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Administering Avaya IP Office Contact

Center IVR Editor

Release 10.1
Issue 1
May 2017
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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  7
Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 7
Change history........................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2: Overview of Interactive Voice Response.............................................................  8
Examples of IVR usage...........................................................................................................  8
Architecture topologies..........................................................................................................  10
Topology for data storage................................................................................................  11
Chapter 3: IVR scripts and script elements.......................................................................... 13
Purpose of IVR scripts...........................................................................................................  13
IVR script types..................................................................................................................... 13
IVR script elements...............................................................................................................  14
Basic elements................................................................................................................ 14
Speech elements............................................................................................................  19
Telephony elements........................................................................................................  32
Database elements.......................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 4: Working with IVR scripts..................................................................................... 50
Logging in to the IVR Editor.................................................................................................... 50
Creating IVR script folders.....................................................................................................  50
Creating an IVR script............................................................................................................ 51
Opening IVR scripts............................................................................................................... 51
IVR script elements...............................................................................................................  51
Adding elements.............................................................................................................  51
Connecting elements.......................................................................................................  53
Editing element properties................................................................................................ 54
Moving elements.............................................................................................................  54
Deleting elements............................................................................................................ 54
Creating and editing local variables................................................................................... 55
Changing and refreshing IVR script views...............................................................................  56
Assigning IVR scripts............................................................................................................. 57
Properties tab field descriptions........................................................................................  58
Saving and enabling IVR scripts.............................................................................................  58
Script error messages...................................................................................................... 59
Previewing and printing IVR scripts......................................................................................... 60
Closing all IVR script windows................................................................................................  60
Moving IVR scripts to a different folder....................................................................................  60
Renaming IVR scripts or folders.............................................................................................  61
Deleting IVR scripts or folders................................................................................................  61
IVR script tools...................................................................................................................... 61
Configuring IVRs.............................................................................................................  61

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Defining time-off periods..................................................................................................  65

Exporting the IVR script data............................................................................................  65
Importing IVR script data.................................................................................................. 66
Chapter 5: Resources............................................................................................................. 67
Documentation...................................................................................................................... 67
Finding documents on the Avaya Support website.............................................................  69
Training................................................................................................................................  69
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos................................................................................................. 70
Support................................................................................................................................  71
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base........................................................................... 71
Glossary................................................................................................................................... 72

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 6

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This document describes how to use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) module. This module is
intended for administrators.
For more information about IVR Editor scenarios and IVR script configuration, see Avaya IP Office
Contact Center IVR Scenarios Task Based Guide.
The online help version of this document in the IP Office Contact Center build might not be the
latest version. Obtain the final version from For information about
finding documents, see Finding documents on the Avaya Support website on page 69.

Change history
The following table summarizes major changes in this document.

Issue Release date Summary of changes

Release 10.0, November 2016 • Added new “Introduction” and “Resources” chapters.
Issue 1
• Added additional information about announcement text.
Release 10.1, May 2017 • Added a note in the “Introduction” chapter indicating that the
Issue 1 latest version of this document is available at http://
• Updated measurement unit information for WAV file formats.
• Added information about stored procedure calls in Database
requirements on page 48.

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Chapter 2: Overview of Interactive Voice

The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) ( ) module provides customer services, such as automatic
announcements and Text To Speech (TTS). The IVR Editor includes the following:
• DTMF tone recognition for evaluating subscriber entries.
• Announcement creation with .WAV files or TTS. You can write TTS text in a script element, a
text file, or a CallTag.
• Voice mail recording and distribution. You can also forward voice mails to an agent through
• Read and write access to content stored in external databases.
• Script features, such as creating scripts, and adding or editing elements.
• Telephony functions with querying elements, such as call, refer back, and transfer.

Examples of IVR usage

Information announcement example
Condition Result
A caller wants information about winning numbers IVR plays an announcement about different lottery
from various lottery draws. draw options, and the caller enters the appropriate
DTMF digit to hear about a specific lottery draw. The
system reads information about the selected lottery
from the database with the text-to-speech feature.

Queue message and the voice mail example

Condition Result
No call center agent is available. Through IVR, the caller hears an announcement about
the expected waiting time until the next agent is
available. The caller can opt to call back later or leave
a message. The voice dialog system available through
IVR gives the caller the option to leave a voice mail

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Examples of IVR usage

The following task flow displays how the system routes a call before transferring the caller to voice

Route voice message first, then to last agent,

then to personal contact.
Service Prio
1 1
2 First prio:
3 current
4 agent

Second prio:
last agent

If there is and was no

communication for a
dedicated time:
route to preferred agent

Y 1
N Record
if waiting
Route recorded Voice Message is too long

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Overview of Interactive Voice Response

Call number change example

Condition Result
The number to call changes from a three-digit If the contact center database recognizes the old three-
extension to a four-digit extension, and the caller is digit extension:
unaware of this change and dials the old number.
1. The caller hears an IVR announcement about the
number change.
2. The system routes the caller to the new number.
If the database does not recognize the old number, the
system transfers the call to a switchboard agent to
connect to the new number.

Architecture topologies
The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an integrated component of the IP Office Contact Center
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) standard connects the Voice Control
server, (ivr.exe), to the Common Hardware Abstraction Platform (CHAP). CHAP hides the
configured routes to the PBX. CHAP is connected to the PBX through TCP (SIP extension). The IP
Office Contact Center server components use a CORBA connection to control the Voice Control
With this configuration, the Voice Control server controls the announcements channels. The system
saves the configuration and the IVR scripts in the IP Office Contact Center database.

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Architecture topologies

(kernel & routing)

IP Office
Task server


SIP Extension TAPI

IP Office

Topology for data storage

The following image provides an overview of how the system stores the Voice Control data.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 11

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Overview of Interactive Voice Response


Voice Voice Disk Disk

User Control Control drive drive
IVR IVR wav wav
script script file file
IVR Editor

Ina_srv db_srv

CC database (XML)

Figure 1: Data storage topology

This architecture has two Voice Control systems and two storage areas with .WAV files.
Data storage overview
The system creates the IVR scripts with the IVR Editor tool and stores the scripts in the IP Office
Contact Center database. When the storage process starts, the database loads the scripts and
generates the necessary script elements or classes. When the system requires a script, the contact
center triggers the Voice Control server to process the script.
The system saves the .WAV files and voice mails in the local network drives that the Voice Control
server can access, and not in the database directly. You must configure quick access to the network
storage drives to avoid voice mail interruptions. You must also configure Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) on every Voice Control server to get access to the customer databases.

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Chapter 3: IVR scripts and script elements

Purpose of IVR scripts

You can use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Editor tool to create and edit the Voice Control
IVR scripts for IP Office Contact Center.
IVR scripts contain the following information:
• Description of a requested process
• Specification of what to do with a connection
• Announcements played to callers
• Options for callers
• Specification of how to handle caller entries, such as voice mails and database entries

IVR script types

You can use an IVR script as an announcement, a greeting, or an automatic agent.
Announcement script
• The control of the call remains with the task flow.
• You can withdraw the call from Voice Control at any time.
• You can start an announcement or greeting script.
• You can start a script inside another announcement or greeting script.
Greeting script
• The control of the call remains with the task flow.
• The script is the task flow greeting.
• You can start an announcement or greeting script.
• The time that a caller spends with a greeting script is not counted as wait time in the statistics.
This time is calculated separately.
Automatic agent script
• The system transfers the control of the call to Voice Control.
• You can only start automatic agents scripts.

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IVR scripts and script elements

• You can use an automatic agent script to make, drop, or transfer calls, and to make
consultation calls.

IVR script elements

An IVR script consists of units called elements. The types of elements are:
• Basic elements
• Speech elements
• Telephony elements
• Database elements
You can also add a comment element to a script. A comment appears as text in the script, and does
not change the flow of the script.
General element properties
Name Description
Label Specifies the name of the element. This name is displayed on the icon. You can
print and import this icon with the label. You can use maximum 29 alphanumeric
Not interruptible Specifies whether the script is interruptible. The default setting is interruptible.
With this setting, the system can end the script while the element is running. For
example, the system can end the script to route the call. The system applies this
setting to the announcement and greeting scripts.
Comment Displays the comment with a tool tip. The system exports the comment. You
can use maximum 250 alphanumeric characters.

Basic elements
The basic elements are the essential elements of an IVR script.
Table 1: Description of basic elements

Icon Name Description

Start Specifies the beginning of a script.
You must use one start element in a script. You cannot return to the start element.
The start elements have one exit connector and no Error-exit connectors.
End Specifies the end of a script.
The end element does not stop an established connection. You can use any
number of end elements in a script. The end elements can have more than one
input connector and no Error-exit connectors.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Icon Name Description

Trace Generates an output in TTrace. You can use operators, local variables, and tags.
The trace elements have an Error-exit connector.
Logic Displays the logic condition.
The Logic elements can have more than one input connector, a Y-exit connector,
and an N-exit connector.
The distribution to an exit connector depends on the condition defined in the logic
unit. If the condition is met, the system uses the Y-exit connector. If the condition is
not met, the system uses the N-exit connector. You can use variables and tags in a
condition. You must indicate the strings with quotation marks. For this element, you
need not use <: and :> signs on both ends of the string to identify the variables.
You can create any number of logic elements.
Check Time Verifies a configured period of time. If the period that you set is true, the system
Periods distributes the time period to the Y-exit connector. If the period is false, the system
distributes the time period to the N-exit connector. You can select different task
flows for weekdays and weekends.
You can enter any combination of time, date, weekday, and time off as a period.
The IVR scripts and voice control use the same database for the time-off data.
The Check Time Periods element can have more than one input connectors.
The date, time, and day of the week form a block in the following format:
(Date && Time && (Day of week || Day of week)) || Breaks).
The elements are linked with a logical AND, and the selected day of the week is
linked with a logical OR. The breaks are linked with a logical OR.
The Check Time Periods element has no Error-exit connectors.
Define Sets a variable.
The variable can be a configured variable or tag.
You can assign the following values to a variable:
• String in quotation mark. For example, “hello”.
• Numbers. For example, 1001.
• Value of another variable. For example, var1.
• Result of a term with operators. For example, var1+100.
The Define variable elements can have more than one input connectors, but only
one exit connector. You can use any number of Define variable elements.
If you define values in a database and use for these variables, then you must define
the variables with the quotation marks. The value in the Define variable element
must contain a quotation mark at the beginning and at the end.
The Define variable elements have Error-exit connectors.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Icon Name Description

Branch Checks the value of a variable, and then assigns an exit connector to valid variable
values. The D-exit connector is used if the value of the variable does not match any
defined variable value.
You cannot delete variables after the system assigns a connection to the variables.
You can add a new variable until the default D exit connector has no connection.
The Branch elements can have more than one input connectors.
Wait Defines a waiting time for a caller. The IVR script flow continues after the wait time
is over.
The Wait elements can have multiple input connectors, but only one exit connector.
This element does not use Error-exit connectors. You can use any number of Wait
elements in an IVR script.
Start script Stops the current IVR script and starts a new IVR script without changing any
existing connections.
The Start script elements can have one input connector, but no exit connector or
Error-exit connector.
You can use any number of Start script elements in an IVR script. However, the
limitations while creating a new script are:
• If the existing script is an announcement or greeting script, you can only create an
announcement or greeting script.
• If the existing script is an automatic agent script, you can only create an automatic
agent script.
Start program Starts a new program.
The Start program elements can have multiple input connectors and must have an
Error-exit connector. At the Error-exit connector, a tool tip displays the possible
errors with an error number and the explanation.

The type for all Basic elements is task.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Trace field descriptions

Name Description
Trace output Displays the trace output.

Button Description
Operators Displays the list of configured operators.
Local variables Displays the list of configured local variables.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags.

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IVR script elements

Logic field descriptions

Name Description
Condition Displays the logic condition.
Error codes Displays the list of error codes and numbers.
The types of error codes are:
• Audio
• Database
The tool tip on the Error-exit connectors displays the error

Button Description
Operators Displays the list of configured operators.
Local variables Displays the list of configured local variables.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags.

Check Time Periods field descriptions

Name Description
Date Specifies a period in days or years. You can select a start date and an end
date in the Windows date format.
Time Specifies a period. You must use the Windows date format. You must
configure this setting.
Time off Specifies whether the time-off periods are set.

Related links
Defining time-off periods on page 65

Define Variable field descriptions

Name Description
Variables Displays the name of the local variable or tag.
You can use the following variables:
• _VMDefault: Indicates voice mail. This variable is the default variable for the
CC.VoiceMsgProcessed tag.
• D_LineFree: Indicates the number of available channels when the system
uses variable.
• D_LineBusy: Indicates the number of busy channels when the system uses
• D_LineAvailable: Indicates the total number of available channels.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Name Description
• D_InvokeID: Indicates the invoke ID, which is a unique and invariable
identification number that exists during the entire script flow. The invoke ID
exists even in the invoked subscripts. You cannot change this ID. You can
save this ID in the database to store information about a specific call.
You must create the variables in the correct format before you can use the
variable in this element.
New value Displays the value set for the variable.

Button Description
Operators Displays the list of configured operators.
Local variables Displays the list of configured local variables.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags.

Branch field descriptions

Name Description
Variable Displays the name of the local variable or tag.
Values of variables Displays the possible values for the variable. The system creates an
exit connector for each value of the variable. You can add values for
the variable or delete values of the variable.

Button Description
Add Adds a new variable or tag.
Delete Deletes existing variables or tags.
Local variables Displays the list of configured local variables.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags.

Wait field descriptions

Name Description
Wait time (minutes:seconds) Specifies the wait time in minutes and seconds. The minimum
wait time is 1 second, and the maximum waiting time is 60

Start Script field descriptions

Name Description
Script Displays the name of the script that the system starts. You can select a script
from the list of configured scripts.

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Start Program field descriptions

Name Description
Program Specifies the name of the program to be started with the parameters
and the variables for the program.
The options are:
• Enter the name of the program. For example, program.exe. You
can also specify a custom folder location, or you can select the
Default folder option.
• Select the Var option, and enter the program name as a variable.
You can also specify a custom folder location, or you can select the
Default folder option.
• Enter the program name and the folder name as a variable. You
must enter the folder name in the Folder var: field.
Waiting for end of program Specifies whether the system waits for the program to end before
processing the output, such as scripts.
Program output var Specifies the variable for the program output. You can use maximum
1000 characters.
This variable is optional.

You need not this setting if the new program does not have any
associated output, such as scripts.
Return value var Specifies the variable for the customized completion status for the
program. This variable is optional.

Button Description
Browse Displays the list of folders. You can select a folder from the Select
program list.
Local variables Displays the list of configured local variables.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags.

Speech elements
The Speech elements define the voice options within the IVR system.
Element Name Description
Announcement Specifies the type of announcement.
In an Announcement element, you can add one or more sound files,
such as .wav files, or you can add a variable. If you add more than one
announcement file to an element, you must use a semicolon to separate
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Element Name Description

the files. If you use a variable, you must ensure that the variable
contains all required settings for the announcement.
The Announcement elements can have multiple input connectors, but
only one exit connector. These elements use Error-exit connectors with
a tool tip displaying the error number and the explanation.
You can use any number of Announcement elements in an IVR script.
Announcement Specifies an announcement followed by the DTMF digits.
plus DTMF
In this element, you must define the DTMF digits that the caller must
enter to select specific options.
The Announcement plus DTMF elements can have multiple input
connectors and one exit connector for each defined digit. These
elements use the Error-exit connectors to report errors. For example,
when you enter an incorrect digit or you do not enter any digit within the
specified input time. In the Error-exit connector, a tool tip displays the
error number and the explanation.
You can use any number of Announcement plus DTMF elements.
Announcement Specifies an announcement followed by a sequence of DTMF digits.
plus DTMF
You must define a fixed number of digits or an end code. You can also
define invalid digits that the system does not recognize.
The Announcement plus DTMF sequence elements can have more than
one input connectors. You must connect Error-exit connectors to input
connectors. In the Error-exit connector, a tool tip displays the error
number and the explanation.
You can use any number of Announcement plus DTMF sequence
Announcement Specifies an announcement type in which the system recognizes the
plus voice voice input from the caller. The system stores these voice inputs as
recognition variables.
The Announcement plus voice recognition elements can have multiple
input connectors. The Error-exit connectors contain a tool tip displaying
the error number and the explanation.
You can use any number of Announcement plus voice recognition
Text to speech Converts text to speech. You can type text directly or upload a file with
(TTS) the text. The text or the file can also contain variables.
The TTS elements can have several input connectors, but only one exit
connector. The Error-exit connectors contain a tool tip displaying the
error number and the explanation.
Record voicemail Saves speech to a .wav file. The voice recording ends when the
maximum recording time is over or the subscriber hangs up.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Element Name Description

Store a .wav file when:
• The maximum recording time elapses.
• The connection is cancelled during the recording.
When you cancel a connection during voice recording, you can still run
subsequent elements, send the recording as an email, or delete the
The Record voicemail elements can have multiple input connectors. The
system uses the Error-exit element if a subscriber does not say
anything. The Error-exit element contains a tool tip displaying the error
number and the explanation.
Record voicemail Provides the same capabilities as the Record voicemail element with the
plus DTMF option to enter DTMF digits. The DTMF digit that you enter is a part of
the recording file. If you do not specify the end digit, the IVR script
considers all DTMF digits as end digits.
The Record voicemail plus DTMF elements can have multiple input
connectors. These elements use the Error-exit connector if a subscriber
does not say anything, or enters an incorrect end digit. The Error-exit
connectors contain a tool tip displaying the error number and the
Send voicemail as Sends a .wav file as an attachment to an email to a specified mailbox.
an email You can also use this element to send an email as an attachment
without a .wav file.

If the system is not connected to the email server, the system
temporarily saves the email message in a folder. The system
distributes the faulty connection to the email server as an error to
the Error-exit connector. The Voice Control system automatically
tries to resend the email at regular intervals.
The Send voice mail as an email element can have multiple input
connectors. These elements use an Error-exit connector if the .wav file
cannot be located. The Error-exit connectors contain a tool tip displaying
the error number and the explanation.
You can use any number of Send voice mail as email elements.
Delete voicemail Deletes the specified .wav file.
The Delete voice mail elements can have multiple input connectors.
These elements use an Error-exit connector if the .wav file cannot be
located. The Error-exit connectors contain a tool tip displaying the error
number and the explanation.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

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Announcement field descriptions

Name Description
Announcement Text Enables you to select an announcement text with a sound file or a variable.
The options to specify the announcement text are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a custom
folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom folder
location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must enter the
folder name in the Folder var: field.

The UNC path used for the announcement .wav files is in the Windows
registry, under PathMsgsMnnouncements. For example: \\servername
Continuous Specifies that the system replays the announcement text.
You can specify a maximum run time for the announcement. When the specified
time is over, the announcement stops after one run. If no maximum run time is
specified, the announcement replays continuously.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select a file
that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the list.

Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions

Name Description
Allowed digits Displays the permitted DTMF digits.
You can enter:
• Numbers: 0 to 9
• Letters: a to d

This option is only available on some terminals.
• Characters: The pound sign (#) and the star (*)
Text to speech Specifies whether you must use the text converted to speech for the
announcement. You can use any character and any number of
characters for the text. You can:
• Type the text directly.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Name Description
• Specify a variable.
You can select a standard variable or a tag for the text by selecting
the Var check box.
• Select a file with text.
You can specify a variable folder, or you can use the default folder in
the Windows registry.
Language Selects a language for the announcement text. The options are:
• System: Uses the operating system language.
• Var.: Defines the language with a variable.
Speed of speech Specifies how fast you must speak the text to provide the
announcement text. You can select a value between 1, for slowest,
and 9, for fastest. The default setting is 6.
Announcement Text Enables you to select an announcement text with a sound file or a
The options to specify the announcement text are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a
custom folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom
folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must
enter the folder name in the Folder var: field.

The UNC path used for the announcement .wav files is in the
Windows registry, under PathMsgsMnnouncements. For
example: \\servername\\path_to_wav_file\file.wav
Max. input time (mm:ss) Specifies the time available for the caller to enter a DTMF digit. The
time period begins after the system plays the announcement. You
must configure this setting.
Input possible during Specifies whether callers can enter DTMF digits while the system
announcement plays the announcement.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot
select a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.
Add Adds a digit.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Button Description
You can only add a digit if an exit connector is not assigned or
linked to an element.
Delete Deletes the selected digit.

You can only delete a digit if an exit connector is not assigned or
linked to an element.

Related links
Speech variables for language on page 31

Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions

Name Description
Text to speech Specifies whether you must use the text converted to speech for the
announcement. You can use any character and any number of characters
for the text. You can:
• Type the text directly.
• Specify a variable.
You can select a standard variable or a tag for the text by selecting the
Var check box.
• Select a file with text.
You can specify a variable folder, or you can use the default folder in the
Windows registry.
Language Selects a language for the announcement text. The options are:
• System: Uses the operating system language.
• Var.: Defines the language with a variable.
Speed of speech Specifies how fast you must speak the text to provide the announcement
text. You can select a value between 1, for slowest, and 9, for fastest. The
default setting is 6.
Digits for variable Specifies the variable or tag in which the system stores the DTMF digits
that you enter.
Input possible during Specifies whether callers can enter DTMF digits while the system plays the
announcement announcement.
Number of digits Specifies the maximum number of digits that a caller can enter. The
system ignores the digits entered after the maximum number of digits.
End digits Specifies the sequence of digits with which the element ends. You can
enter the digits until the system saves the end digit. The system does not
include the end digit with the digits in the sequence.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Name Description
Invalid digits Specifies the invalid digits. The system distributes the invalid digits, which
you dial during a call, to the Error-exit connector.
Max. input time (mm:ss) Specifies the time available for the caller to enter a DTMF digit. The time
period begins after the system plays the announcement. You must
configure this setting.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select a
file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.

Related links
Speech variables for language on page 31

Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions

Name Description
Text to speech Specifies whether you must use the text converted to speech for the
announcement. You can use any character and any number of
characters for the text. You can:
• Type the text directly.
• Specify a variable.
You can select a standard variable or a tag for the text by selecting
the Var check box.
• Select a file with text.
You can specify a variable folder, or you can use the default folder in
the Windows registry.
Language Selects a language for the announcement text. The options are:
• System: Uses the operating system language.
• Var.: Defines the language with a variable.
Speed of speech Specifies how fast you must speak the text to provide the
announcement text. You can select a value between 1, for slowest, and
9, for fastest. The default setting is 6.
Allowed Terms Displays the allowed terms. You can add any number of terms, but
Avaya recommends adding only 10 terms. You can enter words, such
as Yes or No, numbers, or other digits. You can also integrate a
grammar file into this field as a variable.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Name Description
If you add the term DTMF as a key word, the system recognizes the
telephony strokes as allowed terms.
Result Variable Specifies the result variable for the recognized terms. If the system does
not recognize any terms, the result variable becomes empty.
Max. speech time (mm:ss) Specifies the maximum speech time for a caller. The maximum setting is
5 minutes. The maximum speech time begins after the system plays the

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select
a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.
Add Adds an allowed term.
Delete Deletes a term.

Related links
Speech variables for language on page 31

Text to Speech field descriptions

Name Description
Text Displays the text to play.
You can:
• Type the text directly.
• Specify a variable.
You can select a standard variable or a tag for the text by selecting
the Var check box.
• Select a file with text.
You can specify a variable folder, or you can use the default folder in
the Windows registry.
Language Selects a language for the announcement text. The options are:
• System: Uses the operating system language.
• Var.: Defines the language with a variable.
Speed of speech Specifies how fast you must speak the text to provide the
announcement text. You can select a value between 1, for slowest, and
9, for fastest. The default setting is 6.

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IVR script elements

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select
a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.

Related links
Speech variables for language on page 31

Record Voice Mail field descriptions

Name Description
File Displays the file name.
The options are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a
custom folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom folder
location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must enter
the folder name in the Folder var: field.
Saving Saves the voice mail. The options are:
• To specified file: You can specify a variable folder.
• To send as email (*.wav): The system sends the voice mail that you
can save as an email.
• To retrieve as CC voicemail: The system retrieves the voice mail that
you can save as a CC voice mail.
Max. rec. time (mm:ss) Specifies the maximum recording time for the voice mail. The minimum
time is 1 second, and the maximum time is 60 minutes.
Maximum time of silence (sec) Specifies the maximum silence time in a voice mail. The maximum
setting is 60 seconds. The default setting is five seconds. If the
subscriber does not say anything within this time, the system does not
record any voice mail, and the script stops the element through the
Error-exit connector.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select
a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Button Description
The options are:
• _VMDuration: Specifies the length of the voice mail recording in
• _NoRecBeep: Specifies whether the system plays a tone indicating
the starting of voice mail recording. The values 1 or true indicates
that the system does not play a tone.
• _MinRecDuration: Specifies the minimum length of a recording in
seconds. The system deletes a recording that is less than the
_MinRecDuration time.
You must create the variables in the correct format before you can use
the variables in an element.

Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions

Name Description
File Displays the name of the voice mail file.
The options are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a
custom folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom folder
location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must enter
the folder name in the Folder var: field.
Saving Saves the voice mail. The options are:
• To specified file: You can specify a variable folder.
• To send as email (*.wav): The system sends the voice mail that you
can save as an email.
• To retrieve as CC voicemail: The system retrieves the voice mail that
you can save as a CC voice mail.
Max. rec. time (mm:ss) Specifies the maximum recording time for the voice mail. The minimum
time is 1 second, and the maximum time is 60 minutes.
DTMF end digits (variable) Specifies the digits that end the voice mail recording. You can also
select a variable or tag containing the digits. If you do not set the DTMF
end digits (variable) value, the recording ends when the caller presses
any telephone key. For example 0 to 9, the pound sign (#) , or the
asterisk (*).
Max time of silence (sec) Specifies the maximum silence time in a voice mail. The maximum
setting is 60 seconds. The default setting is five seconds. If the
subscriber does not say anything within this time, the system does not
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Name Description
record any voice mail, and the script stops the element through the
Error-exit connector.
Not interruptible Specifies whether the voice mail can be interrupted.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select
a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.
The options are:
• _VMDuration: Specifies the length of the voice mail recording in
• _NoRecBeep: Specifies whether the system plays a tone indicating
the starting of voice mail recording. The values 1 or true indicates
that the system does not play a tone.
• _MinRecDuration: Specifies the minimum length of a recording in
seconds. The system deletes a recording that is less than the
_MinRecDuration time.
You must create the variables in the correct format before you can use
the variables in an element.

The end of the recording can contain silence to suppress possible DTMF tones. You can set the
length of the silence in the HideDTMFTone field in the Windows Registry. The recommended
setting is between 5 and 8. If you set 0, the system does not add silence.

Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions

Name Description
File Displays the name of the voice mail file.
The options are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a
custom folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom
folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must enter
the folder name in the Folder var: field.
E-mail address Specifies the email address to which the system sends the file. You can
enter an email address or specify a variable with the email address.

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IVR scripts and script elements

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list, or you can use the following variables to specify information in
the email:
• _From: Specifies the sender.
• _ReturnPath: Specifies the email address to which the system sends
the replies.
• _Subject: Specifies the subject of the email.
• _Body: Specifies the text in the email.
• _AuthAccount: Displays the SMTP user name.
• _AuthPassword: Displays the SMTP password.
You must create the variables in the correct format to use the variables
in an element.
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select
a file that the Voice Control server cannot detect.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Delete Voice Mail field descriptions

Name Description
File Displays the name of the voice mail file.
The options are:
• Enter a file name. For example, xyz.wav. You can also specify a custom
folder location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter a variable as the file name. You can also specify a custom folder
location, or you can select the Default folder.
• Enter the file name and the folder name as variables. You must enter the
folder name in the Folder var: field.

Button Description
Browse Selects an announcement file from the File Manager. You cannot select a file
that the Voice Control server cannot detect.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

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Speech variables for language

You can use a variable to define a language to use in the following speech elements:
• Announcement plus DTMF
• Announcement plus DTMF sequence
• Announcement plus speech recognition
• Text to speech
Table 2: Variable numbers for defining languages

Variable Language
0 Operating system language
1 German
2 English
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Dutch
6 Flemish
7 Italian
8 Basque
9 Danish
10 Finnish
11 Swedish
12 Norwegian
13 Greek
14 Polish
15 Portuguese
16 Russian
17 Czech
18 Slovakian
19 Slovanian
20 Turkish
21 Hungarian
22 Hebrew
23 Chinese (Cantonese)
24 Chinese (Mandarin)
25 Japanese
26 Korean
40 to 44 User-defined language

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IVR scripts and script elements

Telephony elements
Telephony elements define telephony tasks within an IVR script. The scripts with telephony
elements that affect the connection status must use the automatic agent property.
Exit connectors for telephony elements
Telephony elements only require success and error-exit connectors. If you use only success and
error-exit connectors, all other exit connectors are automatically assigned internally to the error-exit
The common exit connectors for the telephony elements are:
Connector Description
Indicates that a successful connection is established.
B Indicates that the subscriber is busy. In an Integral Enterprise I55 PBX, this connector
is also used when the subscriber disconnects the call while the call is still ringing.
The error messages for the B connector are:
• 3491 (busy terminal)
• 34a2 (no B-channel)
• 3495 (call rejected)
T Indicates a time out, and the system uses this connector if the maximum ring time is
exceeded. The Voice Control system terminates the connection.
W Indicates a wrong number. This connector is used if the caller dials a wrong number.
wrong number and nonexistent number are not the same
The error messages associated with this connector are:
• 3481: Internal number is wrong
• 349c: Invalid number format
I Indicates that the dialed number is incomplete. This connector is used if the caller
does not finish dialing the number within the maximum ring time. For specific
extension dialing, the element timer for the maximum ring time must be at least 8
seconds. For dialing a full number without an extension, the element timer must be at
least 15 seconds.
The error messages associated with this connector are:
• 3481: Internal number is wrong
A Indicates that an active call connection does not exist. This element is only used in
certain telephony elements. For example, this connector is used if the active
subscriber hangs up.
The error messages associated with this connector are:
• 3490: Connection terminated or dialing cancelled with error number 6104
• 34a2: No B-channel
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Connector Description
• 3495: Call rejected
P Indicates that a passive connection does not exist, and the subscriber on hold hung
up. This connector is only used in certain elements.
E Specifies that the Error-exit connector used in all other cases in which a connection
cannot be established.
The error messages associated with this connector are:
• 349f: Connection terminated with error number 6104
• 3490: Connection terminated or dialing cancelled with error number 6104
• 34e6: IISDN ring time monitoring with error number 6109
• 3492: Terminal unplugged with error number 6118
• 349b: Destination cannot be reached with error number 6118

Description of telephony elements

Icon Name Description
Call Dials a number if no connection is established for the active IVR
script. The Call element establishes a first-party call connection.
You can have multiple input connectors and all the exit
connectors, except for the A and P connectors. You must
connect the Success and Error exit connectors with another
element. In the Error-exit connector, a tool tip displays the error
number and explanation.
Send DTMF tones Dials additional characters as DTMF tones in an existing
connection without an extension and you can have multiple
connectors. Error-exit connectors contain a tool tip displaying
the error number and explanation.
Consultation Starts a consult call while an existing active call is in progress.
The existing call is put on hold, and the new consult call
becomes the active call. You can only use this element with one
existing call in progress. You can have multiple input
connectors and all exit connectors, except for the P connector.
You must connect the Success and Error exit connectors with
another element. In the Error exit connector, a tool tip displays
the error number and explanation.
This element is also known as the Refer back element.
Transfer Transfers an active call or connection to a call on hold.
Transfer elements can have multiple input connectors and the
following exit connectors:

• A
• P
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Icon Name Description

• E
You must connect the Success and Error exit connectors with
another element. The Error exit connector is used if the transfer
is not established successfully. In the Error exit connector, a
tool tip displays the error number and explanation.
Toggle Puts the active call on hold and retrieves the previously held
Toggle elements can have multiple input connectors and the
following exit connectors:

• A
• P
• E
You must connect the Success and Error exit connectors with
another element. In the Error exit connector, a tool tip displays
the error number and explanation.
Disconnect Disconnects the currently active call and retrieves the call that
was previously on hold.
This element stops if the caller manually retrieves the held call
or if an error occurs.
Disconnect elements can have multiple input connectors. In the
Error exit connector, a tool tip displays the error number and
Release Disconnects all established calls, active and held.
Release elements can have multiple input connectors, but only
one exit connector. This element does not have any Error exit
You can use any number of Release elements.
Information on connection Determines additional information for the active call or
connection. This element requests the following types of
• Telephone number of the caller. This information is not
requested if the Call element dials the number.
• Telephone number of the called party. The information
includes the CHAP port used by the IVR for incoming topic
calls or the dialled extension for transferred calls.

Information provided varies depending on the PBX system
and the type of IVR script, Announcement, or Greeting.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Icon Name Description

The Information on connection elements can have multiple
input connectors. Error exit connectors contain a tool tip
displaying the error number and explanation. This element is
distributed to the Error exit connector if the requested
information is unavailable.

For all telephony elements, the type is task.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14
IVR script elements on page 14
Basic elements on page 14
Trace field descriptions on page 16
Logic field descriptions on page 17
Check Time Periods field descriptions on page 17
Define Variable field descriptions on page 17
Branch field descriptions on page 18
Wait field descriptions on page 18
Start Script field descriptions on page 18
Start Program field descriptions on page 19
Speech elements on page 19
Announcement field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions on page 24
Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions on page 25
Text to Speech field descriptions on page 26
Record Voice Mail field descriptions on page 27
Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions on page 28
Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions on page 29
Delete Voice Mail field descriptions on page 30
Speech variables for language on page 31
Telephony elements on page 32
Call field descriptions on page 36
Send DTMF Tones field descriptions on page 37
Consultation field descriptions on page 39
Information on Connection field descriptions on page 40
Database elements on page 42
Open Database field descriptions on page 44
Close Database field descriptions on page 44
Add Record field descriptions on page 45
Modify Records field descriptions on page 45

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 35

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IVR scripts and script elements

Delete Records field descriptions on page 46

SQL query field descriptions on page 46
First Record field descriptions on page 47
Next record field descriptions on page 47
Database requirements on page 48

Call field descriptions

Name Description
Number Specifies the number that you must dial. You can use maximum 24
characters or a variable containing the number.
You can use:
• Numbers: 0 to 9
• Letters: a to d

This option is available only on some terminals.
• Characters: The pound sign (#) and the asterisk (*)
The system recognizes only DTMF digits.
Max. ring time Specifies the maximum time after which the system disconnects a call. You
must configure this setting as maximum 5 minutes.

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the
You can also use the following variable:
_MaxRingTime: Specifies the maximum ring time in seconds. For example,
300 seconds for 5 minutes. If you set this variable, the system ignores the
time specification set in the Max ring time field.
You must create the variables in the correct format before you can use the
variables in an element.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14
IVR script elements on page 14
Basic elements on page 14
Trace field descriptions on page 16
Logic field descriptions on page 17
Check Time Periods field descriptions on page 17
Define Variable field descriptions on page 17
Branch field descriptions on page 18
Wait field descriptions on page 18

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 36

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IVR script elements

Start Script field descriptions on page 18

Start Program field descriptions on page 19
Speech elements on page 19
Announcement field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions on page 24
Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions on page 25
Text to Speech field descriptions on page 26
Record Voice Mail field descriptions on page 27
Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions on page 28
Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions on page 29
Delete Voice Mail field descriptions on page 30
Speech variables for language on page 31
Telephony elements on page 32
Call field descriptions on page 36
Send DTMF Tones field descriptions on page 37
Consultation field descriptions on page 39
Information on Connection field descriptions on page 40
Database elements on page 42
Open Database field descriptions on page 44
Close Database field descriptions on page 44
Add Record field descriptions on page 45
Modify Records field descriptions on page 45
Delete Records field descriptions on page 46
SQL query field descriptions on page 46
First Record field descriptions on page 47
Next record field descriptions on page 47
Database requirements on page 48

Send DTMF Tones field descriptions

Name Description
DTMF tones Specifies the DTMF digits that you must dial. You can use maximum 128
digits or a variable.
You can use:
• Numbers: 0 to 9
• Letters: a to d

This option is available only on some terminals.
• Characters: The pound sign (#) and the asterisk (*)

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 37

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IVR scripts and script elements

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14
IVR script elements on page 14
Basic elements on page 14
Trace field descriptions on page 16
Logic field descriptions on page 17
Check Time Periods field descriptions on page 17
Define Variable field descriptions on page 17
Branch field descriptions on page 18
Wait field descriptions on page 18
Start Script field descriptions on page 18
Start Program field descriptions on page 19
Speech elements on page 19
Announcement field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions on page 24
Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions on page 25
Text to Speech field descriptions on page 26
Record Voice Mail field descriptions on page 27
Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions on page 28
Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions on page 29
Delete Voice Mail field descriptions on page 30
Speech variables for language on page 31
Telephony elements on page 32
Call field descriptions on page 36
Send DTMF Tones field descriptions on page 37
Consultation field descriptions on page 39
Information on Connection field descriptions on page 40
Database elements on page 42
Open Database field descriptions on page 44
Close Database field descriptions on page 44
Add Record field descriptions on page 45
Modify Records field descriptions on page 45
Delete Records field descriptions on page 46
SQL query field descriptions on page 46
First Record field descriptions on page 47
Next record field descriptions on page 47

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IVR script elements

Database requirements on page 48

Consultation field descriptions

The Consultation element is also known as Refer back element.
Name Description
Number Specifies the number that you must dial. You can use maximum 24
characters or a variable containing the number.
You can use:
• Numbers: 0 to 9
• Letters: a to d

This option is available only on some terminals.
• Characters: The pound sign (#) and the asterisk (*)
The system recognizes only DTMF digits.
Waiting for consultation call to be Specifies whether you can transfer the active consult call to the call
accepted on hold.
Max. ring time (mm:ss) Specifies the maximum time after which the system disconnects a
call. You must set a value up to 5 minutes.

Name Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable
from the list.
You can also use the following variables:
• _MaxRingTime: Specifies the maximum ring time in seconds. For
example, 300 seconds for 5 minutes. If you set this variable, the
system ignores the maximum ring time setting.
• _WaitIfBusy: Specifies whether the consultation call can be
established. You must set this variable to true if the consultation
call cannot be established. Even if the subscriber is busy, the
system does not exit the element until the specified maximum call
time is over.
You must create the variables in the correct format before you can
use the variables in an element.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14
IVR script elements on page 14
Basic elements on page 14
Trace field descriptions on page 16
Logic field descriptions on page 17

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IVR scripts and script elements

Check Time Periods field descriptions on page 17

Define Variable field descriptions on page 17
Branch field descriptions on page 18
Wait field descriptions on page 18
Start Script field descriptions on page 18
Start Program field descriptions on page 19
Speech elements on page 19
Announcement field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions on page 24
Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions on page 25
Text to Speech field descriptions on page 26
Record Voice Mail field descriptions on page 27
Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions on page 28
Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions on page 29
Delete Voice Mail field descriptions on page 30
Speech variables for language on page 31
Telephony elements on page 32
Call field descriptions on page 36
Send DTMF Tones field descriptions on page 37
Consultation field descriptions on page 39
Information on Connection field descriptions on page 40
Database elements on page 42
Open Database field descriptions on page 44
Close Database field descriptions on page 44
Add Record field descriptions on page 45
Modify Records field descriptions on page 45
Delete Records field descriptions on page 46
SQL query field descriptions on page 46
First Record field descriptions on page 47
Next record field descriptions on page 47
Database requirements on page 48

Information on Connection field descriptions

Name Description
About Specifies the type of required information for the system.
The options are:
• Caller’s number
• Number of party called
Table continues…

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 40

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IVR script elements

Name Description
• Routing number
Result variable Specifies the variable. The system saves information in this

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable
from the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14
IVR script elements on page 14
Basic elements on page 14
Trace field descriptions on page 16
Logic field descriptions on page 17
Check Time Periods field descriptions on page 17
Define Variable field descriptions on page 17
Branch field descriptions on page 18
Wait field descriptions on page 18
Start Script field descriptions on page 18
Start Program field descriptions on page 19
Speech elements on page 19
Announcement field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF field descriptions on page 22
Announcement plus DTMF sequence field descriptions on page 24
Announcement plus voice recognition field descriptions on page 25
Text to Speech field descriptions on page 26
Record Voice Mail field descriptions on page 27
Record Voice Mail Plus DTMF field descriptions on page 28
Send Voice Mail as E-mail field descriptions on page 29
Delete Voice Mail field descriptions on page 30
Speech variables for language on page 31
Telephony elements on page 32
Call field descriptions on page 36
Send DTMF Tones field descriptions on page 37
Consultation field descriptions on page 39
Information on Connection field descriptions on page 40
Database elements on page 42
Open Database field descriptions on page 44
Close Database field descriptions on page 44
Add Record field descriptions on page 45

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IVR scripts and script elements

Modify Records field descriptions on page 45

Delete Records field descriptions on page 46
SQL query field descriptions on page 46
First Record field descriptions on page 47
Next record field descriptions on page 47
Database requirements on page 48

Database elements
Understanding database elements
Database elements change external database records in an IVR script. IVR Editor and Voice
Control support the following databases:
• Microsoft Access
• Microsoft SQL-Server
• PostgreSQL 9.3
The Voice Control server accesses these databases with ODBC.
You must understand the supported databases and the requirements of these databases before
working with database elements.
Description of database elements
Element Type and properties Description
Open database Opens a database and provides access to data for
the database.
You must have the name of the data source
configured in the Voice Control server to open the
These elements have Error exit connectors with a
tool tip displaying the error number and explanation.
Close database Closes a database that was opened with the Open
database element.
The Close database elements have no Error exit
Insert record Adds a data record to a table.
These elements have Error exit connectors with a
tool tip displaying the error number and explanation.
Modify records Changes the records that meet a defined condition in
a table.
Table continues…

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IVR script elements

Element Type and properties Description

These elements have Error exit connectors with a
tool tip displaying the error number and explanation.
Delete records Deletes all records that meet a defined condition in a
These elements have Error exit connectors with a
tool tip displaying the error number and explanation.
SQL query Creates an SQL search query for the open database.
These elements have Error exit connectors with a
tool tip displaying the error number and explanation.
First record Navigates to the first data record query and reads
out the values. This element can interwork with the
associated Delete record and Modify record
The First record elements have the following exit
• S (Success) connector: if data is read without
• F (Finish) connector: if the data is read
successfully and the element reaches the end of
the table. This connector is used when no further
records can be read from the table.
• Error-exit connector: if an error occurs during the
query. The Error-exit connectors have a tool tip
displaying the error number and explanation.
The 1ZZ00 error can also appear if a binary field is
defined in the table. This error occurs because there
is no preset conversion string for binary data, so the
system generates an error and the IVR script is
Next record Navigates to the subsequent data record query and
reads out the values. The Next record element is
used after the First record element. This element can
interwork with the associated Delete record and
Modify record elements.
The Next record elements have the following exit
• S (Success) connector: if data is read without
• F (Finish) connector: if the data is read
successfully and the element reaches the end of
the table. This connector is used when no further
records can be read from the table.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Element Type and properties Description

• Error-exit connector: if an error occurs during the
query. The Error-exit connectors have a tool tip
displaying the error number and explanation.

The type for all database elements is task.

Open Database field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as the
identifier, the ID, for the database.
Name of data source Specifies the name of the data source configured with the ODBC Data
Source Administrator. You can also use a variable for the name.
User Specifies the user name for the database configured with the ODBC Data
Source Administrator. You can configure a user name or use a variable.
Password Specifies a password for the database. You can enter the password or use
a variable.

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Close Database field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as the
identifier, the ID, for the database.

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

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IVR script elements

Add Record field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as the
identifier, the ID, for the database.
DB table Specifies the name of the database table. You can assign a name or use a
Field assignment Displays the field assignments. You can use a field name or a variable.

Button Description
Create Creates a field assignment.
Delete Deletes a field assignment.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Modify Records field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as
the identifier, the ID, for the database.
DB table Specifies the name of the database table. You can assign a name or use a
Condition Specifies the conditions for the records. By default, you can enter
maximum four conditions. The format for the conditions is: column=value
AND column1>value AND column2<>value AND column3<value.
Advanced mode Species whether you can enter a search query, SQL, in the advanced
mode. You can also use a variable beginning with the :< and ending
with :>.
Field assignment Displays the field assignments. You can use a field name or a variable.

Button Description
Create Creates a field assignment.
Delete Deletes a field assignment.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the
Tags Displays the list of configured tags. You can select a tag from the list.

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IVR scripts and script elements

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Delete Records field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is configured in
the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as the identifier, the ID,
for the database.
DB table Specifies the name of the database table. You can assign a name or use a
Condition Specifies the conditions for the records. By default, you can enter maximum
four conditions. The format for the conditions is: column=value AND
column1>value AND column2<>value AND column3<value.
Advanced mode Species whether you can enter a search query, SQL, in the advanced mode.
You can also use a variable beginning with the :< and ending with :>.

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

SQL query field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is configured in
the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as the identifier, the ID,
for the database.
SQL query Specifies the SQL search query. You can enter maximum four SQL queries in
the following format:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE column=value AND
column1>value AND column2<>value AND column3<value.
Advanced mode Species whether you can enter a search query, SQL, in the advanced mode.
You can also use a variable beginning with the :< and ending with :>.
DB table Specifies the name of the database table. You can assign a name or use a
Variables for result Displays the query result.
Record variable Specifies the variable that stores a reference to the query result in the record
variable after the query.
Number of records Displays the number of records found in the variable after the query.

Button Description
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from the list.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 46

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IVR script elements

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

First Record field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable
as the identifier, the ID, for the database.
Record variable Stores a reference to the query result in the record variable after the
query. You must set this property for the First Record element, and
the Modify record and Delete record elements associated with the
First Record element.
Field assignment Displays the field assignments. You can use a field name or a
You can use this property in the Modify record element associated
with this element.

Button Description
Create Creates a field assignment.
Delete Deletes a field assignment.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Next record field descriptions

Name Description
DB variable Specifies the variable for referencing the database. This setting is
configured in the Voice Control server. The system uses this variable as
the identifier, the ID, for the database.
Record variable Stores a reference to the query result in the record variable after the
query. You must set this property for the Next record element, and the
Modify record and Delete record elements associated with the Next record
Field assignment Displays the field assignments. You can use a field name or a variable.
You can use this property in the Modify record element associated with
this element.

Button Description
Create Creates a field assignment.
Table continues…

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IVR scripts and script elements

Button Description
Delete Deletes a field assignment.
Local variables Displays the list of configured variables. You can select a variable from
the list.

Related links
IVR script elements on page 14

Database requirements
To use the database in the IVR Editor module, you must:
• Get the user name and the password to get access to the database.
• Understand how to define tables and fields within the database.
The fields and the syntax types can vary among databases.
• Define data source names in the IP Office Contact Center server.
You can also configure the data source in a computer in which IVR Editor runs. If IVR Editor
can access the database, you can add a table and the field elements from the database in your
IVR scripts.
• Ensure that you use the required version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator when you set
up data source names.
On 64–bit operating systems, you must use the 32–bit version of the ODBC Data Source
Administrator. You must not use the version from the system control.
• Know the stored procedure calls that you can use in an IVR script.
Stored procedure calls can only be used if the database supports the call through the
Select command.
For example, the PostgreSQL database allows you to select * from sp_procedure
(parameters). Therefore, these database stored procedures can be called in an IVR
Variable markings for supported databases
Database Description of variable markings
Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007 You must enter the strings within quotation marks in the following
You can enter numerical values without quotation marks in the
following format:
Table continues…

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 48

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IVR script elements

Database Description of variable markings

Microsoft Access 7 You must enter the strings in the following format:
Microsoft SQL Server You must enter the strings in double quotes in the following format:
PostgreSQL You must enter the strings in the following format:

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Chapter 4: Working with IVR scripts

Logging in to the IVR Editor

Before you begin
• Log in to the IP Office Contact Center system.
• Get the IVR Editor privileges.
To open the IVR Editor module, do one of the following:
• On the Go to menu, click IVR Editor.
• In the left pane, click Administration and click the IVR Editor icon ( ).
The system displays theIVR Editor user interface.

Creating IVR script folders

About this task
You can use IVR script folders to organize IVR scripts. You must specify unique folder names that
describe the scripts. If you create, move, edit, or delete an IVR script or folder, the system saves the
changes to the database immediately. You need not save the folder changes individually, but you
must save the contents of the script.
1. To create an IVR script folder, do one of the following:
• Right-click the IVR Scripts tab, and click Create folder on the pop-up menu.
• Click IVR > New > Folder.
• On the task bar, click the Create folder icon ( ).
The system displays the Create folder dialog box.
2. In the Name field, type a name.
3. Click OK.
The system creates a new folder.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 50

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Creating an IVR script

Creating an IVR script

About this task
You configure unique script names with maximum 30 alphanumeric characters.
1. To create a script, do one of the following:
• Right-click the IVR Scripts tab, and click Create IVR script on the pop-up menu.
• Click IVR > New > New IVR script.
• On the task bar, click the New IVR script icon ( ).
2. In the Create IVR script dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Name field, type a name.
b. In the Folder field, type a folder name.
3. Click OK.
The system creates and displays a new script in the IVR Scripts field.

Opening IVR scripts

About this task
You can open more than one script at the same time. The system indicates the active IVR script
with a colored title bar. All functions work only on the active script. A script in active mode does not
imply that the script is active in the system.
1. Click the IVR Scripts tab.
2. Double-click a script.
The system opens the selected script.

IVR script elements

Adding elements
About this task
IVR scripts consist of script elements.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 51

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Working with IVR scripts

Before you begin

Create and open a script.
1. Click the Elements tab.
2. Click an element.
3. From the Elements tab, drag and drop the element.
The system adds the element to the script.
Related links
Example of adding a Logic element on page 52
Example of adding an Announcement element on page 52

Example of adding a Logic element

About this task
With a Logic element, you can define a condition that determines the course of the IVR script. If the
condition is met, the system processes the element as the next element in the Y-exit connector. If
the condition is not fulfilled, the system processes the element as the next element at the N-exit
connector. You can set operators, tags, and local variable conditions in the element.
1. On the Elements tab, drag and drop the Logic element to the script.
2. In the Logic dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Label field, type a label that describes the logic function for the new element.
b. To insert an operator, click Operators.
c. Double-click an operator or function.
d. To insert a tag, click Tags, and then double-click a tag.
e. To insert a variable, click Local var, and then double-click a variable.
f. Select the Not interruptible check box.
g. In the Comment field, type a comment.
3. Click OK.
The system adds the Logic element to the script.
Related links
Adding elements on page 51

Example of adding an Announcement element

About this task
The Announcement elements play announcements within a script.

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IVR script elements

1. On the Elements tab, drag and drop the Announcement element to the script.
2. In the Announcement dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Label field, type a label that explains the announcement function for the new
b. To select a .WAV file, click Browse.
The system displays the Select announcement text file dialog box.
c. Select a file, and click Open.
d. Select the Not interruptible check box.
e. In the Comment field, type a comment.
3. Click OK.
The system adds the Announcement element to the script.
Related links
Adding elements on page 51

Connecting elements
About this task
A connection is the link between an input connector and an exit connector. A line graphically
represents a connection within a script. You can only connect a vacant input and the exit
connectors. You cannot assign more than one connection to one connector. You can add and move
corner points to connections for a clearer layout. You can also highlight connections.
1. To connect two elements, do the following:
a. Click and drag a corner of the exit connector to an element.
b. To create a corner point, click the corner.
c. Drag the connection to the input connector of another element.
2. To move a corner point, do the following:
a. Point the mouse pointer to a corner point.
The system changes the pointer icon.
b. Click the corner, and click and drag the corner to a new position.
3. To highlight a connection, do the following:
a. Click a connection port, or right-click a connection port.
b. On the pop-up menu, click Highlight connection.
4. Right-click a connection port.

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Working with IVR scripts

5. On the pop-up menu, click Delete.

The system removes the connection.

Editing element properties

About this task
You can edit the properties of elements in an IVR script.
Before you begin
1. Create and open a script.
2. Insert an element.
1. Click the Elements tab.
2. To view the properties of elements, place the mouse over the element.
The system displays a tool tip with the element properties.
3. To edit the properties, double-click the element.
The system displays a dialog box with the element properties. For example, the system
displays the Announcement dialog box with the properties of the announcement element.
4. Change the properties as required.

Moving elements
1. To move an element, click on an element and drag the element to a new location.
2. To move multiple elements:
a. Click Ctrl and select the elements.
b. Press Ctrl and Shift, and drag the drop elements to a new location.

Deleting elements
1. To delete an element:
a. Select an element, and then click Edit > Delete.
The system displays a confirmation message.
b. Click Yes.

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IVR script elements

The system deletes the selected element.

2. To delete multiple elements:
a. Click Edit > Select all , or press Ctrl and A.
b. Click Edit > Delete.
The system displays a confirmation message.
c. Click Yes.
The system deletes the selected elements.

Creating and editing local variables

About this task
You can use local variables for the Logic element conditions and for announcement .WAV files.
The types of local variables are:
• System variables: You cannot change or delete these variables.
• User variables: You can configure these variables.
• Start parameter variables: You cannot change or delete these variables.
The local variables only apply to the active IVR script. You can create a local user variable name
and the value. You can assign a name with maximum 29 alphanumeric characters and the value
with maximum 200 alphanumeric characters. The value is optional.
1. On the IVR Editor user interface, do one of the following:
• Click Edit > Local variables.

On the toolbar, click the Local variables icon ( ).
2. In the Local variables dialog box, click one of the following:
• Add
• Change
• Delete
If you click Add or Change, the system displays the Edit Local Variable dialog box. If you
click Delete, the system deletes the variable.
You cannot change or delete the LastError or ErrorInfo system variables.
3. In the Edit Local Variable dialog box, type a name and a value.
You can also browse a value in the system.
4. Click OK.

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Working with IVR scripts

The system displays the variable in the list of variables.

Changing and refreshing IVR script views

About this task
You can select an overlapping or tiled view for multiple scripts.
Other users in the system can create IVR scripts, but the system does not display the scripts
automatically in your view until you refresh the IVR script window.
1. Click the IVR Scripts tab.
2. Open a script.
3. To change the window size, do the following:
a. Point the mouse pointer to a corner of the script.
The system changes the mouse pointer icon.
b. Press the mouse and drag the corner of the script window.
c. Release the mouse.
4. To arrange cascading windows, do one of the following:
• Click Windows > Cascade.
• On the toolbar menu, click the Cascade icon ( ).
5. To arrange tiled windows, do one of the following:
• Click Windows > Arrange.
• On the toolbar menu, click the Arrange icon ( ).
6. To refresh the view, do one of the following:
• Press F5.
• Click View > Update.
7. To hide or display the IVR Scripts window, click View > IVR scripts.
The system displays or hides the IVR Scripts window.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 56

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Assigning IVR scripts

Assigning IVR scripts

About this task
Note that:
• You can only assign an IVR script within the same PBX.
• You cannot change the PBX assigned.
When you delete an IVR script, the system deletes the assignment from the database.
1. Click the IVR tab.
2. Click a script.
3. To edit the IVR script properties, do one of the following:
• Click IVR > Properties.
• Right-click an element within a script, and on the pop-up menu, click Properties.
The system displays the Properties dialog box.
If another user is editing the selected script, the Properties dialog box can only be
opened in read-only mode.
4. Enter the required settings.
5. To add a VU to the list of assignments, do the following:
a. Click IVR .
The system transfers the values of the tag to the IVR server at the start of the script. A
Start parameter value is static. The system does not update this value. The system
creates a value name with the tag as the prefix. For example, prefix_Param.
The system displays the Select IVR dialog box.
b. Select an IVR, and then click OK.
The system displays the selected IVR name in the Play on field.
6. To add a start parameter to the list, do the following:
a. Click Tag.
The system displays the Select tag dialog box.
b. Click a tag, and then click OK.
The system displays the selected tag value in the Start parameter field.
7. Click OK.
The system assigns the IVR script to the selected VU.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 57

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Working with IVR scripts

Related links
Properties tab field descriptions on page 58

Properties tab field descriptions

Name Description
Name Displays the script name.
Type Displays the IVR script type.
The options are:
• Announcement: Sets the call control to match with the task flow. You can
withdraw the call from Voice Control at any time. You can select this option for
the IVR scripts that contain only announcement or database modules. You
must also use the IVR scripts as an announcement in the task flow.
• Automatic agent: Transfers the call control to Voice Control. You can select
this option for IVR scripts that contain telephony elements, such as transfer or
release call.
Welcome Specifies that the script is the welcome announcement.
Free of cost Specifies that the script is free for the caller.
Play on Displays the voice units assigned to PBXs, and the scripts assigned to the voice
units. You can select or delete a voice unit in the list.
You can set this option only for the automatic agent type.
Start parameter Displays the start parameters.

Button Description
Delete Deletes the selected IVR or start parameter.

Related links
Assigning IVR scripts on page 57

Saving and enabling IVR scripts

About this task
When you save an IVR script, the system saves the active script and the elements of the script to
the database. The system does not enable the script on Voice control until you enable the script by
Voice Control.
When you enable a script, the system verifies that:
• The script is not empty.
• All required exit connectors are connected.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 58

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Saving and enabling IVR scripts

• The script contains a Start element, and the element does not start any other types of scripts.
For example, an automatic agent script can only start another automatic agent scrip. An
announcement or greeting script can only start another announcement or greeting script.
• The script contains an End element.
• The script is saved to the database in the XML format.
• Voice Control is informed that a new script is available.
If an error occurs, the script remains unavailable to Voice Control. You can fix the error and save the
script, and enable the script again.
1. To save an IVR script, do one of the following:
• Click IVR > Save.
• On the toolbar menu, click the Save icon ( ).
2. To enable the IVR script, do one of the following:
• Click IVR > Enable.
• On the toolbar menu, click the Enable icon ( ).
Next steps
If an error occurs, troubleshoot the script using TTrace.
Related links
Script error messages on page 59

Script error messages

If an error occurs when you enable a script, you can troubleshoot the script using the TTrace
Error type TTrace reporter category
Speech recognition VC_Audio
Communication VC_IVRSVR
Voice Control VC_TSE
Connection/disconnection VC_CHAP
Table continues…

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 59

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Working with IVR scripts

Error type TTrace reporter category

Script flow VC_VUS
Sending VoiceMail via email VC_SMPT
Database elements VC_DB

Related links
Saving and enabling IVR scripts on page 58

Previewing and printing IVR scripts

1. To preview the active script, click IVR > Print Preview.
The system displays the print view of the script.
2. To print the active script, do one of the following:
• Click IVR > Print.
• On the toolbar menu, click the Print icon ( ).
The system displays the Print dialog box.
3. Set the printer properties, and then click OK.
The system prints the script.

Closing all IVR script windows

Click Windows > Close all.
The system closes all open script windows.

Moving IVR scripts to a different folder

1. Click the IVR Scripts tab.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 60

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Renaming IVR scripts or folders

2. Select a script.
3. Drag and drop the script to the folder to which you want to move the script.
The system moves the script to the selected folder.

Renaming IVR scripts or folders

1. Click the IVR Scripts tab.
2. Do one of the following:
• Double-click the name of a script, and type a new name.
• Select a script or a folder, click IVR > Rename, and then type a new name.
The system changes the name of the script and displays the updated script in the list of

Deleting IVR scripts or folders

1. Click the IVR Scripts tab.
2. Select and right-click a script or a folder.
3. On the pop-up menu, click Delete.
The system displays a confirmation message.
4. Click Yes.
The system deletes the selected script or folder.

IVR script tools

Configuring IVRs
About this task
You can view, add, copy, edit, or delete IVRs. The IVR list displays the name of the IVR and the
PBX for which the IVR is configured.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 61

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Working with IVR scripts

1. Click Tools > IVR configuration.
The system displays the list of IVRs.
2. Select and double-click an IVR.
The system displays the IVR configuration-Edit dialog box.
3. Enter the required settings.
4. To configure the IVR scripts, click Scripts.
The system displays the IVR - IVR Scripts dialog box.
5. To configure voice mails, click Voice mails.
The system displays the Voice mails dialog box.
6. Select a voice mail.
7. Click OK.
The system configures a new voice unit.
8. Click OK.
The system configures a new IVR with the selected script and voice mail.
Related links
Properties tab field descriptions on page 62
Editing voice mails on page 63
Assigning numbers in CHAP on page 63
Supported WAV file formats on page 64

Properties tab field descriptions

Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the IVR unit. You can assign a name with maximum
28 alphanumeric characters.
Type Displays the type of IVR.
The options are:
• Voice Control
• <External>
Select the <External>options when you use an IVR of a different
Host Specifies the host name or IP address of the IVR.
Mail server Specifies the host name of the SMTP-capable mail server. Voice Control
uses the mail server to send emails.
Default script Displays the standard script. If an error occurs, Voice Control starts this

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 62

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IVR script tools

Related links
Configuring IVRs on page 61

Editing voice mails

1. In the IVR Editor user interface, click Tools > IVR configuration.
The system displays the IVR configuration dialog box.
2. Click an IVR, and then click OK.
The system displays the IVR configuration-Edit dialog box.
3. Click Voice mails.
4. In the Voice mails dialog box, do the following:
• To delete a voice mail, click an IVR, and click Delete.
• To view the properties of a voice mail, click Details.
5. Click OK.
Related links
Configuring IVRs on page 61

Assigning numbers in CHAP

About this task
You can assign numbers and the number of extension channels in CHAP. You can also determine
how the system distributes the numbers and channels to applications.
Before you begin
Log in to the IP Office Contact Center user interface.
1. On the Go to menu, click Configuration.
The system displays the Configuration module user interface.
2. Click the CHAP server tab.
3. Click a CHAP server, and then click Edit.
4. In the CHAP-Edit dialog box, click the CHAP adapter tab.
The system displays the CHAP adapter line details.
5. Click IPO-SIPEXT-IP, and then click Edit.
6. In the CHAP adapter-Edit dialog box, do the following:
a. Select the CHAP adapter line tab.
b. Click Create.
The system displays the CHAP adapter line-create dialog box.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 63

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Working with IVR scripts

c. In the Number of channels field, enter the number of channels configured on the PBX.
d. Click Create.
e. In the Start number field, enter the start number.
f. In the End number field, enter the end number.
g. Click Properties.
h. In the PBXIPAddress field, enter the IP address of the PBX.
i. In the LocalIPAddress field, enter the local IP address of the Voice Control server.
j. Click OK.
k. In the CHAP adapter-Edit dialog box, click the CHAP application resource tab.
l. In the Application name field, enter IVR.
The system displays the details of the IVR.
m. Click Create.
The system adds a new IVR.
n. Enter the required settings.
You can also assign numbers and channels to VEA to use for use with queue
o. Click OK.
7. Click OK.
The system assigns the numbers in CHAP.
Related links
Configuring IVRs on page 61

Supported WAV file formats

Recommended PCM 8000 Hz, 16 bit, mono

Also supported You can also use the following .WAV formats, but the quality of the voice unit
might be compromised:
• PCM 11025 Hz, 16 bit, mono
• PCM 16000 Hz, 16 bit, mono
• PCM 22050 Hz, 16 bit, mono
• PCM 44100 Hz, 16 bit, mono

Related links
Configuring IVRs on page 61

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 64

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IVR script tools

Defining time-off periods

About this task
You can define time-off periods for individuals, regular work breaks, and public holidays. The time-
off setting applies to the whole system. You can add a Check Time Periods element to an IVR script
to send a response during a time-off period. You can view, add, change, or delete a time-off period.
1. Click Tools > Time off.
The system displays the Definition of Time off dialog box with the list of configured time-off
2. To edit the properties of a time-off period, double-click a time-off period.
3. Enter the required settings.
4. Click OK.
The system updates the time-off properties and adds to the list of time-off periods.
5. Click OK.

Exporting the IVR script data

About this task
You can export the IVR script data to store IVR scripts centrally. You can retrieve and use the
scripts on another system. You can select individual scripts to export script data in the IVR or XML
The IVR format is an internal format of IVR Editor. Using this format, you can export multiple IVR
scripts at once. You can also export unfinished scripts, or scripts with open input or exit connectors.
The limitations of the XML format are:
• You can only export one IVR script at a time.
• The XML format contains all elements of an IVR script except comments.
• The IVR script must be syntactically correct with no errors.
1. To export a script in the IVR format:
a. Click IVR .
The system displays the Export IVR Script dialog box.
b. In the Export file field, type a name for the export file.
c. Click the IVR script to export, and click Export.
The system creates an export file.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 65

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Working with IVR scripts

d. Click OK.
2. To export a script in the XML format:
a. Click IVR > Export as XML .
The system displays the Export as XML dialog box.
b. In the Create IVR Script dialog box, type a name for the export file.
c. Click the IVR script to export.
d. Click Export.
The system creates an export file.
e. Click OK.

Importing IVR script data

About this task
If you import IVR scripts that have the same name as the scripts in the database, the system adds a
postfix to the script names. The scripts with modified file names might not function.
The extension for the IVR format script is .ivr.
The extension for the XML format script is .xml.
1. Click IVR > Import.
The system displays the Import IVR Script dialog box.
2. In the Import file field, select the import file.
The system displays the import data in the Import data field.
3. In the Folder field, click a folder to which you want to import the file.
4. Click Import.
The system displays the imported data.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 66

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Chapter 5: Resources

See the following related documents on the Avaya Support website at
IP Office Contact Center User Interface for Windows documents
Document title Use this document for Audience
Administering Avaya IP Office Administer address books in the Administrators
Contact Center Address Book IP Office Contact Center interface.
The address book feature
simplifies agent tasks such as
making calls and sending emails.
Using the Avaya IP Office Contact Perform administration tasks with Administrators
Center Configuration and User the Configuration and UI
Interface Configuration Modules Configuration modules.

This document is also
available as a help system
through the product interface.
Administering Avaya IP Office Work with the Dialer module in the Administrators
Contact Center Dialer IP Office Contact Center interface.

This document is also
available as a help system
through the product interface.
Administering Avaya IP Office Create and edit IVR editor scripts. Administrators
Contact Center IVR Editor
This document is also
available as a help system
through the product interface.
Administering Avaya IP Office Create and edit task flow editor Administrators
Contact Center Task Flow Editor scripts. As of Release 10.0, this
document also contains the task
tag information that was previously
in a separate IP Office Contact
Table continues…

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 67

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Document title Use this document for Audience

Center Task Tags Reference
document. The separate
document has been discontinued.

This document is also
available as a help system
through the product interface.
Administering Avaya IP Office Create, edit, and administer text Administrators
Contact Center Text Blocks blocks for the IP Office Contact
Center email feature.
Using Avaya IP Office Contact Use the IP Office Contact Center All interface users, including
Center for Windows User Interface for Windows. agents, supervisors, and
This document is also
available as a help system
through the product interface.

Other related IP Office Contact Center documents

Document title Use this document for Audience
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Understand IP Office Contact All users
Feature Description Center features and capabilities.
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Understand IP Office Contact • Sales and support personnel
Reference Configuration Center deployment topologies,
• Architects
network architecture, system
capacities, product interoperability, • Implementation engineers
and functional limitations of
specific configurations.
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Perform basic IP Office Contact • Support personnel
Dialer Task Based Guide Center installation.
• Implementation engineers
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Configure email and chat services. • Support personnel
Email and Chat Services Task You must complete this
• Implementation engineers
Based Guide configuration before you can use
email and IM functionality on the
IP Office Contact Center user
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Perform basic IP Office Contact • Support personnel
Core Installation Task Based Center installation.
• Implementation engineers
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Configure the IVR Editor module. • Support personnel
IVR Scenarios Task Based Guide This document also describes IVR
• Implementation engineers
editor script options and how to
configure each option.
Table continues…

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 68

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Document title Use this document for Audience

Avaya IP Office Contact Center Perform maintenance and • Support personnel
Maintenance Task Based Guide upgrade tasks.
• Implementation engineers
• Administrators
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Configure the IP Office Contact • Support personnel
Reporting Task Based Guide Center Reporting module.
• Implementation engineers
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Configure the Task Flow. • Support personnel
Task Flow Editor Telephony Task
Editor module for IP Office • Implementation engineers
Based Guide
Contact Center telephony.
Avaya IP Office Contact Center Configure IP Office Contact • Support personnel
Telephony User Interface Center telephony.
• Implementation engineers
Configuration Task Based Guide

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website

1. Navigate to
2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.
3. Click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the
5. In Choose Release, select an appropriate release number.
6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all
available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list displays
the documents only from the selected category.
7. Click Enter.

You can access training courses and credentials at To search for a
course, after logging in to the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Search field
and press Enter or click >.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 69

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Table 3: IP Office Contact Center courses and certification credentials

Course code Course title

ACSS-3003 ACSS — IP Office Contact Center credential
AIPS-4000 AIPS — IP Office Platform credential
ACSS-3000 ACSS — Avaya Midmarket Communications credential
4001 Avaya IP Office Platform Implementation Test
3002 Avaya IP Office Platform Configuration and Maintenance Exam
3003 Avaya IP Office Contact Center Implementation and Maintenance Exam
8S00010E Knowledge Access: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Implementation and Support.
0S00100E Knowledge Access: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Administration
0S00010E Knowledge Collection Access: Avaya Midmarket Implementation and Support
8S00010I Fast Track: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Implementation and Support Instructor
8S00010V Fast Track: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Implementation and Support Virtual
Instructor Led
10S00005E Knowledge Access: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Platform Implementation
5S00004E Knowledge Access: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Platform Support
2251E Knowledge Access: Avaya IP Office Contact Center Platform Administration
2252C Avaya IP Office Contact Center Expanded Configuration and Administration

Viewing Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya
About this task
Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on
the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and perform one
of the following actions:
- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos to see a list of the available videos.
- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the
Content Type column on the left.
• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to and
perform one of the following actions:
- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 70

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- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos posted
on the website.
Videos are not available for all products.

Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a
support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base

The Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides:
• Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips
• Information about service packs
• Access to customer and technical documentation
• Information about training and certification programs
• Links to other pertinent information
If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, you can
access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a valid Sold-To
Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems.
1. Go to
2. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.
The system displays the Avaya Support page.
3. Click Support by Product > Product Specific Support.
4. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter.
5. Select the product from the list, and select a release.
6. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles.
7. Select relevant articles.

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 71

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UNC UNC stands for Uniform Naming Convention. UNC is a widely accepted
standard for addressing shared resources, such as folders, drives, on a PC
network. UNC eliminates the need to assign a drive letter to connect. For
example: \\servername\sharename\path (Windows).

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 72

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A IVR scripts .................................................................... 66
InSite Knowledge Base ........................................................71
adding Interactive Voice Response ................................................... 8
script elements ............................................................. 51 IVR ...................................................................................8, 16
architecture IVR Editor
IVR ................................................................................10 logging in ...................................................................... 50
IVR script
elements ....................................................................... 14
B preview ......................................................................... 60
basic elements print ...............................................................................60
IVR ................................................................................14 IVR script elements
announcement ..............................................................22
announcement plus, DTMF .......................................... 24
C announcement plus DTMF ........................................... 22
announcement plus voice recognition .......................... 25
change history ....................................................................... 7
branch ...........................................................................18
call ................................................................................ 36
assign number .............................................................. 63
check time period ......................................................... 17
Configure IVR
close database ............................................................. 44
properties ......................................................................62
refer back .............................................................. 39
script folders ................................................................. 50
consultation, ................................................................. 39
scripts ........................................................................... 51
define variable .............................................................. 17
delete records ...............................................................46
D delete voice mail ...........................................................30
first record .....................................................................47
database elements information on connection ............................................ 40
IVR ................................................................................42 insert record ..................................................................45
deleting IVR ............................................................................8, 16
folders ...........................................................................61 logic .............................................................................. 17
script elements ............................................................. 54 modify records .............................................................. 45
scripts ........................................................................... 61 next record ....................................................................47
documentation ..................................................................... 67 open database ..............................................................44
document changes ................................................................ 7 record voice mail .......................................................... 27
record voice mail plus DTMF ........................................28
E send DTMF tones ......................................................... 37
send voicemail as an email .......................................... 29
editing start program ................................................................ 19
script elements ............................................................. 54 start script ..................................................................... 18
elements .............................................................................. 14 text to speech ............................................................... 26
exporting trace ..............................................................................16
IVR scripts .................................................................... 65 wait ............................................................................... 18
IVR script examples .............................................................13
IVR scripts
F assigning ...................................................................... 57
folders debugging .....................................................................58
deleting ......................................................................... 61 enabling ........................................................................ 58
rename ......................................................................... 61 exporting .......................................................................65
importing .......................................................................66
saving ........................................................................... 58
I IVR scripts elements
SQL query .................................................................... 46

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 73

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L rename ......................................................................... 61
speech elements
local variables ...................................................................... 55 IVR ................................................................................19
Logic elements .....................................................................55 storage
IVR ................................................................................11
support .................................................................................71
move T
script elements ............................................................. 54
scripts ........................................................................... 60 telephony elements
IVR ................................................................................32
time-off periods .................................................................... 65
O topology
opening IVR ................................................................................10
scripts ........................................................................... 51 IVR data ........................................................................11
Overview training ................................................................................. 69
IVR ..................................................................................8
P usage
Properties IVR ..................................................................................8
Assign ...........................................................................58
IVR .................................................................................... V
VU ......................................................................... 58
purpose ..................................................................................7 variables for language
IVR script ...................................................................... 13 speech elements .......................................................... 31
videos .................................................................................. 70
voice mails
R edit ................................................................................63
rename voice units
folders ...........................................................................61 configuring .................................................................... 61
scripts ........................................................................... 61
S WAV file formats .................................................................. 64
script elements WAV files ............................................................................. 55
adding ...........................................................................51
deleting ......................................................................... 54
editing ........................................................................... 54
examples ...................................................................... 52
move .............................................................................54
script errors ..........................................................................59
script folders
creating .........................................................................50
changing size ................................................................56
closing windows ............................................................60
connectors .................................................................... 53
creating .........................................................................51
deleting ......................................................................... 61
displaying windows .......................................................56
hiding windows ............................................................. 56
local variables ...............................................................55
move .............................................................................60
opening .........................................................................51
refreshing ......................................................................56

May 2017 Administering Avaya IP Office Contact Center IVR Editor 74

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