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Information & Communication Technology

Time Allowed: 2 hours Total marks: 100

Note: Attempt any 5 question .All questions carry equal (10) marks

Q1. What is Information technology? What are the components of IT.

Q2. What is computer? What are the types of computers? Explain with the help of examples.

Q3.What are input and output devices? Explain each of them with the help of examples.

Q4. What is software? What are the types of softwares.

Q5. Define the following.

i) Virus Hoax
ii) CAM
iii) CAD
iv) Softcopy.

Q6. (a)Describe various types of printers?

(b)Computer crimes

Q7. What are different storage devices used in computer? What is bit, byte, MB, KB, GB.

Q8. Convert the following number systems.

1. (1010101)2 to (?)10

2. (5454)8 to (?)10

3. (D4C7)16 to (?)10

4. (5675)10 to ()2

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