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Title Page

Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Ecological

Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 Indicators in
Brgy. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Rizal Technological University, Pasig City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Senior High School




February 2019

This thesis entitled Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 Indicators in Brgy.
Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City, prepared and submitted by Crissel Ann Famorcan,
Christian Khalil De Villa , Babaylene Inso, and Arnie Joyce Tropa in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Senior High School, has been examined
and is hereby recommended for Oral Examination.

February 2019 DR. ANTONIO D. ANTONIO

Date Adviser


Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Senior High
School with a grade of ____________.


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Senior High


Date Focal Person, SHS Pasig Campu

Title: Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000 Indicators in Brgy. Pinagbuhatan,
Pasig City



School: Rizal Technological University- Pasig Campus

Year: 2018-2019
Course: Humanities and Social Sciences - Senior High School

This study attempted to know the extent of Implementing rules and Regulations

of the Philippine Ecological Solid waste Management Act of 2000 indicators in

Brgy.Pinagbuhatan,Pasig City .The researchers use Purposive sampling used to

obtain the population sample. The samples are selected based on the decision of the

researcher on who best qualify to answer the objectives of the study.Research made

questionnaire was utililized to determine the afficit and avulcified participants of this

foregoing study.

On the basis of the foregoing study, the following findings were gained: the

Residents Brgy.Pinagbuhatan,Pasig City served as the respondents of the study.

The finding led to a conclusion that Majority of the respondents are female.Most

of the respondents are in the age group of 18 years old and below. Majority of the

respondents are from highschool graduates and most of them have blue collar job.
The following reccomendations were sugessted:

1. The researchers may construct more explorations to atleast improve the male

respondents and the respondents who belong to other other age group.

2. The researchers recommends the officials to atleast improve the

implementation of other indicators stated .

3. The researchers would like to recommend the persons in charge of the

implementation to atleast Improve the implementation of proper segregation of waste

and reducing of its volume. Also, strictly implement the rules and regulations regarding

the health safety of the persons involved in the implementation.

4.The researchers would like to recommend the implementers that they should be

more strict in implementing the Philippine Ecological Solid waste management Act

2000 and should also conduct a necessary or proper training to the collector to handle

the waste properly and to be aware to their safety in collecting solid waste.

5. For the future Researcher we suggest to study the different factors that affects

the implementation of the Solid Waste Management act in relation to this study

conducted by the researchers.


The researchers would not be able to accomplis this study without the

approval and contributions of the following;

To our God Almighty, the researchers thank Him for a mind that can now and

a heart that can love, guidance and also for giving them things that they need and

knowledge that enabled them to work on this research.

To their Parents, they full heartedly thanked for being always there to support

and inspired them to finished this research.

To their Family, they whole-heartedly thanked them for giving them full support

and encouraged them to make this research.

To their professor in Research Project, Dr. Antonio Antonio, they would like

to say thank you for giving them moral support and advices that they needed in their


To their evaluator Mr. Inocencio De Jesus who corrected each and every

grammar from their research.

To all, they express their gratitude and their words of encouragement that

enable them to pursue their goals and to strive more harder in order for them to be

successful in their research.





This chapter presents the problem and its background which consists of

Introduction, Conceptual Framework, Statement of the Problem, Hypothesis,

Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation of the study and Definition of Terms.

Solid waste management is the collection, transport or disposal and treatment

of waste materials. It relates to materials produced to human activities, and the

process generally undertaken to endure its effects on health, the environment and

aesthetics. It reduces or eliminates adverse impacts on the environment and human

health rather supports economic development and improved the quality of life. In

today’s polluted world, learning the correct methods of handling the waste generated

has become essential (Marello and Helwege, 2014).

All of the methods of waste prevention and waste management require public

participation. Oliva as cited by Villanueva (2013) said that education is an important

component of solid waste management that should be present to establish a good

program for the community. Awareness of solid waste management will create change

on how people look at garbage. People grew up thinking that garbage is garbage, it

should not be touched or one should not go near to it. They thought before that all

types of garbage should just be thrown in one container (Sarino, 2014).

According to Baula as cited by Punongbayan (2014), awareness accompanied

by participation is the key for students to be involved in the waste management

program of the schools where effective and sustainable implementation of the proper

waste management practices could be achieved. Section 55-56 of Republic Act 9003

or The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act stipulates that the national

government in coordination with Department of Education (DepED), Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA); Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) and Philippine Information Agency (PIA), should conduct a

continuing education and information campaign on solid waste management and

strengthen the integration of environmental concerns in school curricula at all levels,

with particular emphasis on the theories and practices of waste management

principles like segregation at source, reduction, recycling, re-use and composting, in

order to promote environmental awareness and action among the citizenry.

Segregation at source is a solid waste management practice of separating

different materials found in solid waste at the point of origin in order to promote

recycling and re-use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection

and disposal (Article 2, Section 3, RA 9003). Ambayic et al. (2013) cited that reduction

is bringing down the amount of trash disposed by consciously buying items that

generate a lot of trash. It instills a culture of responsible waste management among

students while helping schools reduce their waste.


Statement of the Problem

1. What is the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Occupation

1.4. Educational Attainment

2. To what extent is the implementation of Philippine Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000 in terms of:

2.1. Waste Segregation at source (RULE IX)

2.2. Collection, transport,and handling of solid wastes (RULE X)

3. Is there a significant difference when their profile is considered?


Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework


The figure above shows that the researchers will be able to know and

investigate the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, occupation and

educational attainment. They will be asked about their perspective on the

effectiveness of solid waste management implementation in terms of different

indicators stated in the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

that will lead to the attainment of information on better Solid Waste Management

There is no significant difference among the perspective of respondents on solid

waste management when their profile is considered.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to know and to analyze the effectiveness of solid waste

management implementation in Brgy. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City. This study may be

beneficial to the following people:

GOVERNMENT - The data obtained from the study could be forwarded to the

government for suggestions on improved solid waste management.

COMMUNITY-This study will provide information about solid waste management

and how people could help our very own government in dealing with it's


FUTURE RESEARCHERS – the data obtained from the study would serve as an

impetus towards the solid waste management and would give them ideas for new

research topics.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study sought to determine the significant difference among the perspective of the

respondents on the effectiveness of solid waste management implementation in terms

of different indicators stated in the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

of 2000. The Respondents of this study are the Residents of Brgy. Pinagbuhatan,

Pasig City. The researchers get a total number of 100 respondents living in different

areas of Brgy. Pinagbuhatan.

Definition of Terms
Agricultural waste- shall refer to waste generated from planting or harvesting of

crops, trimming or pruning of plants and wastes or run-off materials from farms or


Collection-shall refer to the act of removing solid waste from the source or from a

communal storage point.

Department- shall refer to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Disposal- shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing

of any solid waste into or in an land.

Ecological solid waste management- shall refer to the systematic administration

of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation,

storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and

disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm

the environment

Ecological- concerned with the relation of living organisms to one another and to

their physical surroundings.

Municipal- waste shall refer to wastes produced from activities within local

government units which include a combination of domestic, commercial, institutional

and industrial wastes and street litters;

Recycled- material shall refer to post-consumer material that has been recycled and

returned to the economy;

Recycling- shall refer to the treating of used or waste materials through a process
of making them suitable for beneficial use and for other purposes, and includes any

process by which solid waste materials are transformed into new products in such a

manner that the original product may lose their identity, and which maybe used as

raw materials for the production of other goods or services: Provided, That the

collection, segregation and re-use of previously used packaging material shall be

deemed recycling under this Act;

Segregation- shall refer to a solid waste management practice of separating

different materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of

resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal;

Segregation at source- shall refer to a solid waste...


Chapter II


Solid Waste Management

In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes

generated by human activity and a range of solid waste material resulting from the

disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food waste, ash and packaging

materials; human faeces disposed of in garbage; emergency waste such as plastic

water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies; rubble resulting from

the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and allen trees and

rocks obstructing transport and communications. Other specialist wastes, such as

medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be

dealt with urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note (World Health


As reported by Guzman et al., (2010), solid waste management is one of the

most critical environmental problems today. In metro Manila alone, approximately 0.6

kilogram per person of garbage is produced with a total amount of about 6000 to 7000

tons per day. Despite the fact that not all of these collection system people seem to

be unconcerned with the amount of solid and semisolid waste they produce.

Proper collection is a solution to the country’s waste problem. Unfortunately,

disposal would not be the most and sole answer to this concern (Guzman et al., 2010).
Until recently, the disposal of municipal solid waste does not attract much public

attention. From prehistory through the present day, the favored means of disposal was

simply to dump solid waste outside the city and village limits (Enger & Smith, 2006).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States produces

11 billion tons of solid waste each year. Nearly half of those amounts consist of

agriculture wastes such as crop residue and animal manure which are generally

recycled into the soil on the farms where they are produced. They represent valuable

resources as ground cover to reduce erosion and fertilizer to nourish new crops.

However, they also constitute the single largest source of air and water pollution in the

country (Cunningham & Saigo, 2001).

Waste management is an integrated part of the sustainable development. As

population continues to grow and economy expands, there is a need to ensure the

waste generated is properly manage on order to preserve the existing environment

for future generations. Waste management has also been widely recognized

especially in the 1980’s when there was a fear of landfill crisis. Since then, major

development happened in municipal waste management (Aeckerman,1997).

Source Reduction
The most fundamental way to reduce wastes is to prevent it from becoming

waste in the first place. Source reduction means using less materials when making a

product or converting from heavy packaging materials to lightweight ones according

to Cunningham and Saigo (2003), Some packaging materials are converted to

lightweight aluminium and plastic and reducing the thickness of packaging, thus

reducing the amount of packaging wastes. In 2003, plastic milk jugs weigh about half

of what they weighted when they were first introduced. On an individual level, one can

reduce amount of wastes generated. Every small personal commitment accumulates

result of a significant reduction of municipal solid wastes.

Solid wastes may be recycled into useful products. Nowadays, as reported by

Guzman et al., (2010), recyclable materials recovered from municipal refuse. Many

municipalities require that those who generate solid wastes must separate and keep

bottles, cans, newspaper, cardboards and other recyclables items. Special trucks pick

up these wastes and transfer to the recycling facilities.

In the Philippines, recycling is well established. It is slowly taking-off in the more

parts of Asia. Two of which are in the remote village of Looc on Panglau Island in the

Philippines. Locals now collect plastics for recycling to supplement their income. Also,

schemes are under way to recycle plastic bottles and cans. The collected material is

send to Cebu City by barge. There, the bottles can are processed. It is important to

note that the motivators for this recycling initiate are mostly financial rather than


These rural communities are still living in a severe poverty, with the proceeds

of sale used to buy basic foods staples (Alan, 2011). There are two types of recycling:

One is direct in the sense of materials are reused directly like bottles and refillable
beverage containers. The indirect way is when the waste materials will undergo

processing like aluminum cans. With recycling, new materials are formed out of sates

(Guzman & Reyes, 2003 as cited in Anito,2011).

Article 4 Recycling Program Section 26 of R.A 9003 Inventory of Existing

Markets for Recyclable Materials
The DTI shall within six (6) months from the effectively of this Act and in

cooperation with the Department, the DILG and other concerned agencies and

sectors, publish a study of existing markets for processing and purchasing recyclable

materials and the potential steps necessary to expand these markets. Such study shall

include, but not be limited to, an inventory of existing markets for recyclable materials,

product standards for recyclable and recycled materials, and a proposal, developed

in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, to stimulate the demand for the

production of products containing post-consumer and recovered materials.

Disposal shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing

of any solid waste into or in a land.

Section 25 of R.A 9003 Guidelines for Transfer Stations.

Transfer stations shall be designed and operated for efficient waste handling

capacity and in compliance with environmental standards and guidelines set pursuant

to this Act and other regulations: Provided, that no waste shall be stored in such station

beyond twenty-four (24) hours. The sitting of the transfer station shall consider the

land use plan, proximity to collection area, and accessibility of haul routes to disposal

facility. The design shall give primary consideration to size and space sufficiency in
order to accommodate the waste for storage and vehicles for loading and

unloading of wastes.

The Municipal Council enacted an ordinance establishing solid waste management

also known as “PerkashFashura Ordinance Na Isadanga.”The ordinance prohibits

dumping of garbage anywhere other than those recognized and established garbage

facilities; dumping of unclean and unsegregated waste at the redemption

center/facility; discharging of human feces along the creeks and rivers; throwing of

wastes in creeks, rivers, public places such as roads, sidewalks and establishments;

and burning of garbage particularly non-biodegradable wastes. It also requires

residents to practice segregation of wastes at source. Reusable solid wastes such as

bottles, plastics, cellophanes and papers shall be brought to the barangay material

recovery facility duly segregated or directly to the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable

materials and special solid wastes will be brought to the material recovery facility,

while hazardous wastes or chemicals will be disposed in coordination with concerned

government agencies according to prescribed methods.

The local government is responsible for collecting reusable, recyclable and

non-biodegradable waste materials from the material recovery facilities; and

transporting them to the recycling centers and or to the municipal material recovery

facility. Collection of segregated solid wastes is scheduled per barangay (Saley,

The Environmental Protection Agency has determined a three tiered

approach for managing solid waste. Each of these should be practiced to reduce the

amount material headed for final disposal. They are in order of importance:

REDUCE. The best way to manage solid waste. Don't create waste in the first place!

Buy only what you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid heavily packaged products. Avoid

disposable items like paper plates and plastic silverware. Buy the largest size package

for those items that you use are often.

REUSE. The better way to manage solid waste. Reuse items use them over and over

until they are completely worn out.

RECYCLE.The good way to manage solid waste. Recycle means taking something

old and making it into something new. In Seminole County, all residents who live in a

single family home can recycle right in front of their house. Those residents who live

in apartments or condominiums can drop off their recyclables at several different

locations. Old newspapers, #1 and #2 plastic bottles, green, clear and brown glass

bottles and jars, aluminum and steel cans can all be recycled at the curb. Simply rinse

out containers and remove lids. That's it; it's very simple and very worthwhile. Not only

does it keep items out of the landfill, recycling conserves natural resources (Seminole

County Government,2012).

Australia may be a large country, but we live in a throw-away society that is

rapidly filling it with our waste. Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade disposable
technology and consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for

decades. At the same time however, there has been a trend away from both burning

waste in incinerators and burying it in landfills. Waste management policies now seek

to minimize waste disposal by reducing its generation and by reusing and recycling.

This book reveals the extent of our growing waste problem and examines the waste

and recycling practices of households, and includes many tips on how to

reduce, reuse and recycle. Topics include green waste, plastics, glass, paper, metal

and electronic waste (Healey, 2010).

There are many stringent regulations governing the treatment and disposal of

waste in the UK, both onshore and offshore, and in most other countries as well.

Facilities involved in waste transfer and treatment require licenses, and all personnel

who work at such facilities require the proper kind of training that goes with the

handling of waste that can often be dangerous if not handled properly.

Waste management facilities also need to be able to respond quickly to

emergency situations. By their very nature there is rarely any warning that an

emergency is about to occur. For that reason emergency response teams need to be

on standby every hour of every day, and every day of every year. Waste management

disposal and treatment can originate from both domestic and industrial

Local Studies

The experiences and practices of household waste management of people in a

baranggay (village) in Manila, Philippines are documented. The data were gathered

through an interview with household members using open-ended questions.

Interviews were also conducted with garbage collectors as well as scavengers.

Results showed that the households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste

per day, or 0.50 kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are

food/kitchen wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass

bottles, cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes. The respondents segregate

their wastes into PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No

respondents perform composting. It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is

not done by the respondents. The households rely on garbage collection by the

government. Collection is done twice daily, except Sundays, and household members

bring their garbage when the garbage truck arrives. However, there are those who

dump their garbage in non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of the street.

The dumped garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms.

Some household respondents said that it is possible that the dumping in certain areas

caused the dengue fever suffered by some of their family members. Mothers and

household helpers are responsible for household waste management.

Scavengers generally look for recyclable items in the dumped garbage. All of

them said that it is their only source of income, which is generally not enough for their

meals. Most of the respondents said that garbage collection and disposal is the

responsibility of the government. The results of the study showed that RA 9003, also

known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, is not fully

implemented in Metro Manila (Bernardo, 2008).

This study highlights the results of the study that was conducted to analyze the

solid waste management practices of the waste generators, and the extent of their

compliance with the Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000. The study was conducted in Bacolod City,

Philippines in 2007. The findings of this study served as basis in developing a

handbook on solid waste management (Ballados, 2010).

The Motiong town government in Samar has vowed to intensify the

implementation of its Solid Waste Management Program after barangay chairmen

here took at one-day seminar-workshop on the program. The activity was held at the

Legislative Building here last Wednesday, August 29. Motiong Mayor Francisco M.

Langi Sr. said 30 baranggay chairmen of his municipality attended said seminar-

workshop sponsored by the town government conducted Municipal Planning and

Development Officer, Engr. Nicasio Permejo. Langi said all the barangay chairmen

were educated on the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of 2003 so that

they would be acquainted with and help implement the law in their respective
barangays and propagate environmental preservation. He said the town government

will strictly implement the “no segregation, no collection policy” in all of Motiong’s

barangays and urged the barangay officials to put up a Materials Recovery Facility

(MRF) where they can segregate bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste

materials. Such materials can be turned into a livelihood as, according to Langi, “there

is money in junk” (Abrematea, 2012).


Research Methodology
This chapter presents the Methods and Designs to be use, The Instruments,

Respondents, Specific Areas of Study, Data Gathering Procedure and finally the

Statistical Treatment Of Data to arrive at reliable findings and results.

Research design
Descriptive research was used to obtain information concerned the current status of

the phenomena to describe what exist with the respect to variables or conditions in


According to Lawson (2006), descriptive research is concerned with the descriptive

data and characteristics about a population. Descriptive studies seldom involve

experimentation, as they are more concerned with the natural occurring phenomena

than ith the observation of control situation.

Population Frame and Sampling Scheme

Purposive sampling used to obtain the population sample. The samples are selected

based on the decision of the researcher on who best qualify to answer the objectives

of the study. The population selected was the residents of Brgy. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig

City with the total number of 100 respondents.

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study is a total of 100 residents living in the area of study,

wherein there are 35 males and 65 females. The respondents were grouped

according to the following variables: Age, Gender, Occupation and educational

Research Instruments
The researcher made questionnaire was the main data gathering instruments used by

the researchers in the study. The researchers also prepared themselves to organize

everything before going to the interview process and the prepared tools to be used

like answer sheets and questionnaires.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The survey

was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual

questions formed by the researchers. The researchers provided questionnaires to the

selected residents of Brgy. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City. The handling of the

questionnaire was done personally by the researchers and facilitated the retrieval of


Statistical Treatment of Data

For orderly analysis of the data information obtained from the respondents ,statistical

treatments were applied:

Percentage - In getting the sample size, the group used percentage ranking, the F

stands for frequency, N for number of cases and % for percentage.

Formula: where:

%=f/nx100 %=percentage N = number of cases

Weighted average (WM). The weighted average is obtained by multiplying the

number of responses by the given weight and dividing results by the total number of

respondents (Calmorin.L.,2001)

Formula: Where:

WM= weighted mean

Fx = summation of weighted frequencies

N= total number of respondents

Annova-is a collection of statistical model used in order to analyze the differences

between group means and their associated procedures. Together profiles of the

respondents (gender, age occupation and educational attainment), to their

perspective on the effectiveness of solid waste management implementation, the

formula of ANOVA was used.


Fx= MS (between)
MS (within)

MSb = Means Of Square Between
MSw = Means Of Square

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data
This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation data in

accordance with the problems introduced in Chapter 1.

Table 1.Frequency and Percentage distribution by Age

Age Frequency Percent

18 yrs. Old below 49 49 %

19-25 yrs. Old 28 28 %

26 yrs. Old and above 23 23 %

Total 100 100 %

The table shows that the majority of the respondents are 18 yrs. Old below with

a frequency of 49 and a percentage of 49, while 19-25 yrs. Old have a frequency of

28 and a percentage of 28 and 26 yrs. Old and above with the frequency and

percentage of 23 having the total frequency of 100 and percentage of 100.

Table 2.Frequency and Percentage distribution by Age

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 35 35 %

Female 65 65 %

Total 100 100 %

The table shows that the majority of the respondents are female with a frequency

and percentage of 65 followed by male that have a frequency and a percentage of

35 having the total frequency of 100 and percentage of 100.

Table 3.Frequency and Percentage distribution by Occupation

Occupation Frequency Percent

White Collar Job

9 9%
Blue Collar Job
16 16 %
No Job
75 75 %
100 100%

The table shows that the majority of the respondents have No Job with a

frequency of 75 and a percentage of 75 followed by those with Blue Collar Job that

has a frequency of 16 and a percentage of 16 , while those with White Collar Job get

a frequency of 9 and a percentage of 9, having the total frequency of 100 and

percentage of 100.
Table 4 .Frequency And Percentage Distribution By Educational
Educational Attainment Frequency Percent

Elementary 3 3%

High school 70 70 %

College 25 25 %

ALS 2 2%

Total 100 100 %

This table shows that majority of the respondents are at least High School

graduate with the frequency and percentage of 70 followed by college graduates with

the frequency and percentage of 25, while elementary graduates have the frequency

and percentage of 3 and the ALS with the frequency and percentage of 2 which sums

up the total number of respondents into 100.

Table 5 .Frequency and Distribution Table of the Respondents
Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank
1. Volume reduction at the
source shall be the first Sometimes
priority of the ecological SWM Observe
2. All LGUs shall actively
promote among its
constituencies the reduction 4.17 Often Observe
and minimization of wastes
generated at source.
3. There shall be a separate
container for each type of 4.09 Often Observe
waste from all sources.
4. The solid waste container
depending on its use shall be
properly marked or identified
for on-site collection as 3.93
“compostable,” “recyclable” or
“special waste,” or any other
5. Provide for the residents a
designated area and
containers in which to
accumulate source separated 3.92
recyclable materials to be
collected by the baranggay or
private collector.
6. Notify the occupants of
such buildings of the
requirement of the Act and 3.82
the regulations promulgated
pursuant thereto.
7. No scavenging or
unauthorized collection in
designated segregation 3.86
containers or areas shall be
Table 5 shows the frequency and distribution table of the respondents in terms

of RULE IX. Waste segregation at source. The Volume reduction at the source shall

be the first priority of the ecological SWM system.has the wiegted mean of 3.98

interpreted as sometimes observed ranked 3rd in the list.” All LGUs shall actively

promote among its constituencies the reducton and minimization of wastes generated

at source got the weighted mean of 4.17 interpreted as Often observed and ranked

1st. There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources. has

the weighted mean of 4.09, interpreted as often observed,ranked 2 nd . .The solid

waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified got the

weighted mean of 3.93 interpreted as Sometimes Observed ranked 4 th. . Provide for

the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate source

separated recyclable materials to be collected by the baranggay or private collector

got the weighted mean of 3.92 interpreted as Sometimes Observed ranked 5 th. Notify

the occupants of such buildings of the requirement of the Act and the regulations

promulgated pursuant thereto.got the weighted mean of 3.82 interpreted as

sometimes Observed ranked 7th . No scavenging or unauthorized collection in

designated segregation containers or areas shall be allowed got the weighted mean

of 3.86 interpreted as Often Observed ranked 6th.

Table 6 .Frequency and Distribution Table of the Respondents
By RULE X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes

Indicators Interpretation Rank
1.All collectors and other personnel directly dealing with
Sometimes 10
collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal 3.71 Observed
protective equipment and paraphernalia
2.The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide
Sometimes 11
necessary training to the collectors and personnel to 3.59 Observed
ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly.
3.Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner Often
that prevents damage to the container and spillage or 4.00 5
scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.
4.The equipment used in the collection and
transportation of solid waste shall be constructed,
Often 2
operated and maintained in such a manner as to 4.16 Observed
minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste
management personnel and the public.
5. Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and
Often 4
kept clean to prevent the propagation or attraction of 4.01 Observed
vectors and the creation of nuisances.
6. The use of separate collection schedules and/or Sometimes
spaded) trucks or haulers shall be required for specific 3.74 9
types of wastes
7. Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size,
Often 3
condition and capacity to ensure the safe and efficient 4.03 Observed
collection and transport of solid wastes.
8.For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear
Often 1
the body number, the name, and telephone number of 4.28 Observed
the contractor/agency collecting solid waste
9.Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall not Sometimes
come into contact with run-off and to prevent the 3.84 7
generation of leachate
10.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control 8
shall be included
3.77 Observed
11.The siting of the transfer station shall consider the Often
land use plan, proximity of collection area, and 4.03 3
accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility
12.Waste shall be removed from the transfer station 6
within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt.
3.93 Observed
Table 6 shows the frequency and distribution table of the respondents by

RULE X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes. The All collectors and

other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with

personal protective equipment and paraphernalia has the wiegted mean of 3.71

interpreted as sometimes observed ranked 10th in the list. “The City or Municipal

Health Officer shall provide necessary training to the collectors and personnel to

ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly” got the weighted mean of 3.59

interpreted as sometimes observed and ranked 11th. Collection of solid waste shall be

done in a manner that prevents damage to the container and spillage or scattering of

solid waste within the collection vicinity has the weighted mean of 4.00, interpreted as

often observed,ranked 5th. The equipment used in the collection and transportation of

solid waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a manner as to

minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste management personnel and the

public got the weighted mean of 4.16 interpreted as Often Observed ranked 2 nd.

Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the

propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances. got the weighted

mean of 4.01 interpreted as Often Observed ranked 4th. The use of separate collection

schedules and/or spaded) trucks or haulers shall be required for specific types of

wastes . got the weighted mean of 3.74 interpreted as sometimes Observed ranked

9th. Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity to ensure

the safe and efficient collection and transport of solid wastes got the weighted mean

of 4.03 interpreted as Often Observed ranked 3 rd. For the purpose of identification,
vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and telephone number of the

contractor/agency collecting solid waste got the weighted mean of 4.28 interpreted as

Often Observed ranked 1st . Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall not

come into contact with run-off and to prevent the generation of leachate got the

weighted mean of 3.84 interpreted as Sometimes Observed ranked 7 th . Provisions

for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included got the weighted mean of 3.77

interpreted as Sometimes Observed ranked 8th. The siting of the transfer station shall

consider the land use plan, proximity of collection area, and accessibility of haul routes

to disposal facility waste got the weighted mean of 4.03 interpreted as Often Observed

ranked 3rd. And lastly, Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-

four (24) hours of its receipt got the weighted mean of 3.93 interpreted as Sometimes

Observed ranked 6th on the list.

Table 7.T-test Result on the extent of implementation of RULE IX. .

RULE IX. . Waste Segregation At

F Sig. t interpretation remarks
1. Volume reduction at the source
Not Accept
shall be the first priority of the .008 .928 .139
significant HO
ecological SWM system.
2. All LGUs shall actively promote
among its constituencies the Not Accept
.187 .667 .709
reducton and minimization of significant HO
wastes generated at source.
3. There shall be a separate
Not Accept
container for each type of waste .238 .627 .161
significant HO
from all sources.
4. The solid waste container
depending on its use shall be
properly marked or identified for
Not Accept
on-site collection as .390 .534 .468
significant HO
“compostable,” “recyclable” or
“special waste,” or any other
5. Provide for the residents a
designated area and containers in
which to accumulate source - Not Accept
.247 .620
separated recyclable materials to .234 significant HO
be collected by the barangay or
private collector.
6. Notify the occupants of such
buildings of the requirement of the Not Accept
1.774 .186 .729
Act and the regulations significant HO
promulgated pursuant thereto.
7. No scavenging or unauthorized
collection in designated Not Accept
.076 .783 .169
segregation containers or areas significant HO
shall be allowed.

This table shows the extent of implementation of rule IX or Waste Segregation

at source by means of occupation. In question no.1 said that Volume reduction at the
source shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system. Shows that it has a

frequency of .008 and it has a significance of .928 and a t value of .139 and its

interpretation is not significant while its remarks is accept HO. In question no. 2 said

that All LGUs shall actively promote among its constituencies the reduction and

minimization of wastes generated at source; responsibility for sorting and segregation

of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes shall be at the household level and

all other sources. Having a frequency of .187 and it has a significance of .667 and a t

value of .709 and its interpreted as not significant and its remarks is accept HO. In

question no. 3 stated that There shall be a separate container for each type of waste

from all sources that has a frequency of .238 and its significance is .627 and a t value

of .161 and it is interpreted as not significant and its remarks is accept HO. In question

no. 4 The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or

identified for on-site collection as “compostable,” “recyclable” or “special waste,” or

any other classification shows that it has a frequency of .390 and significance of .534

and it has a t value of .468 and its interpreted as not significant and its remarks is

accept HO.

In question no. 5 Provide for the residents a designated area and containers

in which to accumulate source separated recyclable materials to be collected by the

barangay or private collector shows that it has a frequency of .247 and it has a

significance of .620 and a t value of .234 and its interpreted as not significant and its

remarks is accept HO. In question no. 6 Notify the occupants of such buildings of the

requirement of the Act and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto it has a
frequency of 1.774 and its significance is .186 and it has a t value of .729 and its

interpreted as not significant and it has a remarks of accept HO. In question no.7.

Stated that no scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation

containers or areas shall be allowed in having a frequency of .076 and it has a

significance of .783 and a t value of .169 and has a interpretation of not significant and

its remarks is accept HO.

Table 8 .T-test Result on the extent of implementation of RULE X.
Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes

Rule x. Collection,transport and F Sig. T Interpretatio Remark

handling of solid wastes n s
1.All collectors and other personnel directly
dealing with collection of solid waste shall Not Accept
3.536 .063 .756
be equipped with personal protective significant HO
equipment and paraphernalia
2.The City or Municipal Health Officer shall
provide necessary training to the collectors Not Accept
3.419 .067 .759
and personnel to ensure that the solid significant HO
wastes are handled properly.
3.Collection of solid waste shall be done in
a manner that prevents damage to the - Not Accept
1.086 .300
container and spillage or scattering of solid 1.426 significant HO
4.The equipment used in the collection and
transportation of solid waste shall be
- Not Accept
constructed, operated and maintained in 1.824 .180
1.346 significant HO
such a manner as to minimize health and
safety hazards.
5. Equipment shall be maintained in good
condition and kept clean to prevent the Not Accept
.014 .906 .772
propagation or attraction of vectors and the significant HO
creation of nuisances.
6. The use of separate collection
Not Accept
schedules trucks or haulers shall be .226 .636 .209
significant HO
required for specific types of wastes
7. Vehicles shall be designed to consider Not Accept
1.886 .173 .205
road size, condition and capacity. significant HO
8.For the purpose of identification, vehicles
shall bear the body number, the name, and
1.886 .173 .205 interpretation remarks
telephone number of the contractor/agency
collecting solid waste
9.Facilities shall be designed such that
waste shall not come into contact with run- - Not Accept
1.166 .283
off and to prevent the generation of 1.022 significant HO
10.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and Not Accept
2.521 .116 -.508
dust control shall be included. significant HO
11.The sitting of the transfer station shall
consider the land use plan, proximity of - Not Accept
.977 .325
collection area, and accessibility of haul 1.019 significant HO
routes to disposal facility
12.Waste shall be removed from the
Not Accept
transfer station within twenty-four (24) .150 .700 .548
significant HO
hours of its receipt.

This table shows the extent of implementation of rule X or Collection, Transport,

and Handling of Solid Waste by means of occupation. In question no. 1 stated that All

collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be

equipped with personal protective equipment and paraphernalia with a frequency of

3.536 and has a significance of .063 and a t value of .756 and interpreted as not

significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 2 stated that The City or

Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary training to the collectors and

personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly with a frequency of

.3.149 and has a significance of .067 and a t value of .759 and interpreted not

significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no.3 said that the Collection of

solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage to the container and

spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity with a frequency of

1.086 and has a significance of .300 and a t value of -1.426 and interpreted as not

significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 4 said that The equipment

used in the collection and transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated

and maintained in such a manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid

waste management personnel and the public with a frequency of .1.824 and has a

significance of .180 and a t value of -1.346 and interpreted as not significant with a

remarks of accept HO.

In question no. 5 stated that Equipment shall be maintained in good condition

and kept clean to prevent the propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of
nuisances with a frequency of .014 and it has a significance of .906 and a t value of

.772 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 6

said that The use of separate collection schedules and/or spaded) trucks or haulers

shall be required for specific types of wastes with a frequency of .226 and it has a

significance of .636 and a t value of .209 interpreted as not significant with a remarks

of accept HO. In question no. 7 stated that Vehicles shall be designed to consider

road size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe and efficient collection and

transport of solid wastes with a frequency of 1.886 and it has a significance of .173

and a t value of .209 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

In question no. 8 stated that For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the

body number, the name, and telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting

solid waste with a frequency of 1.886 and it has a significance of .173 and a t value of

.205 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 9

said that the Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall not come into contact

with run-off and to prevent the generation of leachate with a frequency of .1.166 and

it has a significance of .283 and a t value -1.022 and interpreted as not significant with

a remarks of accept HO.

In question no. 10 stated that the Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control

shall be included with a frequency of 2.521 and it has a significance of .116 and a t

value of -508 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO. In

question no. 11 said that The siting of the transfer station shall consider the land use

plan, proximity of collection area, and accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility
with a frequency of .997 and it has a significance of .325 and a t value of -1.019 and

interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO. And the last question stated

that Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-four (24) hours of

its receipt with a frequency of .150 and it has a significance of .700 and a t value of

.548 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

Table 9.One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of RULE IX.


RULE IX. . WASTE SEGREGATION F Sig. interpretation remarks

1. Volume reduction at the source
shall be the first priority of the .444 .643 Not Significant Accept HO
ecological SWM system.
2. All LGUs shall actively promote
among its constituencies the reduction
.184 .832 Not Significant Accept HO
and minimization of wastes generated
at source.
3. There shall be a separate container
for each type of waste from all .035 .966 Not Significant Accept HO
4. The solid waste container
depending on its use shall be properly
marked or identified for on-site
.185 .831 Not Significant Accept HO
collection as “compostable,”
“recyclable” or “special waste,” or any
other classification.
5. Provide for the residents a
designated area and containers in
which to accumulate source separated .187 .829 Not Significant Accept HO
recyclable materials to be collected by
the barangay or private collector.
6. Notify the occupants of such
buildings of the requirement of the Act 1.20
.303 Not Significant Accept HO
and the regulations promulgated 9
pursuant thereto.
7. No scavenging or unauthorized
collection in designated segregation .075 .928 Not Significant Accept HO
containers or areas shall be allowed

The table 9 shows the One-Way ANOVA Results on the the extent of

implementation of RULE IX. waste segregation at source by age. The “Volume

reduction at the source shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system ." having
a frequency of .444 and interpreted as not Significant. “All LGUS shall actively promote

among its constituencies the reducton and minimization of wastes generated at

source; responsibility for sorting and segregation of biodegradable and non-

biodegradable wastes shall be at the household level and all other sources.” Having

a frequency of .184 and interpreted as not significant. " “There shall be a separate

container for each type of waste from all sources. " having a frequency of 0.35 and

interpreted as Not significant. "

The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or

identified for on-site collection as “compostable,” “recyclable” or “special waste,” or

any other classification. " having a frequency of .185 and interpreted as not significant.

" Provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate

source separated recyclable materials to be collected by the barangay or private

collector." having a frequency of .187 and interpreted as not significant. " Notify the

occupants of such buildings of the requirement of the Act and the regulations

promulgated pursuant thereto " having a frequency of 1.209 and interpreted as not

significant. "No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation

containers or areas shall be allowed" having a frequency of .075 and interpreted as

not Significant.
Table 10.One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of
RULE X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes by age
RULE X. Collection,Transport and
f Sig. Interpretation Remarks
Handling of Solid Wastes
1.All collectors and other personnel directly
dealing with collection of solid waste shall be Not Accept
equipped with personal protective equipment
1.543 .219
Significant HO
and paraphernalia
2.The City or Municipal Health Officer shall
provide necessary training to the collectors and Not Accept
personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are
.770 .466
Significant HO
handled properly.
3.Collection of solid waste shall be done in a
manner that prevents damage to the container Not Accept
and spillage or scattering of solid waste within
.328 .721
Significant HO
the collection vicinity.
4.The equipment used in the collection and
transportation of solid waste shall be Not Accept
constructed, operated and maintained in such a
.731 .484
Significant HO
5. Equipment shall be maintained in good
condition and kept clean to prevent the Not Accept
propagation or attraction of vectors and the
2.142 .123
Significant HO
creation of nuisances.
6. The use of separate collection schedules
Not Accept
and/or spaded) trucks or haulers shall be .142 .867
required for specific types of wastes Significant HO
7. Vehicles shall be designed to consider road
size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe Not Accept
and efficient collection and transport of solid
.063 .939
Significant HO
8.For the purpose of identification, vehicles
shall bear the body number, the name, and Not Accept
telephone number of the contractor/agency
.072 .930
Significant HO
collecting solid waste
9.Facilities shall be designed such that waste
Not Accept
shall not come into contact with run-off and to .652 .524
prevent the generation of leachate Significant HO
10.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust Not Accept
control shall be included
1.146 .322
Significant HO
11.The siting of the transfer station shall
consider the land use plan, proximity of Not Accept
collection area, and accessibility of haul routes
.405 .668
Significant HO
to disposal facility
12.Waste shall be removed from the transfer
Not Accept
station within twenty-four (24) hours of its 1.017 .365
receipt. Significant HO

Table 10 shows the One-way ANOVA results on the the extent of implementation

of RULE X. Collection, Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes by age. The "All

collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be

equipped with personal protective equipment and paraphernalia " having a frequency

of 1.543 and interpreted as not significant. " The City or Municipal Health Officer shall

provide necessary training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid

wastes are handled properly. " having a frequency of . 770 and interpreted as not

significant. " Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage

to the container and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.

" having a frequency of .328 and interpreted as not significant. ".The equipment used

in the collection and transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and

maintained in such a manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste

management personnel and the public." having a frequency of . 731 and interpreted

as not significant.

Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the

propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances. " having a

frequency of 2.142and interpreted as not significant. " The use of separate collection

schedules and/or spaded) trucks or haulers shall be required for specific types of

wastes " having a frequency of .142 and interpreted as not significant. " Vehicles shall

be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe and

efficient collection and transport of solid wastes. " having a frequency of .063 and
interpreted as not significant. " For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear

the body number, the name, and telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting

solid waste " having a frequency of .072 and interpreted as not significant. " Facilities

shall be designed such that waste shall not come into contact with run-off and to

prevent the generation of leachate " having a frequency of .652 and interpreted as not

significant. " Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included "

having a frequency of 1.146 and interpreted as not significant. " The siting of the

transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity of collection area, and

accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility " having a frequency of .405 and

interpreted as not significant. " Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within

twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt " having a frequency of 1.017 and interpreted as

not significant.
Table 11. One-Way ANOVA Results on RULE IX. . WASTE


F Sig. Interpretation Remarks
1. Volume reduction at the source shall
be the first priority of the ecological .148 .863 Accept Ho
SWM system.
2. All LGUs shall actively promote
among its constituencies the reducton
and minimization of wastes generated
at source; responsibility for sorting and .338 .714 Accept Ho
segregation of biodegradable and non-
biodegradable wastes shall be at the
household level and all other sources.
3. There shall be a separate container
for each type of waste from all .208 .812 Accept Ho
4. The solid waste container
depending on its use shall be properly
marked or identified for on-site Not
.133 .875 Accept Ho
collection as “compostable,” Significat
“recyclable” or “special waste,” or any
other classification.
5. Provide for the residents a
designated area and containers in
which to accumulate source separated 1.922 .152 Accept Ho
recyclable materials to be collected by
the barangay or private collector.
6. Notify the occupants of such
buildings of the requirement of the Act Not
1.092 .340 Accept Ho
and the regulations promulgated Significat
pursuant thereto.
7. No scavenging or unauthorized
collection in designated segregation .487 .616 Accept Ho
containers or areas shall be allowed

Table 11 shows the One-way ANOVA results on the RULE IX. waste segregation

at source by occupation. In question no.1 said that Volume reduction at the source
shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system. Shows that it has a frequency

of .444 and it has a significance of .643 and its interpretation is not significant while

its remarks is accept HO. In question no. 2 said that All LGUs shall actively promote

among its constituencies the reduction and minimization of wastes generated at

source; responsibility for sorting and segregation of biodegradable and non-

biodegradable wastes shall be at the household level and all other sources. Having a

frequency of .184 and it has a significance of .832 and its interpretation is not

significant and its remarks is accept HO. In question no. 3 stated that There shall be

a separate container for each type of waste from all sources that has a frequency of

.035 and its significance is .966 and it has a interpretation of not significant and its

remarks is accept HO.

In question no. 4 The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly

marked or identified shows that it has a frequency of .185 and significance of .831 and

its interpretation is not significant and its remarks is accept HO. In question no. 5

Provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate

source separated recyclable materials to be collected by the barangay or private

collector shows that it has a frequency of .187 and it has a significance of .829 and its

interpretation is not significant and its remarks is accept HO. In question no. 6 Notify

the occupants of such buildings of the requirement of the Act and the regulations

promulgated pursuant thereto it has a frequency of 1.209 and its significance is .303

and its interpretation is not significant and it has a remarks of accept HO. In question

no.7. Stated that no scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation

containers or areas shall be allowed in having a frequency of .075 and it has a

significance of .928 and has a interpretation of not significant and its remarks is accept

Table 12. One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of
RULE X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes by occupation

Rule x. Collection,transport and handling

F Sig. Interpretation Remarks
of solid wastes
1.All collectors and other personnel directly
dealing with collection of solid waste shall be Accept
1.960 .146 Not Significant
equipped with personal protective equipment HO
and paraphernalia
2.The City or Municipal Health Officer shall
provide necessary training to the collectors and Accept
1.945 .148 Not Significant
personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are HO
handled properly.
3.Collection of solid waste shall be done in a
manner that prevents damage to the container Accept
.621 .539 Not Significant
and spillage or scattering of solid waste within HO
the collection vicinity.
4.The equipment used in the collection and
transportation of solid waste shall be Accept
.232 .793 Not Significant
constructed, operated and maintained in such HO
a manner
5. Equipment shall be maintained in good
condition and kept clean to prevent the Accept
.962 .386 Not Significant
propagation or attraction of vectors and the HO
creation of nuisances.
6. The use of separate collection schedules
and/or spaded) trucks or haulers shall be .279 .757 Not Significant
required for specific types of wastes
7. Vehicles shall be designed to consider road
size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe Accept
.666 .516 Not Significant
and efficient collection and transport of solid HO
8.For the purpose of identification, vehicles
shall bear the body number, the name, and Accept
.381 .684 Not Significant
telephone number of the contractor/agency HO
collecting solid waste
9.Facilities shall be designed such that waste
shall not come into contact with run-off and to 1.195 .307 Not Significant
prevent the generation of leachate
10.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust Accept
1.277 .284 Not Significant
control shall be included HO
11.The siting of the transfer station shall
consider the land use plan, proximity of Accept
.014 .986 Not Significant
collection area, and accessibility of haul routes HO
to disposal facility
12.Waste shall be removed from the transfer
station within twenty-four (24) hours of its .183 .833 Not Significant

Table 12 shows the One-way ANOVA results on the RULE IX. . WASTE

SEGREGATION AT SOURCE by Occupation. This table shows the extent of

implementation of rule X or Collection, Transport, and Handling of Solid Waste by

means of occupation. In question no. 1 stated that All collectors and other personnel

directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal

protective equipment and paraphernalia with a frequency of 1.543 and has a

significance of .219 and interpreted not significant with a remarks of accept HO. In

question no. 2 stated that The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary

training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled

properly with a frequency of .770 and has a significance of ..466 and interpreted not

significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no.3 said that the Collection of

solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage to the container and

spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity with a frequency of

.388 and has a significance of .721 interpreted not significant with a remarks of accept


In question no. 4 said that The equipment used in the collection and transportation

of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a manner as to

minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste management personnel and the

public with a frequency of .731 and has a significance of .484 and interpreted not

significant with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 5 stated that Equipment shall

be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the propagation or

attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances with a frequency of 2.142 and it has
a significance of .123 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

In question no. 6 said that The use of separate collection schedules and trucks or

haulers shall be required for specific types of wastes with a frequency of .142 and it

has a significance of .867 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept

HO.” Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity” with a

frequency of ..063 and it has a significance of .939 and interpreted as not significant

with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 8 stated that For the purpose of

identification, vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and telephone number

of the contractor/agency collecting solid waste with a frequency of .072 and it has a

significance of .930 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

In question no. 9 said that the Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall

not come into contact with run-off and to prevent the generation of leachate with a

frequency of ..652 and it has a significance of .524 and interpreted as not significant

with a remarks of accept HO. In question no. 10 stated that the Provisions for vector,

odor, litter and dust control shall be included with a frequency of 1.146 and has a

significance of .322 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

“The siting of the transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity of

collection area, and accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility” with a frequency of

.405 and it has a significance of .688 and interpreted as not significant with a remarks

of accept HO. “Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-four

(24) hours of its receipt” with a frequency of 1.017 and it has a significance of .365

and interpreted as not significant with a remarks of accept HO.

Table 13. One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of
RULE IX. . WASTE SEGREGATION AT SOURCE by Educational Attainment


f Sig. interpretation remarks
1. Volume reduction at the source shall
Not Accept
be the first priority of the ecological SWM 2.225 .090
Significant HO
2. All LGUs shall actively promote among
its constituencies the reducton and
minimization of wastes generated at
Not Accept
source; responsibility for sorting and .521 .669
Significant HO
segregation of biodegradable and non-
biodegradable wastes shall be at the
household level and all other sources.
3. There shall be a separate container for Not Accept
.434 .729
each type of waste from all sources. Significant HO
4. The solid waste container depending
on its use shall be properly marked or
Not Accept
identified for on-site collection as 1.353 .262
Significant HO
“compostable,” “recyclable” or “special
waste,” or any other classification.
5. Provide for the residents a designated
area and containers in which to
Not Accept
accumulate source separated recyclable .468 .705
Significant HO
materials to be collected by the barangay
or private collector.
6. Notify the occupants of such buildings
Not Accept
of the requirement of the Act and the 1.100 .353
Significant HO
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
7. No scavenging or unauthorized
Not Accept
collection in designated segregation 1.359 .260
Significant HO
containers or areas shall be allowed

The table above show the ANOVA result on the extent of implementation of

Rule Waste Segregation at Sources in Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City and if there is a

significant if the education attainment of the respondent is considered. Base on the

table above , Rule IX Q#1.Volume reduction at the source shall be the first priority of
the ecological SWM system got 2.225 frequency and sig. of .090 which is remark as

accept HO and there is no significant in Volume reduction at the source shall be the

first priority of the ecological SWM system if the education attainment is considered.

Followed by Rule IX Q2 which is got the frequency of .521 and sig. of .669 which

means that accept HO and there is no significant in Q2. All LGU's shall actively

promote among its constituencies the reduction and minimization of waste generated

at source; responsibility for sorting and segregation of biodegradable and non-

biodegradable waste shall be at the household level and all other sources in

educational attainment .Then Rule IX Q#3.

There shall be a separate container for each types of waste from all sources

which got a frequency of .434 and sig. of .669 which is accept HO and there is no

significant when the educational attainment of the respondent is considered. And Rule

IX Q4 got a frequency of 1.353 sig. of .262 which also accept HO and there is no

significant in Q4. The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly

marked or identified if the education attainment is considered. And then followed by

Rule IX Q5. which is Provide for residents a designated area and containers in which

to accumulate source separated recyclable material to be collected by the barangay

or private collector got a frequency of .468 and sig. of .705 which means accept HO

and there is no significant in terms of educational attainment of respondent and. Next

is the Rule IX Q6 which have a frequency of 1.100 and sig. of .353 which is accept

HO and there is no significant in Q6. Notify the occupants of the building requirement

of the Act and the regulation promulgated pursuant there to in terms of educational
attainment. And lastly Rule IX Q7 which got a frequency of 1.359 and sig. of .260

which is accept HO and there is no significant in Q7. No scavenging or unauthorized

collection in designated segregation containers or areas shall be allowed

Table 14. One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of RULE
X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes by Educational

RULE X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid

f Sig. interpretation remarks
1.All collectors and other personnel directly dealing
Not Accept
with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with .142 .934
personal protective equipment and paraphernalia Significant HO
2.The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide
necessary training to the collectors and personnel Not Accept
to ensure that the solid wastes are handled
.218 .883
Significant HO
3.Collection of solid waste shall be done in a
manner that prevents damage to the container and 1.12 Not Accept
spillage or scattering of solid waste within the
3 Significant HO
collection vicinity.
4.The equipment used in the collection and
transportation of solid waste shall be constructed,
Not Accept
operated and maintained in such a manner as to .928 .431
minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste Significant HO
management personnel and the public.
5. Equipment shall be maintained in good condition
Not Accept
and kept clean to prevent the propagation or .135 .939
attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances. Significant HO
6. The use of separate collection schedules and/or
Not Accept
spaded) trucks or haulers shall be required for .703 .553
specific types of wastes Significant HO
7. Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size,
Not Accept
condition and capacity to ensure the safe and .644 .589
efficient collection and transport of solid wastes. Significant HO
8.For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall
bear the body number, the name, and telephone Not Accept
number of the contractor/agency collecting solid
.747 .527
Significant HO
9.Facilities shall be designed such that waste shall
Not Accept
not come into contact with run-off and to prevent .265 .851
the generation of leachate Significant HO
10.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control Not Accept
shall be included
1.16 .328
Significant HO
11.The siting of the transfer station shall consider
Not Accept
the land use plan, proximity of collection area, and .894 .447
accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility Significant HO
12.Waste shall be removed from the transfer station Not Accept
within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt.
.364 .779
Significant HO
Table 14. One-Way ANOVA Results on the extent of implementation of RULE

X. Collection,Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes by Educational Attainment.

And base on the table above as we remarks Rule X Q1 accept HO and there is no

significant in All collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid

waste shall be equipped with personal protective equipment and paraphernalia

which is got a sig. of .934 and the frequency of .142. And Rule X Q2 remarks as

accept HO and interpret as not significant in The City or Municipal Health Officer

shall provide necessary training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the

solid waste are handled properly in accordance with guidelines pursuant to the Act if

educational attainment is considered which got sig. .883 and the frequency of .218.

Rule X Q3 collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage

to the container and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity

got the frequency of 1.123 and sig. of .344 which remarks as accept HO and

interpret as not significant if the educational attainment is considered.

And Rule X Q4 remarks as accept HO and which is got a frequency of .928

and sig. of .431 and interpret as not significant if the educational attainment is

considered in the equipment used in the collection and transportation of solid waste

shall be constructed , operated and maintained in such a manner as to minimize

health and safety hazard to solid waste management personnel and the public. Next

is Rule X Q5. Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and keep clean to

prevent the propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances which
is accept HO and got the frequency of .135 and the sig. of .939 which

interpreted as not significant if the education attainment of the respondent is

considered.Followed by Rule X Q6. The use of separation collection schedule and/or

spaded trucks or haulers shall be required for the specific types of waste remark as

accept HO and got the frequency of .703 and interpreted as not significant if the

educational attainment is considered and got the result of sig. 553. And Rule X Q7

got the frequency of 1.359 and sig. of .260 interpreted not significant if the

educational attainment of the respondents is considered in vehicles shall be

designed to consider road size ,condition and capacity to ensure the safe and

efficient collection and transport of solid waste and remarks as accept HO. And

followed by Rule X Q8. For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the body

number, the name, and the telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting

solid waste interpreted as not significant if the educational attainment is considered

which got frequency of .644 and sig. of .598 and remark as Accept HO. Followed by

Rule X Q9 which got the frequency of .747 and sig. result of .527 interpreted as the

educational attainment of respondent is not significant in facilities shall designed

such the waste shall not come into contact with run-off and to prevent the generation

of leach ate and remarks of accept HO.

Rule X Q10. Provisions for vector, odor, litter, and dust control shall be

included got the frequency result of .265 and sig. result of .851 remarks of accept

HO and interpreted as not significant in educational attainment. Then the Rule X

Q11 got a remark of accept HO and interpreted as not significant in educational

attainment with the frequency of .894 and and sig. result of .447 in the sitting of

transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity of collection area, and

accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility . And the last is Rule X Q12 which is

accept HO in waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-four(24)

hours of its receipt with the frequency result of .364 and sig. result of .779 and

interpreted as not significant if the educational attainment of the respondents is


Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
This chapter present the summary of Findings, Conclusion and
Recommendation.This study attempted to find the anger management differences
among Grade 11 students of the Rizal Technological University.
Summary of Findings
Base on the data attained in the study. The findings were summarized upon

the order of problem.

1. Profile of the respondents

a) Age

The Number of Respondents who are in the age range of 18 yrs. old below

attained 49 percent while the age group of 19-25 yrs. old atatined 28 percent. Ages

26 yrs. old above has 23 percent.


The Number of respondents who are Male attained 35 percent.Female

respondents attained 65 percent,having the total number of 100 respondents.

c) Occupation

The number of respondents with White Collar Job attained 9 percent while

those with Blue Collar Job attained 16 percent and those who has No Job attained

75 percent sums up the respondents to 100.

d.) Educational Attainment

Respondents who graduated in Elementary level attained 3 percent while

High school graduates are 70 percent. College graduates gained 25 percent and

ALS students are just 2 percent of the total population of respondents.

2. The top 5 observed implemented in Rule IX of Solid Waste Management

Act of 2000 are as follows: 1) All LGUs shall actively promote among its constituencies

the reduction and minimization of wastes generated at source with a weighted mean

of 4.17. 2) There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources

with a weighted mean of 4.09, 3) Volume reduction at the source shall be the first

priority of the ecological SWM system hving the weighted mean of 3.98, 4) The solid

waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified with the

weighted mean of 3.93 and lastly, 5) Provide for the residents a designated area and

containers in which to accumulate source separated recyclable materials to be

collected by the barangay or private collector having the weighted mean of 3.92. While

the top 5 observed implemented in Rule X of Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

are as follows: 1.)For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the body

number, the name, and telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting solid

waste with a weighted mean of 4.48, 2) The equipment used in the collection and

transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a

manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste management

personnel and the public with a weighted mean of 4.16, 3) . Vehicles shall be designed

to consider road size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe and efficient collection
and transport of solid wastes. having the weighted mean of 4.03, 4) . Equipment shall

be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the propagation or

attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances.with the weighted mean of 4.01 and

lastly, 5). Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage to

the container and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity

having the weighted mean of 4.00.

3. There is no significant difference on the extent of implementing thephilippine

ecological solid waste management act of 2000 based on the t-test results. On Rule

IX or waste segregation at source, the indicators with the lowest significance are : 1)

Volume reduction at the source shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system

with significance of .139 interpreted as not significant and remarks of Accept

Hypothesis, 2) There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all

sources having the significance of .161 interpreted as not significant and remarks of

Accept Hypothesis And, 3) No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated

segregation containers or areas shall be allowed with the significance of .169,

interpreted as not significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis. The indicators on

Rule X or Collection, Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes are : 1) All collectors and

other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal

protective equipment and paraphernalia with significance of .063 interpreted as not

significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis, 2) The City or Municipal Health Officer shall

provide necessary training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are

handled properly having the significance of .067 interpreted as not significant and
remarks of Accept Hypothesis, 3) Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be

included. with the significance of .116, interpreted as not significant and remarks of

Accept Hypothesis, 4) . Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity

together with For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and

telephone number of the contractor/agency collecting solid waste got the significance of .173,

interpreted as not significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis and, 5) The equipment

used in the collection and transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and

maintained in such a manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste management

personnel and the public having the significance of .180 ,interpreted as not significant and accepts


4. There is no significant difference the extent of implementing the philippine

ecological solid waste management act of 2000 by age based on the One-Way

ANOVA results on Rule IX or waste segregation at source. The top five of the One

way ANOVA results on the extent of implementing the philippine ecological solid waste

management act of 2000 by age with the lowest significance is: Notify the occupants

of such buildings of the requirement of the Act and the regulations promulgated

pursuant thereto.having the significance of .303 interpreted as not significant and

remarks of Accept Hypothesis. The indicators in Rule X or Collection, Transport and

Handling of solid wastes are as follows:1) Equipment shall be maintained in good condition

and kept clean to prevent the propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances

with the significance of .123 and interpretation of not significant and accepts hypothesis, 2) .All

collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with

personal protective equipment and paraphernalia having the significance of .219 interpreted as
not significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis, 3) Provisions for vector, odor, litter and

dust control shall be included having the significance of .322 interpreted as not significant and

remarks of Accept Hypothesis and, 4) Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within

twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt. having the significance of .365 interpreted as not

significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis.

5.) There is no significant difference on the extent of implementing the

Philippine ecological solid waste management act of 2000 by Rule IX or waste

segregation at source same findings on Rule X or Collection, Transport and Handling

of solid waste the indicators with the lowest significance are: 1) All collectors and other

personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal protective

equipment and paraphernalia having the significance of .146, interpreted as not significance and

remarks of accept hypothesis, 2) The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary

training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly having

the significance of .148 interpreted as not significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis,

3) .Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included with significance of .284

148 interpreted as not significant and remarks of Accept Hypothesis.

In the light of the foregoing findings of this study,the following conclusions are


1. Majority of the respondents are female. Most of the respondents are in the

age group of 18 years old and below. Majority of the respondents has no job and

majority of them are highschool graduates.

2. The top 5 observed implemented in Rule IX of Solid Waste Management

Act of 2000 are as follows: 1) All LGUs shall actively promote among its constituencies

the reduction and minimization of wastes generated at source 2) There shall be a

separate container for each type of waste from all sources ,3) Volume reduction at the

source shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system ,4) The solid waste

container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified and lastly, 5)

Provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate

source separated recyclable materials to be collected by the barangay or private

collector ,While the top 5 observed implemented in Rule X of Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000 are as follows: 1.)For the purpose of identification, vehicles

shall bear the body number, the name, and telephone number of the

contractor/agency collecting solid waste ,2) The equipment used in the collection and

transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a

manner as to minimize health and safety hazards to solid waste management

personnel and the public, 3) . Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size,

condition and capacity to ensure the safe and efficient collection and transport of solid

wastes,4) . Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent

the propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances. and lastly, 5).

Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner that prevents damage to the

container and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.

3. There is no significant difference on the extent of implementing the Philippine

ecological solid waste management act of 2000 based on the t-test results. On Rule
IX or waste segregation at source, the indicators with the lowest significance are : 1)

Volume reduction at the source shall be the first priority of the ecological SWM system,

2) There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources And, 3)

No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation containers or

areas shall be allowed. The indicators with the lowest significance on Rule X or

Collection, Transport and Handling of Solid Wastes are : 1) All collectors and other

personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal protective

equipment and paraphernalia , 2) The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary

training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly, 3)

Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included, 4) . Vehicles shall be designed

to consider road size, condition and capacity together with For the purpose of identification,

vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and telephone number of the contractor/agency

collecting solid waste and, 5) The equipment used in the collection and transportation of solid

waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a manner as to minimize health and

safety hazards to solid waste management personnel and the public

4. There is no significant difference the extent of implementing the Philippine

ecological solid waste management act of 2000 by age based on the One-Way

ANOVA results on Rule IX or waste segregation at source. The indicator with the

lowest significance is: Notify the occupants of such buildings of the requirement of the

Act and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The indicators in Rule X or

Collection, Transport and Handling of solid wastes with lowest significance are as

follows:1) Equipment shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean to prevent the

propagation or attraction of vectors and the creation of nuisances ,2) .All collectors and other
personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal protective

equipment and paraphernalia, 3) Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be

included ,and, 4) Waste shall be removed from the transfer station within twenty-four (24) hours

of its receipt.

5.) There is no significant difference on the extent of implementing the

Philippine ecological solid waste management act of 2000 by Rule IX or waste

segregation at source same findings on Rule X or Collection, Transport and Handling

of solid waste the indicators with the lowest significance are: 1) All collectors and other

personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall be equipped with personal protective

equipment and paraphernalia, 2) The City or Municipal Health Officer shall provide necessary

training to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled properly, 3)

.Provisions for vector, odor, litter and dust control shall be included.

Based on the findings and conclusion the following Recommendation are


1. The researchers may construct more explorations to atleast improve the

male respondents and the respondents who belong to other other age group.

2. The researchers recommends the officials to atleast improve the

implementation of other indicators stated .

3. The researchers would like to recommend the persons in charge of the

implementation to atleast Improve the implementation of proper segregation of

waste and reducing of its volume. Also, strictly implement the rules and regulations

regarding the health safety of the persons involved in the implementation.

4. The researchers would like to recommend the implementers that they

should be more strict in implementing the Philippine Ecological Solid waste

management Act 2000 and should also conduct a necessary or proper training to the

collector to handle the waste properly and to be aware to their safety in collecting

solid waste.

5. For the future Researcher we suggest to study the different factors that

affects the implementation of the Solid Waste Management act in relation to this

study conducted by the researchers.

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