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“ An Exploratory study on Sales Promotional Strategies of
Airtel 4G services.”

Submitted to

RashtrasantTukadojiMaharaj Nagpur University for Partial

Fulfillment of the Degree of Master in Business
Administration (MBA)”

Submitted by:
Mr. Rohan S. Kesharwani

Prof. Aashna Sankhla



Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research,

DeekshaBhoomi, Nagpur


This is to certify that investigation described in this project

entitled,“ An Exploratory study on Sales Promotional strategies of
Airtel 4G services” was carried out by Miss. Snehal S. Moonin Dr.

AmbedkarInstitute of Management Studies and Research, Nagpur

under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Master of Business
Administration of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.
This work is the own work of the candidate, complete in all
respects and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its
submission to the said degree. The assistance and resources used
for this work are duly acknowledged.

DR./Prof._________________ Dr. Sudhir S. Fulzele

(Supervisor) (Director)



Ihereby declare that this project titled “ An Exploratory study on

Sales Promotional Strategies of Airtel 4G Service”isbonafide and
authentic record of work done by meunder supervision of Dr. ______________
during academic session 2013-14.
The work presented here is not duplicated from any other source &
also not submitted earlier for any other degree/diploma to any university. I
understand that any such duplication is liable to be punished in accordance
with the university rules.
The source material, data used in this research study have been duly

Date: _______________________
Place: Signature of Student


These is my privilege to express deepest sense of gratitude and in debt sense to

mySupervisorDr. ______________________, for his invaluable Supervision, unending support,
constant encouragement, keep interest, helpfulness and constructive criticism. All this
provided us the needed moral and confidence to carry out this project.

I am honorably thankful to Dr S.S. Fulzele, Director, DAIMSR, Nagpur and also

Dr.V. M. Chopde, Coordinator, DAIMSR, Nagpur for making us all facilities available.

I am also thankful to all other faculty members of DAIMSR for their help during
my project work.

I take pleasure in expressing heartiest thanks to my parents, colleagues and

classmates for their moral support and helpfulness through my project work. I am also
thankful to my other friends excluding DAIMSR, for giving me full support in my project

(Snehal S. Moon)


The present business scenario is totally customer oriented. Each company faces stiff

competition from its competitors, each provides the best services at competitive rates. As a

result customer has lot of choices to get the best with least cost. To face this competition, it is

very important to know customer’s behavior towards different products and services.

This project is aimed at understanding the Marketing strategies adopted by Airtel and its

impact on the perception of Airtel Customers.

Research has showed that it is far more costly to win a new customer than it is to maintain an
existing one, and there is no better way to retain a customer than to exceed his expectations.
For this purpose it is essential to know the level of customer satisfaction. The focus of my
research was the measurement of customer satisfaction level for the services provided by
BhartiAirtel. My job was to collect the feedback from the distributors and also to get their
suggestions about the other products. There can be no better opportunity to interact with the
external as well as the internal customers of an organization. Finally the results of the
research verify the fact that keeping the customer satisfied is the best strategy to not only
retains the existing customers but also to expand the business to new horizons.

This project is made on the project title “An Exploratory study on Sales Promotion
Strategies of Airtel 4G Services.”The purpose of this project is to know about the use of
mobiles and the need of sales promotional activities and to know what are the promotional
activities company follow to increase the sale. Now a day’s mobile service has become a
necessary service. In field of marketing many kind of survey are conducted by Airtel time to
time for promotion awareness.
Primary research objective:-To study and interpret the sales promotion schemes running by airtel
in Nagpur zone. and to know that how the consumer can be retain for maximum time on same
Secondary research objective:-
1. To determine the most popular telecom brand.
2. To determine the average age on consumers on same network.
3. To determine the best sales promotion scheme.
4. To determine the consequences of current schemes.

Primary method: - Data was collected from respondents through direct interaction and
through personal meetings.
Secondary method: - External study data has also been used through internet. And through
newsletters & journals

Everything in this world is made to utilize properly but it should be reach at the proper person
or to the proper utilized areas. Otherwise the value added to those things became in vein.
Thus promotion role plays a very important role in achieving the objectives of a company.
Undoubtly, value utility is created by the manufacture of product or service but time and
place utilities are created by marketing role. The various finding and befitting
recommendation have been made to increase the market share of each product (postpaid,
prepaid) of Airtel thereby increasing the market share of Airtel as a whole. Various facts and
data have been enclosed for better perusal and various graphs have been provided for better
comprehension. Sales Promotion techniques yield results that many other marketing
communication elements cannot achieve.

1 Chapter 1- Introduction 7
2 Chapter 2- Literature Survey 24
3 Chapter 3- Research Methodology 25
3.1 Type of research 27
3.2  Objectives 28
3.3  Research Design including Sample design 31
3.4  Methodology of Analysis 32
3.5  Limitations of the study 39
4 Chapter 4- Data Analysis/Present Work 40
5 Chapter 5- Conclusion 41
6 Chapter6- Recommendation & Future Scope 42
7 Bibliography 45
8 Questionnaire 46



This project is made on the project title“ An Exploratory study on Sales
Promotion Strategies of Airtel 4G Services.”The purpose of this project
is to know about the use of mobiles and the need of sales promotional activities and to know
what are the promotional activities company follow to increase the sale. Now a day’s mobile
service has become a necessary service. In field of marketing many kind of survey are
conducted by Airtel time to time for promotion awareness.
Sales promotion describes promotional methods using special short-term techniques to
persuade members of a target market to respond or undertake certain activity. As a reward,
marketers offer something of value to those responding generally in the form of lower cost of
ownership for a purchased product (e.g., lower purchase price, money back) or the inclusion
of additional value-added material (e.g., something more for the same price).
Sales promotions are often confused with advertising. For instance, a television
advertisement mentioning a contest awarding winners with a free trip to a Caribbean island
may give the contest the appearance of advertising. While the delivery of the marketer’s
message through television media is certainly labeled as advertising, what is contained in the
message, namely the contest, is considered a sales promotion. The factors that distinguish
between the two promotional approaches are:
1. Whether the promotion involves a short-term value proposition (e.g., the contest is only
offered for a limited period of time), and
2The customer must perform some activity in order to be eligible to receive the
value proposition (e.g., customer must enter contest). The inclusion of a timing constraint and
an activity requirement are hallmarks of sales promotionSales promotions are used by a wide
range of organizations in both the consumer and business markets, though the frequency and
spending levels are much greater for consumer products marketers. One estimate by the
Promotion Marketing Association suggests that in the US alone spending on sales promotion
exceeds that of advertising.


1. Good Advertising. Effective Incentive Policy.
2. Good services.
3. Wide & Deep Distribution System.
4. Decorating Retailers shop by display board, dealers board etc.
5. Posters.
6. Banners.


Sales promotion can be classified based on the primary target audience to whom
the promotion is directed. These include:

1. Consumer Promotion
2. Trade Promotion
3. Sales force Promotion


Consumer sales promotions encompass a variety of short-term promotional techniques

designed to induce customers to respond in some way. The most popular consumer sales
promotions are directly associated with product purchasing. These promotions are intended to
enhance the value of a product purchase by either reducing the overall cost of the product
(i.e., get same product but for less money) or by adding more benefit to the regular purchase
price (i.e., get more for the money).While tying a promotion to an immediate purchase is a
major use of consumer sales promotion, it is not the only one. As we noted above, promotion
techniques can be used to achieve other objectives such as building brand loyalty or creating
product awareness. Consequently, marketer’s promotional toolbox contains a large variety of

There are several possible tools that can be used for consumer promotions. Some of the more
important ones are:
1. Sampling
2. Price-off
3. Quality deals
4. Banded offers
5. In-product gift
6. Out- product gift
7. Coupons
8. Consumer contests


As note in the Promotion Decisions Tutorial, certain promotions can help ³push´ a product
through the channel by encouraging channel members to purchase and also promote the
product to their customers. For instance, a trade promotion aimed at retailers may encourage
retailers to instruct their employees to promote a marketer’s brand over competitor’s
offerings. With Thousands of products competing for limited shelf space, spending on trade
promotion is nearly equal that spent on consumer promotions.Many sales promotions aimed
at building relationships with channel partners follow similar designs as those directed to
consumers including promotional pricing, contests and free product. In addition to these,
several other promotional approaches are specifically designed to appeal to trade partners.


1. On-consignment sales
2. Dealer contests
3. Dealer gifts
4. Display contests
5. Point of sale material
6. Shop board painting
7. Dealer discounts
8. Trade fair participation

9. Dealer meets

10. Cooperative advertising


Sales Promotion techniques yield results that many other marketing communication elements
cannot achieve .For example it can turn around a sales trend in the short run, help introduce a
new product by encouraging consumer and retail acceptance, reinforce message driven by
other communication -mix element, etc.Some of the benefits of sale promotion:
1. Sales promotion produces result by stimulating people to act - to try, to buy, to buy
more, or to buy more often. It can lead to trial, generate excitement, encourage rein
peat purchase, attract switchers, etc. It is especially helpful in situations where there is
extreme pressure to increase sales the end of the year when there are shortfalls
in budgeted sales.

2. It produces immediate results. While advertising or public relation act as an

investment producing sales in the long run, sales promotion works during a definite
span of time. Most of the sales come during the sale promotions period itself. Very
often, if the promotion is successful, one can get results within hours, days or weeks.
3. It can prevent competitor entry or offset competitor promotions and thus help
maintain the brands current market share.
4. Sales promotion techniques directed at channel members or sales force can gain
channel support and involvement and help ³push´ the product. It helps in getting shelf
space and merchandising benefits at the retail level, clearing off excess inventory,
motivating sales people to find new contacts etc .Sales promotion is relatively easy to
design and implement. It is possible to calculate costs effect on sales and sometimes
even on competitor sales.

1. Most sales promotion is used for short-term results. Any excessive use can shift the
focus on short-term marketing planning that acts only at the behavioral level.

2. Increasing sales promotion activities has led to clutter, leading
companies to cut each other and thus eroding the bottom line. In
mature markets sales promotion does not do much in attracting new customers but
only switchers who are dear prone


 4G = 4th Generation mobile communication

 A 4G system provides an end-to-end IP solution where voice, data and streamed
multimedia can be served to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis at higher data
rates than previous generations
 Data rates (with wide area coverage and significant mobility) =50 to 100 Mbps.
 Wider bandwidth
 End-to-end Quality of service
 High security
 Offering any kind of services anytime, anywhere



 No large user community for advanced mobile data applications.

 Not possible to offer full internet experience due to limited speed and bandwidth.

 Comparatively higher cost to use and deploy infrastructure.

 Since 3G mobile is still in the market, it squeezes the market competition in the

mobile industry.

 Coverage limitations due to high frequencies (> 5 GHz).

 Improved User interfaces.

 Advanced Speech recognition and synthesis.


Regional Interest Groups - GSM India

With a population of around 1.3 billion growing at roughly 1.9 per cent a

year, India is potentially one of the most exciting GSM markets in the world.

India's telecommunications have undergone a steady liberalization since 1994 when the

Indian government first sought private investment in the sector. More significant

liberalization followed in 1996 with the licensing of new local fixed line and mobile service

providers. However, it has been the government's New Telecom Policy (1999) that has had

the most radical impact on the development of GSM services. 'The policy's mission statement

is 'affordable communications

For all’; There is a genuine commitment to creating a modern and efficient communications

infrastructure that takes account of the convergence of telecom, IT and media. In addition, the

policy places significant emphasis on greater competition for both fixed and mobile services.'

Competition in the mobile sector has already had a visible impact on prices with calls

currently costing less than 9 cents per minute. This means that service costs have fallen by 60

per cent since the first GSM networks became live in 1995. It also helps explain why a recent

Telecom Asia survey revealed that more than 70 per cent of Indian mobile subscribers felt

that prices were now at a reasonable level.

One of the challenges facing GSM operators in India is the diversity of the coverage regions

-from remote rural regions to some of the most densely populated metropolitan areas in the

world. India has more than 40 networks, which cover the seven largest cities, over 7000

towns and several Lacs villages. Such depth of coverage has required enormous investment

from India's operators. It is estimated that more than Rs200 billion had been invested in

India's GSM industry by mid-2000, a figure that is set to be supplemented by a further Rs.

300 billion over the next five years.

The good news is that subscriber growth is beginning to look healthy. With

India's low PC penetration and high average Internet usage -at 14-20 hours a

month per user it is comparable to the US -the market for mobile data and m-commerce looks

extremely promising. WAP services have already been launched in the subcontinent and the

first GPRS networks are in the process of being rolled out. In the year ahead, GSM India will

work with its members to realise the potential of early packet services in anticipation of the

award of 3GSM licences.

India fastest growing GSM market

The Cellular Operators Association of India (which includes most of India’s GSM telecom

operators), has reported an addition of 3.50 million GSM connections in April 2013, closing

in at 664.4 million subscribers, a 0.53% increase from 660.9 million subscribers in the

previous month.

Globally, the GSM market reached 3.9 billion users in February 2013, adding GSM

accounted for 80 per cent of the new subscriber growth in 2012."Almost every Latin

American operator has chosen GSM. In North America GSM growth is bigger than CDMA

(code division multiple access)," he said.

Commenting on the raging debate over GSM versus CDMA in mobile services arena, Hadden

said: "GSM is the world's most successful mobile standard with over 2 billion users,

and is an open mobile standard. It also supports automatic international roaming, which is a

major contributor to business plans."

India’ s GSM mobile firms’ revenue up 30 percent

India’s private telecoms firms offering GSM-based mobile services reported a 21 percent rise

in revenue in the year to March 2012 but said future growth rates could slow because of

heavy taxes on the nascent industry. Although India’s mobile sector is the world’s fastest

growing major wireless market, it is amongst the highest taxed industries in the country.

Mobile carriers pay as much as 25 percent of their revenue as licence fee, spectrum charges

and other taxes. The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) said revenue for fiscal

2003/04 stood at 83.08 billion rupees ($1.86 billion) compared with 64 billion rupees a year

earlier. According to T.V. Ramachandran, director general at COAI, “These revenue growth

rates cannot be maintained unless there is a concerted effort by the government to cut

excessive levies and allow sharing of infrastructure”

“But the potential to do much better exists as there is still huge demand in the sector. ”

Ramachandran said the sector was still losing money but declined to elaborate. Sales jumped

because of a doubling of the GSM ( Global System of Mobile Communications ) user base

as more people entered the flourishing market thanks to one of the lowest call rates in the

world. But the monthly average revenue per user, a key measure of profitability, declined

17.4 percent to 432 rupees in the fourth quarter compared with 523 rupees in the first quarter

due to a cut in tariffs and excessive competition among companies. Growth slowing, demand

untapped: The association has not included the financial performance and the GSM-user base

of state-run firms Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, the second-ranked player, and Mahanagar

Telephone Nigam Ltd, Ramachandran said. There are 650 million GSM customers and more

than 96 million users of the rival CDMA-based mobile services in the country.

The pace of growth in monthly additions is increasing after just 8.25 million users took up the

service in April compared with 6.9 million in the previous month. Ramachandran blamed the

slowdown on a majority of small GSM operators being unable to expand networks into rural

swathes where demand remained largely untapped.

“Our surpluses are not enough to cover costs of network expansion and financing charges on

loans. We are making money only to cover operating expenses,” he said. Carriers are now

subsidising handset costs to woo users into the underpenetrated industry forecast to have

more than 750 million customers by 2014.


CDMA players had launched their services with CDMA 2000 1X-based networks, which can

give hi-speed, always-on connectivity to the Internet, and other data services. GSM operators,

on the other hand, have had to migrate from the frustrating experience of WAP (wireless

application protocol) to GPRS, which has not significantly improved the subscriber’s

experience of surfing the Net on/from mobile.

The top brass of GSA, an organisation comprising Nokia, Siemens, Ericsson, Alcatel and

Lucent Technologies - met on Tuesday in the capital to persuade the operators to adopt EDGE

(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) and leave GPRS behind as a dream gone sour.

Only Airtel, Vodafone, BPL Mobile and Idea Cellular had launched GPRS, but the data

transfer speeds of GPRS have been abysmal. The field trials gave a speed of around 54 kbps,

but the actual speeds have not exceeded 14-18 kbps, a major reason why GPRS growth has

been so slow. As against the total GSM cellular base of 40 crore, the country has between 9

crore GPRS users only. In comparison, the two CDMA operators have about 23 crore

connections. All these sets are data compliant. Though no figures are available as to how

many use these for data services, the figure is believed to be respectable as

a percentage ratio for CDMA.

Airtel (BhartiAirtel Ltd.)

BhartiAirtel Limited is a leading global

Telecommunicationscompany with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa.

Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 4 mobile service

providers globally in terms of subscribers. In India, the company's product offerings include

2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high speed DSL

broadband, IPTV, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance

services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G wireless services and

mobile commerce. BhartiAirtel had over 269 million customers across its operations at the

end of March 2013.

Airtel comes to us from BhartiAirtel Limited - a part of the biggest private

integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises. Bharti provides a range of telecom

services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet and recently introduced National Long

Distance. Bharti also manufactures and exportstelephone terminals and cordless phones.

Apart from being the

largest manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export

its products to the USA. Bharti has also put its footsteps into Insurance and Retail segment in

collaboration with Multi- National giants. Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with

a footprint in 23 states covering all four metros and more than 50 million satisfied customers.


Mobile Services

 3G

 4G

 Smart Drive

 Network Experience Centre

 Iphone

 Strong Network Coverage

 Instant Balance and Validity Enquiry

 Recharge your airtel Prepaid

 Prepaid Roaming

 Call Management Services

 Voice Mail

 SMS (Short Messaging Services)

 Subscription Alert

 MMS (Multi-media Messaging Service)

 Airtel Live!
 Airtel Live! Voice Services

 Airtel Live! WAP Services

 Airtel Live! SIM Services

 Airtel Live! SMS Services

 Hello tunes

 Copy a Hello Tune

 Gift a Hello Tune

 Buy Music - Airtel Music Shops

 Reach us Anytime Anywhere

 Airtel Postpaid

 EasyBilling

 Easy Payment Options. Anytime Anywhere

 Standing Instructions

 Electronic Clearing System

 Pay while Roaming

 Credit Limit

 Long Distance Calling Facility

 Widest Roaming - National and International

 GPRS- Roming

 Call management Services

 Conference call

 Missed call Alert


1 Mobile phone operator, BhartiAirtel, became the first Indian telecom company to serve
50 million customers last month, and is now the world’s tenth largest wireless carrier.
2 Bharti has doubled its user base in the past 14 months alone, and hopes to reach 100
million subscribers by 2010, according to company executives.

3 “Our next 50 million will largely come from rural India as our plan is to reach 5,200
census towns and over five lakh villages, covering 96 per cent of the Indian population,”
said BhartiAirtel president and CEO, ManojKohli, at a news conference this week.

4 BhartiAirtel, India’s leading telecommunication services provider, today announced that

it had crossed the 50 million customer mark. With this, BhartiAirtel has achieved the
distinction of becoming the fastest private telecom company in world to achieve this
landmark in a single country - within 143 months of start of operations. The 50 million
customer base covers mobile as well as broadband & telephone customers.

5 Commenting on this major global landmark, Mr. Akhil Gupta, Joint Managing Director,
BhartiAirtel said, “We are delighted to have achieved this major landmark, which puts

BhartiAirtel amongst the top telecom companies in the world. It
underlines the strength of our unique business model and our vision to
provide affordable services like lifetime prepaid to customers across the length and
breadth of the country. I would like to thank our partners for having shared our vision.

6 This milestone highlights the emergence of India as one of the top telecom markets in
the world and we are proud to have been at the forefront of this growth. Going forward,
we believe this growth momentum will remain intact and we are gearing towards the
100 million customers mark.”
7 BhartiAirtel crossed the 10 million customer mark in November 2004. In July last year,
it crossed the 25 million customer mark.

8 The company added the next 25 million customers in just 14 months. This is amongst
the fastest rate of customer additions by any telecom company in the world.

9 Mr. ManojKohli, President & CEO, BhartiAirtel added, “This is a very proud moment
for us and I would like to thank our 50 million customers for believing in Airtel. It is a
tribute to our commitment to provide best-in-class services to our customers and lead the

10 market with exciting innovations. We are committed to create a world-class organization

and benchmark it with the best in the world. As the market gets ready for the next wave
of growth, we are committed to expanding our telecom networks wider and deeper
across the country and partner India’s growth story.”

11 In the mobile business, BhartiAirtel plans to make considerable investments in

Network expansion to establish presence in all census towns and over 500,000 villages
across India by 2010, thereby covering 95% of the country’s total population. The
company’s strategic focus will be on further strengthening the Airtel brand through best-
in-class customer service, which is backed by wide national distribution.

12 In the Enterprise business, BhartiAirtel will invest substantially in the long distance
business to achieve the scale of a global carrier within next 2-3 years. It is also
strengthening the corporate business towards becoming a preferred managed services
partner for the top 2000 corporations. In Broadband & Telephone SBU, BhartiAirtel
will initiate large-scale deployments of broadband network infrastructure in 94 towns,
with a sharp focus on the home and SME segments. It is readying to offer triple play to
its customers with the launch of its IPTV service.


What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction refers to how satisfied customers are with the products or services they
receive from a particular agency. The level of satisfaction is determined not only by the
quality and type of customer experience but also by the customer’s expectations.

Customer satisfaction is one of the main objectives of any organization. Every organization
tries to know the customer satisfaction about their products. So a study on customer
satisfaction helps the organization as well as me to gain a vast knowledge over the real world
tastes and preferences of customer

Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to
the buyer’s expectations. In general satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or
disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his
or her expectations.

As this definition makes clear, satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and

expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. If the
performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds
expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted.

Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just satisfied
still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are
much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the
brand, not just a rational preference. The result is high customer loyalty.

Why is it important?
There are a number of reasons why customer satisfaction is important in
 Meeting the needs of the customer is the underlying rationale for the
existence of community service organizations. Customers have a right
to quality services that deliver outcomes.
 Organizations that strive beyond minimum standards and exceed the
expectations of their customers are likely to be leaders in their sector.
 Customers are recognized as key partners in shaping service
development and assessing quality of service delivery.
The process for measuring customer satisfaction and obtaining feedback on organizational
performance are valuable tools for quality and continuous service improvement.

The main purpose and objective for this study is
1. To know whether the signal is good in their area

2. To find out if they are satisfied and aware of the services and offers provided

3. To recommend measures for improving the product

1. The study is restricted only to AIRTEL, Chennai respondents. The view of their
other areas is not taken.

2. Few respondents answer was collected.

3. Respondents concentrated where the customers of AIRTEL only.

4. Since the researcher selected 50 sample size it is not sufficient to cover opinion of
entire population.

5. Time duration in conducting the research is very low.



The methodology adopted for this project is exploratory in nature since there is no hypothesis
that has to be tested. The conclusions have been drawn by exploratory research work.

There have been two sources of information collected:

a) Primary Sources

I have met retailers of the Airtel of the company and have been able to get first hand
information regarding the product, its features and the buying patterns of the product. Their
input has been valuable.

b) Secondary Sources

Secondary source has played a vital role to play in this report. A good amount of data has
been collected from various published articles and reports found in magazines and journals.
Another vital source has been the Internet and particularly the companies own website.

Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understand as

a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Research Methodology is a step by
step study of a problem. Physical activities involved in the study are:
 Developing the questionnaire regarding the customer satisfaction of the product

 Optimum respondents as a sample size are chosen for the activity to resemble the
entire population.

 Get the questionnaire filled by the customers in the place through interview or
personal interaction.

 Analysis of data on computer with special market research statistical package called

In this research questionnaire is framed in such a way management wants to know
how the customers are taking things that they had done to them and to find out the
expectation of the customers thus it will impact in policy making of the firm in the current
fiscal year.
The questionnaire designed had closed question to find the respondents actual feeling
as well as their opinion rating about the satisfaction regarding the product.
The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of
research design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used
for analyzing the collected data.


Primary method: - Data was collected from respondents through direct interaction and
through personal meetings.Primary data are collected through observation, direct
communication with respondent, and finally by distributing questionnaire to the employees
using Random sampling technique the employees are selected to fill the questionnaire.

Secondary method: - External study data has also been used through internet. And through
newsletters & journals.Secondary data is collected from the official record to obtain
information’s regarding the rate of absenteeism and the various reasons for absenteeism.

Types of Research

1. Descriptive research

2. Analytical research

3. Applied research

4. Fundamental research

5. Quantitative research
6. Qualitative research

7. Conceptual research

8. Empirical research

The above mentioned are the various types of research which a researcher can apply in order

to achieve one’s desired objective. Therefore to achieve the objectives of my research I have

used descriptive research

Statistical Tools Used

The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this
Project are:
 Questionnaire

 Bar Diagrams


The main purpose and objective for this study is

 To know whether the signal is good in their area

 To find out if they are satisfied and aware of the services and offers provided

 To recommend measures for improving the product

 To study the importance and development of telecommunication
industry in today’s scenario.

 To understand the various Marketing Strategies which Airtel has adopted to survive in
highly competitive cell phone industry.

 To make a comparative study of the major players in Indian Service Provider.

Primary research objective:-

To study and interpret the sales promotion schemes running by airtel in jaipur zone. and to
know that how the consumer can be retain for maximum time on same network.

Secondary research objective:-

1. To determine the most popular telecom brand
2. To determine the average age on consumers on same network
3. To determine the best sales promotion scheme
4. To determine the consequences of current schemes


The research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It
constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
Descriptive research
This study is descriptive in nature where the data is collected through well structured
questionnaire and from the information taken from the customers.

Sampling Design/Techniques:

Sampling is the process of selecting a sufficient number of elements from the population, so
that a study of the sample and an understanding of its properties or characteristics would
make it possible for us to generalize such properties or characteristics to the population

Sampling design is to clearly define set of objects, technically
called the universe to be studied. The sampling design used in this study is
probability sampling. Sampling technique used is Simple Random sampling.
Population for this research is set as costumers who are using AIRTEL
Sample size:
The research was conducted in Chennai with 50 respondents.

Data Collection Methods:

Collection of data includes both primary and secondary data. The researcher has
collected both of the above data. The data collected constitutes both primary and secondary
Primary data:

Primary datum are collected through observation, direct communication with

respondent, and finally by distributing questionnaire to the employees using Random
sampling technique the employees are selected to fill the questionnaire.

Secondary Data
Secondary datum is collected from the official record to obtain information’s
regarding the rate of absenteeism and the various reasons for absenteeism.

From the above data its can be say that Airtelis the leading brand in telecom industry
of India, having30% market share and 121.7million customers. And second leading brand is
Vodafone with 23.87% market share. Airtel is most admired brand by consumers

India GSM subscribers continue to decline in July

Operator Total Sub Figures Market Share

BhartiAirtel 170,696,526 28.15 %
Vodafone Essar 143,011,007 23.58 %
IDEA 96,111,475 15.85 %
BSNL 90,234,162 14.88 %
Aircel 58,589,349 9.66 %
Uninor 27,388,666 4.52 %
Videocon 7,034,876 1.16 %
MTNL 5,265,149 0.87 %
Loop Mobile 3,162,932 0.52 %
S-Tel 3,501,247 0.58 %
Etisalat 1,424,554 0.23 %
All India 606,419,943 100.00 %


Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understand as

a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Research Methodology is a step by
step study of a problem. Physical activities involved in the study are:
 Developing the questionnaire regarding the customer satisfaction of the product

 Optimum respondents as a sample size are chosen for the activity to resemble the
entire population.

 Get the questionnaire filled by the customers in the place through interview or
personal interaction.

In this research questionnaire is framed in such a way management wants to know how
the customers are taking things that they had done to them and to find out the expectation of
the customers thus it will impact in policy making of the firm in the current fiscal year.
The questionnaire designed had closed question to find the respondents actual feeling
as well as their opinion rating about the satisfaction regarding the product.
The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of
research design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used
for analyzing the collected data.


1. Table showing whether they used other network Connection other than

Frequency Percentage (%)

Used 29 58
Not used 21 42
Total 50 100

Chart showing whether they used other network Connection other than AIRTEL

2. Table showing the opinion on customer care services

Frequency Percentage (%)

Satisfied 34 68
Not satisfied 10 20
Never used 6 12
Total 50 100

Chart showing the opinion on customer care services

3. Table showing the opinion on customer care employee’s
response to customers questions

Frequency Percentage (%)

Good response 35 70
Bad response 15 30
Total 50 100

Chart showing the opinion on customer care employee’s response to customers questions

4. Table showing opinion on INTERNET services

Frequency Percentage (%)

Satisfied 24 60
Not satisfied 16 40
Total 50 100

Chart showing opinion on INTERNET services

The table shows that 60% of the customers are satisfied with internet services remaining 40%
are not satisfied with internet services.

Frequency Percentage (%)

Once 5 12
Twice 7 18
More 14 35
Not even once 14 35
Total 50 100
5. Table showing number of times customers log into internet Per day

Chart showing number of times customers log into internet Per day

Thetable shows that 35% of the customers are log into internet more than once per day,18%
twice per day, 12% once per day and the remaining 35% do not use internet services.

6. Table showing rating for internet speed

Frequency Percentage (%)

5 12
13 32
9 23
3 8
10 25

Chart showing rating for internet speed

The table shows that 12% rated 5-star, 32% rated 4-star, 23%rated 3-star,8% using 2-star and
the remaining 25%rated 1-star.

7. Table showing Maximum recharge per month

Frequency Percentage
10-100 6 12
100-200 17 34
200-300 8 16
300-400 9 18
400-500 5 10
Above 500 5 10
Total 50 100

Chart showing Maximum recharge per month

The table shows that 34% use 10-100, 16%use 100-200, 16% use 200-300, 18% use 300-400,
10% use 400-500 and 10% use above 500.

8. Table showing whether offers are used by customers

Frequency Percentage (%)

Used 38 78
Not used 11 22
Total 50 100

Chart showing whether offers are used by customers

The table shows that 78% of the respondent use offers where as the remaining 22% doesn’t

9. Table showing offers used by customers

Frequency Percentage

STD call cutter 10 20

Local call cutter 11 22
ISD call cutter 2 4
Message offer 20 40
Songs 5 10
Others 2 4
Total 50 100

Chart showing offers used by customers

Interpretation:The table shows that 20 %are using STD call cutter, 22% is using local call
cutter, 4% is using ISD call cutter, 40% are using message offer, 10% are using songs and the
remaining 4% are using other offers.

10. Table showing opinion on offers used by customers

Frequency Percentage (%)

Satisfied 35 70
Not satisfied 7 12
Neutral 8 16
Total 50 100

Chart showing opinion on offers used by customers

The table shows that 70% are satisfied with offers, 12% are not satisfied and the remaining
16% is neutral

11. Table showing up to date with current offers

Frequency Percentage (%)

Up to date 40 80
Not up to date 10 20
Total 50 100

Chart showing up to date with current offers

The table shows that 54 % are up to date with offers and the remaining 46% are not up to date

12. Table showing opinion on AIRTEL compared to other connection

Frequency Percentage (%)

Better 27 54
Not better 23 46
Total 50 100

Chart showing opinion on AIRTEL compared to other connection


1. Limitation of spectrum and it’s allocation.

2. Inability to roam between different services.

3. To introduce a better system with reduces cost

4. Limitation to meet expectations of applications like multimedia, full motion video,

wireless teleconferencing.

5. Even though many people are satisfied with the Network range but people from
remote areas of Nagpur want improvement in the network connection

6. Customers feel that compared to other network services offers provided are less.
7. New technology which makes it more expansive than 3G

8. It is impossible to make our current equipment to be compatible with 4G.

9. It is available in certain cities within US& India.



From above the details I conclude that 70% Airtel users preferred to remain with Airtel. Also
good no. of users who were willing to switch from their respective subscribers showed
interest in Airtel. Hence, these statistics imply a bright future for the company. Also the
company is now providing a ‘Free Gift’ voucher of 50 mb 3G/4G with every new simand for
every Airtel Customer as well. After the launching of Airtel 4G, Airtel users are getting 1GB
3G/4G by simply ‘Sim Swapping’ Process which is done in every outlet for Free of Cost.
Airtel also provides new schemes and Offers to customers like combo offers.

I have understood how a research study is to be conducted and prepare a

comprehensive report. So on and so forth the study has given me a lot of exposure like
meeting and talking with different people.


Short term
1. 3G Expansion: The 3G services are currently being offered in the tier 1 cities. They
should be extended to other cities/towns as well
2. Value Added Services: With the current teledensity of almost 75%, VAS like the m-
commerce and international SIM provide a way ahead for mobile industry
Long term
1. Rural Penetration:The telecom rural penetration at 33.8% at end of March 31, 2011
offers huge growth potential in terms of both customers and usage
2. 4G Introduction: The upper segment customers are looking forward for high speed
data availability on the move

3. Strategic Partnership: Partnering with smart phone companies is going to be a smart

strategy as far as MNP (mobile number portability in India) is concerned. This will
ensure fixed cash flows in the future and a higher customer base.
4. Market Development: With fierce competition in the telecom industry & shrinking
margins, venturing out in new markets/developing economies will prove fruitful for
the company.
5. VAS: VAS (Value Added services) is going to future of the telecommunication
industry & by specializing itself in this vertical Airtel can differentiate itself in highly

competitive market. With introduction of unique services, Airtel
can avail higher margins.
6. Untapped geography of the current market: Although it is currently providing 3G
& 4G services, but these services are limited to specific geographical locations.
Expansion of these services to most of its regions will help the company get more
margins and customers.
7. LTE: The whole wireless world is moving towards LTE (long term evolution or 4G).
LTE for mobile broadband can be a good solution for India where fixed broadband
penetration is otherwise low. Airtel has taken the lead with this version of LTE in 4
cities, but deployment needs to catch up pace. Despite a weak LTE ecosystem in
India, Airtel should portray itself as the embracer of that technology.
Airtel’s LTE network for mobile broadband is still confined to all cities in India.

Web sites:


1. Name : --------------------------------------------
2. Address :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Which company’s service do you use ?


4. Is your current sim card is Pre-paid or Postpaid ?


5. How much money you spend on mobile recharge?

10-100 100-200 200-300

300-400 400-500 above 500

6. How much money you spend on your mobile for calling purpose?


7. Do you use Internet services?

Yes No

8. How much money you spend on your mobile for Net data Services ?


9. For how long you have been using these services?


10. What are the offers used by Customer?


11. Are you satisfied with the offers

Satisfied Not satisfied

12. Does our customer care employees respond well for your questions

Good response Bad response

13. How many customers log into internet Per day?


14. How do you rate your service provider in terms of connectivity and Area and a
Network coverage?

Good Bad

15. How would Customer is Rating for Internet Service?

5star 4star 3star

2star 1star

16. Would you like to pay monthly payments?


17. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the service provider in regards
to pricing?(out of 10)



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