much of the fat, or cocoa butter. The cocoa
butter will be used in making chocolate, cosmetics and medicines. What’s left of the slammed
chocolate liquor is every dry and can be ground into cocoa.
32. why should cacao beans be roasted?
A. To brighten the color.
B. Because the beans are raw.
C. To draw the chocolate scent.
D. To remove the bitterness.
E. To obtain cocoa butter.
33. how is the chocolate liquor made?
A. By roasting the cocoa butter.
B. By crushing the cacao nibs.
C. By slamming the beans using hydraulic press.
D. By cracking the roasted beans.
E. By grinding the cocoa butter.
34. from the text we can conclude that_____.
A. Hot chocolate is made from chocolate liquor.
B. Roasting the beans enhances its taste
C. Cocoa powder is used for medicine.
D. Cacao nobs is produced by cracking raw beans
E. Cacao powder has a lot of fats.

The following text is for questions 35 to 37.

Alive again
(By: Chicago)
Yesterday I would not have believed
That tomorrow the sun would shine
That one day you came into my life
I am alive again I am alive again

All the empty yesterdays have disappeared

Now that you have filled my life with love
No one else could ever mean so much to me
Every day you came into my life
As our love grows ever stronger

Yesterday I would not have believed

That tomorrow the sun would shine
That one day you came into my life
I am alive again I am alive again

When you gave your love to me, you changed my life

Dreams that once seemed hopeless come with eases
Thank you girl for being just the way you are
I would never try to change you
All I live for is to love you
I’m feeling alive again
I’m feeling alive again

35. what does ‘you’ in the lyrics refer to?

A. The singer
B. The singer and listeners.
C. The listeners.
D. The singer’s lover.
E. The sun
36. what does the singers feel after meeting someone he loves?
A. He feels alive again
B. He is hopeless.
C. He is desperately seeking happiness.
D. He feels lonely.
E. He feels rejected.
37. what is the message of the song?
A. Love can change someone’s life.
B. We should change to love someone.
C. We need each other for a better life.
D. Let’s honor and respect each other.
E. Love gives nothing to us.

The following text is for questions 38 to 39.

Lasers are devices that produce a narrow beam of extremely strong light. Lasers amplify
light by causing photons to be bounced back and forth in a substance, which can be solid, liquid
or gas, which adds extra energy. The result is that intense light is emitted in a very narrow beam.
The intense beam of light produced by laser can be used to produce images for publicity or
entertainment purposes.
Lasers are also used to cut metal and for precision cuts in operations. In CD players, laser
light is scanned across the CD’s silvery surface, reading the audio and video information on the
disc. They are also used in office printers and scanners, to display text and graphics. In
engineering, the intense narrow beam of light is used to measure and align roads and tunnels.

38. How do lasers increase the light intensity?

A. By absorbing less energy.
B. By producing a single color of light.
C. By amplifying the power of light beams.
D. By emitting intense light in a very narrow beam.
E. By causing photons to be bounced back and forth in a substances.
39. “they are also used in office printers and scanners,…”(paragraph 2)what does ‘they’ refer to?
A. Lasers
B. Scanners
C. Silvery surfaces
D. Printers
E. CD players

The following text is for question 40 to 44.

Déjá vu is a French word which literally means ‘already seen’. It is experience of feeling
sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even thought the exact
circumstances of the prior encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined.
Déjá vu has to do with memory processes. There are portions of the brain that are
specialized in the past, the present and the future. In general , the frontal lobes are concerned
with the future, the temporal lobes are concerned with the past and the underlying, intermediate
portions (the limbic system) are concerned with the present. When these are all functioning, in
normal states of consciousness, the feeling that an event will happened, will only happened when
we are thinking about the future, worrying about it, anticipating it are making plans for it. The
sense of the past will only come up when our memories have been triggered another way.
At times, we can experience over – communication between our short and long – term
memories and in such instances, the present can seem like the past. When our perception from
our present are pushed through the section of the brain that ordinarily deal with past memories,
these perception will seem like memories and we may feel as though we are re – living stored
longs – term memories.
In simple terms, we experience something in the present, compare it to similar experiences
in the past and decide how we will respond. The time frame can be very brave; even a few
second. Once in a while, there can be too much communication between short and long – terms
memories. When this happens, then the present can feel like the past.
40. What is déjá vu?
A. The feeling of knowing what will happen in the future.
B. The feeling of having faced the current situation.
C. The feeling of dealing with a memory in the past.
D. The feeling of having experience a certain dream.
E. The feeling of knowing what is going to happen.
41. Which part of the brain is concerned with the future?
A. The long – term memory.
B. The short – term memory.
C. The limbic system.
D. The temporal lobes.
E. The frontal lobes.
42. what is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. The definition of déjá vu.
B. The results of over – communication.
C. The description of parts of the brain.
D. The correlation between the past and present situation.
E. The explanation of short and long – term memory.
43. what may happen when there is over – communication between the short and long – term
A. The response of the communication may be disturbed.
B. The short – term memory may not function well.
C. The perception of the future may seem to be real.
D. The present situation may seem the past.
E. The memories of the past may affect the future.
44. “…even though the exact circumstances of the prior encounter are uncertain and…”
(paragraph 1) what is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Later.
B. Former.
C. Main.
D. Important.
E. Trivial.

The following text is for questions 45 to 47.

The average baby is about one foot, eight inches long at birth. Over the next twenty years ,
man will triple the length of the body he was born with and will read an average height of about
five feet, eight inches. How ever, why don’t human beings keep on growing?
In the body there are of glandes called the endocrines, which control our growth. The
Endocrines glandes are : the thyroid in the neck, the pituitary attached to the brain, the symus in
the chest and the sex glands. The pituitary gland is the on that stimulates our bones to grow. If
this work too hard, our arms and legs would end up under-sized.
We continue to grow, but only slightly, after the age of 25 and we reach our maximum
height between the ages of 35 to 45. After that, we shrink about half an inch every ten years. The
reason for this is the bring-up of the cartilages in our joints and in the spinal column as we get

45. what is the text about?

A. The explanation on how we grow.
B. The explanation on the system that affects our growth.
C. The description of on a system of glands which control our growth.
D. The explanation on why we stop growing.
E. The description on how a baby grows.
46. what will happened when we reach 40 years old?
A. Our brains grow rapidly.
B. We will gain height slightly.
C. Our bones will grow thicker.
D. Our growth is slowing down.
E. We are getting shorter.
47. from the text we know that?
A. The thymus is in the neck and the sex glands.
B. The pituitary stimulates our bones to grow.
C. We only rapidly grow after the age of 25.
D. We reach our maximum weight at about the age of 35 or 40.
E. A system of glands called the endocrine glands control our digest.

For questions 48 to 50 , choose the correct words to complete the next.

Dear mega,
How are you? I received your letter about your vacation a week ago. I think your journey to the
volcano crater was interesting. I spent my holiday in interesting way too.
I spent my holiday by visiting my uncle’s house. He has a tempeh factory. He showed me how
to make tempeh. Tempeh (48)____from soy fermentations. Soy beans are cracked in a grain mill.
Then, the soy beans are (49)____in the water for 6 to 18 hours. After that, the soy beans are
cooked in a pot. While cooking, add vinegar. Cook them for 30 minutes. Next, inoculate the soy
beans with 1 teas poon of tempeh starter. then, the soy beans are in coated in fermentation room.
The soy beans is fermented by the tempeh starter and(50)____into the tempeh that we know.
What do you think about my holiday? i hope you will write me soon.

A. to make
B. made
C. makes
D. is making
E. is made

A. planted
B. harvested.
C. dry
D. soaked
E. washed

A. changed
B. substituted
C. turned
D. grounded
E. roated

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