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OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE & AWAKEN FULL PSYCHIC AND DNA seers, psychics, and sorcerers.

eers, psychics, and sorcerers. Using crystals and gemstones in the

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of one’s past, present, and future traditionally played a key role in
Introduction to “Crystals of Power” the
One of the earliest and most well-known forms of divination is crystal decision-making process of many powerful leaders throughout history,
reading. including
Probably originated from people of stone age intrigued by beauty of crystals such notables as King Arthur, who sought out the advice and prophecies of
and Merlin
their luminescence near the fire in the cave. Soon their shamans have the Magician.
started to The Queen Elizabeth I, who at times consulted the famous seventeenth
use their reflective surfaces to gain knowledge about the world, world of century
spirits and their future. psychic, Dr. John Dee (1527-1608), on matters of state. Dee was her
Well known use of crystals and gemstones in psychic readings comes form scientific
the advisor. In later life, he became disillusioned with pure science and started
Druids, who used beryl crystal for readings. Scottish Highlanders termed experimenting with occult techniques of the day. These records of his
these starlighting results published in “Five Books of Mystical Exercises
objects “stones of power.” In the place where I live legends (Mysteriorum
about “stones of Libri Quinque)” were kept secret and only discovered by accident
power” are still alive. In old scriptures you can read that you need long after his
to observe death. In “Mysteriorum Liber Sextus et Sanctus (Liber
the summer storms very carefully and look for the spots hit by lighting. At Loagaeth)” revealed to Dr.
this Dee by the angels, is described as ‘a Book of Secrets and Key of
spots you should look for “crystals of power” which are filled this World’.
with the Also known as The Book of Enoch. Do you notice how this old techniques
amazingly energy suitable for reading, healing, spells casting or simply for and even
spiritual growth. I must admit that I have never been able to find books names are similar to some new spiritual growth movements?
“crystals of “De Heptarchia
power” using this instructions. With my friends I have found seven Mystica” is Dee’s own summary, in Grimoire form, of his
green stones techniques for
in the caves near the place where I live. We have tested them with the help communicating with angels, and practical benefits therefrom. Even now,
of long
different psychics and mediums and showed that they are about 11000 after his death, the Enchain language, the language of Angels is used in
years old and have been used as “stones of power” for almost
healing and divination. It is every serious work with Angels.
interesting to know that seers, psychics, and sorcerers usually passed this Many other cultures around the world traditionally used crystals and
“stones of power” on to their apprentices. Probably, this gemstones
green stones were the as tools for various forms of spiritual work. Examples include the diviners of
seeds of my further research and work connected to “crystals of the Yucatan, who placed great reverence on clear stones such as quartz,
power”. As you and
see instructions for searching for “stones of power” are Apache medicine men, who used crystals for inducing visions, and many
quite demanding and I other
was looking for simpler and more scientifically proven way. shamans around the world.According to culture of aborigines in Australia
The technique: "Attention between eyebrows, let mind be before thought. the
Let form atnongara stones are small crystalline structures which every medicine man
fill with breath essence to the top of the head and then shower of light." is
Activation and work with “crystals of power” supposed to be able to produce at will from his body, through which it is
Also called crystallomancy or scrying, crystal reading is a technique used by believed that they are distributed. In fact it is the possession of these stones

which gives his virtue to the medicine man. (click here to read more about Crystallization and Chemisam in their relationship to Vital Force”.
initiation of Medicine man in Australia) Lot of work
Divination, by virtue of its name, is a tool for reaching and communicating has been done by famous Wilhlem Reich during his researches of Orgone
with energy. At
the divine, which means, in a sense, crystals have always been used in the end, the most detail and the most extensive research work has been
communications, just as they are today in radios, telephones and done by
computers. The famous inventor Nikola Tesla.
reason crystals in particular became important tools for psychic reading is It had the great luck that I was able to get the most of the papers published
because of their inherent characteristics of order, symmetry and harmony. by
On Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgarde. In Zagreb, Croatia, one part of
some way it looks that Divine energy is inherent in it. According to old Technical
alchemical manuscripts this was true. Alchemists have worshiped crystals of Museum is dedicated to work of Nikola Tesla, with the lot of his devices
precious stones as the enlightened result of evolution of usual stones, which
coresponding to enlightened individuals of humankind. were reconstructed according to his papers. It was the obvious that very
Crystals are the most divine fruits of Earth born in the extreme conditions of strong
high pressure and heat. Additionally, the energetic fields of crystals and Zero Point Radiation (or life force, prana, Chi, orgone) is cause of the most
gemstones influence the energetic system of owner and what the psychic of
sees on a the magical properties of “objects of power”. Great
very subtle and often esoteric level. discovery was that instead
The following is a basic technique for crystal reading. Use this as a guide for of use of magical methods it is possible to use certain forms of Tesla
your own crystal reading, adapting the procedure where needed. currents
Remember to trust to amplify Zero Point Radiation (ZPR) in the any object and the crystals are
your intuition. the
Begin by selecting a stone which refracts light well, and feels physically and most suitable because of its inherited nature. Before this discovery it was
psychically comfortable to you. Once you’ve chosen a stone for almost impossible for most of the people to come into the contact with such
reading, clear it crystal of power. Only if you were the best and the most loved disciple of
out and charge it. Once cleared, the crystal can be used as is or charged some
with seer, psychic or shaman you were in position to inherit his “object of
energy, before using it to reading. Numerous way for crystal clearing and power”.
charging are known. Basically, all use the focused psychic energy in form of He has inherit it form his teacher with instruction to pass it to his follower.
visualizations, rituals or affirmations. It is well known that crystals are Other way, available is to start form beginning and to make one during you
gaining more and more power with the use. This is the reason why seers, lifelong spiritual work.
psychics, and sorcerers usually passed this “crystals of Crystals activated by this method are showing energy patterns few hundred
power” on to their best times
talented apprentices. You can hear amazing stories about magical stronger than usual crystals. What is the most interesting, they are not just
properties of charged, they become the activated and transmuted into permanent source
this objects which has been charged by generations of seers, psychics, and of this
sorcerers. I have been intrigued by this mystical objects and looked for energy. If you would like to obtain one “crystal of power”
alternative method of their charging for long time. I have looked for the activated by this
method method for you own practice, as well as my guidance in your work, you can
which will not take the generations of work of talented magicians. send
Therefore, I me a e-mail to
have studied the works of Baron Charles Von Richenbach. He has made first Traditionally, crystals for psychic reading were never exposed to sunlight
scientific studies of relationship of crystals to Odic (Vital) force. His because this was thought to hinder their ability to connect and
complete works were published in 1851 under the title “Physico - communicate with
Physiologocal the psychic mind, and in turn, the Divine.
Researches of the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Process for Crystal Reading:

1. Scrying is best when done at night because traditionally night rules the virtually stricken from history almost the day after his death. What did Tesla
psychic mind. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and place the crystal on a discover which threatened the powers that be? Since we already know
stand, table or hold it in your hands. about the
2. Candles are conducive to crystal reading. If you find yourself distracted many patented inventions, assumption has always been that the unknown,
by still
the reflections and movements of the flame, then experiment by using classified works were far in advance of the published ones, and were in
other light realization of projects about which Tesla had announced he was working on,
sources, or try moving the candle until you find what works for you. or
3. Now relax by breathing deeply for a few moments with your eyes closed. had already tested and developed, but had not yet “...given to the
4. Upon opening your eyes, hold the crystal in your hands until it is warm. world”.
Many The discoveries in question---the very existence of which are categorically
psychics say this is important because this step connects your energy to denied by establishment and corporate scientists---are such things as........
that of flying saucers and Electro-propulsion (click on the link
the stone. Heating the stone also activates it. Very often you will feel the to see the similar, but quite
flow of energy resulting in tingling sensations, heat and mood elevation. new
5. While holding the stone, think about what your intentions are for reading. work of Prof. Petar Bosnic on Gravifugal (antigravity) Flying Crafts)
Examples of intention might be information regarding your career, “free” or “environmental” energy
relationship, discoveries
or future. Be clear about your intention. alternative “ether” physics and science
6. Next, place the stone back in its resting place or continue holding in your Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity (click on the link to see the
hands, and then begin gazing into the crystal. theory of
7. As you gaze deeply into the crystal, move your mind beyond the physical Prof. Petar Bosnic)
structure of the stone, merging into the light within. The idea is not so much We know from available documentation and reliable sources that these
to see physical images, but instead to use the crystal and the light discoveries
reflecting and developments were realized by Tesla before his death, yet are still
in it as a tool to connect to the divine light within yourself and all things. classified. Among his many patented inventions, numerous startling
When connected, you will begin getting impressions, insights and visions discoveries
connected to intention of your reading. Practice this technique, particularly and surprises have been recently found by researchers and experimenters,
merging with the crystal, until everything flows and feels comfortable to which
you. show in retrospect that his claims were modest.
8. At the end close you eyes and focus your sight in-between eyebrows. You Tesla was born in Smiljan, Lika, Austro-Hungary (now Craotia), in 1856, and
will died
see the same light, but in complementary internal color. This method is one Jan. 3, 1943 in New York City. An early biography, Prodigal Genius, the Life
of of
the best methods for Third Eye opening.. As your Third Eye become more Nikola Tesla, by John J. O’Neill, was initially published three times in
and more November, 1944. In case you are wondering, the three publishing in the
open this inner color will become bigger and brighter. same
Nikola Tesla and Zero Point Radiation month were not due to landslide sales at the bookstores, but rather to
Tesla was a pioneering inventor and technological philosopher whose O’Neill’s
science and having been threatened and censored by the FBI, and forced to republish
inventions we use, more today, more than ever before. He has patented several
over 700 times because of their deletion and censoring of material which to this day
patents, out of which are about 60 still in mass use. is
The conspicuous vacuum created where the mention of Tesla should have still classified. It was odd, given Tesla’s repeatedly unsuccessful
been, as efforts to
one who made such important contributions to science, technology, and the get the attention of the war department, met with ignorance and shoddy
quality of our lives, raises ominous questions as to why his memory became treatment. It was not until after it came to their attention in 1942, that the

Nazis were building flying saucers and other ‘fantasy’ of the “environmental energy” out of the cosmos. This plan
weapons based on Tesla’s involved a theory of
inventions, that the U. S. Government became so concerned. radioactivity under development by Tesla in the 1890s, which entirely
So why hide something from the American public today which the Nazis presaged
stole and conflicted with currently accepted Relativism, quantum mechanics, and
before 1934? In the case of (flying saucer) electro-propulsion, this invention nuclear energy theories. (This is not to say that something called
is not only classified, but the very existence of it is categorically denied by “classical
the government, while its covert agents in the UFOlogy community attribute quantum mechanics” may not be valid, as I distinguish it from
it to “Relativist
extraterrestrial, “alien” origins. What better way to deter quantum mechanics”).
civilian scientific To Tesla, so-called “atomic energy” was in fact the result of
investigation into the obvious? “environmental
Today, over 57 years after Tesla’s death, experimenters are still energy” emanating from the cosmos, and made known to us via
conducting “radioactive”
exciting and trail-blazing experiments with Tesla’s discoveries of matter, which he said had the peculiar property of resonating and reacting
over 100 with
years ago, and continuing to find ‘hidden’ meanings in ubiquitous “cosmic radiation” (a term used by Tesla before
some of his early 1900).
writings and patents. The “cosmic radiation” of which Tesla spoke was of much
There have been countless speculations as to what Tesla’s most higher frequency than
secret what we call “radioactive emanations”, which to Tesla were
discoveries were. At the time of his death, there were in all, over 80 large the result of a
storage trunks confiscated by the FBI, from around four different storage “step-down” process, in which certain peculiar matter reacts
locations and Tesla’s hotel room safe. A total of only about 175 to and converts
pounds of this ubiquitous, omnidirectional cosmic radiation---which today modern physics
(less than a trunk) was released to Tesla’s Yugoslavian relatives, call
now held by “zero point radiation” (“ZPR”)---from higher
the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, Serbia. These comprise most of the frequencies, to lower, more useful
published Tesla materials of the institute. and appropriate frequencies, such as tachyons, photons, gamma, x-ray,
The remainder of Tesla’s papers are still classified---literally tons of ultraviolet, visible, infrared radiation, as well as magnetism and even
notes, electrical current. These step-down frequencies are much easier to detect
documents, drawings, and plans. The government distributed false rumors and
that measure than the ZPR. According to modern physics the Zero Point
“Tesla never kept notes”, which was a blatant lie. The notes Radiation is
on his Colorado omnipresent source of all energies. Easily we can recognize this as modern
Springs experiments alone (1899-1900) were enough for a large-format definition of energy what has been know from the ancient time as prana,
book of 433 chi,
pages. Considering the fact that Tesla continued to do some mysterious phlogiston, od or orgone.
research The existence of the ZPR was well known to Tesla in the 1890s, but it was
at the Colorado Springs laboratory for a number of years---from which we not
have no until recently that it became scientifically accepted as a proven fact of
notes---there is ample cause for suspicion. It is known from Tesla’s quantum physics. This radiation is of such high frequency that it normally
own word’s passes through space, the earth, and our bodies without harm or incident,
that these additional experiments at Colorado Springs were much more in
far-reaching. constant equilibrium, because its short wavelengths do not normally react
Tesla’s holy grail was to build his “electric flying or
machine”, and to draw some resonate with the atoms of most matter.

ZPR existence has been satisfactorily and reliably confirmed since 1975,
especially by the USSR and Australian researchers. According to the
of a Japanese scientist, a leader in this area, “the energy
concentration of
this energy field is several million Joules per cm3, at approximately 800
million volts tension per centimeter-extraordinarily high!
Science has also associated a certain quality with ZPR that is most exciting.
is called negative entropy or negentropy. Negentropy makes the order out
chaos. It appears that the more positive entropy associated with an
organism the
more disorder, disease or chaos is present. According to older science,
death of
an system is natural process of rising of its entropy. That seems to help
explain why charged crystals are working so well. It appears that they cause
order out of a chaotic system.
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