Beadwork Apr 2012

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Easy Spiral
Create these
sparkling 1i
bangles today

Beads! Clinging Vmt Br0<tlt1S
p.20 by Cmtl• Prmc•

Get edgy! 4 WAYS

APRll,/#.lAY l01l VOLUMl 1$ NUMt[R l

Designer of the Year Projects ~
14 OP£HS£SAM(U.tU•P1•tW-1' /If,' t~iJ~~
with P'10"• .uM& hllf"f111po..
, k """'.i

(-''*' dillMolltltofl•1•'"4-WI1hl1 <kw' "'
tliltt-•n ,..,.oc... ,11c'"4

)2 SWIRL IEAD{O-l(AONCCKt.ACf OWww P1t~nl.l

~ wil b ,.yotll .ttlttl\ln1 to f•1hli0n 1pwAlit1t bNd..d tt...d• I I\

16 SATUflHOr lHESfJAS.J«li1~ -.tti1W1lfdylt..,,k

C'r•h 1ht fotlllp•hu of tt.1& nttlilw•""4li r\gl\1 ......... .,.
.... 1••• OU; ......... ,..., ..

Ctui.. tit• Milaflll~ In thl.t ,....., .. '"'~ "'14•
Mlh C:l111tJt AN.i6fd l1J "10wtft l\t.lw1

.., 0.INGING ~Nt BRA(Il[f C1l.rti1 ,, .. , •
•2 MIOAS fOUCH M1111M 11.w

MOftO(C!\NCHiA.RM #.1.u# Abltl)'
J111J1 c,..,.,,
n"" ''•""
U..1" Ttrt., f.t1r11,.
60 IOLDLV $TAT[D IRAC(LCTH11r"1,.,.. 1111~1
lO (>ttSHIRt SMN.f Ji;U,,, ~·,.u,,
""",.., .........

STITCH INDEX ""'"""-·..,.

f'i AO,CIOU-1 f
' :....e.• 111rc1••1
'''°' ,. 40 ,,
~,,.,, A't<;:~· W\ ~Vt 1t._1f'i
~·f,jf,l()HI ihl(H"44• """"
\fll !tC.okC. 1J
"'4.00l~)jlltK~ U.41.10
~ 1 hf'tG, .. Mo. M.10. ,. Y(IRIWQl!ll.JI W
'1't01\)!Httt•.t JlU.,K,
tQ, 41.. ••• I& M. lt


Departments 28
i P.t\tll'l9 lhtoogh

W,0 R 0. {Wht1 CNr Rt•Clff"t Old)
12 TN (Nlltl'IOt
14 $1)'(tl PIO! Pfcot P'ltthQJt
18 COOi Sudf
16 Simply Sttd1 l.Mtl• L,l.~11

78 (u\tom Cool Mlltfiotl Mtd•tlo~1
tffd Anl'I 9(.vf'n Fk>wf,tlMk~ "'"'"

IOfMllJ\111'\...._ ..

°""""*an '"'*""""'"
~· lltOlflMI ....~.
••• yo.I "f UJ loJ
$urt !lifN I
• dMltfntt Of ......., flM f
the ,,.. .,,_,,.. ol-'t
10 """
·~~..-., MJUNll...... V.111\ • .,, 4..-i picij«t lftio•I ......
cover fl'O/ ,,....,.. • 1••9\lldl•jfl(I «lt'MCM be.e• "°""t I .... l!llW~tnl

,,,, "'
O•l,(-.~\whMip0..111""'" M;,,r.,-""o\Jll'ftcff
J11Nb"91 .....""""t
kit •
....,...,......WOii!' ,,..
TlCt1t'40U(S VOU CNfT bf AO Yt1Ttt0Ul J

Stitch pro {PICOT PLETHORA} Jean Campbell

You love 1he frilly look or plco1 edgings, bu1 did you know there are several
ways to make them! Here are four different technlqu~s:

PIVOTt·STlf(H£0 1 sew
Thi• h•p» W"'J 10 ·c••n up'"
th•)l£8Jl'd~t:A. J)f)'Ol~ (W
bri<k..,llthed pio«olbudworl<.
tt... n1ta.lly. yt'IU're wo&lng • ttNo(
thrff•dNJp pt)'OC• ltltth wilh M!U.Utr
btW to l0trn • n1<•, tWn tmbflllsh
mtnl Nocr.ThlJ l«hnlqut wofkl well
when ,w f1•111Jh bt:Mtwork1h.t.t
u1etd11t8'ut'd bNckwlthtl;d, 11'•
Of 1S't.t.ndbwtwork1h~ Ukl
tl:litI l'tHdbNdlwl1hJlt11S't.
S1:f1r1t ) ~ •114 p111 t~itgtl 0. ,..., "' bM* ,.,_.. to lllhil plcM.l te
tti• tdtt .. tM wot\,

Thlli\._t'mbdllthts thti
~ C'd«t ol pe)'OI•or brldt •tltch.
too. bue dric• )'Oll'r• ldd•na ''"'°""
thre&d. lt't ..igbt.)y """"''· Kttp
ln mind bettiUH 1hr. wchNqu.
~tu1..,,ttht ~•d tirnt;k,ina b1t 11nd
the btadt wl II bt (Uttd wkh mort
thrtMl. It nuydl110tt t 11ttl1.
If th:at .. 1t1•c•w. playwt1h )'t'.IUI
thrtidteruton and.A>tbtil.d ti•
to ath$t\-e tht look )'OU de-'-r• ~ l bMctt •Ml p111 thro11gllIN M\I Ufl bM4;,t,.... Ww.\ c-;.o,,.,.o(t \\11th~'
ttit row WMw V.IWQtl ... d• t.0 ,..,, Nc;li d\ftllltlil1hl '--'' bN4 .t#N i... lhh fOW (bl• ,,.,..dJ.
St.tint ' ~ !Mttt>aci "'~"' .... M(Ol\4 ..... " ~ N\tht ~· , .... t!W .,.
ltiNKI"' ltt•d, to Pill b.Ml thro1.'9h lh• tflitd:,to Utl bt•d .t lft lh•P'"'°'*' tOW!f t•
Md I WfMI ._._..."-.ti bo<MI 1dckid !ft ltl• prtM11t 1t1w ,, INt•d•.

1'hl• w1y cLu111c:. 1 Wia plrot edclnc

th•llf.&l#it td1Leooi~
.. •&•'Nil mnhod tmbcillJ,,dn1
l>ri<.k. Of
1c1uaN1tllth ' 11 thM Mwn
)'Olo' \lltt 1h5' t)f'pt of pk(ll, )'OU "'.dup
cowrin.a 1hoM un..,,.llythrud loclfM
.1..... 1h .. dp ol the"'"'""' ...
bl!''°"' dwtcltt cM IN bt.tdWtof\. SU!flf) bMch,i '111- tilt "'ff'ttl tl'l!•td .... •I thot~
-. .. .,IW\dlh• M 11 tiM. lht" fl Mt ~ tfwouefl t.ti. tMrd bNd ....It ltt\lflf, $Ill~ 1 .,...... iMJI
_,.llMI llw Miit WMd '°'°P.- 111f,..,., \Ill l~ 1he jlttl ~ .._.,_., ~ th.t
Hgt .t tM bt•clWO!\.
J!AN CAt.,Pt(LL • _...tclllOf'oll~ ~#Id •tf',,..)'>Cf•~".,™ ~ 11-'* Si'w 11•ho
N iw~ QI~
~inkWf+ywidt~Orwnm:- 1(1.-IW f>\l~'."fl9l'l""*'°"•L 201(f" )Ml'lil ocNr~ boolu.,..,. ..,,.... ..
"'! PIO~Ol'l ll'ltmotl r.t""I W.UMIOI ~ *""~ ~'
ltlM:\«Hf\ llliMfi. IMf •www,"ik(M

., • tdet
• -· ' . ( • •
1 f-t.ttea ..not ha W•'f lb
tht thr~dy lltral"J'ht~ ol

' • I • ' I• I' pcy«.t, brklc. or *'!Ulirtltlt(h.

Th• pk<M t«hnlqut ..W.
• •' • ' '• I •n (dg1ng b»tr 1h~ n d1it
' 'I I I brkJ(.nhthcd klnd.
' • ' •

I f
' f
•' •• '· '· ' f
• I

f•lt 1M•cltt .ttM bM~. Sttlnt 1 lloNdt, ,..,, d- tlvwgtl tht "'"'
Mff•11ot tM ~lll'dt.1p1lv~\1Wfoaoiwll't "9• ~,..,..L

•'IU••a MAHIN-

for the very best



'9.. , e ...1.I
!liM4 trN ... t ....

-- --
Col'l!llCI "''otm.tllorl '#'lllW,Tullp.. 1dtntH .. dltf.~
a•k for them at your local bead •tore
blADWOAK •pr1llm11y 2011 1S
beaded bead contest
BEAD TWO: duster beaded bead
Gwen Fisher

'i~. "•
. 1•

·"'., .. • ••

• ~ <>

This remarkably round,

hollow, and strong beaded I) BASf:. W(ltk wnh tlgh1 ttrlllon 10 right• 1~1 bott·cun F; rtpc:at 1hret thnu.
bead Is the second design angle•wtave the bt:tded'tlM1t; •s1rln31C: pau \ap through tho rwfdl
In BeadwotKs 1 Sth Anniver- Unit 11 Use 7' o( 1hrtM:t to 11clng 411, leaY. fldc: P.Strlng LC:~ th"'ug,I' 1twi near
lug an 8" 1.All.1>.u.- through all tht bt1d; at IOI> P. String lC; ~"down 1hrouv.h
sary Beaded Bead Contest 11gotln to fonn n tight clrt~.1'\n a licnot 1tw ne1J"t11t •ltl4i P. St-ring IC:
(see box on p. 22).11 starts to•«urta1'1d 1>:ut through 1h1 Rr1t through the la_,,1 bott0tn P rxittrd 10
as a simple cube and Is then h•Ml to hkle the knot, co1npkco thl• Ilda. Woavo tlur.iugll bc.>W
wonderfully embellished 10 Unlti 2 •nd Ji Strlng!iP 11.nd JM" 1hrougt1 10 cith ''1> thrcNgh the otoirtl\l alt&it P.
form six holes that can each thC' 1.1&11 P exited ind the ff,.t 21' jui1 lte?pe.)I (l'Ofn • 1hrC't tl1nn Ior uch 1ldci
addtd: rtipe"t once, c-Ath11cub.:,1iddlng 3C to eM..h "(Orrwr-
easily accommodate a cord Unit •: S1rl(1,& l fl; I~ up ch rough 1ti.c •Sde olth11 cubt. llxl:t.f1001 lC.
or thin chain. Pc1fUril1 l.String ll';p.aMclown Corn•r 11°11 "Slrlng l8 and1w. through
thfOUAh the diet. P of Unlt 3. Wc<lvt ll'i rwt•rt•t C; nrpt.111wke Wc:.-vre
through bi:.tdl lo exll 1 boitom P (Fig. l, 1hrouRf1btMlt10 r.1c:h (ro111 JC (I( the
MAT~RIALS & TOOLS blue thread}, w~.ava throllg!' the 4P net kl cc>rr1or (P1i. 3), R~ptllil fro111 • •~•
t OINIU•d.a1kpw1p~fda1ko11vtUi:11s· thnt'lll 10 cn\bc-:IHm uth corf'lol!t with 38.
1I01l& the bo1turn of 1ha ·c:ube• 10 '""'
•••d l>Hd1(A> T1lt<4:4!: a re Cotnenl l 008. SaJt the J B ol
force thc ahiape Wt~vti t hroo3h be..d1110
1 '""'"' cl•1k putpM/dl1kolW. t.111 11• oxll (t(Jfn a 1op F. WC'.'IWI' thn:iugh 1ttc1 4P Conitr I 1h1-t n1.ltchni ti" blue 1111\(1
t 0 flMlplt•lil\td di.tit lb.I 1•11td b11d1 !CJ
11l<M1g the top of the culM to 1uinft>rte clot In Fla. 4.
t Ol'MUI 0Wv1llrt1•11ed bt•dt (I)) 1nd•h11pt(Pla. 1, red 1hre11d),
21 m.1tlllt dttk 11tw. Jmm ll1••P6lhhtd l) LACli. 'A'civc 111nr\J1 of bcadJ <wtr
10\lndl ((I 11 CORNlR5, V.eutdl~MIJ to (orm thahue te lonn a l.acyenibtllbl11nt11\t'
12 Mal.ti p11rpl1 tfld11t"" Imm 1ound1 ('1 con1traon 1h111 l>aJt; un1111Stl'l11g3A, lO, LB, LO.and3A;p.w
Siu 0 d111'- P41t9" ~Ion bMdin9 ,,.,,.d Corner 1•11 StrlnJt IC.tnd 1>w tl1tOURh tluouJLh the rnlrror 8 of G>rn11r 2 (''•· ~.
tlw n~l(t tQS> Jt: rtJ>t"t th rte tin~• {lllg. 2). b h•11 1 h rt11d}. Hoff! The 11 nnd •h.ould
Sitt 11 llffdlnf l'lttdlt W~.lvc th1ou&f1 bt.wl1 tc llldl Imm ;a hoc 1n11ike• U ,.,.pe,n°' 111 S.S11 lna3A. 10,
101n P. String IC and pu11hrough the 111, J D,and3A: pau through tlwlatl S
flNISl·l(O SIL! I"

tECHNIOVES Artist's Tip

11gt\t·•~lt _..,w A (on1mon nll•tAko I• 10cofte<lty1dd J com@1
pt)"Ott llh(h
lftlir. jllfolmm IOt't
suo tt"i but no1 ..1llch 1hol'n iymmci111ca1ty. It 1~
of you1 COJner tlio 11"1 pokq O\lt tltM'194l'l)f, rna~o
tut• you havt Ju•l ont bttwotn ofCh cou'IOI' tllo a•.
PROJECT LEVEL GGG If you ht'VO An tl~l'' vt11l,1o•d )'OVI ne0<Uo and
Ul"l($0lho R\l•l.,.liO,
$Hp """ pr(¥f(l•-w'1t1lorhldliOll,
l!l"' lt f °'""'II U!lit 4 IQ (uti. flt:. 2. Mllinou the hot fl•• 31 5htthi1'9tl'te tll ;t
#'Id \f(llfl"'ll 1"41 b()(tom ",_ IQp '°""Id°' ronw1 ,..,, •'• fOund olc:otnf>I w,.11·,

Artist's Tip
Wl'-to thte.ldlng tho
beM~d bcMI on10"
eced, It Mil)' help 10
u~ 4 '''1.1!1 c10<het
hook to guld41'

cxb~d(11:unCoi11'r 1 lor\lnn1d1clcor unit 71 {Rot at() the wo1lc 10 rtntc:t tt111 '1.a11
bud" 1h.1t 1lta over I he P bt'!'low. W1u1ve of 111,. eJ S1 rlng3A: f)ll.ll.l llllO\I)~' tho
tluoudt IH."Ads to t11tlt f~Hn tlM! neic' B nt.iittt01k!n 6 u( Cor1'Mlr8. S.11t'la SA,
lnQ:tnttr I (Fl" 4, thr••d), I 0, 11nd 1 B: J)a.Q 1hrot1}!l\ tht. n.-.arl.'llt D
Vnh 11 Rt~.11 the flnll 1tm1KI o(Unh t. from Unit 1. Strini(3A: 1w• throuy,h the
t01u11::ct lt\jl tO Coo1rr 4, t hen hw:orpo· nt.1mt Rl'lfCo1ncr2.Sltl11K3A. IO.and
r.tte the ""-·'1 81 0 t>f Unh l wftro addln1rt l ti: ~A.I thruugft ll't' laHt 0 e1icll11d ln
thellt.icbnd 11r:.nd. \\t~vwithrough IM!..ds Unit 4 (11ig. 6). \1./11'.1~ tl1mugl1 bf!Mls
10 tlih (rom the OC!KI 8 In Co111111r l •o tl1e e1xl1.11dow111l11°'1gh the
Ofl1t, S, blu• thl't1.1t), nt~fl'.lt 01xi-o R In thtn1:itl tot1wn
Unit ): StrinJI. 3A: 1w. tlu1,uttf1 thct fM'.lrfft (m•thtd •• 11 In fll1> 7, blu• thl'e•d),
DofUnh l.S"tr1nJt.lB, l0,111ld3A.IMU Unit I: (RotJle thci wo1k to rt:(lf:!.c:t thett.11 c
tlirQuglt tl'f ntartst ij of Corrwit 5. Q(PSa. 7JScrlng3A: 1)11~ (l.tlwn thr°'•gh
S1rln33A, ID, nod If!; IMM b. S1rb1tt I s, 1o.111d SA, ,MD UJ)
tlwt Ofju"'t D of Unit 2. Strlna 3A: pll» throunhi:. S111ox3~ p.AU up 1 l1l'ouKh
1hrougl1tilt1~1 M t:.1t1tcd lnCor1'tr l ti. S1r'l11g 1 H: J.U• throu.i.h '·St rhlt43A:
(Fig, S, rtd thrtad), Wft.l\'lt 1hrougl1 pu1 tl11uugh "' \'k.1ivn lh•ourJ1 bt.1d•
bt.ids: 10 c)flt f 1·0101 8 In CottN!r 7 10tic1tf10.n tll>ll D Addftl In 1hll unlt
(Pn thu other •kle fJ( the l)fadNI IM!.ad). (tnoarbd u/ln m, •. 7 •nd8, red th••Ml),
Unht 4 .. 61 ll., Unlta 1-3, thl1 tin~ Unh ti (lloute the Yft>rk to f(!(ki<t the
e01111c-tth~ Co1 nt'r 'l w11 h Cofl 11!1'1 3, 6, £t4'tt Uf Jllfl. 8) St 1Ing3A: JM# tl1rt>1.1jth
•rKI8. Wtt.ivtith1c1t1p)1 bt.Ldt to (t.lllt (ron1 g. $trlng3A: p.u• thRlU~~h h. Slr Ing I It,
I ho third Daddc-d 111 Unit 4, 10. and 3A; ,._,i;, 1hrm1W1 4. s1,1n;c SA;
p;au 1hr0\1ghj. String 113: 1w1 thrMJgf' (. Unit 111 (Rc•t;ate rhe wurk to re-nm 1ha Sttlrlft 3A: !»'llJ through a. $'1rl11g 11?:
Wf.A.w through b.!W tu c:xlt frem the D <>(Fig. JOJ String 3A: ~u 1hrounh µ;.11t throu&J1 u. Wt:1110 thr'OUgl1 bc.ad110
addt...t fn thl.i unit (m1tk•d ••le fn Ill&•· q. Sn lng3A: 1>authrouAf11, St.~lnA 18, txll (ron\ the Or111 B :.Jdod In thlJ unit.
8 ind 9). )0. •nd 31\; !»" lhroogh £Soring 31\:
Unh 10: (.Roe.ate the \'IOri< to n.11t<t the put through t. String 1 R: JMi't thr<K&gh '4) tJtAD 1<10LtS •sulnr, l8nodpu11
ttnrt C1f tllg. 9) Srrlng3A: P-'" through I. p. Wc.avo totxlt (rorn the 1J1rough ••~ ne.artit R: i-cpt.)1 th~ tllnl!t
StTln~ 3A: 1)3fi through m. StrlngJ B, 0 3dct.!d In this unit (motked it 11 In 10 furm •tightcir:.::~ of 48 and 4ll.N1».-:
LO, and3A: p.ui through"· String3A; Plga. 10 and 11~ 111IJ 111'1cJ1 nu.kt• one or tho l)eadcd·l~ad
~u thr'01.1gho. String 18: p;a»tthro~1 Unit 12: (Rot;a10 I he work lo ~Ot!<t tllifl holcc through whkh to ltrh,ga cord or
k. Weive througl1 lw11dt tO~MJI (ron1 the 11.artu( Pig. lJ) String 3A; puil lhtuu~)' clialn, Wt.a\·~ I hruujlh btrMiir lu t"JCIL (ron1
O iddtd In thlt \11111 (m1rSc•d •• p In ""· Strfng3A; through'"'·String 1 lJ: 1e at the: nt"ict 46 }\inctkJn (Pig. t 2). Repul
lllaur•• 9 .and 10), fl>'" th«><W1 '·Suing 311: """oh roughy. rro1n • Ow tlrnct 10 form .a tot•I of 6 lw•lt! ..
Sci<.urt' the thread and trhn, •

........ ....... .... . ... ...... . .

CALLING ALL llAOIRS1 Wawant VOU 10 help us whf(t, wlll bo <hoscrn by 80A<U11t, mtit'1bort,
colobt•t• ®' I 51h 41nnlvo,~111yl f.'ollow 3I0119 wl1h u' will bt 'howC•$td In 1ho Ftbtul'ty/Mllrch 2013 ltwo
itnd milko )'O\U own vor,lor\(S) er Oll<:h of Che (lvo l>e!ttdetd of EHod\WJ1* rnJ1ga1h\.l,
bo11dl foa1u1ed lr1 ou1 ZOil b'uo\-&ncludlng the bead
Ocadlintt '"' Clf\ltltt• II ()(l®Cll 26, 2012. Vlilt
by Moll11(1a 8111111 t~1u1od In ou' Fob1utry/MArtt1 2012 bo•dh1~d11I"''~Adadbf Mlcon10~ l for aotry
11,ut, Gwon Fl1ho1'1 bOlld fo1turod l\t10, ind tho now d•tnil1 nnd 1ulc11.
bt11dod boi.d, toa1urod In ou1 nox11hroo ,,,uos UuM/
Juty, Al1gu,1/5op1en1b1tt, and OctGbtr/No~mbtrl.
At 1ho eod ol 1hl1"lro A ploco ol Jowelf'y you
m11do 1hl't lnco,pot•te~ '' lcasl ono of oach or 11\0 fivt
tnnlvor:saty btAdod boMlt. TI'o wfnnll\g Jc~l,y ptojoc1,

S• .. nQ SUH• by Mellnd1
'i'•'. ,.,
·-,' ~
lttt .. lhe Af)I W•d in
011rtonte,.,11e1I" , .. ,,
'', I ' '

Pig. 11: Coinplt1irlO 1h• l•c10\'~11~ with Unit 12

lWEN f1Sl1ER b rn·ollintr •nd d~1lgn11 ~I btAd RESOURCES Chodt yoUf toc•I bud ·~op orconucu
nfinnun1," twe>-wo1nan rtom wtth ~to1anct Turnour, Satd buds. 1ound1, and Nymo baad111Q 1h1ud1
101klng 10 <r•M• b1Adwo1k 1h111 l1tltganl111d ~n1qu1 Fir• Mounuln Gtm• •nd llud 1, 18001355·213',
.nd ulllng p111a1n1 fO< l~tlr du!gni. Sht 11 ln1plrtd www.fi11moun1alng1n11.tom, 01 Choiltn1'1 Bud;,
1y 1n1lh1mo110, OlptcJally 1ymmt1ry, goon1a11y, and (7601 SJ0·94l6. www,cl!Ptildt.cu111
opology Vl1l1 www.b••,
DESIGNER ofrhe Y~or

open sesame
Sl!BO AND PBANUT BBADS combine to form this wonderfully three-
dlmenslonal bracelet. The hollow peyote· and herringbone-stitched
pyramids have a peek-a-bee opening at their tops that make them
extra Intriguing.
II $0UARI, Pltyolt andlM"rrlfl&borw "°""d )1String28 and p.t.11 chrwgf1 tht
ttkth. '"°"',.to rorm
the b.:tie ol • next B tJf P.ound 21 t't'pt•I thrfftlmd
rotnpol'Cntl (Pia. I, rtd thrt•d).
Aownd 11 U11'1Cll1h1t.idto111rl~ tlft. 11.ound 4: Strlt'& 211 and pr4llt tl1t(lugh lhr
lit..wln1ta6"111U. i·1ealcnot 1oform1 a
MtOOd .trdd.dln tht1W'fVlow 1ou11d
t\dtl t:lr<" P~ thr""&h tti. fl1at 6hl# f«m• a lwrringbcinit t-1 llch). I htn
II ILNl'\l- 1trina l 8 .t1Mt pua du~iah th• 1K'.xt !
"°"nd t:Str~ lllmlfNU 1h1ou1h dw ... cl In cht prtvli}uj 1wnd (lhlf (0tm1
ntJtt 8 ol Round 1; rt" t.hree ttmt• "peyote 11kch), ~ thttt tlmn
TECHNIQUES Stfp up(or 1)1i1 n~lll .and 1ubtfqlltfll (Pt,. 2).
P•~•t1 •Ill<" fll,indt by p.lil11'\1, thn}Ulh I ht fit;t Aound S1 \\'wk l hnr'i~i.111t1hwhh
IM1tll'I~ tOO:~ brJd addtd an tht cw-tWll rOIJnd 2ft.t1,d 2 pl)'CMI flllthff with lft In f'Kh
S"~""1tM~I (Fl,, 1, blv.1 thr1MI). 1t1tth; n, 1hroe •hnnCJli1. 3,
r«lwuow""'°"""'~lt pvrpl1 thr1.d}.
Leslie Frazier

,,,,,,,. Cllifofnlil
1ttiU LftMI rf&btl
IMi' bMn (lfflir19
·~d .... "'"' ""
dbhM d«tl9n.•
Mtl(t ltK
Mrinfl.Mdt, C.ol Wik• w.ll1ii wt~
''-· 1. Srccllt1'19 llWllllll .& AO;ll\l fot Mlluff'ld!l9 hirr 10 #\inhtt
Oi N baw '4Ylf' •)fltot• flt worldofbHdir19~Ii
IJtt. He~·~ fM'lgf fl'Om Ntllff
to ••cHIKttm •M frwn M1Uq111t to con·
lfftlpotMYl•tilklM.YHn of.n tt~
•tt rtftlcttd Intiff uMor dd<fl "" ......ti
•• tlwowrd con<tpc othtr~
Vh~ W'lrlt 1'1.lltttMMt ..wtn

r1., 111Mklit1Q MAlERIALS

thtb_...,.. 1 •Nth' •llw.i .Au 1r ''" l>Nlh w
• 11tt'14 111.... lit• 11"....0bMdi r8*
JI "'°"l'I' Mre 11• tMtltlffdt(()

o g borot!.i. 1it.11• ~ bffchtDI
.., (lfllM JJt4mM,..,,..,,

1t.. ""t~"''
IO•>olJll'll'Ntl'ltlc: ..

JV.0 oi Wlwf I .Sflwl '-'"'" Wit•

'"'IC*• l lb btl>ilhod bt•dlnf th.!Md

''• •1S..C:fWIQ Sl1:• 1 l M•dlnt NH ..
110\ll!Ch 10 , , "'
,.,. """' Mfti"W•
r1NISHEO $lU r

Round 61 Woflc I hrtrlnKbO-n1 llWch with a:ti1itl.; ""Pf.M 1hr" lln'lil• (rl., 3,
lft Ahli 3 pe)'l)tr •I Ht•• wl1h 18 In r•d tht•.atll.
t1.ach ttil<h; rq>Ut 1hr .. u,ne1 lilovnd 10: W0tli. l lw11l11gbone teJt<h W11h
(rla. 3, .... ,,,.}. 20 ..,MJ 7 pty()l• ••ktli•t with 10 In
Round 11 Wolk I lllfnlngbon•tUcth wl4h Nth ttllth: rt:pcll dute tln'ct
2C •1td 4 Pf)'l>t••l•<hri wl1h IC ln {II•&· 4, 1Nrple thrfMI)
(!M:h M lld\: t'C'Pf'.M thrN I lll'IH Rouftd 111Wo&1 lwrrlf\Bbcine 1111ch
(Jlc. 3, ,,,,,. 1hre•d) whl120•nd 8 Pfl')'Qt• 1tl~ wlh
flound I: \\'mlc l htftl,.Pne •kt'h wilh l D 111 NCh '1ilfhJ 1hreetinw.1
2C •1.S S pt)!Ute•lktl'IH with IC tn uth (11' .. 4, l'"n thr•••).
teMth; repe~t thr" 1l1nm ()ljl, 3:. Round 121Wmlc 1 finrln"')one•tkf-h
Mu•, with Wand 9pe)'Ollt11\tclw wllh
Round t1\"°'lc I Mn'll-abo1t1Mkc:hwilh JI) In ~M.h Ail chi rtpt;it duN umo:
2C &1"961>4')'1-t• ttlt(liuwlth IC ln Nd' (Ill..... tllt.t• lhrt.a4).


Flt- 11((1tlil~
~114 I Olmt ,., llrol

Round IJ:Wor·l< 1 hrnlngborw1l1t(hwhh ft( 18. zip tbese lwd1 Wp:tlwt, •irh'KSC. p,..,I t ht (if#t C .dde<l In
21) •nd 10 1>f')'Ol'•1tlt<ht11 with II) In th..,, Wf...,.. ttlrooch bt-..clt hl txll from lhlt .tf(lkln and t tlt! otlaJr1.&I C •n Roorld 7
t:l(;h ..; rf'pt'4t lhfd 1 lrtlfll tht fir• htttfngboitw•ttltthl-dl)ol 1h« - •ht Or.. P)'t4mld CA.a. I, r•d,
(Pia. 4, red thrt0a4}. 11quat'e't1H1•t point (Pia. 5, 1-.d 1hrt.1d}. ht111hf'OOtLh the flm 3C Added, dtlf 1he
Corner• 2~ 41 RtpUt Corncn J, lom1b'ljC fourth C. •rwl ptt11 lhrou«h 1 lutiw.•t 2C.
21 SHAPIJ.Stl:(.h the be.idwl:1ttl lnco thrH '"°" <0r1Wla. Stcu,.. dw 1 hr'NCI and Slt1p thewwnth C, ,..-1hro1...:h tlw ftl'M
a hi)l)ow pyn tnW Iha~ trim, Set t ht py1•ndd cori•ponrnc ulda, 2C ot 1he SC Ml AddN. Pip the third c.
(,o.-n•• h StrinR 16. pr.Ml th"°"fl.l' th11 nt'•I R11ptat S1tp. l •nil 2f°'11 tlmet co form p.lll• th~ the f\t'Al 2C, ond 1wr th""'"
0 ln Round 13andcontlnueWNvtn1o1 .t 1ota1of5 pyt•nddi, dw•mnd•ndthlnlC(mm 1h1:'1Ctrt1 Or•t
1t~ bail.chi to tidt frotn 1tw llHOl'ld .ddod (Pia. 1),
peyote-•dtthed I) .... .lf\j( thlt ddt: 11'1 ,. CONNl(l, M1Ath tht pyr.atnkbw fop link, RolH\d 11 Strlna IC: p.iH lh•ouich
Round 13(Pi1. S, &•••nth re.Ml). Worlc (orm di.t lnttld: dw fl1h and 11J1th C el Raund 1 Sltln,. IC,
3 Jl'•)'OC• •tltctw-JI wllh 10 In ••h J11ti1th lop llnll,, RO\lnd 1: $1•11 6' o( f'll!W pau th~ th• nt:ac'l 2C. Strin,t IC, Jklp
(Pl1. S, blu• thr••4 P•t1ll'lftNJ(.h1 lw 1ha1 txk1 (rom tlM Cln ~lnd 7 indi· IC, and pau through chi nirJ1t le. Strll"
"1cth P'J"ltlt Jtic(htd 0 ~alongth\• Ult'd In Pts. G. $ot1ifl& ?C and pAM IC; JN.II• 1hm1.1jCh 11.e n•Jl1 ?C ancl tht (i11o1
dde In Round 1! 10 f0tm atott'ld, Inter- 1hr~ the mltror Con 1IM11~•1 pyr• C •dtlt-dIn thll round (Jlla. II). Wtw.w
look.11-. th• 31) JwC added to 1ti. 0 oo m5d (Fla. 6, blu• J>•••bM.k thf'Ol.ARh all the!Ji~In to rftn(o«t
theochtt •Ide!'"
tlw1.10M rdto In 1h1~the•~~n1hC~·'' addtdand the huk. \\'1.1v11h1~ bt..W 101x:l1
Lt1lle Ftu:it:r

(rom 1he IVXI Cln RA)und7of1he 01'1-t

pya1nid lndiuttd by the rtd X In 1111. t.
Rt-pc:•1 the top llnlc,, Roundt 1 •nd 2, to
(otm •bottom llnk bf'twtttn ti~ pyr1nlkla.
ltlclt (rom the (wrth C Nded ru ~rt.d l
a( thtt bottom Unk.
Llr+k coMACtlon: St1b'i 2£, I>&"
the hCMtOO'I n\Wlie c or 1hf. top link,,
•trh-a2!, and pit# 1hr~ tN Wt C
ulltdon tho bottom Unit (Plc- 9), tht thA"~ p.ilh 1oft'fn!0tte:
HC\I~ tht t•uc-_ad ..nc1 l.fhn.
Wtawo 1hftlo\Ch 1heb.ut of the tt«>nd
pynmld lo tht oppoth •Ida .nd r•pHI
tht connKl Ing lie-pt. ConLi.- v.ndl all
S ~nm\d11r-.con1wr<tf'd,

4) CLASP. R•r.ll'-" Step3111hem:f u(

the b1KM, hu1 ht•tt..d or Wftntttln1
to 11oochtt pyBnlkl. con1WCt lh.lOf1 ll1•k
to t.M top loop ti OIMI tul(of tlw dido
tJ,.\p. wing ,r,• af (1f"ncJ1 wlrct to prvt«t
th•thrc-.ul,..._ ttuoudt tlw d•11p
ioop(Plc. 10) ContMc.l th.boltom IJflk to
the bot tom l"°p of th. cWp. on(• •g.i1n
wtnc %' 61 f rfllC.h wlff. .tddlnil lh•
link C'.OIUiit(;tlon, l'dt ''°'"
1hti third ti
addM. Siting lA a.nd ~· ol ftl'1'1thwino:
p.lll lhr~ the centft du1> loop..S1rl1tK
tA: p.4h thrOl.lfLh tM (our1h B~ 10
tht llnlc <tmlV'Clbt (Fla- 11). Sc_.t-,ue tht
Rt-pco,•1 tlw It~ •t 1h. 01htr tnd ol 1he
br,.<ttft, maltl11111111• lht mond (
g( the (lup bl po.d1k)rwd (t.1'"'1 ty, •
''•· I l ('°""'""'9
th1 111 .. t.tlll!t('l•OO
fll.SOUlll(IS CMdl,.....liM•ltit•• ~
Of (O!MMt:lSffd 1114 pHfMI IM.0.. d--.
Md ~~iell
(IOS) ..... '°" lltr+clll- l•lltitl\ .......
w.,. ~•,IN.ttk cora.-
r ••I IM ltf"*'d b••llitlO IHtt•d a.n,.
$1101iH•(100t))1 '11tt, WWW.iaufltU..
11111 u .. h.ulf\ ww.r.1Jt11it'1•t1•.tM1.

DESIGNER ofrheYeor


t~lil•'• •Ulctl
Srt,. _,#ft~~Ill


s,. /A',., ~4trwfWom!ni!IOtl
Jean Power

pentagon JtMf'owttlS#I
•w.rd wlnnl1t9
a111hol. .W

bangles ltl<Nf Whennot

Gl!T Gl!.OMl!TRIC WITH THIS dramatic, fully beaded, l~Sht
sllp·on peyote bangle design that explores shape. lltok»w\ 10 plify '°"1 dt1b)1 Vrwt '*
wtbiltt ti www~pOWff COM
size. and pattern.

,. PENTAGON 1. \"1>tkclf(u)1r .and tUbu·
Wt Pl)'dtf •I Itch and t<l'Jllf'f stitLh to f«m
Rouf\d Si Strl.nit 18 ;\l.d pa111thn>u&J't1he
b•t 8 exktd toforrn • llql.l•t• Mitch, ,,_
S g met1!k lwtt"r•ib• 11• cy... dM

a p«!N.,al 11h .... lht<n we11k I pt)'Olle'dteh with 18, .tnd 10t Md\ '4t' 11• t')4fn6t' bMch M
(omli.wtr 11). IMttt royll blw ICt.
Round I: U1C" Yo( tl1rt.d to 1trtr11SA.
1,av\11g• El"c~l; pw chr<Klgh tlw flrit
t with IA. Forni l 1qwre 1tiwh with ic,
then WOtlt I J")'Olerilkh with IC.•nd "''Hf'IMd •.,.,... ,DI,~··
....,. II~ '"d tlwt•HN41 roy.a

2.A to form" tight ctrcl• CPI• 1, '"''" t with IA Fotm t tqWntit•t.t.h wlth WtltAllPl
t hrtad.). Nott. Goo•1 tit a lu.ot: chU wll) 10, tlwn work l pryGCe •Otd\ "1th 10. o..,. •k• 0 w,tOfltM."ll+l'lgth1164
hf t.akfnow lM«!f and 1 IA, Fotm I 11qU.lrt'! ftltth
with J 6, Ihm wOftc: ] payott rtitth With TOOLS
Round 2: Strln& I A .ind paiM t.hf'OUlh tht
tll!Jtt AotRound t; rrptal four tlnm fOll tB, and I with lA. P<.1n 1 JqUar•Mlu:;h
,,,, 1 t bt<ld!l\g ,_....
a total olSA. St~ up few tht IWllt •nd whh 1P, thm work 1 peyottMillch wlch
~I'll 1wndsbypllJlln11h1ough IP, .i.nd I with IA.Step uptlvwahth. f'."INISH(D SI.%( T
the l'lrtl ti.M.t addecl In thetu(rtnt ktOndB1d~tn1h!ir'<l\1nd~t 2, (lrW\tf (~f'ltnc.ti
round uNcu octwfwlllil lndkllird ,,4tht•••>.
(Pl1. 1, blt.1• lhr1a•). Aound 61 W<1rit IS1~• a1ltt...,wltt1
Round>: \!J0t·k S J)f)'OC• •tJtchtt wkl12A t bead In tach t.lfl(:h ln thb ordtr 18.
tntlMh ttit<b (Pi,,. 1, Nd thr••cO. IA, IC, IC0IA,IO, IO, LA.111,18.111,
Round 41 \'f'0tlc 10 p.yot• In 1hl1 1 P:, 111, IA. and IB (llt1. S, blia• thr.a.()
...i.., 18, IA, IC.lA, 10, IA. 111. lA.
11'. •nd lA 0111. 1, Wut lbr..M).

ToIYW~I! II b•ng-w!th
thlnntf' ~111 a.gon.i.. slir'l,pl)'
\11,.lp Round• 9 t6 ind m,,i.;,
1. \Ill"'" mo1t ot 1ti.t Pf"'-"'OOf'' ta
~kl} •chlt'w lht deil'" itn9th
DESIGNER ofrhe Ytar

Artist's Tips lllo1.1nd '' \'lork JS P')'QI• ttlttlw with Round 19: W••k lS J)C)'Ote itltc.ltet with
1 <ii' 2 IN".adJ ln tMh ittkh.u lnclkMtd in I brad In N<h tlil«h In thJ1 ordrr. IA,
• You mt)' rind 11 httpful10 ),.,,
~· ~"'(lilt I))' l»Mlj"f a 5f'Nll
1hl•ordtr 18, IA/lC, IC.1(, lA/10, re, IC. lA, 11). SI), IA, I B, l H, lA. LP,
peyot•,U1C:"-d lop« With ID, ID, IA/IE, 18, lti, :IA/IP, IF, IF, lP, lA.18, end 18 (Fi;a. $, l'•d thrit .. d),
4 bf.cfilnH<ht~nd TI1l~Wll lAllB. ind I H Cl'lco I. nd thr•.tll). Nor~ \\IOJk wilh Uf;N te1ulo!1to1t1o1
gl~ Y'(kl M>tnolh•ng 10 ho&d "4u"d' 1 ..1J'tWork20 S-VolCI •1ktht.1 bead.11 dr'"" lnwatd.
onto at 1M '''1'- '"'out°'<~ whh 1.,_.ild In t.w.h •!Itch h1 thb Ofdttr: Round lOJ 'WOOi I pe:yott11tltcl1wkh lA;
lhiioe tOUnd' Olfb41f0tt >°'f'ltnO 18, 111. IC, IC, IC. Ill. 10, 10, ID, i-11h~1 the nex1 C of the prev1w11
the end' or thtl tM,'91• IA, II!, 18, II!, IA, IP, IF, IF,IA, Ill, rou1KI. Squ.1~ .ilftc.h lC 10 1t1o1 i.Jt C:
• 11 ltn.othtnlrig tht &Mnott, do"°
and JB(fl" 4) fur atottilor lOmunda. 11dtod il.nd p.\*11th1°""'1t._ folkJwliiitA.
Nfwf'' Tlw.~ roo1wlt fotm I ht tldril o( RePfl"I fr0m •, tu.bMitutil\jlthe C ln thlt
by a m~ilUpl• ot flv• Ptf\l-VCM\'
l<w l.... .Wtfl P•lttn'I to tNl(h tht prot~Jhapr. MAM•-UttlO orde1 D, II. P, 111d 8. St1pu1) lhlNlfi
1101~' tOO 10 •nd t1t1t 18tow1rd•COJncr. 1ho (I"' A ,..jdo(i O'I&. •i
Round 111Wot" 1 dwtutbyp.t.Mlna Round 211\\IOf'll:10 peyot1 •tit<l• with
1 hn>u&h t1w ntJlt '''the prcvloot lA In ~•h 111t1c.h {Fis. 1,t>lu• th.-•~d}
rou.nd. 1 hen cuntlnue workln;t psyott Round JJ1\'{odt1 dt<-.f'Mt, tbtn wotll
~tltt1wt In thlJ ordrrt 111., ic, IC, l •tlilc,hwkh IA; rqw.i.t (our tl.11w1
dlo"f.1u, 1A, 10, 10,Wrt.A1t, 1A, 18, ('1" 7, r.4 thr••tl),
1e, dt'Ctt.u., IA. 11', IP, dKrw.., lA,
18,and l8. W.aw1ht0\lt;h be.W t.o
•tq• up d1rou3h 1M ftr1t AM t.hl•
NUnd(PJ&. S, bhl• lh,.•d).
Jean Powtr

21 Pl!NTAGON$ l ..20. R,.,pt.\t Roundi

9 22 ntntcttn timt•to form • « ot
20ptl'll.,01iJ. dtt"n wo1k Ri,und.J 3~7
Hou lnordttto.khlitwlh•btktlftli
owrall •pt••L be ,1w.1re tha1 wl1ot11 workJf\ll
lh•8-PbrMbi1•~l ptr11"f)n ..
the 01df:r wlU c.h.anp by'lcU.on. F«
l'Jllltnpf.whfr.ln P<tflllAll!l)I\ J )WWOflt8,
In Ptnt.6f0n2you11W«ic:0. W1w wuC
woU be 8. Dwlll bo F, ! woll bo 11. and P wUI
beC. lhetou.lett w1tyto kffptr.atk i. to
add I he: Nn• c.olot ft.11ured l'lt.uby ru the
pt'tv~ 11ot:nt,11i6)1'>.n ao thr now bf-"'9 rn..1 th
wh..t Yaltt.ldythm.

J)CONN(CT U1.001h.llnt?roundt
<1( rn,~ l rt... P.nt42l)l1• I .and lO
«>&cl htt.II,) tht brMia b\tt1'4ltk •11Cl
th• JMllttn Lt <omp&r(td. 2tp tN NW
1ogii1 hn' to ((l(m a""' rnlm prnc.,_,.. •

fl lSOUfll((S CMdi """' Mit•I btd .., or

t..iUi(llOfk• c~lllllMif .,td, •nf,.,_lw.....,..
bttdl'lf dw.i,ca S.11(hl(r;ft lf•ll\ WW" 111wil11uall
,(O~OffW'f~l-~tndlf ....

DESIGNER oftht Ytor


Omiltt ...,. .. t~k(I\
SH,, HfwAftlM
Diane Fit.zgerald

swirl Dl.MtJIC19fr•ldb

dHW\ W>P lhft ..
Sl\f .i.o a)llt<I•

necklace "'" bf-Ad'- bolh

o6d - lltw,llnd
lttwh t1tq1Jtfllly

•bouc bNd1 •nd fMout.,.btadtn.
DW..'• tidlJ''' blW on fomwf u.i1nlr19
THB RHYTHMIC, SPIRALING SHA PB of the peyote· In.,. color. #'Id <0mm\llllution•.
and '1lit finds cndlni MIJ9lr•,'.IM from
stitched beaded beads In this necklace results from hoer 1tudtt1ts ai 'fltl V1~t www6-w
simple Increases. Create multiple sizes by altering
the number of rounds worked.
t> SMA\.L lf!AOl!D lliAOS. UH cbcul1.r flound S1°S11lna IA •nd l~ ,,... 1hrougb MATERIALS
Jl4'YO(e M lcch to l0tmtwo h"lvts of thoo thcnt:xt B•Rwnct2.Sttlna 18.P-UJ 10tr94l•IM tt• ~M",t•dl:iNdt IA)
~dtod bHd. thf':n dp rorhrr. tbrOUJLh the (ollorwln1 Aol Ro.uwl 2. 10ftlllcl•itt 11' Jl!IMIMMMtd
llovnd 11Thrt.t.d•nctdl•tolhe<ml ... ltf1)t.t.1 frosn • twkeO'la. 2, re4 tht• .....Oil
ol 9' of lh~(I.. Brl"' tlle f!nck U.thf1. ftot.1nd 41 'Work S tekctw. In th .. ordft'l 20f'llNM 41zt 11' Japr.tMM H'M
w,.• I.he thrud wt:IL lie an O\<tthand Wl8(2bNd1 In I "11t<.h~ JC..:.1ind 11~ -(()
tu\ot al 1hecnd • .i.ndtllp 1htf'1'1Ch Jr1un Rc,>tiU fr<>m • tw"e (Jla;. S, P"'PI• 41 WMll. •mm Ar.'fl°''""''
(rom1hfik1MM, t.4f'- tht thlf'.idtnd• thr•..O 2 fl'NMUI 4• 1Mlll ble' cwp'
I ~I IOIMll IJ.ll•ttld•~ dttp
.ti«Jitly. StnnaSI\::pwh 1h.ebNd• cloH Aot.1nd SJ "V.'Ott¢ 4 ttitchai In thlaordtr:
I(> ltw kfllit,jf'p.llAl• lhe .._,.,w ~Allll.18. IC.•nd 18. Rcpufr0rn• Md #1• 0 l'!riofl ~

btl WH'l1 I ht bf..dt •rMI ltlof: tlnOI. •nd lwk• Cl'i1. 3, 11t•n 1hr•ad),
pa1o1 b.t~f'tl I he •••and-. Pull t l&ht *' f:tot.1nd t.1 'W<lfk S tet1rt"-' In 1hJ.tOJdtt: TOOLS"' 1lna- r•• 1,.1c thmis;h lA, lC, lB. IC, and 18 ftitp6M ftOfn' Sd1.ot'
tht "'11 A Jtr\iMl.dorl~ al'°"" tho knut twk• O'i1. J, bh•• lh••·Tht Sit• 11 IH•d!ng ~
10JJplnto•ht<ld(fl1. 1). .....otk wWbt&ln II) t\fp. l\l_to f'IOC• th•I Liftl4H Ot tlwNd IMlmt,
Round 21S1rhlfl IA.tnd 18andp.w lrom twt. on, odd rwricl• will Mo. 0i ..... ,lk.,
thra1,1lh the nt.JltA« 1~1'4.I I: rtp,,.1 2 bffda •t thtoHmt• 11nd 11ttn rwndt flNl~H(O SIU tt'4•
t wke. $ttp up #Of I hf nt.111 And 1ubN w\lJ h..w 1 b••d.
"""'' """d.byP"'l'\Klh01'"1111lw f:tot.1nd 71 '\Vc~rlc 5 lllilt~ In 1h"ordrr.
Ii I'll .addt<d In th• tumnc rwnd lA/18, IC, lB, lC.•1-d,.tfrotn
(111. t, ltl\l• th1~M). ' twk:• (Jl•• s. t•dth~•4).

Artist's Tip
lnttHd OI Jn<'fftir\g tOUnd <Ounii,
y0u "'''•ho orll(.lwt• tkt \t.lOt of you1
bt•IJtd bffd1 b)' tollowlngttw um.
'°' 1h• wn-'1 l>t.act.d bcttd1,. but
lhft j,!Y\611 bt•Otd bit.-d) With
t.ll• 11·
\HCI btt<h. the mtdtutn
b••dtd bNdt w11h~l1f 1\"t. •od Hi•
•1· l1f)wlfl9!11!d' lf11J• OrWt•wllh ttl• a•,,

DESIGNER oftht Ytor

..ound 11 •S.1 Ina lA.. pua thrc:iuch the l8, IC, 18. IC,and 18,. ~l fron''
1M!xt Bot Round 7, \''°'k 511.i.t<-ht• tn twk(t: ol (ro1n Rnt A adcttd
dd•~ 18, IC. llt. IC, and 18. l)on't 111tntht lhrtMI
Rrpt;1t from •twk•Ola. •. ''"" tlpt M11th Round lOol tht (ln.1 half to
thr•MO R1Nnd tlof tht k<Ond t'°'I(, P.&'61he
lllound tt •wortc 6 aJ1chu tn thit ordttt Mr<ondh.till'.twotklnc1htt.ul th~
IA/11\, Ill. lC, 18, IC,ond 18. ~Pffl lB b(ofor•a<orntr ol1M fir•I hall, tNn
(rl)t'n • 1wlt•O'l1, 4, Wu• th,....1tl) 1hrou£h the rw:Kt ICol 1hir lk<ondkil(,
lllound 1oi 0S1rina 1A: d11'0Q&h tho Contl1W1tlo~pth• 1wohalwt topthn
l'lt!•t Bfl Round I) WMk 6 •tit(htt In (Pis, $),At r.lth cornn,1t1e•l•A
th.ll otdtr ic, 11. ic, 1 8. lC,•ncl lB. rnim 1htfl111 ti..1tw1u.11 btlwwntti•
Rt'pt"a.1 (((ttft • lwic• (Jig 4, r .. tbrt1ad}, «>tntt' A and 8 bt.U on theM«llMI hl1f
S«u,.tMthtl'ad And tt'lm.s.t UW. Sect.u'f t .. thrtoad&IWI lrlm. ~ alli&t,
Secor1d kltfl llt!pNI lhlf11t1llr•1t..p 10 thU f'ntJroilt1>thttf tbnn '°'"
/(Mm tt.HCOnd Nlf of lhcbfoad. thtn tlM4'1C!i4 ~llbtadrdbfad.t
11 ltth a1MM.htr rowMI by "Wotk1og
1P'fO't a"thH In thlit (lrdrti lA. lC, 21 MGOIUM llAOCO lfAOS, ~
Stfp I,~·· I ·5. ttwn ftl)l!,U RoondA 4
andS•pl11. Rfpl!~Roo.nct. 6--10 towurk
Artist's Tips a ICltl.l o/ 12 rWl'\d.J, ~t 1hlt f'l'lllf'41
• To'°'"'. b••dcd bowl UM •ttp 10 form tht IMtond twlf'~nd wotk
~lz.• ,., °' Jll• 6'\ to ""'•Mttlit an(M het to.11\d Gas In Slep l, ~ haJO.
l1t•I hMt al1l,.bffd0d bold followina ""' """" JMU«n Cart(ulty 1ur11
lf"l(ffftf the WOflt by t) 11'1•!\1 lht bt•~k ln1idt Of.II '°it rwi 1 b th.
1oundJ ft yOl.I de\lte Ol)POS\l• w~ tron11hellB1 h~I(. Zip
tOjLttM-1 u htio,., fo.mtnt a chcivron
• rcw • rt.Mt .. b••d. woric. f.we•
IOU"d~ilnd fOf a n\Olf rounded j»lfttn Uor-.tht .td• whhlht•up"
bt~.workmo1t~1nd> Refltit thb f'nt lt'fl 'l•1• 1.0 fonn "lf'(Ot"I
~Nin bf..dtd brld.
DIAno Pl,.g«ald

JI LARGE liAOllD ll[AO. Stf1) 1.

Rou1tdtr-s, ttwn ttptilt aJtn-nMh!.&
Roundt 4 and S t h1n ti~.
Round 4 ..,.1n. ,.,,.... Rounds 6·10 to
wo1k a eotal o( 17 rOl..lndl. adJ....,.lr'C,lht
<ount•ln the pl!)'l)U aldt. Al 11Hdtd to
contlnw 1bt p;tOcm. Rcptac thl• tneltie
llil'j) lO (Ofn\ lh. tlfCOt°ld half .,wt WOrlt
anoclM'! rooncl(a1 In 1, •«ond NI(),
f'la •<...,_.._.11, ..
, .. jtllllll'wd-d

(ollC1Wh~1 th4aa1nt pMI•• n Zip lcll11thlf'I'

u btfu1.,Nou1'n\• M.a~ wWh•w Str•P•: $c(1o1rw 2' Jt.h-""CI (rom th. corner
•t11tleflt IQ r lptt alont lta Ndd., lik• tht Ao( OM of lht 1nu1J ~.1dedbt.wlJ at tltt
•m•llb.~~ .. ,d ol the c•nter 11r;1.nd Sa1ng 2 lD.
1 knot '"'P. ind 18; p.till h.tck th tough
4) ASSIMILV, SlltththtbtacWbt~ thl' lutilll Cup, th1 2101 •nd lh"°""" the
toettht:rwln1tfiro-~Ubtd round. (Ornn Aol IN j]l\lb bc!idtd bt.wl
C•nlt• tUal'ld1$f(Ur•8"ol1l11•t.MI 1ha1 thf lhr,..d p.ath IQ 1'~11\(0t'(t Artlu's Tips
o:k1 frOl'l"I &<Orl'llt'A of a 11m..ll b.•dtd St<uft ttw thtt..d iuid trim. U. <h.\ln • Aftet dlpplnQ the In aic1y1c
bNd. Siting JI), p.u. throu&fta corntt '"* plltn lO 1m1ty •'"!''•
the knot cup. Ooor ~Hh. If c:lt'11itd jhlip1 It by
A "•nothet' • 1nall k•dlld bNd. ~ R••I thi. H<1tonto•Jcl• ••.PtO Q1.1~h1r.o venUyOf\ 11'1.- .-jd«• lO
IN•J«h""'&~the 0, and ~' '°""' the
lu1 A•Jtlt~ 01\ 1ht ftt•t 11n.all bt.adtd
I ht 04hn end o( th. tmtC!f ltr&nd.
C:letpi O>e\n4(l on. h.11rot1 h• t,!A.cp
tn.1b It ctn,ple,
• tl d•.ar•d. < ~ bt.cltd bNdi
bMd (JI .. 8). Rfl~ the 1 hrtMI path totathltnottup • \of1 ~1)'N:f~ Pofkh to \tltnQthtt1
NWfilil drl'ltl to rcln/Of'tt, $c(u.rt tbt t~t l>fl.crw0t~
thl~ •nil trbn.. R~t 10 c'.Ol\*C\
bMdtd bffdt tu this order: 1 .wnall,
Citl'llAoetl,.,_.~ ~
...... CJtd\6_, .......
• fll.ty <Mth JMlltrn tnd
tMbt4b\hmtf'lt.10 iJIYt thtt.t
I "'NU. 1 ~~!'I\ lb~. l n'l4dlum, .... ~\, ..-d ~·~l"f '""'"' (114.,.11 bt•dtd b•ad•. dlffttltnt JOOll
I 41NU. ~ndI am;1.U. a..d\ (IOCt J)t IHI,_.,. t1,1""'*>f•"'1

DESIGNER of the Year

Artist's Tips
·k's bt$' to u.- •
tlue«t j,U(h •• FlrtUnt r°' U'llt prOJt(\
tt htlpJ 10letop1M r~tu•
untti Ught •nd Ii• '''ot'l9
thf••d to u~
•for • dlf(trtflt k»Ok. u~• lmm
ay\l .. ptMI ,ounch II'\i>'K• or the
lrnm blcontf.

,.,..,..,..,. ttlldi

$H,. ,. ,,,,, llftt/llf


IH JJ., 411*1 INl#ff1·WllWwtM!lio.oi
Sue Jackson and
Wendy Hubick
saturn of
the sea
RIGHT·ANGLB·WEAVI! SIMPLB BEZELS POR large Sl1tt1t. Wit JtckJOA •t1d Wendy ~II
pearls, then embellish them with sparkling crystal 11ftn1f'~ IO!Jtlhtf fol mo1t ,...,,. ll'lt('lt htfd CS.~
blcones to form beautiful dangling components ln,,.._.O. ...Pll\ tti. Ul'llltd~~
11\d 1~1 tht United Sl~ff. $ut
for this stunning necklace. .na W«tdy ...... ~di• flt~•*•
wlt!Mt1 '"th• 2006 rOHo <Oit'Ptttlotl.
whkh •n U!fn\.111'1!) 10 J1p111. lllfY
~t lll\1'8n9....,...W~f
ti CHARMS. Rljlht·.anQ)ie WftlW Pe•rl: Slldtth• btadedrlh£ on11> 1 pt" ao
btadJ:tht" t1Y01ilf ttt«l'lf\ •t fl'YOlt.
abtadif'd<hot.m th• pNd'• hold tJJg" with open 1p.c.6 t(IUW.tltrtlnOboN..ind btlck. \'Kit
5,,1p; Udfif. 6' of thrud a1)dA, •-laJ'lt b.-1 Wttt\ the Rm and Jct<ond twff ol 1 ho ._ hilftlm..~com « W"">ttl
•nP."""""" "tt"9 l3 unlu wick ind flnR- U. l liic1d pin 10.tlrlng ID, pm f.t<~o~bt•lk
2 tOWf.long. lb:iil l4J 1hro1.11th tlw 1ldc thl' hNd pin lhroughthit J*•l St1'1"f.
AtA 1he (in"I un• ln the •«oncl row, l D: l0tm • wr~loop 1tw a1tMhet
Md tht Illrip to lht firM and th1rtttmh tOonoffld ul mie 1"" ph~c• ol <h.Un MATERIALS
unh.,o(the 2 JOWi touch
GonM<U Sirin& lA, p.u1 clown thruuah
(ll\a. 2.). l'Mt:. When t\11 11,,. dW: t.hAln
"'a,mt:nl. be tuni it btgj '''and tndJ with
....... ,
S I •-'•lk dlol\: blut lilt slff 11• t)lr11ltt

th.tad.Aul Unk 13h1 the..corwl r(IW, a1tu1 IU\k. Thi•'°'"" 1t.-bo1tom(lr

2 ,.....,.11 ...tdf'""''"'

Strint IA.1w1 .... thmuc,h 1ht1W. Aof thtlhott <t1Ain.. '. ~•llkcl611tl>!Wlfb tlt:tt' tttcf
Unit J ln 1rn- 11«ondMW, tlton wt.wt ..... !()
tlw~ ''°"'
baa.d1111) t'Xlt tl•Ll•t A 11)~ JlflM ayt.tM bi<oMt~
jutt adcltd, •nd p;t.Utklwn th.r°""'! J• .........~
li>lut tllMliCf~lti Pfldt
11dc Ao/ Ul'llt 131nthe llrJt row(Pla. l, ) W l#wf•Mmr.tfttOlltfw llNd Ullt
blt.1• Strlna IA: SNiitup through , ,,....,,,,,,,.hHdplt\t
thtttdtA t¥I Un'- 1 In tht {Ujt row, •W ol ~lt'll""O ._ M;.4..f!Wll
thr~" the MtOnd A11dded In thlt tel(•
tb•. down th~1 th• "4lo A ol
2 u....,_, . ,. .,., 1...-'""'P '"""'
Unit 1.3 tn the fi1M '™'• 1hrough the! 1 1t..tht """'" t ..l f.m.M kloi>UM tf.11p
20' d .Oltb11dt"9 ""4rt
A llCWrd. up th.rou&h dw 1iditA ot Unlt I
In 1he 01tt row,&nd 1hroot,h1._1«ond SlflOft;tfltl ~"1Hd N•dlfttt"4 ....
A added In th~.t«tlinn to complete the TOOLS
bNdtdtll'ltil (PIJ. 1. ted thr..tAQ.Sct the SdtMMt
ttt.rW .uld«, buc don\ trim. Sitt ti ~t.wl!"I~
OlaM<•fl•l-fttM IJlhtl
"""""' ......
Wirt cvtt•tt

r1N1St1r.o stzc.. 1a'i4·

(fXf'AHDAIU TO 211

Mlll;..itw ... a.. .. ....

lt8AOWORK .~Vrnay2012 J7
DESIGNER olrht Ytor

lmb•"f.-..• U..tbtthwad IOtttlng 10

and P* • th roud'i i.M ne.xt top A of
the frrtt l'OW; ftPUI to add .1 toe.&1 ii
L2D aklng t l\11 Cft~ft' o( chit ring. we...v-
lngthrough~ .u 11eet•1hr,. to tldp
1 he spou wtlC're the 20 wt re .tdclrnl on
thttwd pfn Olt,. J). St.:u.r. lbt> thtt.tid
R«"pt.\t thl1 tntlr. lt.p tl1'rlf'f. addll'\J
t ..2 t11.,mt to C!Kh oi the ~nt
1Mrl llnlu Ml dui, {c)J a. ol
7 charm•. Form 111 tWlth (h111n, th11
tln.c«lt1ntttlng too.. md of GIW: 3~ pW.C.
af chain 10 bm a.n fJltc:ndet.

21 RINGS. U,t&'~thr&d to M1l1"11118

JLnd JC),..mtbnm 1\t,1knoc tofor1n•
tlghc drtk and plSj through thcbradt
1.-Yf!f•I dmflt «• rrinfOKfl {Fis. 4). Sttutt
th• thrt>MI and lrhn;ld: uldt. Rtpt.1l
twtnty.nltw 1hne1 t.o '°''"a IOl•I ot
30 btadtd ,."«..
"' o\S.SIMILY. Utet tht br.i.dlnawltt to
11r1,. I cMip tube and the <lup; p.lJ•
b.atk1h~ thti ••and trlf'nf'.$trl11g
t bud '"'P C-n1.J• tnd (Im). S11ln1(l pt1t1
itnd 1 k.adrd th'&) flftNn lll'n" Str1111J
th• IOJ)clth• hilt c~lrt.Slfll"C{l bt.t.llcd
ring•nd l pN•IJ llfteC'I, lhnu Scrtna
t bf,.d c•11 (w~ end (Int), a M"" rubt-,
1U1d the opm tnd ol the ottwmthain:
~ ba(k th:il)Ugh lht t1AM! •1'11 crlmp.
l"l'ln• M'lf tJttr • bt..dbt1 wttt. •

lll(SOU"CIS (httt.-•llM•I titad -.,,,

Ctinlkl! 0.kl C)'iilid" ktc& C.•¥NI lt•d 1,
llCQ2•fMl,>COttLr111 ..
Md S•..W•li ,,.,. ,., .. ~, .ttld ,. ....
Ibo Ol ..... llMIOl t4S-+i66. -.Wwnof" Ctllll
Sott llta '4•!.ll"'tw\N aM Jw11ur. llf!IO
ll'llNll r\lllO!lltMl1-<._ flll.111•JSY>

Molt muh"040f•d d1in91'i
for• whim~., JMf.11 hfKetet.
·•-1no chi Jl't'lm biconti
'ft-!\h ~ti• •• \ff(! b•~'-
clinging vine

Stitch a pretty •plral netted rope, fill

it with memory wire, and add crystal
tmbellithmentsto the ends to form thit
tophtttlcated and vtrs•tllt design.

Artist's Tips
• 't'O\I m.1y wbsUrulA' I !Imm cuti..s II IA.Sf. Pftp.1rf tlw Wirt! and tub.lo Jl 1110111. S1t1th 1 •plr.1.l rope:
IOf"tM l.SM"'onti (orrn tl.e b'*~"1 l,,.w, Round 11Uu6'uf1htt..l to_.11naOB•nd
•Thi' df'Ugn AIM> m..iM 1 g1•1t l.Wi6t, Wlrtl C'ut .a p"I«• "rrwttM'.lrywttw tn At 2"4 chin 11""" Ml... .t 2' 1 ..IL Hou
ju•t l"t•tCh th• fQf)e tong tnOVOh lO •roond tho wr l•t pk.• ~·Q\'4'1llpor• fl•h !8and2A1tt lormt• nt't.. Tlita
d••IMMOUnd )'O~ rwcli..~t lhe eech 1.1.d(A l" toe..J OYerl:.lp). knottokKn1 a lt&fll tlttl•and ~
mtmc>ty wu.Aublng ~w. •dd •n n..bif\9l Ott •lm.JLth oltuhloa «IUl1to1he 1h1ough 1M fir•• •a ..oo IA{As- 2, l>h••
'"1r• 1oun<I of PtVOtt ·•t1td~ <ub•t. ~no<! y wlrt, Sllde tM Mttt'IOI y wlrt Lbtt•4~ stldt the .. onlo lht •
•nd .tdd tin 1111ua f<Mind ol i..10• ft!ng~ ln•kltr 1ht cuf,jni UM round ,..., plitn Aoundt 1 •rid on:S.ring 18.tnd2.A.1h111
10 fwm" '°°1) I Nrl'I up 11ui;ind di. JM•• th~ the fl1•t Ao( tlw ntJCt ntl
(lub:lde rA one tl'ld of 1h• t\!Wnt- U'• (Pia- 2, 111d 1hr1•d); ttpt ..t to the knictb
IUt>noH plii1:11 to l\ltt•n the kq) ol I h• nlittMry wl1"t. Mtt1• You'U ln.ow
tf!k'al l'ltffiniu
11f>1Utl lhe tubblt Ma. 1), N«r It the
tulMll# ...,..,, ttltdl
1ubh'1~"' tlldit~•IJyCMt tMw1n,
cut the tublnt ln10 .a ftw p!Knarid •lie!.
th.tit 1.M aplrJI ll lk'lna 11lcdwdtorrtttlv
Ifthin-..,, 38 a Iona UM: top,,, thl epl
r~I! II1Mr1•r•only28, )"llil'wdroppt.:I
Wddtt 1tltctl 1hm on.. or pllt tonWl•ku.r" powclrr on • 11 ll<h. R.tmove thl,.,.w.
Stt A H /fit Atttl\ll 1h1wiNfl.lft Uron\ flnUh theathtr•nd
IWIW'llfW .... ,,.,. ol thf Wlft $rt tho buf! liJldf
JI C.MIEL\.tSM. AnU.h.,,"d lddf1t"#) W L.110• tli~: Pu11hdwa1n..1tll11t~'ff and MATERIALS
orw end ol the topf'! p1co....... .i the bodyo{ .... ...,.. 49gtold• ... •q11o1ith• IS' k.tiiAI
P•y01••tl~c.kflt round•: Place• 1\.ff'Clle Or1 S111ng 1 A. l 0, aM 3A: I»# bac:k ., lrt.ndK 1,Slnm c.\lb• b.•d• Cl}
1hc Wl"'ncl ~\111h_rough btW to c11J1 1.hfOU&h tho o ..r.:111w nnc A 11> f<>rl'I\ 12 ta111.nia• Al )mM U)" bic.Mt• (C,

a frh'£'. P.w ihJOUMhth11 •ante 8 ~I ti 1atir;flM1 Al .tmMO'J\ul bi<on.1IOJ

1..... 8 of Round I. •s1r1,,.1B•nd "'" J 1;w1rMht'l•l)mftll t:'Y\lal .,,.,..,,,
t~ the ntXI Bol Round I, rtpe;U e1dt«l 10 andior the fftl'lgt And pUll
J fflW\llfto4 OYai b1~•1•'111'dll'IMMN)I' ....
(Wkt and JltC'p 1.-p lbt'OIJ.jl,h tht' fltfl 8 thrul.l&h tlie ntA.101 B(Jlla.. 7), Rt"pt:it
t• ofdfff lmlfl,...Uk Mllt1t
..dckd 1., thll Jourid. Rtpt"•t frorn • onc:t. nwi tlmn (or A tot.» ol 6 brp ftlngtt . ~ '1 • bf1!dM bffc!IW\t ltltffod
Drop: $t1h,g t briolttte l\nd ~ th~,.,.,,h Sm•ll pl<ot"l flwh 1hf b.r~ f1tn.gft llktiJM ....... l(e~·
lH on t.M other aide ol tho: final rl)uncl tow;_rd th. drop ai\d 11\•' 1nall f ti~
P• back th~ the br•tiktteand the and pko11 toward tht body(JI 1he rope, TOOLS
oriA)rul 8 (Jfg, 3) R.t1M•• 1he St rtna 3", thm p.Ull I hroo~h tht La•t 8 Mtl'Mltf'""""' cuttHt
~lhfirW'l'".il tbnH re rdnJoror. !iii Uitl"dand the l'lel~t e (Fl.1- I); Rpl!.l.l
Si&t IJ bt6diftt floN4lt
from L8ln11.e BNI round And work fiw: tlmn (or• Lot'.» ol 6 •rnlllt*cu. 0111\\lrtg •t11w
peyote •tkth~ whh 18 In
tl(htttuh (FIJ. 4, bl~ thr••4 Wt;,ivc
R•lnfort•: Wt.l.\~ chl'• to eick
from d,. Rr1.i.l 11"Uncb o t """ u.,
ltout1d·Mtt pllt11 lhe 68At the tndf111he rope to Work .a Wdtr·•lluh 1h.-t<MS p.ath to
rnnf()f(_e and from the 18 111infort111: d1oUC1 rvur'lk 5«W"e thr
fu•t pUc:td {11lg. 4, red tbrNd). •ncl trim..
$m•ll hlftO•:Stt1ni IA. 1c•• nc1 IA:~
Ntk tht01Jgh the C11i11d (iJ•t A to form• 4) ,INISH, C:11eft.1Uy alkle the hue lNlde
Irle~.tlic:n pw th~ the n«>1tUt a tht ropt". NrlNf'nd 0..f.1 1rhn the wtre•• Artist's Tip
"' theenclof 1hctq1t(Pl1. S).Rtpeat ncc:iU&11yon th. unOnld\edmdol th• S«tie1IMt1 ll'J ••\MW
to fof'l'f\
fl\'11 tlmn lot a tocal ol 611'1\allf rhigt1, brlUltt, lo(ip •nd fbtt.en It :ipJNt tM tht '41g>1- tnno•
•nd • pkot •t
L•rt• p4cot.: Pwh tMtmall frin,ora• lublnJL Ml whh lhe 414 htt 1.nd.Adjusl the U'lll.wtll llfM Ootno It In
lDW•Oltl1•hocfyof 1h• 11>P" $4tl,,. 4A, ''""''"'Y·
n.11 h'ft "' .addlt11t or 1tonlOV'it"ia IOUl'ldt I~((Nlt(t, lOO. \0
choo~• W019'1
pw b.<k thr ...... the lifll A lv'l ..idod, lltit,ht• W~•I tlw at.._~h ol 1bebut. whl(h WfY

and~ thtooich 1ht f1Nt1!ft 8 to form Rcpt.a Stirp 310 ttnhfellah the othettond bt,tf<M ~
• pkol {1Ja, 6); 1cp.Nt ft'l*t limH (at ll o( lh1 br.c:itltl •
lOtAI ol 6 L.rxe 1Jllwcl.

ri..111 s.c.....,.. ~ .,_.

i.,i,f wl)I ,..,..• Ullrt'I

,.,.,.....)fMttyW-l'ICllf'Mn#MlllM ....
lki~-lHCNnfi.dil'!Qt.,llwl[ltM .... I
,..,n M11 llW\ r1\lit A1-., CiittiiOI .. llH-""
!Mf~..itWWll"A YNtC.- .., .......
WWWfilll*"'"' CO"!

fl.l!SOUlllCtS CMillt'*'~bHd ....__.

<•1'11.lltl:CVbn. .......... _,.. ,ll«IM 111..,,,4
...... l"'-l 1410114 ..,..,,.,.. 0011 .. jS41.
ww.~~(Ofll, Sw..uO'o"olA .,,.,., W
"'*""' ....,_d,.ww-.-14com~C....
ll!lllfolQ .tN !Nf!IOl)' Wl!t HMil)' \*t', ~
~ .. ,,('M..
midas touch

Conntct prttty floworUke peyote·

ttltthtd rlvoll• for a pendant,
thtn llnlth the oetklace with
a tubular brltk·ttltchtd •trap
intenper•ed with even more
1parldln1 btMled rivollt.

tubu!M ,...,..,, tlltd\
-~ ... ,

i.ddtt Ultct<I
tui!MllM IMkl Hltth
Jfrt ,_ff IW llft!M



,,.,..,... ,,. .. .
Jt II •• lr\lMI ,..,. .. ,,.


,,....,, 11)
It ClN1'ER Ill El. \\'\:irktubi.lbr.,.,le JI P£TAl AND CHAIN BliZ[LS. R.tpt11
.................. ......
I ....... lNdl11llr•,.....AI ,.,_~
•tltth t0 fonn tht Utlltf' ~: Step I four tlm~-. thlt tfrne omilctna the
Round• I •nd 2: UJt3' ol th1'Nd to '4.r(1'1jC nnbt.llW1nwfl4 .1!1er R,o..irld 8 l.1'41 lt.ilo1n;t ~
361), if..1ving• 4• t.tll. Tie• kl'IOt to form 12· ulli("Pb&"'a:~l. Thm r'Pf'•t St(1) l
2 ..... 6"<:17wwnw..

.........._ .....,..
.a c.laf\t dsele, p..,.1hrooa,h th. fine I) to al• dma. thl• bn1•udnc G ln11• o( P•
de.t.r1t.kt.ot 01nltdrig 1he tmbPJJbhmc!nt af't~r Round

,.,.. _
Round~ Strlin11 J0,11itipa D (romt~inJ•
tW c:ln:.... and P-'" th.10\'el' cht fldt O;
rtptM HWnlttn tJP'l8 (01 .11oc..1o(
8i and ""vlng 12• or u.11o.-2 olthe bt:ul•
("G be.. b'). ........
,.,.. ...,

180. Sup up for 1ht rll'lrl And .-llbk lt PENDANT ASSl!MBlY.Con.n«• rhe

1re1..w012-..... .....
~'' ro.andl by p.m:lng th.-waf' 1he
fira bt:.wl addtd In th• currmt round.
(Oer •nd G be;(ltlJ te (Of 111 the
Conn•<1k>n I: Wottt thkc:on.,e«kln whh
ci.••"'•.......... ..._.._...
Round• 4 1nd S: \\1orlt 18 tlllc:hts wllh l A. the bn(U (ac:itdown. WC'iivt1 ltwwurldqJ1,
tn 4'...ach •tltcl• (or• toul of 2 rounda. 1htc>ad ot i C bc>ltt 1h'°'1ghbt.ach to t•h k._
Wu.ve1hroua,hk...cb IOCoJlll frcwn {(Qin ltovnd 2.Str1nt J Dandpr¥J

... 11 llltieilllftl .......
R®ndL throuah the 11tJCt 0 ol Round 2: rtpf:at c....,....,..,.
Round• 6 ind 11 fllat.t. tP In thebir.Mlwor'k one.. WNYf' thfN&h be ..~ IO•:dl ~
to thtbKklourlw.. Roond.•4 andS. 1luough thot lul D addcid (Pl• 3, ltlu• ......... ~ 2 •• "'
Wo.1t181tt1chM with lA in t.Wh •tilth thr11a.d}. P•U thr«cf'l a Dof the-<tnlil't'
{CK a tcMAJ of 2 rut.1rltd.J. huol'I R®nd 3andl...:k tho"""" llw
Round ll \'lorlc 18111Uhtt wflh 18 lo e.c.h a,.,0 )Yt1 added. 1>1111tw~.wl
atlech (Fla. t), PuUthethr ... dvtrydcht f"lh lo Jrin(Cllf(e (Pf,. S, red thf'fACI),
to Jnug thtrtvoU Into plxe Uon'l 1rtm the lhtt.wi
throutf\ be.uh 10 t.lC'lt (Mm Round 2.
EmbtlllW.:StrlJ., I Rand P..••
throt.111;h tlw Artist's Tip
nett OofA.(lund2;1q>('1tt for.11ot11lar
1813 (Flt,. 2), Sft\UCtht dut!lld and II hn
S.-1 uklt, t.hft \I~·
If 't'°" WMUtlw tOfM'l llibn 10 b9 WI')'
Fii•Ui~ For,, tofltf Ifft. U)oll
nytoft wch ., Nyrno Of KO

"• tJ '•"""°
Ml tlw IH'MIM
rlw 111111 (llNW(11•

Conn.ec1IMt ~6: Rt-pr.-t Coi\nttllon 1
to •U~h 1ht r~tntng C bf.idl 10 thti
tt!nl« btul. ttwn.1y 1p.x_lng tht bad.t
f(l lh•t••<h#tol20 that (Qf\lW(ll
to Round 3 on the ttntlf btal h.u •
C .,....,'d CJl1, 4, blu• th,•id).
G-b•1" conn.ct Ion~ UM tAU thttadt
IOtonnHl tuhC btul10 tbeontr'W!:)U
to It. Do to by squar..stkchJng touchlna
011 ot Round l <Pt1· 4, red tlu••d)..
~~•ttht p.tth '" Mnl0t«.
SKure tho lhtt.Mb .l.lMI t•lm. Stt the
JWnd.lnt ... kif:.

4) TUll!S, W<ltktYb\ britk·ttlith

tKtlo'l\t to fo11n th. '4.1tip:
Round h Ute 3' q( thttAd 10 lOfm • l.&ddtt
•tiethtd1trfp.SC~ INvlnaa 12" t•IJ.
Pm th""*tl)i 1henra C •dd«l •nd 1h•
lut C ~ to lot m • r~•ltl·
Round• 2 ...t11U.C1owork 1uhi.&Larb1kk
Mllth for 18 rou.ncb D<Jn'i trim tht
tlw NCbt •• •llldr
R~•I thl• t1111,. at•p on(c 10 fwm
anothet 18 RM.Ind tWN flf))tat the
ltf'p (ou1 nliOt'ttlmfti, (lritt Wl)tt(l...C
two 31 •rou.nd t ubtJ and tlwn h'Orldfll
two47•tW:nd cul>N

SI ASSfMILY, Cotui«l lti.tubd:ind

bf.ul1 to for1n• •t,;iip, thtna•n1blt
t ht corw• and clup:
Str•PJ "UM the w111kln&lh1·c.Mlof C'lM
<47 round 1.ib110 nt.illy •ll'h 11 to
~nda I ~3 Oll'l 41\ P t,.~I (fla- S). Stll<h
•n 18 R)IJ1\d tube to tlw oppo&ll• tide
olthe1.1mcbr•d Stl«hthfmdo/1he
18 muul t\lbt,MM pb(ad IO•nothtt
P1~.1lvt11tkcha31 l'c'Nndtub.ta
theCMhn 1;ldool1he111.11'oll l~LS.l1ch
thtcichtrtndo11 .. !fl ~nd1ube10
~11'4h l -3 on 1lw p11Mlluc'1Uflllf:P
11£h1 bt1ie.l. Not" T.ake c.arci bl &tilth 1hl1
•nd\lll'nc br-.tfll-.1hod1 rtvoll•
I.act tht 1Jme W"'f Ai tho rtroaft on the
pt'rid.anc R11pr_,u (f\'lm • tu .wtrnbl• 1 ti.
CJthn •tr ..p, thl• time 1ttt.-thl"1 lg
the pmdAnt'• upptr k(t btul. Option
lmb•lli.-,: U. tht f'.llra thrNd ol t3th Oon't lim11 your so If to
P btul jwt pb(toel to ci:n1bd:lbh u tn ju-~t lWO cob' d'IOCK•
Stq1 I, thl.i tlnlc only 11ddli'4l 161t and a ralinbow ot


oldpplrc the 1..W"' M>kh th<,....,,
.,. pWfd (Pia. I)
tndw Pw 6• of bt...dln1wiN down
thtOf.ld\ ICM the end ol one .Rrap
"od up through lC on r ht other 15dc
ol1htrutw f:"'n1h.e1w:b1&01t.aoop
holdtthctndol tlwJtr;1p. V.~h
t:nds to •trlh£ J eont (wld.i eed Rtlt},
onci 3rtun ""uld, 1 crlte\p tuht. .,l(f
ont3m• '~..._,ht wir• to.aid.
thf(OntOW'ttl~.tlfAp~nd (kl' I Witt
t:ndIO•t1'nc the:todJ OIMI ·~· pi«rff
o/ dWn and p... h.(k thrc..agh1h1 lut
3'nin round ti t\lfl& a1'111 thn <t fmp tcbe
(;11. 1).Snug t ht Wirf' l.Jtlihl aiwl crimp
tM t\lbt.. 'rrhn tM wb• tnda. Rf1)f¥
thl• 1«lion (oi thtothf.r "'• u..
I jump"''&toiau.Kh Ohfi: half ol the
cla 'I, to e.ith t.luln t"rld. •

Pl1&> 7 f!h1~ilo'CtL""'"""tf

MARCIA ROSI• fM.WOlll'odlir .. •t~lllll'

fltcllO!llllt O!IM CM!plf\'.M'fff tttl!tt I.flt
W~ l1trdl
.,.,....,_ 11~
•114"'"-""'*•,..~''dwwll _.~...,,.,..,
RlSOUflCIS Ch.a,.,,, tocAll kM ~-
(•Mtet Sw"oYW """*~lldtd .,.,,...,
1.. 1.dtllJ~._ Dirk•
-f"(f\ , ...... ltl!H(
..,..,._. bt•dlfttllvf•d, Mel ..... ""ff ..
a... , GolwWltd, tWll Mt ttot, -.INtlhf•"'
Ml$~ h•1h•11•1M;M hJOfli4tt.d•J,(IOO}
MO ~SAt. ~ ~tttloHJC~ t•td•IOl'I
'"'..._"' .. r.,..,f<h~1.MQ111.)}ff

dragon dance

Use a variety of bead types and sizes to

create an elegantly undulating bracelet
accented with pearls.

l1ddtt 1d1ch
ht1rlnobont tlhch
PtVUlt •1itch
Stt p. 9i IOI '"lpM
tachn111u. H1/orrnqtHJn,


Sttp." fo.tp10jr(t l11Ytfln/0itll<1/I04L

Simply Seeds {DIAMONDS SQUARED} Linda Lehman

This eye·catching square bangle worked in bead

et(l(het keeps Its geometric shape without the use ol
an armature. Be sure to make the bangle large enough
so that It won't get stretched when put on.

SH I'- •• lw lw""'


SHp.4,.,"'YKI~~IOft Sizing Gulde
MATERIALS Allt• thot llt ol tht b .. n9ll '°"'h th. fOltowlng chM\Oft
Joo ii..t• thl"• '"'••tr •"411 bffckto\) ·To 1n<1e••• 11\4! 1lt• of 1"4t tMnoto by v,•, ll\Cl .. ..e th• n1.11nlMot
• o••thtMUI Mut' '"d9t•ch lfoihtt,,(IJ, ol 1oundi 10 lit. ttrlnf)lng IA In Round1 17 S-4
M•t ._(09f>M I( .. ~ .,.f"llilt dftc. {Of
IN)Wft ,i:u to Cl•chft tlwNd ·To W1<1f"'• '"••"•by l ~ lton'ff .. tht n\lmbtt ot fO\INI~to J6.
\t11if'9nQ 8A tn AettAnd' 16 - JS •nd 9A ln RCM.100 36
• Tolr1<1V• .. b)' 1'1", in«e•i411he nu"'~' or 1oundi to 38, itr"-91~
l.Mtt·~IHMlll\of ......
tu• I i1Al'll1'\I H1.itrocht1 h•
aA 111 ~O\!Od• 16 )711nd IOA 11'1 "°"nd)8

Scl''°'n • Toditc1••'• U\f 11~ by w, wo1t-: R0\111\dt. 16 l9wlth 8A•~ btr0te,

fhln lfrlfl•ttry ""°" but dtc1t•~• tht nurn• ol bttd•ln A0\11\d JO 106"' ond
C41M11Nfe Aoun.dt )I •nd )2
1• PAlSTllllNG. Pb(e the\."'•.,.-Cnted)e
abool G· (ron1 llwtt1d o( tht cmc:hct
1 hrt.MI and •1 r1ng chit (ollowlna be-~
Round': lB. 7A
flound 2! 2 8, 6A
Round J: 18, IA, 18.SA
Jlound4: 18,2A, 18.4A
floundS11A, 18,1C.ll41A
Round 6: 2A, l 0, IC. 4A
flound 71 lA. IC. 18, 1C, 3A
Aound I: 2A, lC. 2A. re, lA
Aound t:3A. IC, 10, 18, 2A
Round 10!4A, ID, tC.2A
11.ound 11: 4A, 10, IC, 10, IA
Round 12:41\ 10, 2A, 10
Aound ll:SA, JD, IA. LO
Round ,,.J
6A, 20
Aound IS:7A, IC
Aoundl 16~l1:8A
flound J:h ?A
R•pt.t.t tM1ntlr•11rin1tln•~' 1hrH
I h .... Don't <UC the thtNd

2) CROCMn. 8'1;inwilh•&111001o1 and. tound N).l to tht laac brMI 1n Ltw fl1\.i.l UNOA lCHIMH 1111 btftl lltlilt"(l fti u.dwlW!o;
Sr.1\lln1a 12' 1.all WOtlcii l.ot•I ol8 cti.ah1 rou.nd.. P• under 1he 1hrf!ld MKt to tht '- '"°''
OI htf "- **' lfilf~
lwt'-" )'Ml\ .... ~ h 11\t
MHt i. MfwM.
d "4W
llltdM!t wlch 1 beMllnt.1'h tlllth. Jolt\ l..l1t ~In 1twi Rnal 1UUJ1od 11.1.J rurn the-: ('9(/wfJtVfl1J Cl(tvlt..- ~. 30CM; nt-
the ctwln lnt.o•dtUt by pa••inc tht hoo" bc..d JO lb. h11M 11 ncrwpolnllritC t.ow•ni .........,, - 1.t\ "" \tttlftf """ baM cndw•
through 1hen... tluln. uodl'!r the(itll thf ~ ;11: 1ht~e11ndol11'Wtope. ..tWHI~ti .,;,_... 1114>11•b'l'#...,ll!W• tt1y'41n',
ti,.d .lddrd. p,... under tht •.1dtlnic lhit<Gtr. RfSOUill(IS (-.CliyMflOCMllt•d l.iMlfl•
Cont looe worklnJ tn 11ip •t1tth, M11UnQ 1pondi"ltbt.wi on dN!'oppUllte md flllc. l~ <•MICCfltl'\1\ofecfO. .. tlM... ~t "ffftit1
t l:n•.!Ch 11tk<h (cw a tot.tlof8~1 Rcpci.a ~ t lmn 10 tvrn ~nd C'Ol\1w<1 "'10flcl I....,,llOOlMO·SS&I """"'lw)0!'4
In Heh «1Und
When )'OU"wrc Rn\Jhtd <l«hct11nt:1ht
Nth a( tlw8 Clft the fln1l rl);IJ'd wllh
tht! bNd.on 1lw •••1tlngrowid (JI",).
k.O,.y,f-.,,,..tal wf'411Nd\. f111llO'l.... 1 fOI'\
111 )SJt. Roi• •114 Ol~tl\nt t*"«
<OUM ~H.11161 l#!tlltt-Ull)Jrt MO),
ti.MS., trlrn tht wu1klna thrtad lO I :r 1'\ilna• tlw thft'.ad tctntlyIO the bt.wlt ••W hlltlll .. UI'\ S..1•111 Cl<KM hoo',
llll.llW'lf W.-.U1•, fllll l}J 2SM. .,_
.8rh~ tht thrtMI 1tuaujth 1tw loop on thr (onn • COl\dnu.nut 1op.with l'IQ "-" ol 1hJ ll!llOf!D WMdlWM1'0l!'I
hook ••.I tlKf''"' the loop. 1tKt ttw ,,.,,,, join Secur• the 1Nud 1ar1d trbn, •
Cf'/ hf'tdlt 011the1h.-..Ml, HCWe tho tht~id
In thtropo,.tnd t11m
Online Bonusl
INVISllL! JOIH, rt..u dwl..,...11')'
OOWl'lblld S.11d Ctocket 8111...c:'·"" In d~lh how-10 fi0.ttu1e on o•uitlQ
Mfdl1 on 1 ht: l.ai1 thtNd Ill I he ropr't •I.tried wMh bNd (fOChOt, ., wwwJnlo.-wrt.-'I• COl'l\lbctt'ld/plO)tc:I• 1111klol
8rhijC tht nipt'a Mdttklllle t~ethtr.pot:& ... ,p Lot 80l'tl'IH> 81ooltj IH<h YOll Ont ill4Ch "'' • ur... wtch
tlonlng 1tw (In-I bNPil In th•d•aAn•Mk<h tlC11l by tttp ph(HOt

PLR!.ONAlllt VOUll Jl\tlflRY COWONCNlS 1


Mtlindn Barta
Make these components with nonM or
crystals, leave them as rings, or make a
medallion by adding a cen1ral beod
the possibilities are endless!

IJ fllNQ. 0.dt(Ularpe)'(Mcta1wl &q1.1.1re ftovnd s:S11lna tA.. tD,.and lA:andpau
drt\11# ~'· ttltdl
t.q+.111e •Cl•icfl .titc:hC!• to fOJm a tin,y through tht next 28ol Round•: ttpUI
flo1.1nd1 1 M\d a: UM~·(I( 1hn.1d IOJtriua 11.c tJrn..,.10 add A tQtal ol 14A ai•d 10,
"'"l"t 218. 11t a k1'10t 10 form a tJitht c:lttk Sttp~throo&J' 1hcf1.rtt AIDIA(Fla,. 2.
SH J), '" tlflllttw\if 1~.\11~
P.-•thfough th~nnt B 1llw'ICcPi1. 1, 1111•1\ 1ht•Ml}.
PROJECT LEVEL 11110) 1r••n th,..•d), Round 6; S.tb1!£ 4A and p.a.t111h.i°"" tht
Stt l'f 4f.of l"O}t(r..Jn<fl~l'IM flo-.ind J: Strini( 2-8. •tp '28 of 1ht •t• rt Ina Alb/A: relX'.at ti.11 tlrnu to .W •' ... 41.cj p.1U through tt.. OC'JCI 8, t(Jl.11of2'8A. Wr.•~ ll1'°'1e,h bNdt co
rtpeAt li.111irn.•to.Wa tocalof 148. txlt (toin • 8 of Round 2 (Pia. 2, blu•
MATERIALS t.TOOLS Stctp~ tNough thct Onit 28 .tdc&ed In thr••clJ
I 9 •lte lJ' ltPln•M• W
thlt round(fl1, t, 1tlu• thr•ad),
I I Mtt u •,.,_,.bf .-ffl kid' CIJ
"ouftd 4J Stfll\lC 2&. ,._ throollf• tht Litt
Round 7tStrll'ljj IC 41tdp..u 1h~th•
1\l'Jtl I\ ol Round
1: rwve~t tl.1 tlnM1 to
) ttoMClf SHMI) S_.,,.,.,,.lt>tld, l0
) 'IOM er C:r't'l_.I )•J.s\J,.Mlfn, l'OfMkll•' (Df 28 tr.1klcd (thi. f(lcma 1h~ fifJt aq,u.,.. .add• toul ot?C. Stepve> duuu_d11h«
I ttoM 9' c:ry,ul '"""' 'll'lifld(.DptlorWt
•tilth). thf nt.\l'f'.il B of Round 2, and n,,, c CF1,. 2. t.d 1hn•d>.
• ,......... l>Hdlrot the nt10 28 o( Round 3: ffpt.ll "1JI' tin~ Round t;Strb-a 18udpw: throu&h the
Scl,,ot,., ttir•••~'"'" 10.add .a to1.alo( 1118 Stop up throua,h MJll Cl rtpt.1ti4x 1ln1tt 101ddab>WI ol
Sb• t) aNI ltbHid.fnt M.clM' th• 0.s:t 28.ddcdIn1hla round Cfta. r, 78. St<p up lhro"M)Hlw fi'11 ll cPla. S).
rid thr••tl).
Artist's Tip
SIOI~ ohen h ....e 'm•I ~Switch to• Try This!
,,,,. .. , necdlc ln>t.. d ol lotdno • 16'g<f 11 you'd •u to rt1*<• the >tone
nH<h thro!JQh •hole, rof\de41t" with 4x6mm fDCct.O
crystM rondcl .. i.. omit tho A be.adj
\bung on t.c.h ikte ot thom in
flound t:Strlnc lA.1Ms• throuah th1 Round 13: repnL dx llmt• to con1wct Round Sand ul• <41\ Jn>tltch In
nNrf'Jt 28olRound3.111rlnc tA, and the bi(Jt to th•lr'<l'M CJ1•1· I. ,.11 Round 6.8tCM.l\O thli be'Mi
pilU through the nut a°'
Round8: thr.i-..). S«\lr. tht thtc.wl and trim.or comblNtton C.AUM!S the COfnl)C)ntnl
ttpc"M 1ix thntt totdd a ll)lal o/ 14.A. add a ttnt.:r Mad. 10 dome hlvf'•r, )'OU ""Y w•nt 10
Step~ 1hroug.hthe llnit A (Ft... •). om4l t1'1 ~llor1•1 fO\Kld( on tho
Round 10: S11ln8 lA .arid p.ass throuiih th• J) CENl&lt 8EAO. l(ddlrttd, lldct•antn- lMdl •Round\ 11 ,.. ,
n~•rftl A of Row"' g_ B ol Round 8, 11\d bcad lG f0rm a nW'dalJIOn! ltltll tow;,ard ti.a T1'lo purfMt Ytttlon u1•1 3.Snvn
A C1/Rou1.S9: rf1MM1ix 1 lmtt to odd a «n(trofthertna (rum Ro1.u.ds 1 or2 fre\hW•lt• ~11rl.1o tore ~nd t 7Mm
tQl..a.1 ol2lA (Illa. S). Stcu1• 1M lh.rt;ad $\rl111 the811\rn round a•MlPo'• thr~h pt.a1t 1n the blue WH"lion
•nd1rim.or folJowScrp2. tho CJPPO'lt• a:l&t "'tlw ting. betWHn usei •mm bluo 'J)flllte roundi 'o'C
bt..dl. P.wtluOOJL11.anllldj.c:m1 ff and tod 61'1 Imm ttcf1.G' ~
21 l•ACl<. If ck,lt°ed, work :idddlotul baclt th~ th• 8n'rn rwl'ld and'~'""'' r. theeitn1tr
roundJ onttl. b.kJc t.oatlf(~ tht ring; tht thrt.:I p.llh to rrin.f'ort.. Nw: lr't no1 Vou11 find It et\l~I to PoP th•c:•ntAtl
Round 111 \\\o.a'lc thr01Jgh M.acb co tJdt .a ln1poiU1\t Jik;h ~of the tlna,)'QU .eCCtf't• in fu)m tho J1ont when
l8p.».lto(Roond LStririclB11ndp.u1 th~Jwt1nab 11ur. you don't wofklno wnh dom.d niodJllllOM
ttlltJUCh the fW'.Xl 2Bol RowMI 1; rcpt•t lu" tny•ipc111ed thtN<h whit& •1iewln11•
11• 1 lnwJ 10 add a 1·ot~Iuf 78. $trp up tht 8mm rOUndIn pl.we. •
thiwir;h thl Rn-t B added Ii. thb round

. . . . ,.-. '
(Via. 4, purpl• 1_hr•••>·
Round 12J Pt)'Ol••lk«h 28 In .,_h 1tltch 111esov 1ta s C11tdl Y"'"" • , C1Mc1 w.., '·.•,
<oM•tCI~ ........ bof•U:lt4 ~l'IQ dltfffl .tf'4 t."4
to add 11~111 cll•B. Slf'I> up through
the nr. 2R addf.dtn1hl1 ro.ind (JI" I,
btt!h ·~~,(IOotMO·iS......,..,,,
·'YQfl~-1)'.(0fJI, ~~Mt.ridfGft Ow\tt1 "".\ ""•·"""
f.tion'- (M)l •?.....
11, '"""'ft.tff\9...-.COll).
Round tli R«111d 410 "'l'Wi•• S-arcM\J '~ - •Wiit INd , ....... ,,10)
ttlcth 28to tKh :r11 p;tlt of R.oond 12 ,,. •1>>. ~O...f (fCht.CMfl '-•""
f_,Dt~ tllll>hl lJSO ,.
(Jtlc. e, bluf thrt•d}. ...."'~ tw.M•StOMi.~111 1"°-
Round 14: Sqwte-.ttillth 1.he Wt 28 ••lttd -dtl•i.t•"tMt"' ""rollfldu°"' f1•~
to 1bt nt.aml 21tfll 1Wwwl 4 " C•p•n1.tM1171l 6"'6.•ww,oir._co.
thr~ bc.Mtt 10 tXI• the ntJlt 18 o(

''-·' WW'...,itw .. 11...i


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