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Activities Philosophy

Reading Books  Reading books is just a pass time of every

people who love to read books. Reading
book can tell the stories of people we
don’t know, places we haven’t been and
worlds we can only imagine. The book is
important because they allow children and
adults to learn and understand, achieve a
minimal standard of literacy and help
people understand their roles in society.
We can relate our story of lives in any
books that we read and we get moral
Washing Clothes  Every people need to washed their clothes
because it’s part of our personal hygiene.
It’s important for every people to have
hygiene for them to presentable. We need
to watched clothes in every day or in
weakened and help our mother for their
work in the house and be responsible
Playing Volleyball  It’s important for every people to have
physical activities. Playing outside is best
thing we do if we have a free time for us to
be physically fitness. Every people need a
healthy life style and must of the
teenagers. Now a days, are more using
gadgets and playing on online games. They
didn’t notice the effect of the action in
their health. So playing outside is the best
thing should be do for us to be physically
Jogging  Every time I jog it gives more fun and takes
time to exercise my body. Every steps that
I take when jogging it also means that it is
important to do like stretching our hips
and legs and to strong our bones. I jog
everyday before I go to school it’s serve as
my daily exercise. It’s important to every
one to maintain our physical fitness and to
be a healthy person we need to take
exercise. It improve our body built to have
a perfect shape.
Surfing and Internet  Surfing had made the best part to
everyone. Internet brings joy to every
people around the world. When the
internet connection is high we are all
happy because apps don’t load too long.
Surfing is when you socialize with other
people and having friends through
different social accounts. It is very
important to surf and have Internet
because it can help us to make thing
easier. Google and different dictionaries
are there to help us for better
Cleaning the House  Cleanliness is very important to our society
it make the community neat and peaceful
in our eyes. When anyone in the place is
clean it’s very calm looking its freshness
and beauty can see. It is important to be
clean to avoid different kinds of infections
and disease in the community.
Watching Television  We watched television as our stress
reliever, pass time or to give us
information about what are happening
around us. The other reason why we
watched television are to entertain and
waited for our favorite movies. Watching
television is not obligation that should we
followed but it’s important for us to be
aware and updated. We can get lots of
information that help our daily lives.
Eating  We need to eat everyday before we go to
school, works or somewhere for us to have
energy and allow for growth. People
usually have two to three meals a day
regularly and eat nutritious and healthy
food to have energy while working
because we excert energy in every work
we do so, meaning the food should we eat
healthy food. Eating properly and healthy
food help our immune system to protect
our body to any sickness that possible we
Sleeping  I sleep because I need to rejuvenate my
energy because energy gives me strength
to work on my daily activities I need
strength because it will help me be more
efficient in my tasks.
Wake up on time  Waking up on time is the basis of our
entire schedule so it is important to get up
at the same time to start our day and we
have enough energy in doing household
chore in the house. We need to set our
daily alarm accordily if ever we didn’t
wake up early. We can add same surplus
time in vase something comes up that was
not planned.

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