Name of Teacher: Mr. Yosong C. Yensya School: Anne's Raquel Hillside NHS Semester: First

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Name of Teacher: Mr. Yosong C. Yensya School: Anne’s Raquel Hillside NHS Semester: First

Subject: Earth and Life Science

Date: May 9, 2017
Grade & Section: GAS 11
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: How genetic engineering is used to produce novel products
B. Performance Standard: Conduct a survey of products containing substances that can trigger genetic disorders
such as phenylketonuria
C. Learning Competencies: Conduct a survey of the current uses of genetically modified organisms
At the end of the session, learners are able to:
1. Describe genetically modified organisms;
2. Create a documentary film about the different uses of GMO’s;
3. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using GMO’s;

II. Content:
Perpetuation of Life

III. Learning Resources:

A. References: Earth and Life Science, Philippine Copyright 2016, pp. 249-251
B. Other learning reference:
C. Materials: LCD, manila paper, marker

IV. Procedure:
A. Review of the previous lesson:
 Ask the students “How is DNA used in genetic engineering”? Elicit responses from the students.

B. Establishing a purpose for the new lesson:

 The teacher will present the Before and After pictures of variety of plants, crops or fruits. The student will be
given 4 sets of pictures to compare the differences among them.
 Based on the observation coming from the students, the teacher will introduce the connection of genetic
engineering to GMO’s.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson:

 Let the students perform Activity No. 7. p. 251 about GMO’s. See attachment at Annex A.
 The teacher will ask students to present their answers in the class.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills:

 The teacher will discuss additional thoughts and concepts about GMO’s.
 The class will divide into 2 groups. Each group will assigned to make a short debate about the advantages and
disadvantages of GMO products.
 The teacher will now summarize the student’s responses about the advantages and disadvantages of GMO’s.

E. Developing Mastery:
 The teacher will ask students to create documentary film addressing advantages and disadvantages of using
GMO products.
 Possible respondents are Nutritionist, Farmers, Agriculturists, Nurse, Market Vendors and Teachers

F. Making the generalizations and abstraction about the lesson:

1. What are the uses of GMO in field of medicine, agriculture, marketing and health.

G. Finding practical applications of concept and skills in daily living:

1. What are the effects of GMO products in human life?
2. How will you apply the concept of GMO in your daily life?

H. Evaluating learning:
 The teacher will assess their documentary films using rubrics, p. 7. See attachment at Annex B.

I. Enrichment/ Remediation:

J. Assignment:
V: Remarks:

VI. Reflection:
a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson?

d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation


e. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did these work?


f. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

g. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:
Mr. Yosong C. Yensya
Checked by:
Sonny P. De Leon Ph. D
Annex A
Activity No. 7:

Materials: Pen and paper

Questions: What would you do in the following situations?

1. You are a tomato farmer whose crops are threatened by a persistent species of beetles. Each year, you spend large
sums of money for pesticides to protect your crops. A biotechnology company introduces a new strain of tomato
plant that produces a natural pesticide, making it resistant to the beetle.

2. As a family physician, you often treat children who suffer from infectious diseases that could easily be prevented
through vaccination. But the parents of many of your patients cannot afford the cost of vaccinations. You hear of
a new approach that would reduce the cost to a fraction of its current price: genetically modified fruits and
vegetables eatables that contain various vaccines.

3. You are a leader of a developing nation. Hunger is a problem among your citizen: the salty coastal wet lands of
your country can’t support the growth of needed crops, and your slow economy can’t support importing enough
food for everyone.

Annex B
Criteria for Grading:



Total: 100%

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