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(Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of India)

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le I: 011-26856498, Fae No. 011-26514179

F.110362/02/2017-18/KVS(Acad)/CBSE Result Dated 05.06.2018

Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices and
Principal KV Kathmandu, Tehran & Moscow.
Subject: Amendment in Article 105 and 106 Examination and
Promotion Rules of the Education Code.


In pursuance of decision taken in 109th Board of Governors

meeting was held on 06.03.2018, the amended .article 105 and 106
Examination and Promotion Rules of the Education Code is enclosed
for perusal and necessary action at your end.

Yours sincerely,

. ~\~u&'
(P. V. Sai Ranga Rao)
Deputy Commissioner (Acad.)
Encl: As stated above
Copy to:
1. PS to Additional Commissioner (Acad.)
2. PA to Joint Commissioner (Acad.)

Amended Article 105 and 106 is as follows:

Existing Article 105 Amended Article 105

The Sangathan shall follow a system of The Sangathan shall follow
continuous and comprehensive evaluation revised scheme of Assessment
of a pupil's achievements in academics. as under:
Tests and Examinations: A. Periodic tests from Class
In each academic year, the Vidyalaya . VI - VIII:
shall hold the following tests and
examinations : i) There shall be two Periodic
A. Unit tests from Class VI onwards : Tests to assess the pupil's
i) There shall be a minimum of three progress throughout the
unit tests to assess the pupil's year. Periodic Test-1 carries
progress throughout the year. The weightage of 10 marks with
duration of unit tests will be uniformly syllabus covered till 31st
90 minutes each for all the subjects. July and Periodic Test-2
carries weightage of 10
ii) During the days of the unit tests, the marks with syllabus covered
first three period shall be left for the from 1st August to 31st
test. Normal school classes will be December.
held from the fourth period onwards
after giving a break of 10 minutes. ii) The question papers for the
The remaining 5 periods will be held periodic tests shall be
as usual as per the regular time-table prepared at the school level
without any change. and should be common to all
iii) Each unit test would be of 40 marks. sections of the class.
The total marks for unit tests will,
therefore be 120. In the final result iii) Suitable seating
cared, the weightage for unit tests will arrangement will be made
be arrived at 20 by dividing the total for each periodic test.
marks by 6.
iv) The question papers for the unit tests iv) The school wiil provide
shall be prepared at the school level stationery to the children.
and should be common to all sections
of the class. v) The answer books will be
v) Suitable seating arrangement will be returned to the children
made for each unit. after evaluation and marks
vi) The school will provide stationery to will be recorded in the
the children. register.
vii) The answer books will be returned to
the children after evaluation and B. (1) Midterm (Half Yearly)
recording of marks in the marks lists. Examination
B. Cumulative Examinations
i) It will be conducted
( 1) Half Yearly: tentatively in the 1st/2nd
week of October covering the
This will be conducted in the third week syllabus up to 30th Sept.
of November covering the entire syllabus ii) The duration of this
up to that period. The duration of this examination will be 2 hours
examination will be 2 hours 30 minutes 30 minutes for classes VI to
for classes VI to VIII and 3 hours for VIII.
classes IX and XI with formal seating iii) The results shall be used by
arrange~ent. The question papers of the teachers to modify their
each subject would be of 100 marks instructions for fuller
which will be reduced to 20 for final achievement of the
assessment. The results shall be used by objectives by orgamzmg
the teachers to modify their instructions special instructions / classes
for fuller achievement of the objectives by wherever individual
organizing special instructions / classes weaknesses have been
wherever individual · weaknesses have identified.
been identified.

1) Session Ending Examination : (2) Session Ending

1. This shall be conducted in the third 1. This shall be conducted m
week of March. the second/third week of
11. The entire course prescribed for the March.
year shall be covered m this 11. The duration of this
~ .
examination. examination will be 2 hours
111. The duration of each paper shall not 30 minutes for classes VI to
exceed 3 hours for Classes IX and XI VIII.
and 2 hours 30 minutes for Classes 111. For Classes VI to VIII,
VI to VIII for each subject. session ending examination
iv. This shall be supervised by the Question Paper should cover
Region with a common set of question learning outcomes/ concepts
papers. The evaluation shall be done (applied aspects) from the
at the cluster level under the content prescribed for i=
supervision of the Education Officer term only (April to
or his representative. September and this should
v. The question papers of each subject NOT be content based) to the
shall be set for 100 marks which will extent of 10% of the syllabus
be reduced to 40 for final assessment. in Class VI, 20% of the
Papers in subjects involving practical syllabus in Class VII and
work In Classes IX and XI shall be set 30% of the syllabus in Class
on CBSE pattern. VIII.

C.Pre Board Examinations:

(2) Pre Board Examinations:
There shall be a minimum of two
There shall be a minimum of three Pre Pre Board examinations for
Board examinations for Classes X and Class X & XII prior to Board
XII before the students go in for the examination. In this Pre Board
actual Board examination. In these Pre Examinations, there shall be
Board Examinations, there shall be common question paper in each
common question papers in each subject subject which shall be prepared
which shall be prepared by the Regional by the Regional Office or as per

Office. However, the evaluation of the instructions issued by KVS (HQ)
answer sheets shall be done at the from time to time. The evaluation
Vidyalaya level. of the answer sheets shall be
D). Register of Examination Results done at the Vidyalaya level or as
per instructions issued by KVS
The Principal shall maintain a register of (HQ) from time to time.
examination results in which the D. Register of E¥mination
consolidated results of all the Results:
tests/ examinations held shall be recorded
class wise and subject wise, together with The Principal shall maintain a
a description of the measures taken to register of examination results
remedy the weaknesses identified. The m which the consolidated
question papers, marks sheets and results of all the tests /
answer books of the session ending examinations held shall be
examination shall be preserved for one recorded class wise and subject
year for reference. The result of wise, together with a description
promotion/retention shall be declared by of the measures taken to remedy
the Principal on the last day of March. the weaknesses identified. The
E. Minimum Attendance for Session question papers, marks sheets
Ending Examination. and answer books of the session
A pupil may not be allowed to sit in the ending examination shall be
session ending examination if he has not preserved for one \ year for
put in a minimum of 75 percent of the reference. The result of
total attendance upto 15th of March of the promotion / retention shall be
academic session, including attendance declared by the Principal in the
put in a previous school if the student last week of March.
has been admitted on transfer. The E. Minimum Attendance
Principal shall be competent to condone for Session Ending
shortage in attendance upto 15 percent in Examination.
special circumstances meriting this
concession e.g., illness etc. The Assistant The RTE provision may be kept
Commissioner shall be competent to in mind from class I to VIII to
condone the attendance of a student upto decide the issue of attendance.
50% to take the session ending However for Classes IX & XI the
examination. The Commissioner may give existing provision in Education
relaxation beyond this in exceptional Code would continue. For
cases. classes X & XII CBSE\guidelines
shall be followed.
F. Provision for children being F. Provision for children being
admitted in the middle of the session admitted in the middle of
i) Attendance for such children the session
admitted in the school shall be i) Attendance for such
counted from the date of admission. children admitted in the
The required percentage of school shall be counted
attendance shall be calculated with from the date of admission.
reference to the date of admission The required percentage of
and not from the beginning of the attendance shall be
academic year. calculated with reference to
ii) In cases where a child has missed the date of admission and


unit tests because of late admission, not from the beginning of

the proportionate weightage for unit the academic year.
tests may be arrived at on the basis ii) In cases where a child has
of the unit test in which the child has missed periodic tests
appeared after his admission. This because of late admission,
will be applicable only to late the proportionate weightage
admissions and no other case. for tests may be arrived at,
Example : If a child is admitted after on the basis of the test in
two unit test are over and secures 26 which the child has
marks out 40 in the remaining unit appeared after his
test, his proportionate weightage admission. This will be
would be 26/2 = 13 out of 20 in the applicable only to late
final result. admissions and no other
iii) For ~eightage for home assignments case.
and projects, the child may be iii) For weightage for note
required to submit the same after books, subject enrichment
admission and the same may be etc., the child may be
evaluated. required to submit the same
after admission and the
same may be evaluated.
Provision for children who are absent
in Tests/ Examinations: G. Provision for children
who are absent in Tests/
i) A separate test/ examination may be Examinations :
conducted for a child who could not
appear in the regular i) A separate test/ examination
test/ examination because of medical may be conducted for a
reasons. child who could not appear
in the regular test/
ii) On \10 other ground shall the examination on account of
absence of a child in appearing for a medical grounds/
test or examination be condoned participation in various
and for such absence, the child will events/ activities conducted
be awarded "No Grade" for primary by KVS.
and "Zero" for other classes in the
said examination. · ii) On no other ground shall
the absence of a child in
iii) In an academic year, if the occasion appearing for a test or
for this re test for a child is more examination be condoned
than once, the matter would be and for such absence, the
reported to the Assistant child will be awarded "No
Commissioner who will check the Grade" for primary and
genuineness of the case. The re test "Zero" for other classes in
would, however, be conducted the said examination.
pending directions from the
Assistant Commissioner, but the iii) In an academic year, if the
outcome would be withheld pending occasion for this re -test for
the decision of the Assistant a child is more than once,
Commissioner. the matter would be

reported to the Deputy

Commissioner who will
check the genuineness of
the case. The re test would,
however, be conducted
pending directions from the
Deputy Commissioner, but
the outcome would be
withheld pending the
decision of the Deputy

Existing Article 106 Amendment Article 106
A. The final assessment of a pupil A. The assessment of a pupil for
will be based on his total classes III to VIII term wise is
achievement out of a as under:
maximum of 100 marks in Term-1
each distributed as under : i) Periodic Test-1 10 marks
ii) Note book 05 marks
a) Class Work & 10 Submission
Home Work marks
iii) Subject 05 marks
b) Unit Tests 20
iv) Midterm 80\marks
c) Half Yearly Exam 20 (Half Yearly)
Total 100 marks
d) Project/ Practicals 10
e) Session ending 40
Exam Marks
i) Periodic Test-2 10 marks
ii) Note book 05 marks
Total 100
iii) Subject 05 marks
Grades will be awarded to
iv) Session ending 80 marks
students in no scholastic subjects
like Work Experience, Physical
Education, Music, Yoga etc. on the
Total 100 marks
basis of their performance in the
particular activity throughout the
sessron. Co-Scholastic Activities: Work
B. For Primary Classes Education or pre-Vocation
i) Promotion from Class I and II Education, Art Education and
shall be decided on the basis of Health and Physical Education,
Bharat Scout & Guides, Sports,
continuous and comprehensive NCC, Yoga etc. These activities will
assessment made every month be graded on a 3-point grading scale
of the work done in the class (A to C) separately for both the
and assignments given to the terms. 3-point grading system (A-
children. No Unit test, half Outstading, B-Very Good and C-
yearly examination and session Fair) shall also be used to assess
ending examination would held discipline, punctuality, etiquettes,
for them. tidiness attitude etc. separately for
ii) All strdents of Classes I and II both the terms.
shall be promoted. B. For Classes (I & 11)
iii) If a child gets E grade in 3 i) There is no formal examination
subjects or more, in Class III for classes I and II. The teacher
onwards, he/she can be shall evaluate the students
detained in the same class with through continuous and
the consent of the parent. comprehensive evaluation (CCE).
iv) In case the parent does not give The testing can be done
consent, the student will be simultaneously while teaching or
promoted to the next class. separately.
However, if the student again
gets E grade. In 3 subjects or ii) There shall be minimum 8 cycles
more in the next class, the of CCE.
Principal shall detain the child Classes IX -X
in the same class. A new pattern of assessment will be
v) The child who gets E grade in followed having an internal
any 2\subjects in Class V will be assessment of 20% and external
given an opportunity to improve assessment of 80% as per CBSE
upon it and if he gets D even in guidelines.
one subject, he will be promoted Class XI
to Class VI. 1. The qualifying marks in each
vi) Promotion from Class I upto subject of external examination
Class V may be made on the shall be 33%. However, in a
basis of total performance in subject involving practical/
periodical and midsession project work, a candidate must
tests/or informal final test. It is obtain 33% marks in the
expected that stagnation practical/project separately m
through failures will be nit or addition to 33% marks m
absolutely minimized in these aggregate, in order to qualify m
classes. The assessment of that subject.
competencies and skills shall be 2. In order to be declared as having
made'xon a five point scale viz., passed the Class XI Examination,
A, B, C, D and E where E stands a candidate shall obtain 33%
for 'needs guidance'. marks in all the subjects (without
additional subject). The pass
C. For Classes VI to IX and XI marks in each subject of
Each student would need to pass· the examination shall be 33%. In
continuous and comprehensive case of subject involving practical
evaluation as well as the annual / project work a candidate must
examination separately with at least obtain 33% marks in theory and
33% marks. Thus, each child shall 33% m practical/project
need to obtain not less than 20 separately in additional to 33%
marks out of 60 in each subject in marks in aggregate in order to '
the continuous and comprehensive qualify in that subject. \ ·
assessment for class VI onwards and 3. A candidate failing in one of the
13 marks out of 40 in annual five subjects of examination at
examinations, for being promoted to Class XI shall be placed in
the next class. To pass the Compartment in that subject
examination, a student must obtain provided he / she qualifies in all
not less than 33% marks in each of the subjects of internal
the academic subjects viz., assessment (As per CBSE
Languages, Mathematics, Science Examination Byelaws Notification
and Social Studies and at least 33% dated 29.11.2016 regarding
in the aggregate. Additions / Amendments m
Examination Bye-Laws, para
D. In Classes IX and XI if a candidate 40.2.)
secures less than 33% in one or 4. A candidate has to appear
two subjects in the session ending compulsorily in session ending
examination, he will be eligible to examination for promotion to
take the supplementary class XII.
examination in those subjects. 5. A total of 10 grace marks spread
The candidate will be promoted to all over the subjects with a
the next higher class only if maximum of 04 marks in one
he/ she secures 33% marks in subject, can be given to a
each of these subjects in the students who participated in the
supplementary examination. The KVS National Meet/SGFI Meet in
supplementary examination shall that Academic Year. These marks
be conducted 3 weeks after the can be given in the column of
declaration of the results and final weighted score to the extent
would be conducted under the needed to promote the student
supervision of the Assistant and not to bring him/her in the
Commissioner. zone of supplementary case.
E. Grace Marks C. Examination Committee :
Grace marks shall not be more Each Vidyalaya shall set up an
than 10 in all the subjects put Examination Committee. The
together restricted to a maximum Principal will be the Chairman of this
of 5 marks in one subject. These Committee. It shall have at least
would be awarded on the actual four to five members of the staff
marks obtained by a student besides the Principal serving on it.
reducing them to the weightage of The Principal may co-opt class
60 or 40 while bringing out the teachers/subject teachers, wherever
final assessment. necessary, at his discretion. The
That is to say, that these 5 marks Examination Committee shall be an
in a subject can be awarded either internal Committee of the Vidyalaya
in session ending examination or and shall be constituted every year,
100 marks paper or in continuous so that it keeps a regular watch on
comprehensive evaluation before the progress of the pupils. The
reducing the marks to the functions of the Examination
weightage of 60 or 40. This can Committee will be : \
either be in the session ending i) To prepare guidelines for paper
examination or continuous setters for tests and
comprehensive evaluation or split examinations in different subject
up in both. The ceiling for a areas and to decide about the
subjec\ shall remain 05 marks. weightage to be given to different
F. Examination Committee : instructional objectives, types
Each Vidyalaya shall set up an and kinds of questions to be set
Examination Committee. The and marking procedures to be
Principal will be the Chairman of this adopted.
Committee. It shall have at least four
to five members of the staff besides ii) To moderate test papers/ items
the Principal serving on it. The set by the examiners and to
Principal may co-opt class check sample scripts to ensure
teachers/subject teachers, wherever uniformity.
necessary, at his discretion. The
Examination Committee shall be an D. Re-examination and Re-
internal Committee of the Vidyalaya evaluation
and shall be constituted every year, i) The Principal shall conduct no re-
so that it keeps a regular watch on examination or re-evaluation of
the progress of the pupils. The answer books.
functions \ of the Examination ii) In case of grave complaints of foul
Committee will be: play, these matters will be
i) To prepare guidelines for paper referred to the Deputy
setters for tests and Commissioner. In situations
examinations m different where the Deputy Commissioner
subject areas and to decide is satisfied that the evaluation
about the weightage to be given process in the session- ending
to different instructional examination or the mid- term
objectives, types and kinds of examination has not been fair, he
questions to be set and may order only scrutiny of
marking procedures to be answer books of session-ending
adopted. examination in cases where the
child has scored very good marks
ii) To moderate test papers/ items in other subjects and failed in
set by the examiners and to one or two subjects. Scrutiny
check sample scripts to ensure will cover only re-totaling and
uniformity. marking of un-rnarked answers
iii) To monitor the award of grace
G. Re-examination and Re-
i) The Principal shall conduct no re-
examination or re-evaluation of
answer books.
ii) In case of grave complaints of foul
play, these matters will be referred
to the Assistant Commissioner. In
situations where the Assistant
Commissioner is satisfied that the
evaluation process in the session-
ending examination or the mid-
term examination has not been
fair, he may order only scrutiny of
answer books of session-ending
examination in cases where the
child has scored very good marks
in other subjects and failed in one \
or two subjects. Scrutiny will
cover only re-totaling and marking
of un-marked answers etc.


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