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Thermodynamics – ME209
Rishi Raj
Course Information
Instructor: Dr. Rishi Raj (rraj@iitp.ac.in)
Instructor Office Hours: Tuesday: 3 PM to 4 PM (R113, Block 3)

TA: Mr. Sunil (sunil_1921me01@iitp.ac.in)

TA Office Hours: Tuesday: 3 PM – 4 PM (UAY Lab, Workshop)

Course Website:

Class Timing:
Mon: 9 AM – 11 AM: R105, Block 9
Tue: 9 AM -10 AM: R105, Block 9
Wed: 9 AM – 10 AM: R105, Block 9

rraj@iitp.ac.in 2
Your attendance will be uploaded every Monday here.

All lecture slides (and other material), if any, will be uploaded here.

However, there is no substitute to class and I will mostly use board over presentations.

rraj@iitp.ac.in 3
Total Number of Contact Hours: 54 (28 Pre-Mid-Sem and 26 Post-Mid-Sem)
Two Hour Classes: 13
Total Number of Quizzes: 6
Regular Class Cancelled: 1 (2 hours)
Compensatory Classes: 2
Assignment: 1
August 2019 September 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29 30 31 2 3 4
5 7 9 11
13 14 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 Mid-Sem Week
26 27 28 29 30

October 2019 November 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 5 6
14 15 16 11 13
21 22 23 18 19 20
28 29 30 End-Sem Week
rraj@iitp.ac.in 4
• I know that plagiarism means copying and submitting assignments, quizzes,
tutorials, and examination papers of another as if they were one’s own. I know
that plagiarism covers this sort of use of material found in textual sources and
from the Internet.

• I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong and is unfair to the

hardworking fellow students who have spent their time and effort for these

• I pledge/declare that I will not use any such unfair means for this course
ME209. Failing to abide by these, I may suitably be penalized and debarred
from appearing in the examinations.

rraj@iitp.ac.in 5
• I understand that attending lectures regularly is an integral part of the IIT

• I acknowledge and understand that a minimum of 75% attendance is

compulsory for the course. The 25% leave margin includes any leave,
informed/uninformed, as well as emergency situations. It is my responsibility to
plan accordingly and always keep a cushion for unforeseen situations.

• I understand that no exceptions to 75% attendance rule will be made in this


• I understand that I have to be on time for the class and I will be marked absent
in case I am late by more than five minutes.

• I acknowledge that I have been familiarized with the attendance policy at the
start of the semester and I will be debarred from appearing in the examination
and failed in the course in case of non-compliance.

rraj@iitp.ac.in 6
Textbooks and References
Text Book:

1. C Borgnakke & R E Sonntag, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 7e,

John Wiley, 2009. (should also get the Thermodynamic Data Book Issued)

Reference Books:
1. Y. A. Cengel and M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach,
4e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. G F C Rogers and Y R Mayhew, Engineering Thermodynamics Work and
Heat Transfer 4e, Pearson 2003.
3. J P Howell and P O Buckius, Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, 1987.

rraj@iitp.ac.in 7
Lecture Concept Topics to be covered Text book
No. Chapter/Section
1-2 Some concepts & Introduction, thermodynamic systems, 1-2
definitions properties & state, process & cycle, force,
energy, pressure, specific volume, zeroth law.
3-4 Properties of pure Phase equilibrium, independent properties, 3.1-3.3,3.6
substances and equations of state, compressibility factor.
5-7 Properties of pure Tables of thermodynamic properties & their 3.4
substances use.
8-9 Work and heat Definition of work and its identification, work 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,4.5
done at the moving boundary
10-12 Work and heat Concept of heat, comparison of heat and 4.6,4.7,4.9
13-14 First law for control First law for a cycle as well as for a change of 5.1-5.5
mass state; internal energy & enthalpy
15-16 First law for control Specific heats; internal energy, enthalpy & 5.6-5.8
mass specific heat of ideal gases; first law as a rate
equation; problem analysis & solution
17-18 First law for control Conservation of mass in control volume; first 6.1-6.4
volume law for control volume; SS process; examples
of SS processes
19-20 First law for control Transient processes; examples 6.4-6.5
21-25 Second Law of Limitations of first law & need for the second 7.1 – 7.6; 7.8, 7.9
Thermodynamics law; Reversible process; heat engine, heat
pump, refrigerator; Carnot cycle; Two
prepositions regarding efficiency of Carnot
cycle; energy-conversion efficiency and COP,
Kelvin-Planck & Clausius statements, The
ideal gas Carnot Cycle
26-27 Revision
Mid-Semester Examination
rraj@iitp.ac.in Entropy Concept of entropy; the Need of entropy 8.1-8.12 8

rraj@iitp.ac.in 9
Grading Scheme
• Mid-Semester Examination: 25%
• End-Semester Examination: 35%
• Quizzes: 36%
• Surprise Quiz/Assignment/VIVA: 4%

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Other Details
• While we will strictly follow the textbook, questions in exams and quizzes will mosty,
but not necessarily be from the textbook
• You are supposed to bring “thermodynamics databook” in all classes and exams
• Everyone should have their own calculators in all classes

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Lecture 1
Thermodynamics – ME209
Rishi Raj
What is Thermodynamics?

• Thermodynamics is the science of energy and entropy

• Science that deals with heat and work and those

properties of substances that bear a relation to heat
and work

rraj@iitp.ac.in 13
What is Thermodynamics?

• Thermodynamics is derived from two words: ‘Thermo’ which means

‘Heat energy’ and ‘Dynamics’ which means ‘conversion’ or

• Concisely, thermodynamics is a division of science that deals with

conversion of energy from one form to another

• The main forms of energy of interest in engineering thermodynamics

are heat and work

rraj@iitp.ac.in 14
What is Thermodynamics?
The study of energy in the forms of heat and work and the
exchange between the two.

Heat Work

http://www.hybridmile.com/files/2008/10/engine--1.JPG http://www.nearfield.com/~dan/sports/bike/river/coyote/index.htm
Mechanical work– physical movement,
Electrical work – flow of current
e.g. lifting or pushing against friction.

• Applies to all forms of matter: solid, liquid and gas

• Relevant to very large systems (e.g. Universe) and small systems (nano-scale)
• Classical physics – does not consider individual atoms or quantum effects
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Sources of Energy (Heat and Work)
•Nuclear reactions are a source of heat (which can then be converted to work).
•Solar energy comes in the form of thermal radiation given off by the Sun. (Thermal
radiation is a way to transfer heat from a hotter object to a colder object.) The origin of the
heat of the Sun is a nuclear reaction.
•Chemical reactions are another source of heat (and hence work).
•Gravitational forces can likewise be a source of mechanical energy (work), which can be
converted to electrical energy.
•Tidal energy originates from gravitational forces from the moon; can do work.

Combustion of wood, oil,

gas and coal
rraj@iitp.ac.in http://www.nearfield.com/~dan/sports/bike/river/coyote/index.htm 16
Forms of Solar Energy

Form Explanation and Use

Solar radiation Direct heating of objects (e.g. buildings)
by absorption of radiation (in passive syst.) http://www.starlight-

Generation of electricity by photovoltaic cells or thermal-

energy conversion in the oceans (in active systems)
Photosynthesis Solar energy is converted to chemical energy in plants and
fossil fuels. Solids, liquids and gases are used in combustion.
Wind power Heating of land, air and seas by solar radiation produces
winds. Wind is used as a source of mechanical energy (e.g.
windmills or sailing ships) or electrical energy (in generators)
Water power Sun drives water cycle (evaporation, rain) which is converted
to mechanical or electrical energy (usually using gravity).

From P.A. Tipler, Physics, Ch. 18

rraj@iitp.ac.in 17
Does enough heat come from the
Sun to meet human needs?


1 tonne of crude oil (7 barrels) yields 4.2 x1010 J of heat.

But humans consume about 1.3x1013 W of energy

– equivalent to 300 tonnes of crude oil per sec!

What is a Joule (J)? What is a watt (W)?

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Why Study Thermodynamics?
Thermal Expansion

Joints in bridges are used to Thermal expansion of girders was

enable thermal expansion. restricted by frictional forces. They could
not expand lengthwise, so they buckled!

(Pressure, volume and temperature are interrelated in solids.)

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Why Study Thermodynamics?
Understanding Gases
Meteorology: high and low


Measuring Lung Capacity

Ideal Gas:
Pressure, Volume and
Temperature relationships

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Why Study Thermodynamics?
Heat Dissipation


Heat sinks, heat spreaders, and fans remove heat from

the CPU of a laptop computer.

(The objective is to do electrical work, but heat is also given off in the process.)

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Why Study Thermodynamics?
Efficiency of New Types of Engines
• Compressed helium is cycled between
heat exchangers (expanded and cooled), Thermo-Acoustic Engine
and the movement of the gas generates
sound waves.

• The sound waves drive a piston, which

moves a coiled copper wire through a
magnetic field produced by a permanent
• Electric current flows to power the
Efficiency, h = 0.18 (or 18%)
h = Eelec/Qin
Eelec = Electric energy out
Qin = net heat energy in
Power output:
Backhaus et al., Applied Physics
8.1 Watts per kg of engine Letters (2004) 85, p.1085
rraj@iitp.ac.in 22
What Happens when Thermodynamics
Goes Wrong?

A failed O-ring allowed the escape of H2

gas. The result was an explosion =
Damage to the wing sudden release of heat
caused over-heating
on re-entry into the


Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster

Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster

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Greenhouse Effect: A Problem of


Earth can be treated as a thermodynamic system.

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Definition contd.

• Work is the form of energy useful in

displacement of a body
Work = Force  Distance (Joules)

• Heat is the form of energy transferred due to

temperature gradient between two bodies
Heat = Mass  Specific Heat  Temperature difference (Joules)

rraj@iitp.ac.in 25
Applications of Engineering Thermodynamics

• Engineering application of thermodynamic principles is

the design of various systems using fluid properties to
cause energy transformation

• Applications in design of heat engines, refrigeration

machines, air conditioning systems

rraj@iitp.ac.in 26
Scope of Thermodynamics

• It is limited to macroscopic properties of matter i.e.

properties of large number of particles of systems

• It considers the initial and final states of a system and not

the mechanism of the process

Heat Transfer
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Fundamental concepts
• Question: If energy can neither be created nor destroyed, why should we worry
about our energy resources getting depleted?

• Answer: Energy comes in different forms, and one form can be converted into
another form. For example - if we light a candle, the process is highly exothermic
so that the chemical energy in the candle changes into light energy on burning.
The total energy during this physical and chemical process remains the same but
we cannot again put together the heat and light generated along with the products
of the reaction to get back the chemical energy in the form of wax. Hence, energy,
in the usable form, is dissipated to the surroundings in less usable forms. So the
sources of energy we use to do work is consumed and cannot be used again.

• It is to explain this concept that the concept of entropy, exergy, and availability
have been defined.

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Fundamental concepts
• Question: What is a fossil fuel?

• Answer:
• A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead
organisms, containing energy originating in ancient photosynthesis

• Fossil means “the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and
preserved in petrified form”

• All fossil fuels are nonrenewable, but not all nonrenewable energy sources are fossil fuels.

• Examples of nonrenewable energy resources

• Crude oil

• Natural gas

• Coal

• Uranium (nuclear)

• Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the
buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

• Uranium ore, a solid, is mined and converted to a fuel used at nuclear power plants. Uranium is
not a fossil fuel, but it is classified as a nonrenewable fuel.

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Important Fluid Properties

• Density

• Specific heat capacity

• Temperature

• Internal energy

• Entropy

• Enthalpy

• Pressure

• Specific volume

• Mass
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Fundamental concepts

• System
• Boundary
• Surrounding
• Open, Closed and Isolated
• Homogenous and heterogeneous

• Energy
• Kinetic energy
• Potential energy
• Internal energy

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